Why should blacks become republicans?

I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.
The Republicans just gave blacks a tax cut.

All the Democrats have given blacks is slavery and Jim Crow laws.

Actually the gave us the right to vote and the civil rights act.

You're insane.
Why must skin color be mixed in with political affiliation?

Welcome to the 21st century throwbacks....

It's about money and jobs and better schools and more opportunity not skin color....don't let the racists win...ignore the rants from race hustlers....
There are millions of non white business owners in America and I bet more than half of them are republicans...it's the smarter path for them...
Blacks are nothing but a prop for Democrats. The Democrat politicians come rolling in the hood around election time. Then disappear for another 2,4 or 6 years.....
It's very simple. Republicans are more likely to view you as individuals capable of forming your own opinions and do not expect you to all think the same way. Democrats view you as members of a group and castigate you fiercely if you dare to hold contrary opinions.
What a crock of shit

Republicans campaign against Muslims, Mexicans and Minorities
They single them out as the reason Americans are struggling

I've hit a nerve. Democrats do group identity much more than Republicans. Just watch what happens when a black man gets uppity and dares to think for himself.

Republicans would not be in control of government today without fear mongering, scapegoating and hatred

Sounds like you need to stop believing cartoons.
It is what keeps the Republican Party alive today

Like I said, cartoons.
Republicans will not even campaign in minority neighborhoods

How often do you go into minority neighborhoods?

I don’t seek to represent them

If Republicans want their votes...they need to show their faces
Democrats do

I didn't ask if you campaigned there.

Sure. Al Gore and John Kerry both spent a lot of time in inner city neighborhoods. Hillary too.

Democrats have a presence in inner cities. They maintain offices. They are there to present their agenda, help locals with political problems, provide guidance and get out the vote

Republicans are afraid to say why they would do better for the locals
Because they aren’t
What a crock of shit

Republicans campaign against Muslims, Mexicans and Minorities
They single them out as the reason Americans are struggling

I've hit a nerve. Democrats do group identity much more than Republicans. Just watch what happens when a black man gets uppity and dares to think for himself.

Republicans would not be in control of government today without fear mongering, scapegoating and hatred

Sounds like you need to stop believing cartoons.
It is what keeps the Republican Party alive today

Like I said, cartoons.
Blacks are nothing but a prop for Democrats. The Democrat politicians come rolling in the hood around election time. Then disappear for another 2,4 or 6 years.....
Democrats maintain offices in minority neighborhoods. They utilize “community organizers” to maintain contact with the locals and help resolve issues
Blacks are nothing but a prop for Democrats. The Democrat politicians come rolling in the hood around election time. Then disappear for another 2,4 or 6 years.....
Democrats maintain offices in minority neighborhoods. They utilize “community organizers” to maintain contact with the locals and help resolve issues

Offices and community organizers are just more props to buy votes.

The inner cities and the blacks who live in them are worse.

Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago..... perfect examples of Democrat run shitholes.
“Why should blacks become republicans?”

There’s no reason why they should.

The Republican agenda is fundamentally hostile to the rights and liberties of minority Americans, seeking to dismantle the Constitutional protections that safeguard those rights and liberties, and that of black Americans – this administration’s judicial appointments are proof of that.
Blacks are nothing but a prop for Democrats. The Democrat politicians come rolling in the hood around election time. Then disappear for another 2,4 or 6 years.....
Democrats maintain offices in minority neighborhoods. They utilize “community organizers” to maintain contact with the locals and help resolve issues

Offices and community organizers are just more props to buy votes.

The inner cities and the blacks who live in them are worse.

Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago..... perfect examples of Democrat run shitholes.
Dems serve the cities.

Republicans won’t show their faces
“Why should blacks become republicans?”

There’s no reason why they should.

The Republican agenda is fundamentally hostile to the rights and liberties of minority Americans, seeking to dismantle the Constitutional protections that safeguard those rights and liberties, and that of black Americans – this administration’s judicial appointments are proof of that.
Republicans sell out minorities to pander to their base
Republican Policy doesn't care what color you are. Do you want tax cuts, or do you want them jacked up to 85%? Do you want it to take over twenty years to build a road? Do you believe in freedom of speech? Do you believe individual's should be free to live the best life they can, or do you believe they are serfs to a controlling government and the American dream is dead? If you think the individual is important, vote republican, if you are a Marxist, that system of governance has a history of failure that is a stain on human history. The democrats call it racism, but Muslim culture is slicing and dicing through Europe. Do you want that here? As for illegal immigrants, unchecked immigration makes it harder for US citizens to find work, and they consume a great deal of resources. I honestly see no reason why minorities would want to be democrats. Republican policy doesn't 'hate you', it believes you should be free to live your best life.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.
/----/ Well you weren't around in 1860 either but that doesn't stop you from harping on slavery and reparations and BLM and quotas, does it? You want to align yourself with the party that fought to preserve slavery and attack those who freed the slaves then go right ahead. BTW it's not my place to tell anyone why they should join a political party. Only liberals look at everything through race, Republicans, don't.
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Your position disintegrates into dust because modern day Republicans are not the party of Lincoln. The south back then was willing and eager to divide the country and fight a civil war rather than give up their slaves. Many modern day Republicans and conservatives still want a civil war to permanently divide this country. They’re the ones telling blacks to go back to Africa. They’re the ones threatening a civil war. Just look at the bigots and racists on this forum; they’re almost all on the right.
Republican Policy doesn't care what color you are. Do you want tax cuts, or do you want them jacked up to 85%? Do you want it to take over twenty years to build a road? Do you believe in freedom of speech? Do you believe individual's should be free to live the best life they can, or do you believe they are serfs to a controlling government and the American dream is dead? If you think the individual is important, vote republican, if you are a Marxist, that system of governance has a history of failure that is a stain on human history. The democrats call it racism, but Muslim culture is slicing and dicing through Europe. Do you want that here? As for illegal immigrants, unchecked immigration makes it harder for US citizens to find work, and they consume a great deal of resources. I honestly see no reason why minorities would want to be democrats. Republican policy doesn't 'hate you', it believes you should be free to live your best life.

That's a damn lie and we know it. The Muslim culture ain't slicing anything and you white are a descendent of illegal immigrants. The republican party is the party of racists and racism and instead of changing, you assholes want to talk about how democrats make things about race for pointing Republican party racism out.
“Why should blacks become republicans?”

There’s no reason why they should.

The Republican agenda is fundamentally hostile to the rights and liberties of minority Americans, seeking to dismantle the Constitutional protections that safeguard those rights and liberties, and that of black Americans – this administration’s judicial appointments are proof of that.
The Democratic Party is offering victimhood and poverty.
The Republicans are offering success and prosperity.
Because Republicans let you think for yourself, they don't try to tell you what to do or think.

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