Why should blacks become republicans?

I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.
/----/ Well you weren't around in 1860 either but that doesn't stop you from harping on slavery and reparations and BLM and quotas, does it? You want to align yourself with the party that fought to preserve slavery and attack those who freed the slaves then go right ahead. BTW it's not my place to tell anyone why they should join a political party. Only liberals look at everything through race, Republicans, don't.
View attachment 187871
Your position disintegrates into dust because modern day Republicans are not the party of Lincoln. The south back then was willing and eager to divide the country and fight a civil war rather than give up their slaves. Many modern day Republicans and conservatives still want a civil war to permanently divide this country. They’re the ones telling blacks to go back to Africa. They’re the ones threatening a civil war. Just look at the bigots and racists on this forum; they’re almost all on the right.
/——/ That is just your wild eyed speculation and hatred for the GOP. You offer no proof to support that load of bilge.
Want me to link posts here from forumites wishing or calling for civil war...? Virtually all conservatives.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.
/----/ Well you weren't around in 1860 either but that doesn't stop you from harping on slavery and reparations and BLM and quotas, does it? You want to align yourself with the party that fought to preserve slavery and attack those who freed the slaves then go right ahead. BTW it's not my place to tell anyone why they should join a political party. Only liberals look at everything through race, Republicans, don't.
View attachment 187871
Your position disintegrates into dust because modern day Republicans are not the party of Lincoln. The south back then was willing and eager to divide the country and fight a civil war rather than give up their slaves. Many modern day Republicans and conservatives still want a civil war to permanently divide this country. They’re the ones telling blacks to go back to Africa. They’re the ones threatening a civil war. Just look at the bigots and racists on this forum; they’re almost all on the right.
/——/ That is just your wild eyed speculation and hatred for the GOP. You offer no proof to support that load of bilge.
Want me to link posts here from forumites wishing or calling for civil war...? Virtually all conservatives.
/——/ forumites??? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha WTF?
Why should blacks join either party? Useally someone claims to be either a democrat or republican because he identifies more with one of the party’s platforms than the other.

Usually they don't identify much with either party, but slightly more than the other.

In other countries though, they actually have real choice. They've even given it a name, it's called "democracy".

Actually most of us are democrats.

I would doubt most are Democrats.

Most vote Democrat, that's different to being a Democrat.

You look at countries with positive voting, ie, Proportional Representation and you see how many people even vote for the main parties.

Germany it's 53.4% of people voted for the main two parties.
Belgium it's 31.9%
Denmark it's 47.4%
Finland it's 38.7%

It's very hard to find a place with PR where the two main parties do very well under fair elections.

If the US had PR, potentially half the people who vote for them now would vote for someone else. People vote negatively.

Germany also votes like the US, FPTP, on the same day, and gained 61% of the vote. FPTP leads to the main parties doing better because people vote negatively. They vote for who they DON'T WANT to get into power.

The number of voters doesn't imply the number of people who are "Democrats" or "Republicans". What makes someone a Democrat in the first place?

If they don't work for the party, and just vote once every 2 or 4 years, does that make them a Democrat?

It's kind of ridiculous.

Why is it that you whites want to think you can tell us what we are? I'm black. Most blacks are democrats. And when I say this, I'm not talking about voting.
You asked?
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

ONe reason for some of them, the pro life ones, is to limit abortions of black babies.

Almost 40% of blacks describe as pro life.

If the republicans got HALF of that, they would dominate the nation for generations to come.

Also, kudos on asking the question. Good OP.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.
/----/ Well you weren't around in 1860 either but that doesn't stop you from harping on slavery and reparations and BLM and quotas, does it? You want to align yourself with the party that fought to preserve slavery and attack those who freed the slaves then go right ahead. BTW it's not my place to tell anyone why they should join a political party. Only liberals look at everything through race, Republicans, don't.
View attachment 187871
Your position disintegrates into dust because modern day Republicans are not the party of Lincoln. The south back then was willing and eager to divide the country and fight a civil war rather than give up their slaves. Many modern day Republicans and conservatives still want a civil war to permanently divide this country. They’re the ones telling blacks to go back to Africa. They’re the ones threatening a civil war. Just look at the bigots and racists on this forum; they’re almost all on the right.
/——/ That is just your wild eyed speculation and hatred for the GOP. You offer no proof to support that load of bilge.
Want me to link posts here from forumites wishing or calling for civil war...? Virtually all conservatives.
/——/ forumites??? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha WTF?
You prefer, forumers?
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

It's very simple. Republicans are more likely to view you as individuals capable of forming your own opinions and do not expect you to all think the same way. Democrats view you as members of a group and castigate you fiercely if you dare to hold contrary opinions.
What a crock of shit

Republicans campaign against Muslims, Mexicans and Minorities
They single them out as the reason Americans are struggling

I've hit a nerve. Democrats do group identity much more than Republicans. Just watch what happens when a black man gets uppity and dares to think for himself.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.

It's very simple. Republicans are more likely to view you as individuals capable of forming your own opinions and do not expect you to all think the same way. Democrats view you as members of a group and castigate you fiercely if you dare to hold contrary opinions.
What a crock of shit

Republicans campaign against Muslims, Mexicans and Minorities
They single them out as the reason Americans are struggling

I've hit a nerve. Democrats do group identity much more than Republicans. Just watch what happens when a black man gets uppity and dares to think for himself.

If he gets uppity, thinks for himself AND becomes successful- he becomes an ‘Uncle Tom’.

Joseph C. Phillips, “He Talk Like a White Boy”

  1. In eighth grade English class, 1974, after I gave what must have been a brilliant and insightful observation, a black girl across the room raised her hand, and announced to the class, “He talk like a white boy!”
  2. What did LaQueesha mean? That I spoke clearly? Intelligently? That some timbre was missing from my voice? That moment was the beginning of my life.
  3. It was suddenly clear that my definition of my black self was unimportant: my membership credentials to the brotherhood were confiscated and ripped to shreds. The way I spoke, the sound of my voice, my diction, clearly meant that I was trying to be something I wasn’t. I was an outsider.


A must read!
Another one would be law and order.

Blacks are disproportionately the victims of crimes. Dems/liberals reflexively side with the criminals, and not the victims.

Law abiding blacks, who want to be safe, should certainly vote for Republicans.
Another one would be law and order.

Blacks are disproportionately the victims of crimes. Dems/liberals reflexively side with the criminals, and not the victims.

Law abiding blacks, who want to be safe, should certainly vote for Republicans.
Blacks feel they are disproportionally sentenced for similar crimes as whites
Another one would be law and order.

Blacks are disproportionately the victims of crimes. Dems/liberals reflexively side with the criminals, and not the victims.

Law abiding blacks, who want to be safe, should certainly vote for Republicans.
Blacks feel they are disproportionally sentenced for similar crimes as whites
/----/ Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time, - Baretta
Another one would be law and order.

Blacks are disproportionately the victims of crimes. Dems/liberals reflexively side with the criminals, and not the victims.

Law abiding blacks, who want to be safe, should certainly vote for Republicans.
Blacks feel they are disproportionally sentenced for similar crimes as whites

The law abiding blacks are not being sentenced for crimes.

Some of them may not be too concerned about fairness for the criminals that prey upon them.

If the republicans got a nice chunk of those blacks's votes, we would crush the dems.

It would be glorious.
Because Republicans let you think for yourself, they don't try to tell you what to do or think.
So do Democrats.

Ask any prominent black Republican how much democrats let black men think for themselves. Clarence Thomas Congress to mind.
Why do other blacks despise Clarence Thomas?

Why do liberal whites treat him like an escaped slave?

Because they are assholes?
Another one would be law and order.

Blacks are disproportionately the victims of crimes. Dems/liberals reflexively side with the criminals, and not the victims.

Law abiding blacks, who want to be safe, should certainly vote for Republicans.
Blacks feel they are disproportionally sentenced for similar crimes as whites
And they may be. It's a chicken and egg thing. Young black males are both suspected of more crimes and commit more crimes.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.
You white republicans ? Is that racial profiling, or what? Unlax. I get it. I am a member of the white race, I chose it at birth. I said, make me WHITE! Because I just wanted to be hateful to blacks and chose a legacy of enslavement. Sure, I know being burdened with the task of a racist overlord is a burdensome one, but there are no easy tasks, just easy people! I don't know.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.
You white republicans ? Is that racial profiling, or what? Unlax. I get it. I am a member of the white race, I chose it at birth. I said, make me WHITE! Because I just wanted to be hateful to blacks and chose a legacy of enslavement. Sure, I know being burdened with the task of a racist overlord is a burdensome one, but there are no easy tasks, just easy people! I don't know.

No, it's not racial profiling. You really are ignorant.

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