Why should blacks become republicans?

I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.
You love the D Party yet it is the party of slavery, segregation, lynching, and Jim Crow.

You obviously are very confused.

I'm nowhere close to confused..

But you are living in the past.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.
/----/ Well you weren't around in 1860 either but that doesn't stop you from harping on slavery and reparations and BLM and quotas, does it? You want to align yourself with the party that fought to preserve slavery and attack those who freed the slaves then go right ahead. BTW it's not my place to tell anyone why they should join a political party. Only liberals look at everything through race, Republicans, don't.
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LOL! You can always count on one white boy here to do what this fool has done. .As you can see this is one way republicans try playing race.

Don't blame him. It's the way he was taught, and he's too dumb to see how dumb he is. Just laugh at him as the world slowly passes him by.
I would like a logical explanation from one of you white republicans as to why blacks should join your party. Please do not regurgitate the lame story about the 1860 democratic party. After all, every time we blacks talk about what occurred during that time none of you were there. The history of things were not important to you in this regard, so since you weren't around in 1860 and history is not important you in other situations, it's not important now. So please explain why blacks should join the republican party.
You shouldn't. We don't want you. Take care.
I've posed this question in many ways over time here, and the response I keep getting is "at some point minorities will realize that the GOP is better for them". When I ask what the GOP is going to do in terms of outreach, some attempt at communication, I get nothing. Apparently, an attractive come-hither look is the approach, while the Democrats continue their 24-hour-a-day full-court press.

So I think that's about it.

The bulk of the black community is addicted to the Democratic Party, hence the lack of communication. One day they'll ignore their hand-puppet political leaders - grifters all - and realize they've been had.

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

Blacks have seen significant economic advancement over the past 50 years.

Uneducated white males - you know, Trump’s base - have not. The median inflation-adjusted income of this cohort is lower than it was in 1968. Yet this group makes up the bulk of the Republican Party base.

I wouldn't call it significant.

50 years after the Kerner Commission
African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

The year 1968 was a watershed in American history and black America’s ongoing fight for equality. In April of that year, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis and riots broke out in cities around the country. Rising against this tragedy, the Civil Rights Act of 1968 outlawing housing discrimination was signed into law. Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists in a black power salute as they received their medals at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City. Arthur Ashe became the first African American to win the U.S. Open singles title, and Shirley Chisholm became the first African American woman elected to the House of Representatives.

The same year, the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, better known as the Kerner Commission, delivered a report to President Johnson examining the causes of civil unrest in African American communities. The report named “white racism”—leading to “pervasive discrimination in employment, education and housing”—as the culprit, and the report’s authors called for a commitment to “the realization of common opportunities for all within a single [racially undivided] society.”1 The Kerner Commission report pulled together a comprehensive array of data to assess the specific economic and social inequities confronting African Americans in 1968.

Where do we stand as a society today?

In this brief report, we compare the state of black workers and their families in 1968 with the circumstances of their descendants today, 50 years after the Kerner report was released. We find both good news and bad news. While African Americans are in many ways better off in absolute terms than they were in 1968, they are still disadvantaged in important ways relative to whites. In several important respects, African Americans have actually lost ground relative to whites, and, in a few cases, even relative to African Americans in 1968.

.50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality
Blacks should not be Democrats. Democrats are a disaster for this country.

For instance, under the last Democrat President poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth. Bad news for both Whites and Blacks.

If the Blacks want more free stuff then they should join the Communist Party. Voting for Democrats is like voting for incompetent Communists..
Blacks should not be Democrats. Democrats are a disaster for this country.

For instance, under the last Democrat President poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth. Bad news for both Whites and Blacks.

If the Blacks want more free stuff then they should join the Communist Party. Voting for Democrats is like voting for incompetent Communists..

Yes. It took him a while to stop the economic free fall and reverse the damage he was presented with on the day of his inauguration. If the right hadn't fought him so hard, he could have done it quicker.
I've posed this question in many ways over time here, and the response I keep getting is "at some point minorities will realize that the GOP is better for them". When I ask what the GOP is going to do in terms of outreach, some attempt at communication, I get nothing. Apparently, an attractive come-hither look is the approach, while the Democrats continue their 24-hour-a-day full-court press.

So I think that's about it.

The bulk of the black community is addicted to the Democratic Party, hence the lack of communication. One day they'll ignore their hand-puppet political leaders - grifters all - and realize they've been had.

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

The current republican party is led by a racist


What backs did he hire because there are none in executive positions in the Trump organization. Plenty of dishwashers though.

Former Trump Rental Agent Describes Racist Policy

Blacks should not be Democrats. Democrats are a disaster for this country.

For instance, under the last Democrat President poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth. Bad news for both Whites and Blacks.

If the Blacks want more free stuff then they should join the Communist Party. Voting for Democrats is like voting for incompetent Communists..

Except non of what you say is true. And if I was white, I would not talk about free stuff

How The U.S. Government Gave White Americans An Advantage

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.
What I sincerely don't understand is how the GOP can make an argument that minorities should be attracted to a party that has produced a President who claimed to not know who David Duke is, who wants to build a wall between us and Mexico, and who has clearly given rise to white nationalism and literally inspired white "supremacist" groups nationwide.

Incomprehensible. Cognitive dissonance.

Too funny. David Duke is supremely forgettable.

Ever see the film "They Live!"? Put your sunglasses on. You've been duped by media magnification.

The numbers of "white supremacists" are infinitesimal in the extreme.
And there's another perfect example of my point.

I saw the interview. Unless you're claiming it was a media-made CGI character posing as Trump, I saw what he said.

So what?

Unless the media is putting up CGI characters as white nationalists and white supremacists, I'm seeing them, too.

How many did you see?

And so do minorities from coast to coast. Spinning and denying aren't good enough, nor will they ever be.

Shrug. They are of course welcome to remain in their current status quo, or educate themselves in these matters. Their choice.

We are educated in these matters. That's why we aren't republicans.

Then you have no problems. You are right where you want to be.
I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.
What I sincerely don't understand is how the GOP can make an argument that minorities should be attracted to a party that has produced a President who claimed to not know who David Duke is, who wants to build a wall between us and Mexico, and who has clearly given rise to white nationalism and literally inspired white "supremacist" groups nationwide.

Incomprehensible. Cognitive dissonance.

Too funny. David Duke is supremely forgettable.

Ever see the film "They Live!"? Put your sunglasses on. You've been duped by media magnification.

The numbers of "white supremacists" are infinitesimal in the extreme.

Old white guys telling blacks how they should feel about racism is hilarious.

How they "feel" is irrelevant. How their thinking is controlled is the issue. Whites too.

How is our thinking controlled?

What political party has the overwhelmingly greatest influence over current culture and media?
What I sincerely don't understand is how the GOP can make an argument that minorities should be attracted to a party that has produced a President who claimed to not know who David Duke is, who wants to build a wall between us and Mexico, and who has clearly given rise to white nationalism and literally inspired white "supremacist" groups nationwide.

Incomprehensible. Cognitive dissonance.

Too funny. David Duke is supremely forgettable.

Ever see the film "They Live!"? Put your sunglasses on. You've been duped by media magnification.

The numbers of "white supremacists" are infinitesimal in the extreme.
And there's another perfect example of my point.

I saw the interview. Unless you're claiming it was a media-made CGI character posing as Trump, I saw what he said.

So what?

Unless the media is putting up CGI characters as white nationalists and white supremacists, I'm seeing them, too.

How many did you see?

And so do minorities from coast to coast. Spinning and denying aren't good enough, nor will they ever be.

Shrug. They are of course welcome to remain in their current status quo, or educate themselves in these matters. Their choice.

We are educated in these matters. That's why we aren't republicans.

Then you have no problems. You are right where you want to be.

It's funny how whites such as yourself cam never ever provide a logical answer for anything.
I've posed this question in many ways over time here, and the response I keep getting is "at some point minorities will realize that the GOP is better for them". When I ask what the GOP is going to do in terms of outreach, some attempt at communication, I get nothing. Apparently, an attractive come-hither look is the approach, while the Democrats continue their 24-hour-a-day full-court press.

So I think that's about it.

The bulk of the black community is addicted to the Democratic Party, hence the lack of communication. One day they'll ignore their hand-puppet political leaders - grifters all - and realize they've been had.

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

The current republican party is led by a racist

How many minorities has Trump hired?

Why are there no minorities in executive positions and why do women he employs all have big tits?
What I sincerely don't understand is how the GOP can make an argument that minorities should be attracted to a party that has produced a President who claimed to not know who David Duke is, who wants to build a wall between us and Mexico, and who has clearly given rise to white nationalism and literally inspired white "supremacist" groups nationwide.

Incomprehensible. Cognitive dissonance.

Too funny. David Duke is supremely forgettable.

Ever see the film "They Live!"? Put your sunglasses on. You've been duped by media magnification.

The numbers of "white supremacists" are infinitesimal in the extreme.

Old white guys telling blacks how they should feel about racism is hilarious.

How they "feel" is irrelevant. How their thinking is controlled is the issue. Whites too.

How is our thinking controlled?

What political party has the overwhelmingly greatest influence over current culture and media?
You confuse control over culture with being responsive to it
The bulk of the black community is addicted to the Democratic Party, hence the lack of communication. One day they'll ignore their hand-puppet political leaders - grifters all - and realize they've been had.

I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

The current republican party is led by a racist

How many minorities has Trump hired?

Why are there no minorities in executive positions and why do women he employs all have big tits?
He's not a faggot like you?

Too funny. David Duke is supremely forgettable.

Ever see the film "They Live!"? Put your sunglasses on. You've been duped by media magnification.

The numbers of "white supremacists" are infinitesimal in the extreme.
And there's another perfect example of my point.

I saw the interview. Unless you're claiming it was a media-made CGI character posing as Trump, I saw what he said.

So what?

Unless the media is putting up CGI characters as white nationalists and white supremacists, I'm seeing them, too.

How many did you see?

And so do minorities from coast to coast. Spinning and denying aren't good enough, nor will they ever be.

Shrug. They are of course welcome to remain in their current status quo, or educate themselves in these matters. Their choice.

We are educated in these matters. That's why we aren't republicans.

Then you have no problems. You are right where you want to be.

It's funny how whites such as yourself cam never ever provide a logical answer for anything.

The density of your parietals is not my fault.
Too funny. David Duke is supremely forgettable.

Ever see the film "They Live!"? Put your sunglasses on. You've been duped by media magnification.

The numbers of "white supremacists" are infinitesimal in the extreme.

Old white guys telling blacks how they should feel about racism is hilarious.

How they "feel" is irrelevant. How their thinking is controlled is the issue. Whites too.

How is our thinking controlled?

What political party has the overwhelmingly greatest influence over current culture and media?
You confuse control over culture with being responsive to it

Please make sense so that I can respond.
What I sincerely don't understand is how the GOP can make an argument that minorities should be attracted to a party that has produced a President who claimed to not know who David Duke is, who wants to build a wall between us and Mexico, and who has clearly given rise to white nationalism and literally inspired white "supremacist" groups nationwide.

Incomprehensible. Cognitive dissonance.

Too funny. David Duke is supremely forgettable.

Ever see the film "They Live!"? Put your sunglasses on. You've been duped by media magnification.

The numbers of "white supremacists" are infinitesimal in the extreme.

Old white guys telling blacks how they should feel about racism is hilarious.

How they "feel" is irrelevant. How their thinking is controlled is the issue. Whites too.

How is our thinking controlled?

What political party has the overwhelmingly greatest influence over current culture and media?

None of them. republicans have been crying about media bias since at least Nixon. How much media time did Trump get compared to democrats in the last campaign? And when we consider what you guys have to say, I'd say you are very much controlled by the right wing media particularly talk radio.
And there's another perfect example of my point.

I saw the interview. Unless you're claiming it was a media-made CGI character posing as Trump, I saw what he said.

So what?

Unless the media is putting up CGI characters as white nationalists and white supremacists, I'm seeing them, too.

How many did you see?

And so do minorities from coast to coast. Spinning and denying aren't good enough, nor will they ever be.

Shrug. They are of course welcome to remain in their current status quo, or educate themselves in these matters. Their choice.

We are educated in these matters. That's why we aren't republicans.

Then you have no problems. You are right where you want to be.

It's funny how whites such as yourself cam never ever provide a logical answer for anything.

The density of your parietals is not my fault.

Your lack of logic is not my fault.
Too funny. David Duke is supremely forgettable.

Ever see the film "They Live!"? Put your sunglasses on. You've been duped by media magnification.

The numbers of "white supremacists" are infinitesimal in the extreme.

Old white guys telling blacks how they should feel about racism is hilarious.

How they "feel" is irrelevant. How their thinking is controlled is the issue. Whites too.

How is our thinking controlled?

What political party has the overwhelmingly greatest influence over current culture and media?

None of them. republicans have been crying about media bias since at least Nixon. How much media time did Trump get compared to democrats in the last campaign? And when we consider what you guys have to say, I'd say you are very much controlled by the right wing media particularly talk radio.

Democrats clearly control the content of both.

Media thought he would with exposure destroy himself. They thought wrong.
I'm black and this is not a logical answer. Given the state of the republican party today, we're had if we join the republican party.

How is it not logical?

What do you believe the state of the Republican Party to be?

If the Democratic Party is so great for the black community, why is the bulk of the community pretty much right where it was a half-century ago when the Democrats became the favored party?

The current republican party is led by a racist

How many minorities has Trump hired?

Why are there no minorities in executive positions and why do women he employs all have big tits?
He's not a faggot like you?

Are you sure?

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