Why Putin invaded Ukraine

If you don't take the time to read what I post. I'll do the same for you. Troll.
I gave up on you long ago. I'll use your comments as a backboard on the few occasions when you say something worth noticing.
So we've got a deal!
You're pretty much right but few Americans take the time to learn the truth. However, there are many who know the truth and deny or are in denial.

It was known before Iraq1 and especially Iraq2, but that's when any deniability was ended.
My country Canada, is guilty too but at least we had the sense to stay out of their criminal Iraq war.

On a brighter note, a few Americans are starting to get it too, but their motivation is coming from their domestic political sh-tfight.
After 20 years of the war on terror that has resulted in millions of innocent lives taken or torn apart, how any American can continue to justify the government’s actions is beyond me.
Ukraine is the ancestral home of the Russian people:


"Migrations from the territories of present-day Ukraine throughout the Balkans established many South Slavic nations. Northern migrations, reaching almost to Lake Ilmen, led to the emergence of the Ilmen Slavs, Krivichs, and Radimichs, the groups ancestral to the Russians"

I don't see the Kulaks, ethnic Ukrainians - now extinct due to Stalin.

It is spelled out very well here and makes a lot of sense. Putin isn't worried about Ukraine joining NATO and bordering him. Estonia borders Russia and is part of NATO. It is about resources and power. As the West stupidly goes green too quickly, China, Russia and radical Islam are taking advantage via their control of energy, cheap labor and military might. Meanwhile the West seems meek and powerless.

Where is Winston Churchill when you need him?

We in America need to stop election weak politicians like Biden, Harris, Pelosi, the Squad, etc. And start electing those with some combat, business and foreign policy experience. Elections have consequences.
New happy trails, same old saddle sores.
The Kremlin had banked on a quick, trouble-free decapitation to solve the problem of a neighbor appearing to stray too far from Moscow’s orbit.
But after its vaunted army thundered across the border, very little went according to plan.
The invading troops met fierce resistance from outgunned fighters defending their homeland. International allies, including the United States, rushed to aid the underdogs. And a war that Moscow had seen as a chance to show off its might became instead a bloody and embarrassing display of weakness — one that threatened the stability of its deeply entrenched regime.
So has gone Russia’s stumbling, five-week-old invasion of Ukraine. But the same description applies to the Soviet Union’s ill-fated adventure in Afghanistan, which precipitated collapse at home and the Cold War’s end.
Now the history of that four-decade-old conflict looms over Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision-making as he tries to navigate through a self-inflicted quagmire. Veterans of the Afghanistan war say he has already failed to heed some of its most critical lessons, including by overestimating his military’s capabilities and misjudging his adversaries.
“The Russians underestimated the Afghans in the 1980s,” said Bruce Riedel, who worked on the CIA’s covert program to aid the rebels. “They seem to have underestimated the Ukrainians today.”

Screen Shot 2022-04-02 at 10.09.55 AM.png
"I'm back
I'm back in the saddle again!
I'm back
I'm back in the saddle again!"
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The slaughter of Ukraine (and Russian) Christians was well underway by the Bolshevik Khazar Jews by the time Stalin took office.
So slaughter by xians can now be admitted to the discussion. Where's the timeline for this claim, Einstein?
So slaughter by xians can now be admitted to the discussion. Where's the timeline for this claim, Einstein?
Your hatred of Christians is evident by your use of the spelling "xtian"

Martin Latsis, A Latvian Jew, and head of the blood-drenched Kiev CheKa said "We are not fighting against single individuals. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. Do not look in the file of incriminating evidence to see whether or not the accused rose up against the Soviets with arms or words. Ask him instead to which class he belongs, what is his background, his education, his profession. These are the questions that will determine the fate of the accused. That is the meaning and essence of the Red Terror."

When all was said and done, by 1987 the Judeo-Bolshevik Revolution killed 66 million Russian Christians
Your hatred of Christians is evident by your use of the spelling "xtian"

Martin Latsis, A Latvian Jew, and head of the blood-drenched Kiev CheKa said "We are not fighting against single individuals. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. Do not look in the file of incriminating evidence to see whether or not the accused rose up against the Soviets with arms or words. Ask him instead to which class he belongs, what is his background, his education, his profession. These are the questions that will determine the fate of the accused. That is the meaning and essence of the Red Terror."

When all was said and done, by 1987 the Judeo-Bolshevik Revolution killed 66 million Russian Christians

The Bourgeoisie are the middle class. Communism, including democrats have always fought to eradicate the middle class.
After 20 years of the war on terror that has resulted in millions of innocent lives taken or torn apart, how any American can continue to justify the government’s actions is beyond me.
The list of things beyond you is broader than the information in the internet.
It was inevitable that Russia would eventually have to stand their ground against US aggression.
If the world can make it through this war then we could see a period of relative peace, compared to what we've seen since the end of WW2. that brought US aggression in Asia and throughout the ME, and other regions.

Will Russia and/or China pick up the fight for world supremacy? There's hardly any reason to think so, even if they had the power to directly challenge the US.

China and Russia will only have the luxury of some of the world's small countries choosing to align against the US.

The Ukraine could be one of the first contested countries to do that, unless their country is broken up.

Peace is possible now, as it hasn't been for the victims of war, since the end of WW2.

It's worthy of discussion and some consideration. The M.A.D. factor is upsetting the trend history has shown us when the British empire's power ended and America stepped in to take it's place.

On powerful nation asserting it's hegemony ove the planet is no longer possible for the foreseeable future.
“US aggression”? Where on the hell do you get that? The only aggression here is Russian. Russia attacked Ukraine and took Crimea, it attacked Georgia and took Ossetia, it sent “volunteers” into some parts of Ukraine to set up a pretense to seize them and when Ukraine resisted and looked to be defeating the fake Russian “insurgents” Russia invaded and tried to conquer the entire country. Putin is working very hard to recreate the Russian empire at the cost of his neighbors who are now independent countries now. The US has done little to nothing to affect Ukraine, but Russia has been sticking its oars into Ukraine for nearly a decade.
As Golfing Gator said the historical route used by western powers to invade russia has always been through Belarus and Ukraine, not Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania.

But who said Russia didn't get pissed off when the Baltic states joined NATO in 2004 (if my memory serves me well)?

You have an awful lot of posters who didn't even know the West-NATO was expanding towards Russia's borders and now that a war is being waged over it and all over the news they start talking out of their asses.
Independent countries had the right to join defensive alliances like NATO. Poland had the right to ally with France and The UK to protect itself from Russian or German aggression. Unfortunately neither France or The UK stood up for Poland and allowed it to be dismembered by Russia and Germany. For centuries Russia has been an expansionist state conquering its neighbors for its own benefit expanding from a relatively small nation to one ranging from the Arctic to the Pacific, to the Baltic and has made repeated attempts to reach the Med or Persian Gulf. NATO has expanded to the borders of Russia because countries like Estonia and Ukraine are frightened of Russian aggression.
People say:

Texas has a bigger economy than Russia.

The western sanctions will make the country even poorer.

Russia's army is a miserable shadow of what the soviet army was.

And then they say:

Russia wants to recreate the Soviet Union (Baltic states, Khazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia, etc...) complete with its satellite states (Poland, Bulgaria, Romenia, East Germany, etc).

Even cheap propaganda is supposed to have a modicum of coherency.
What Russia wants to do, and even thinks it can do don’t have anything to do with its actual capabilities. Japan wanted to conquer most of Asia Pacific, it thought it could do so. But history proved it didn’t have the capability in the real world. That didn’t save the lives of millions of people in the Asian and pacific theaters of war between 1936 and 1945.
You're pretty much right but few Americans take the time to learn the truth. However, there are many who know the truth and deny or are in denial.

It was known before Iraq1 and especially Iraq2, but that's when any deniability was ended.
My country Canada, is guilty too but at least we had the sense to stay out of their criminal Iraq war.

On a brighter note, a few Americans are starting to get it too, but their motivation is coming from their domestic political sh-tfight.
Do you remember why Gulf War One happened? It was just the minor issue of Iraq invading a small, helpless neighbor and looting it.
How about Gulf War Two? Iraq was in violation of literally over a hundred UN resolutions and the Cease Fire it signed to end Gulf War One. As the old saying goes “all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”. In both the cases of the Gulf and Ukraine Iraq and Russia are the evil.
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