Why Putin invaded Ukraine

For centuries Russia has been an expansionist state conquering its neighbors for its own benefit expanding from a relatively small nation to one ranging from the Arctic to the Pacific, to the Baltic and has made repeated attempts to reach the Med or Persian Gulf. NATO has expanded to the borders of Russia because countries like Estonia and Ukraine are frightened of Russian aggression.

You don't even realize the legal aberration you're advocating, Azrail.

"Russia has an imperialist past (as if England, France, Spain and Portugal were any different).

So let's encircle the country with a military alliance to prevent any future expansionism."

No judicial system or international law in the world punish citizens or countries for something they might do in the future...

This is an aberration of thought and here you are supporting this absurdity: punishing the country for something it hadn't done when NATO began its expansion.

Russia unilaterally dismantled the Iron Curtain, the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet Union and what the country got in return?

Vindictiveness, Cold war revanchism and mentality, NATO expansion (instead of dismantlement).

There's nothing more cruel than a person or a country concede defeat, lay down their arms, extend an olive branch to their former enemies and start living in peace minding their own business and get slapped in the face by the West like Russia was.

I read the posts by the other members of the Board and I'm always struck by their lack of compassion, by their callousness towards this tremendous injustice imposed by the West.

I condemn the russian invasion, I support the right of the ukrainian people to fight the russian invaders, but when I see so many people displaying this cruel disregard towards Russia a part of me says:

Russia finally said enough is enough and drew the line.

From now on, the price of joining hostile military alliances is dying like cattle under russian bombs.
You don't even realize the legal aberration you're advocating, Azrail.

"Russia has an imperialist past (as if England, France, Spain and Portugal were any different).

So let's encircle the country with a military alliance to prevent any future expansionism."

No judicial system or international law in the world punish citizens or countries for something they might do in the future...

This is an aberration of thought and here you are supporting this absurdity: punishing the country for something it hadn't done when NATO began its expansion.

Russia unilaterally dismantled the Iron Curtain, the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet Union and what the country got in return?

Vindictiveness, Cold war revanchism and mentality, NATO expansion (instead of dismantlement).

There's nothing more cruel than a person or a country concede defeat, lay down their arms, extend an olive branch to their former enemies and start living in peace minding their own business and get slapped in the face by the West like Russia was.

I read the posts by the other members of the Board and I'm always struck by their lack of compassion, by their callousness towards this tremendous injustice imposed by the West.

I condemn the russian invasion, I support the right of the ukrainian people to fight the russian invaders, but when I see so many people displaying this cruel disregard towards Russia a part of me says:

Russia finally said enough is enough and drew the line.

From now on, the price of joining hostile military alliances is dying like cattle under russian bombs.
Russia didn't "unilaterally dissolve" the Warsaw Pact. The Warsaw Pact nations told Russia to take a hike when Russia collapsed due to internal stresses. The Soviet Union collapsed because it was bankrupt. Some of the old republics decided to cooperate in the Commonwealth of Independent States, but other than Russia and Bylarus they are all basket states dominated by Russia. All the other Republics of the USSR decided to go on their own way without Russian domination.
Ukraine hasn't joined any "hostile military alliances". It's trying to join an economic alliance with the rest of Europe. Putin is crazy, but he's not crazy enough to take on NATO or the USA. He's picking on what he perceived as his weakest neighbor, and he's getting his butt handed to him.
After the dissolution of the USSR, Russia was welcomed into the family of free nations, given economic assistance, favorable trade deals, had western companies build plants there in cooperation with Russians. Russia didn't democratize, instead it encouraged criminals and apparatchiks to loot the country and nationalize foreign investments. Now it's a quickly failing kleptocracy blindly striking out trying to do anything to halt its decline and Ukraine is paying the price.
Russian expansionism is as recent as 1945, it's not long ago history, it's current events.
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You don't even realize the legal aberration you're advocating, Azrail.

"Russia has an imperialist past (as if England, France, Spain and Portugal were any different).

So let's encircle the country with a military alliance to prevent any future expansionism."

No judicial system or international law in the world punish citizens or countries for something they might do in the future...

This is an aberration of thought and here you are supporting this absurdity: punishing the country for something it hadn't done when NATO began its expansion.

Russia unilaterally dismantled the Iron Curtain, the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet Union and what the country got in return?

Vindictiveness, Cold war revanchism and mentality, NATO expansion (instead of dismantlement).

There's nothing more cruel than a person or a country concede defeat, lay down their arms, extend an olive branch to their former enemies and start living in peace minding their own business and get slapped in the face by the West like Russia was.

I read the posts by the other members of the Board and I'm always struck by their lack of compassion, by their callousness towards this tremendous injustice imposed by the West.

I condemn the russian invasion, I support the right of the ukrainian people to fight the russian invaders, but when I see so many people displaying this cruel disregard towards Russia a part of me says:

Russia finally said enough is enough and drew the line.

From now on, the price of joining hostile military alliances is dying like cattle under russian bombs.
Well said. I tend to believe most Americans, like so many on this board, don’t have the presence of mind to evaluate the totality of this situation. They are bombarded by the government media complex with Russia bad Ukraine good, and they accept the propaganda.

Has the corporate media bothered to analyze the historical aspects of this situation? Have they informed their readers of Russia’s decades long concerns about NATO expansion? Have they bothered to evaluate Putin’s speech prior to invasion, where he every clearly outlines why? Is there any corporate media reports on the 14,000 dead Russians in the Donbas?

The response you get from many Americans to these questions is, fuck Russia. As you say, there is no compassion or compromise. It’s an old establishment tactic…dehumanize your enemy, but you’d think after over a century of using this tactic all Americans would recognize it.
The Bourgeoisie are the middle class. Communism, including democrats have always fought to eradicate the middle class.
Yes, you are right. In particular, it is always the Christian middle class--French Revolution, Bolshevik Revolution, Bela Kun (Cohen) Hungarian government, and so on. In practice, the eradicating of the bourgeoisie meant just as heavy slaughter among the workers and peasants. But always Christians.
Ukraine hasn't joined any "hostile military alliances". It's trying to join an economic alliance with the rest of Europe. Putin is crazy, but he's not crazy enough to take on NATO or the USA.
Ashkenazi Zelensky was openly inviting NATO into the country, NATO was operating surreptitiously in Ukraine and the US was involved with bio weapons in Ukraine. Ashkenazi oligarchs were funding Ukraine militias to massacre ethnic Russians in the eastern part of the country. Ashkenazi "Jews" do hate them some Russian Christians.
He's picking on what he perceived as his weakest neighbor, and he's getting his butt handed to him.
For no reason. Just "picking on" a country.
After the dissolution of the USSR, Russia was welcomed into the family of free nations, given economic assistance, favorable trade deals, had western companies build plants there in cooperation with Russians. Russia didn't democratize, instead it encouraged criminals and apparatchiks to loot the country and nationalize foreign investments. Now it's a quickly failing kleptocracy blindly striking out trying to do anything to halt its decline and Ukraine is paying the price.

You are a liar. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Ashkenazi Jews from the west from places like Harvard descended on Russia like vultures. Calling themselves "advisors" they looted everything in the country. The Russian people were once again impoverished by the Ashkenazi Jews, the wealth was steered to their fellow Jews . Putin brought it back, which makes the Ashkenazi like Victoria Fuck-the-EU Nuland seethe with rage and hatred and so they overthrew the moscow friendly democratically elected government of <impossible Ukrainian name> and installed a US puppet and then an Ashkenazi, and, viola! War!
We in America need to stop election weak politicians like Biden, Harris, Pelosi, the Squad, etc. And start electing those with some combat, business and foreign policy experience. Elections have consequences.
We need to stop electing rich con men who provoke violence on the opposite side of the world in order to appear "tough" on Russia:

Kayleigh McEnany Credits Trump for Ukraine Weapons, Completely Ignores Him Withholding Them

"Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Monday crowed about ex-President Donald Trump approving the sale of weapons to Ukraine, while conveniently ignoring him withholding nearly $400 million of aid to the country in an effort to help his reelection campaign."

Trump and Biden are the two most recent MIC puppets willing to fight Russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood.
We need to stop electing rich con men who provoke violence on the opposite side of the world in order to appear "tough" on Russia:

Kayleigh McEnany Credits Trump for Ukraine Weapons, Completely Ignores Him Withholding Them

"Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Monday crowed about ex-President Donald Trump approving the sale of weapons to Ukraine, while conveniently ignoring him withholding nearly $400 million of aid to the country in an effort to help his reelection campaign."

Trump and Biden are the two most recent MIC puppets willing to fight Russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood.
Fake News
We need to stop electing rich con men who provoke violence on the opposite side of the world in order to appear "tough" on Russia:

Kayleigh McEnany Credits Trump for Ukraine Weapons, Completely Ignores Him Withholding Them

"Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Monday crowed about ex-President Donald Trump approving the sale of weapons to Ukraine, while conveniently ignoring him withholding nearly $400 million of aid to the country in an effort to help his reelection campaign."

Trump and Biden are the two most recent MIC puppets willing to fight Russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood.

Herr Shitferbrains, why is it that every single time Vladimir Putin has invaded the Ukraine, it's been when Quid Pro Joe Biden was in the white house?

Not once while Trump was in office, but multiple times with bought and paid for Biden.
We need to stop electing rich con men who provoke violence on the opposite side of the world in order to appear "tough" on Russia:

Kayleigh McEnany Credits Trump for Ukraine Weapons, Completely Ignores Him Withholding Them

"Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Monday crowed about ex-President Donald Trump approving the sale of weapons to Ukraine, while conveniently ignoring him withholding nearly $400 million of aid to the country in an effort to help his reelection campaign."

Trump and Biden are the two most recent MIC puppets willing to fight Russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood.
Yes, true to NATO form, it's a protection-racket war as Putin does a drug bust and roughs up the West's mafia cult.

'MH: It's even worse that that. The central aim of the World Bank is to prevent other countries from growing their own food....Russia is not the enemy. Germany and Europe are the enemy and the US made it very clear. This is a war to lock in our allies so they cannot trade with Russia. They cannot buy Russian oil. They must depend on American oil for which they will have to pay three or four times as much.'

It is spelled out very well here and makes a lot of sense. Putin isn't worried about Ukraine joining NATO and bordering him. Estonia borders Russia and is part of NATO. It is about resources and power. As the West stupidly goes green too quickly, China, Russia and radical Islam are taking advantage via their control of energy, cheap labor and military might. Meanwhile the West seems meek and powerless.

Where is Winston Churchill when you need him?

We in America need to stop election weak politicians like Biden, Harris, Pelosi, the Squad, etc. And start electing those with some combat, business and foreign policy experience. Elections have consequences.
Alright then.

What would you do if you were POTUS when Putin was about to invade Ukraine?
Alright then.

What would you do if you were POTUS when Putin was about to invade Ukraine?
I would produce as much oil as possible and give a shit load of permits to drill and distribute freely to lower the price so that he could not fund his war.
I would produce as much oil as possible and give a shit load of permits to drill and distribute freely to lower the price so that he could not fund his war.
So...the only thing you want Biden to do - as far as Ukraine is concerned - is lower the price of gasoline?

BTW - I despise both Biden and Trump as POTUS's.
But you do realize that US oil production is higher now than when Trump left office?
I am guessing you didn't.

So...the only thing you want Biden to do - as far as Ukraine is concerned - is lower the price of gasoline?

BTW - I despise both Biden and Trump as POTUS's.
But you do realize that US oil production is higher now than when Trump left office?
I am guessing you didn't.

Production but distribution is much more difficult. Check it out and then get back to me. I would quadruple it. So that we are by far the biggest net exporter and then Putin cannot fund his war. Yes, that would be my strategy. No money no war. And I d tell Putin it’s not him but Radical Islam that worries me. We have a common enemy. Stroke his ego a bit.

Why, what would you do? I despise those that don’t answer questions. Aka Biden.
Production but distribution is much more difficult. Check it out and then get back to me. I would quadruple it. So that we are by far the biggest net exporter and then Putin cannot fund his war. Yes, that would be my strategy. No money no war. And I d tell Putin it’s not him but Radical Islam that worries me. We have a common enemy. Stroke his ego a bit.

Why, what would you do? I despise those that don’t answer questions. Aka Biden.
What are you talking about?
That makes NO sense.

1) Your plan is impossible. America CANNOT just increase oil exports by 300% - not without denying Americans enough.
We do not produce REMOTELY enough oil from the fields to do that.

2) even if you could do it? Why would that stop Russia from selling oil? It wouldn't.

3) all your plan would do is lower the price of oil. And OPEC would get pissed. So they would cut production to raise it back up again.

4) and Russia already has a strong armed forces. Even if you somehow cut off their export income? What does that have to do with the military they already have? And they have PLENTY of oil to run that military.
Your plan would not stop Russia invading Ukraine AT ALL.
If anything?
It would probably piss them off even more and make them want to invade Ukraine just that much quicker.

This is your bright idea for stopping Russia invade Ukraine?

Sorry man...in all seriousness?
Your idea would not stop them AT ALL.

Man, if you REALLY wanted to stop them?
Just send the 101'st Airborne into eastern Ukraine before Russia invades and announce that they will defend Ukraine from ALL attackers.
Problem solved.
Unless Russia wants a war with NATO...which I SERIOUSLY doubt.

Though I am against both.
What goes on in Ukraine is none of our fucking business.
Let them solves their own mess...for once.
I am with Ron Paul on this one.
What are you talking about?
That makes NO sense.

1) Your plan is impossible. America CANNOT just increase oil exports by 300% - not without denying Americans enough.
We do not produce REMOTELY enough oil from the fields to do that.

2) even if you could do it? Why would that stop Russia from selling oil? It wouldn't.

3) all your plan would do is lower the price of oil. And OPEC would get pissed. So they would cut production to raise it back up again.

4) and Russia already has a strong armed forces. Even if you somehow cut off their export income? What does that have to do with the military they already have? And they have PLENTY of oil to run that military.
Your plan would not stop Russia invading Ukraine AT ALL.
If anything?
It would probably piss them off even more and make them want to invade Ukraine just that much quicker.

This is your bright idea for stopping Russia invade Ukraine?

Sorry man...in all seriousness?
Your idea would not stop them AT ALL.

Man, if you REALLY wanted to stop them?
Just send the 101'st Airborne into eastern Ukraine before Russia invades and announce that they will defend Ukraine from ALL attackers.
Problem solved.
Unless Russia wants a war with NATO...which I SERIOUSLY doubt.

Though I am against both.
What goes on in Ukraine is none of our fucking business.
Let them solves their own mess...for once.
I am with Ron Paul on this one.
I agree but it’s hard watching women and children dying. And I disagree that it would not solve the problem but we will never know. Why? Biden sucks.
There's nothing fake about the offensive weapons Trump supplied to Ukraine; how many civilians have died for the art of that deal?

Kayleigh McEnany Credits Trump for Ukraine Weapons, Completely Ignores Him Withholding Them

"Other countries, Hannity said, are 'trying to get in late in the game' when it comes to delivering weapons. 'I imagine that the next offensive is probably going to be extremely severe. I hope I’m wrong,' he added.

"'I hope you’re wrong, too,' McEnany replied. 'But guess who did provide that lethal weaponry long before that manifesto was out. It was President Trump who did that! He gave the Ukrainians weaponry. President Biden was behind the 8-ball.'"

Social Delusion: Do you know what you're supporting in Ukraine?
There's nothing fake about the offensive weapons Trump supplied to Ukraine; how many civilians have died for the art of that deal?

Kayleigh McEnany Credits Trump for Ukraine Weapons, Completely Ignores Him Withholding Them

"Other countries, Hannity said, are 'trying to get in late in the game' when it comes to delivering weapons. 'I imagine that the next offensive is probably going to be extremely severe. I hope I’m wrong,' he added.

"'I hope you’re wrong, too,' McEnany replied. 'But guess who did provide that lethal weaponry long before that manifesto was out. It was President Trump who did that! He gave the Ukrainians weaponry. President Biden was behind the 8-ball.'"

Social Delusion: Do you know what you're supporting in Ukraine?
Many Nazis from WWII and after live in Western Ukraine.
Many murderous thugs live in Blue cities in the US.
What’s News in the news?
Many Nazis from WWII and after live in Western Ukraine.
Many murderous thugs live in Blue cities in the US.
What’s News in the news?
Too many capitalists make too much money arming Nazis and thugs.

The US government is literally arming the world, and nobody's even talking about it

"So here’s a question that’s puzzled me for years (and I’m something of an arms wonk):

"Why do other major US exports—from Hollywood movies to Midwestern grain shipments to Boeing airliners—garner regular coverage while trends in weapons exports remain in relative obscurity?

"Are we ashamed of standing essentially alone as the world’s No. 1 arms dealer, or is our Weapons 'R' Us role so commonplace that we take it for granted, like death or taxes?"

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