Zone1 Why Protestants annoy me (and other Catholics)

I'm not Catholic, and what 'shit' specifically?
Do you live under a rock?

Countless children sexually abused by Catholic priests covered up by the church
Holocaust denial
the murder of people for being "witches"
Abusing power to stifle scientists like Galileo
The only testimony of the Church of Rome's authority is the Church of Rome. Those who believe that are free to do so, yet, as with other fantasies in today's world, others are not obliged to follow suit.
Do you live under a rock?

Countless children sexually abused by Catholic priests covered up by the church
Holocaust denial
the murder of people for being "witches"
Abusing power to stifle scientists like Galileo

The children were abused by faggots mostly, just deviants posing as 'priests' to get at kids. That is what happens when naive organizations don't screen out faggots and lets them near kids.

Holocaust denial? Some did , most didn't. A lot of atheists also go in for holocaust denial, like you know, Nazis.

The Church didn't murder witches, most of that was during the 'Enlightenment' era, in Protestant countries, and by locals and pagan mobs. The Church position on witchcraft was that magic was a peasant superstition, not real. 'Witchcraft' covered a lot of real crimes, like murder by poisoning. There were almost no witch burnings in Italy or Spain, the most heavily Catholic countries in Europe.

The Church promoted more science than any other institution in its day. Like I said, there is a difference between the secular bureaucrats and the rank and file Church members. Check out the Summa Thelogica, and see what they knew about science in the century Thomas Aquina compiled that work for Catholic schools.

PAgans were far worse by a long shot, so were Hindus. Muslims, Communists, Buddhists, 'native Americans', Africans, Asians, i.e. the rest of the planet.
The children were abused by faggots mostly, just deviants posing as 'priests' to get at kids. That is what happens when naive organizations don't screen out faggots and lets them near kids.

Holocaust denial? Some did , most didn't. A lot of atheists also go in for holocaust denial, like you know, Nazis.

The Church didn't murder witches, most of that was during the 'Enlightenment' era, in Protestant countries, and by locals and pagan mobs. The Church position on witchcraft was that magic was a peasant superstition, not real. 'Witchcraft' covered a lot of real crimes, like murder by poisoning. There were almost no witch burnings in Italy or Spain, the most heavily Catholic countries in Europe.

The Church promoted more science than any other institution in its day. Like I said, there is a difference between the secular bureaucrats and the rank and file Church members. Check out the Summa Thelogica, and see what they knew about science in the century Thomas Aquina compiled that work for Catholic schools.

PAgans were far worse by a long shot, so were Hindus. Muslims, Communists, Buddhists, 'native Americans', Africans, Asians, i.e. the rest of the planet.
They were priests in the employ of the Catholic church and they were actively protected by the Catholic church
The Catholic Church and the papal states was founded in 590 A.D., by Pope Gregory I . Peter never went near Rome. Christianity itself is a Jewish sect; it's first beginnings was in synagogues, and where they were forced out of synagogues they set up their own services and social networks, mainly in Syria and Greece.

As for 'Catholicism', they produced many fine scholars, like Thomas of Aquina, Augustine, etc., but those mostly rose in spite of the Vatican and assorted Popes. It became a secular business when its offices were gradually taken over by bankers and the sons of wealthy nobles seeking wealth and lands in an increasingly wealth Vatican bureaucracy owning many lands in many countries, and thus fell to the usual corruption and decadence that collapses aristocracies throughout history, secular or religious. This doesn't detract from the achievements of its rank and file and it monasteries and their contributions to agriculture, science, charities, and defensive wars against pagans and bandits and the Muslim imperialists, for which Catholics deserve a lot of kudos despite the weird devotion to their corrupt Papal bureaucracy and Vatican secularism.

All Christian sects are 'catholic'; universalism is implicit in monotheism by default. See Galatians 3:26-29.

Galatians 3:26-29 NKJV​

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

I continue to be amazed at Christians who don't know their own theology.
Sounds reasonable to me.
The children were abused by faggots mostly, just deviants posing as 'priests' to get at kids. That is what happens when naive organizations don't screen out faggots and lets them near kids.

Holocaust denial? Some did , most didn't. A lot of atheists also go in for holocaust denial, like you know, Nazis.

The Church didn't murder witches, most of that was during the 'Enlightenment' era, in Protestant countries, and by locals and pagan mobs. The Church position on witchcraft was that magic was a peasant superstition, not real. 'Witchcraft' covered a lot of real crimes, like murder by poisoning. There were almost no witch burnings in Italy or Spain, the most heavily Catholic countries in Europe.

The Church promoted more science than any other institution in its day. Like I said, there is a difference between the secular bureaucrats and the rank and file Church members. Check out the Summa Thelogica, and see what they knew about science in the century Thomas Aquina compiled that work for Catholic schools.

PAgans were far worse by a long shot, so were Hindus. Muslims, Communists, Buddhists, 'native Americans', Africans, Asians, i.e. the rest of the planet.
So the church supports gay priests in addition pedophilia.
Gays Posing as priests ? What bullshit.
Gesus , they were parish priests being payed by the diocese. Is the Catholic. Church that easily fooled by anyone setting up camp in a known Catholic Church ?
Do you live under a rock?

Countless children sexually abused by Catholic priests covered up by the church
Holocaust denial
the murder of people for being "witches"
Abusing power to stifle scientists like Galileo
With all due respect and Christian love...

Are you a fucking moron or what?

Yes, the Catholic Church has the terrible habit of anointing its priests from males in the HUMAN RACE! Accordingly, some percentage of them are evil. Indeed, the role of Parish Priest could not have been dreamed up to be any better for a pederast. That doesn't make the Church evil, it makes the Church HUMAN. You idiot. And as for the role of Pastors and Bishops and how they handled the situations, they are EXACTLY the same as other human organizations handled similar situations at the same time.

Holocaust denial? Source please. Seriously.

Murder of people for being witches? The SALEM WITCH TRIALS WERE CARRIED OUT BY CATHOLICS????????? Jesus F. Christ! What a maroooooooooon!

Abusing power to stifle scientists like Galileo. Where did you read this? In a comic book? Galileo was excommunicated for teaching that astronomy disproved the Bible. Nobody gave a shit whether earth was the center of the universe.
With all due respect and Christian love...

Are you a fucking moron or what?

Yes, the Catholic Church has the terrible habit of anointing its priests from males in the HUMAN RACE! Accordingly, some percentage of them are evil. Indeed, the role of Parish Priest could not have been dreamed up to be any better for a pederast. That doesn't make the Church evil, it makes the Church HUMAN. You idiot. And as for the role of Pastors and Bishops and how they handled the situations, they are EXACTLY the same as other human organizations handled similar situations at the same time.

Holocaust denial? Source please. Seriously.

Murder of people for being witches? The SALEM WITCH TRIALS WERE CARRIED OUT BY CATHOLICS????????? Jesus F. Christ! What a maroooooooooon!

Abusing power to stifle scientists like Galileo. Where did you read this? In a comic book? Galileo was excommunicated for teaching that astronomy disproved the Bible. Nobody gave a shit whether earth was the center of the universe.

It's one thing to hire a priest before you know he's a fucking pedophile and it's another to actively help that pedophile avoid the law while he's molesting more kids.,

And so the fuck what if Galileo taught what he taught? The Catholic church kept him under house arrest for decades for doing nothing but discovering a truth about the solar system
They were priests in the employ of the Catholic church and they were actively protected by the Catholic church

No, actually many were relatives of local rulers, who had the say on who got the benefices and Church offices in their own kingdoms, not the Vatican.
So the church supports gay priests in addition pedophilia.
Gays Posing as priests ? What bullshit.
Gesus , they were parish priests being payed by the diocese. Is the Catholic. Church that easily fooled by anyone setting up camp in a known Catholic Church ?

Even though we already know you're an idiot, thanks for adding to the proof.

And, the modern faggots got protection from other faggots who had infiltrated the Church.
No, actually many were relatives of local rulers, who had the say on who got the benefices and Church offices in their own kingdoms, not the Vatican.

Even though we already know you're an idiot, thanks for adding to the proof.

And, the modern faggots got protection from other faggots who had infiltrated the Church.
Oh, the deep state has infiltrated the Catholic Church ? MOST pedophiles are heterosexuals illiterate. It’s the churches stance on unmarried preists that draws homosexuals into the clan. Unless you’re totally illiterate, barring woman and married priests with clerical celibacy has been around a long time. It’s not recent. It’s the church’s FAULT.
Oh, the deep state has infiltrated the Catholic Church ? MOST pedophiles are heterosexuals illiterate.

lol the usual stupid attempt at disinfo. The average faggot pedo commits over 150 rapes, the average 'hetero' about 20, and as we know from the last FBI undercover op against NAMBLA, many of the faggots will rape little girls in a pinch, if they're having a 'dry spell' in getting to little boys.

Let's see, faggots make up 1%-2% of the population, and commit over 50% of the kiddie rapes. lol so much for your idiot attempt at pretending 'literacy'.
lol the usual stupid attempt at disinfo. The average faggot pedo commits over 150 rapes, the average 'hetero' about 20, and as we know from the last FBI undercover op against NAMBLA, many of the faggots will rape little girls in a pinch, if they're having a 'dry spell' in getting to little boys.

Let's see, faggots make up 1%-2% of the population, and commit over 50% of the kiddie rapes. lol so much for your idiot attempt at pretending 'literacy'.
As ususal. You gay bashers have no proof whatsoever. Not only are you stupid, you’re wrong.

As ususal. You gay bashers have no proof whatsoever. Not only are you stupid, you’re wrong.


And as usual you're point is still stupid. That's because you can't do math.

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