Why should Crimea remain a part of the Ukraine?


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
If you think Crimea should remain a part of the Ukraine, why?

I personally see no reason why they shouldn't be able to leave the Ukraine and form their own government or join the Russian Federation if the Russians will have them, which they obviously will. They're majority Russian, and if I were among them I'd certainly be concerned about the Ukrainian nationalist, anti-Russian government that has taken power in Kiev.
Stimulating economy of Ukraine is a thoughtless action because bandits assumed power over significant part of Ukraine and all that time they've been destroying Ukraine's economy. Armed forces of the Right Sector forced many country's enterprises to stop production because many of them had contracts with as they call it anti-Ukrainian forces. And that happens at the time when Ukraine faces severe economic crisis. They don't want to earn money because they are hoping for financial aid and that nationalist euphoria already forced the biggest part of Ukraine's population to go for holidays without pay and those who stayed at work, their wages were cut by 75%. In two years Ukraine will need at least $30 billion to support its economic and social system. Obviously they don't have the money and won't have because they don't want to work. So the West, or to be more accurate, you and me will be forced to support dying Ukraine's economy. In fine we will get nothing because Ukraine won't ever return us money. We have to be more pragmatic and don't waste our time with Ukraine.
Stimulating economy of Ukraine is a thoughtless action because bandits assumed power over significant part of Ukraine and all that time they've been destroying Ukraine's economy. Armed forces of the Right Sector forced many country's enterprises to stop production because many of them had contracts with as they call it anti-Ukrainian forces. And that happens at the time when Ukraine faces severe economic crisis. They don't want to earn money because they are hoping for financial aid and that nationalist euphoria already forced the biggest part of Ukraine's population to go for holidays without pay and those who stayed at work, their wages were cut by 75%. In two years Ukraine will need at least $30 billion to support its economic and social system. Obviously they don't have the money and won't have because they don't want to work. So the West, or to be more accurate, you and me will be forced to support dying Ukraine's economy. In fine we will get nothing because Ukraine won't ever return us money. We have to be more pragmatic and don't waste our time with Ukraine.

I agree the U.S. shouldn't give any money to Ukraine, but I'm not sure it's entirely on topic.
Russia INVADED Crimea by removing insignia and nationality from its troops and sending them to seize the Parliament, bus train and air ways, and now bases.

No fair vote can be administered as long as the Russians are running everything. The supposed new Government of Crimea got exactly 4 percent of the vote in the last election. 4 Percent. ya that convinces me the majority want to leave the Ukraine.

And what about Russian threats to invade more of the Ukraine? Shall we just ignore them too?

When exactly will you care? When they invade Poland?
Russia INVADED Crimea by removing insignia and nationality from its troops and sending them to seize the Parliament, bus train and air ways, and now bases.

No fair vote can be administered as long as the Russians are running everything. The supposed new Government of Crimea got exactly 4 percent of the vote in the last election. 4 Percent. ya that convinces me the majority want to leave the Ukraine.

And what about Russian threats to invade more of the Ukraine? Shall we just ignore them too?

When exactly will you care? When they invade Poland?

The bold portion is the most relevant to the question I asked, and you have a point that a vote held while the Russian military is present is certainly suspect. Of course, nobody made this objection to the fairness of the vote in Iraq or Afghanistan while they were militarily occupied by the U.S., but it's not a bad point in and of itself.

Still, I think the evidence supports the fact that a majority of Crimeans would prefer to be a part of Russia, as they're mostly ethnic Russians, and not a part of the government in Kiev which is anti-Russian. So why should they be forced to live under a Ukrainian nationalist government? Of course there are concerns about ethnic Ukrainians and the Tatars in Crimea, which tells me that different portions of Crimea should probably go different ways. So, again, what about the secession of Crimea is bad in and of itself?

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