Why Putin invaded Ukraine

It is spelled out very well here and makes a lot of sense. Putin isn't worried about Ukraine joining NATO and bordering him. Estonia borders Russia and is part of NATO. It is about resources and power. As the West stupidly goes green too quickly, China, Russia and radical Islam are taking advantage via their control of energy, cheap labor and military might. Meanwhile the West seems meek and powerless.

Where is Winston Churchill when you need him?

We in America need to stop election weak politicians like Biden, Harris, Pelosi, the Squad, etc. And start electing those with some combat, business and foreign policy experience. Elections have consequences.

If the west is so weak and they are so strongly positioned, why invade a smaller, weaker country to steal its resources and pand?

Also apparently, you think invading weaker countries makes Putin look strong.

That's adorable. Not really.

Putin is invading Ukraine for personal pride and legacy.
If the west is so weak and they are so strongly positioned, why invade a smaller, weaker country to steal its resources and pand?

Also apparently, you think invading weaker countries makes Putin look strong.

That's adorable. Not really.

Putin is invading Ukraine for personal pride and legacy.
When did I say it made him look strong? LOL

He is invading for resources more than anything else.
So you didn't read the link in the OP. If it was worried about NATO it would have been worried about Estonia, which borders Russia and IS part of NATO.
No, I didn't read the link. But your logic on comparing Estonia is flawed.
How is NATO an aggressor? LOL
It has a history of aggression, and even an instance of the US not being able to convince the UN to invade on America's behalf and so used Nato.
The US has been nothing 'but' military aggression since the end of WW2.
Scream and stamp your feet all you like on that!
No, I didn't read the link. But your logic on comparing Estonia is flawed.

It has a history of aggression, and even an instance of the US not being able to convince the UN to invade on America's behalf and so used Nato.
The US has been nothing 'but' military aggression since the end of WW2.
Scream and stamp your feet all you like on that!
If you don't take the time to read what I post. I'll do the same for you. Troll.
People say:

Texas has a bigger economy than Russia.

The western sanctions will make the country even poorer.

Russia's army is a miserable shadow of what the soviet army was.

And then they say:

Russia wants to recreate the Soviet Union (Baltic states, Khazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia, etc...) complete with its satellite states (Poland, Bulgaria, Romenia, East Germany, etc).

Even cheap propaganda is supposed to have a modicum of coherency.
So you didn’t read the link either. Lol
I did.

I understand the appeal of the resources.

I also understand the mythology that has rotted Putins brain. Because he shows us.in his own words.

He called the breakup of the USSR one of the greatest tragedies of human history.

He called Ukraine the "crown jewel that was lost."

But some would have us believe he just figured out Ukraine has stuff in it, so time to invade.

Oh no no no. Putin has had his sights on Ukraine for 20 years.
I did.

I understand the appeal of the resources.

I also understand the mythology that has rotted Putins brain. Because he shows us.in his own words.

He called the breakup of the USSR one of the greatest tragedies of human history.

He called Ukraine the "crown jewel that was lost."

But some would have us believe he just figured out Ukraine has stuff in it, so time to invade.

Oh no no no. Putin has had his sights on Ukraine for 20 years.
If the Ukraine didn't have resources I am not certain he invades.
Stalin engaged in genocide, slaughtering the ethnic Ukrainians (Kulaks) and replacing them with Russians.

Ukraine is the ancestral home of the Russian people:

"Migrations from the territories of present-day Ukraine throughout the Balkans established many South Slavic nations. Northern migrations, reaching almost to Lake Ilmen, led to the emergence of the Ilmen Slavs, Krivichs, and Radimichs, the groups ancestral to the Russians"

No, I didn't read the link. But your logic on comparing Estonia is flawed.

It has a history of aggression, and even an instance of the US not being able to convince the UN to invade on America's behalf and so used Nato.
The US has been nothing 'but' military aggression since the end of WW2.
Scream and stamp your feet all you like on that!
Somehow dumb Americans, of which there are many, ignore or excuse their government’s imperialist murderous actions, but are quick to call Putin a war criminal.

If Putin’s a war criminal, what does that make W and O? Those two jackals are responsible for far more deaths and destruction than Putin.

The hypocrisy of dumb Americans is unfathomable.
So you didn't read the link in the OP. If it was worried about NATO it would have been worried about Estonia, which borders Russia and IS part of NATO.

How is NATO an aggressor? LOL
Are you seriou? You don’t know of NATO’s many aggressive actions. WTF man! You just exposed yourself a fool AGAIN.

Somehow dumb Americans, of which there are many, ignore or excuse their government’s imperialist murderous actions, but are quick to call Putin a war criminal.

If Putin’s a war criminal, what does that make W and O? Those two jackals are responsible for far more deaths and destruction than Putin.

The hypocrisy of dumb Americans is unfathomable.
You're pretty much right but few Americans take the time to learn the truth. However, there are many who know the truth and deny or are in denial.

It was known before Iraq1 and especially Iraq2, but that's when any deniability was ended.
My country Canada, is guilty too but at least we had the sense to stay out of their criminal Iraq war.

On a brighter note, a few Americans are starting to get it too, but their motivation is coming from their domestic political sh-tfight.

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