Why should Democrats help Republicans out of their House Speaker crisis?

Meanwhile Hillary is barely beating 'the rap' but can't beat the publicly admitted Socialist Party member the Democrats call their own... lol
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?
Republicans are so divided they can't agree on a speaker.
Their primary favorites, Trump and Carson have absolutely no knowledge of how to draft legislation, how the government operates, how to negotiate legislation, and no formal training in parliamentary procedure. They wear their lack of knowledge and experience as a badge of honor. This does not speak well for Republicans in 2016.

oh dear. they aren't all marching in lockstep like Pelosi orders they do or they get threatened. this is only one (Menendez) who was threatened because he bucked against that thug Obama and Pelosi out of many they have threatened either get in line or get kicked to the curb.
N.J. Sen. Bob Menendez to face criminal corruption charges: reports
another Democrat Senator in trouble with the law

how dare the Republicans doesn't all fall in line because of the many different people they Represent. what it show's with you democrat base is you all march in lockstep with your party too. you never question them, You let them do anything they want even if they walk all over you, play games with your lives and it's not good for ALL of us. It's not something you all should be proud of. but here you sit bragging about it.

as if speaker is some big freaking deal. . You seem more worried over than the people who are their base. it's just weird
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?
Republicans are so divided they can't agree on a speaker.
Their primary favorites, Trump and Carson have absolutely no knowledge of how to draft legislation, how the government operates, how to negotiate legislation, and no formal training in parliamentary procedure. They wear their lack of knowledge and experience as a badge of honor. This does not speak well for Republicans in 2016.

oh dear. they aren't all marching in lockstep like Pelosi orders they do or they get threatened. this is only one (Menendez) who was threatened because he bucked against that thug Obama and Pelosi out of many they have threatened either get in line or get kicked to the curb.
N.J. Sen. Bob Menendez to face criminal corruption charges: reports
another Democrat Senator in trouble with the law

how dare the Republicans doesn't all fall in line because of the many different people they Represent. what it show's with you democrat base is you all march in lockstep with your party too. you never question them, You let them do anything they want even if they walk all over you, play games with your lives and it's not good for ALL of us. It's not something you all should be proud of. but here you sit bragging about it.

as if speaker is some big freaking deal. . You seem more worried over than the people who are their base. it's just weird
The purpose of a political party is to join together people who hold similar points of the view about government so they can influence it. The Republican Party views cover such as wide spectrum, they really don't know what they seek to accomplish. At one extreme they want to abolish most of the current government and at other extreme they want to expand it while promising their constituency that they're reducing the size of government. No wonder so many Republicans hate their own party almost as much they hate the Democrats.

IMHO, Democrats are far more focused than Republicans and more united.
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Both parties focus on a similar goal - be re-elected.

The GOP has not represented its base in a long time but instead does whatever it has to in order to be re-elected, to include doing whatever the Libs want so they won't ve demonized and disliked. Liberals at least have an agenda and will fight to the death to persue it....
Both parties focus on a similar goal - be re-elected.

The GOP has not represented its base in a long time but instead does whatever it has to in order to be re-elected, to include doing whatever the Libs want so they won't ve demonized and disliked. Liberals at least have an agenda and will fight to the death to persue it....
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?
Republicans are so divided they can't agree on a speaker.
Their primary favorites, Trump and Carson have absolutely no knowledge of how to draft legislation, how the government operates, how to negotiate legislation, and no formal training in parliamentary procedure. They wear their lack of knowledge and experience as a badge of honor. This does not speak well for Republicans in 2016.

oh dear. they aren't all marching in lockstep like Pelosi orders they do or they get threatened. this is only one (Menendez) who was threatened because he bucked against that thug Obama and Pelosi out of many they have threatened either get in line or get kicked to the curb.
N.J. Sen. Bob Menendez to face criminal corruption charges: reports
another Democrat Senator in trouble with the law

how dare the Republicans doesn't all fall in line because of the many different people they Represent. what it show's with you democrat base is you all march in lockstep with your party too. you never question them, You let them do anything they want even if they walk all over you, play games with your lives and it's not good for ALL of us. It's not something you all should be proud of. but here you sit bragging about it.

as if speaker is some big freaking deal. . You seem more worried over than the people who are their base. it's just weird
The purpose of a political party is join together people who hold similar points of the view about government so they can influence government. The Republican Party views cover such as wide spectrum, they really don't know what they seek to accomplish. At one extreme they want to abolish most of the current government and at other extreme they want to expand it.

yeah, Join together and become their useful tools only. We the people are their bosses not the other way around like your party thinks of you "they are YOUR boss" once you elect them they expect you all to sit down and shut up. you're free to let them walk all over you. but Republicans aren't used to that I guess. so call it what you want, scattered, disarray, blaa blaa bla. it's not like you care to join them anymore than your party does, unless it's them bowing to their every demand. they didn't and look what Obama did. Shut down YOUR GOVERNMENT because they threatened to not fund his fascist po-crap with his name on it: ObamaCare aka OscamCare
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?
Republicans are so divided they can't agree on a speaker.
Their primary favorites, Trump and Carson have absolutely no knowledge of how to draft legislation, how the government operates, how to negotiate legislation, and no formal training in parliamentary procedure. They wear their lack of knowledge and experience as a badge of honor. This does not speak well for Republicans in 2016.

oh dear. they aren't all marching in lockstep like Pelosi orders they do or they get threatened. this is only one (Menendez) who was threatened because he bucked against that thug Obama and Pelosi out of many they have threatened either get in line or get kicked to the curb.
N.J. Sen. Bob Menendez to face criminal corruption charges: reports
another Democrat Senator in trouble with the law

how dare the Republicans doesn't all fall in line because of the many different people they Represent. what it show's with you democrat base is you all march in lockstep with your party too. you never question them, You let them do anything they want even if they walk all over you, play games with your lives and it's not good for ALL of us. It's not something you all should be proud of. but here you sit bragging about it.

as if speaker is some big freaking deal. . You seem more worried over than the people who are their base. it's just weird
The purpose of a political party is join together people who hold similar points of the view about government so they can influence government. The Republican Party views cover such as wide spectrum, they really don't know what they seek to accomplish. At one extreme they want to abolish most of the current government and at other extreme they want to expand it.

yeah, Join together and become their useful tools only. We the people are their bosses not the other way around like your party thinks of you "they are YOUR boss" once you elect them they expect you all to sit down and shut up. you're free to let them walk all over you. but Republicans aren't used to that I guess. so call it what you want, scattered, disarray, blaa blaa bla. it's not like you care to join them anymore than your party does, unless it's them bowing to their every demand. they didn't and look what Obama did. Shut down YOUR GOVERNMENT because they threatened to not fund his fascist po-crap with his name on it: ObamaCare aka OscamCare
To accomplish anything members of a political party must share common views otherwise they will just fight among themselves and accomplish nothing. This is exactly what's happening in the House. About the only thing they can agree on is they hate the opposition.
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?
Republicans are so divided they can't agree on a speaker.
Their primary favorites, Trump and Carson have absolutely no knowledge of how to draft legislation, how the government operates, how to negotiate legislation, and no formal training in parliamentary procedure. They wear their lack of knowledge and experience as a badge of honor. This does not speak well for Republicans in 2016.

oh dear. they aren't all marching in lockstep like Pelosi orders they do or they get threatened. this is only one (Menendez) who was threatened because he bucked against that thug Obama and Pelosi out of many they have threatened either get in line or get kicked to the curb.
N.J. Sen. Bob Menendez to face criminal corruption charges: reports
another Democrat Senator in trouble with the law

how dare the Republicans doesn't all fall in line because of the many different people they Represent. what it show's with you democrat base is you all march in lockstep with your party too. you never question them, You let them do anything they want even if they walk all over you, play games with your lives and it's not good for ALL of us. It's not something you all should be proud of. but here you sit bragging about it.

as if speaker is some big freaking deal. . You seem more worried over than the people who are their base. it's just weird
The purpose of a political party is join together people who hold similar points of the view about government so they can influence government. The Republican Party views cover such as wide spectrum, they really don't know what they seek to accomplish. At one extreme they want to abolish most of the current government and at other extreme they want to expand it.

yeah, Join together and become their useful tools only. We the people are their bosses not the other way around like your party thinks of you "they are YOUR boss" once you elect them they expect you all to sit down and shut up. you're free to let them walk all over you. but Republicans aren't used to that I guess. so call it what you want, scattered, disarray, blaa blaa bla. it's not like you care to join them anymore than your party does, unless it's them bowing to their every demand. they didn't and look what Obama did. Shut down YOUR GOVERNMENT because they threatened to not fund his fascist po-crap with his name on it: ObamaCare aka OscamCare
To accomplish anything members of a political party must share common views otherwise they will just fight among themselves and accomplish nothing. This is exactly what's happening in the House. About the only thing they can agree on is they hate the opposition.

yeah yeah, accomplishment to you on the left is how much money they can get without READING a bill, like Pelsoi sneered at you how they had to PASS the bill first in order for you little folks to know what the hell was in it.

whatever, you Democrat voters don't mind being used, don't mind being lied to and don't mind having some nasty old witch as your speaker who has never been interested in getting along unless they are kissing her feet and Obama's ass.

the people who are Republicans are pissed off and it's not anyone else's business. just march in lockstep with your party and don't worry over it
If I were to have written an article based on Paul Ryan not wanting the job I'd say the GOP would appoint somebody weak enough for all sides of the party to see as somebody they can control.
CCJ, you blame 'low voter turnout' for the historic, record-setting BUTT-KICKING Democrats got. LOL!Losing can be explained that way, not a RECORD-SETTING LOSS. That's called 'REJECTION'!

Even DEMOCRATS would not turn out to support the Democrats because of what they had been doing.

Of course Obama put the nail in the Lib's coffin. That Narcissist had to make the entire election about HIM, declaring the election was about HIM, about HIS oolicies, and about HIS ideology! America responddd by REJECTING Democrats in RECORD-SETTING fashion.

...but whatever let's you sleep at night...

they have an excuse for everything. that's why they still strut around as if their party is the ONE and Only people want. they kicked out the Democrats out of Control of congress because of their thuggish ways in passing that OscamCare on us... but because they win a Presidency. they believe it's the Democrats everybody in this country wants.

there is 31 Republican Governors to 18 Democrats.
The following is a list of incumbent governors of the states, and territories of the United States. There are currently 31 Republicans, 18 Democrats, and one independent that hold the office of governor in the states. Additionally, two Republicans, two Independents and two Democrats (one is also a member of the PPD) serve as governors of United States Territories and Mayor of the District of Columbia.

from :
List of current United States governors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

but they still want to act like it's the Democrats everybody in this country wants. I guess it doesn't hurt as bad lie to themselves and not have to face the truth.

maybe a picture will help get it through their heads. lol
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?
Republicans are so divided they can't agree on a speaker.
Their primary favorites, Trump and Carson have absolutely no knowledge of how to draft legislation, how the government operates, how to negotiate legislation, and no formal training in parliamentary procedure. They wear their lack of knowledge and experience as a badge of honor. This does not speak well for Republicans in 2016.

oh dear. they aren't all marching in lockstep like Pelosi orders they do or they get threatened. this is only one (Menendez) who was threatened because he bucked against that thug Obama and Pelosi out of many they have threatened either get in line or get kicked to the curb.
N.J. Sen. Bob Menendez to face criminal corruption charges: reports
another Democrat Senator in trouble with the law

how dare the Republicans doesn't all fall in line because of the many different people they Represent. what it show's with you democrat base is you all march in lockstep with your party too. you never question them, You let them do anything they want even if they walk all over you, play games with your lives and it's not good for ALL of us. It's not something you all should be proud of. but here you sit bragging about it.

as if speaker is some big freaking deal. . You seem more worried over than the people who are their base. it's just weird
The purpose of a political party is to join together people who hold similar points of the view about government so they can influence it. The Republican Party views cover such as wide spectrum, they really don't know what they seek to accomplish. At one extreme they want to abolish most of the current government and at other extreme they want to expand it while promising their constituency that they're reducing the size of government. No wonder so many Republicans hate their own party almost as much they hate the Democrats.

IMHO, Democrats are far more focused than Republicans and more united.
This is a very real observation. Small government fiscal conservatives and social conservatives are 180 degrees from each other so much so that most in each 'camp' look at the others as democrats.

I don't think that the party can truly survive such a basic schism in the core ideology and is going to have to go one direction of the other. Of course, I prefer small government conservatives and I think that has significant pull with both the center AND the left. Social conservatives are a dying breed and while the make up a significant portion of the right - they do not represent a large enough section in the middle to keep the party relevant IMHO.
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?

Why would any Republican want the help of a Democrat?
The Democrats should help out by offering Nancy Pelosi to do the job

I agree!

Nancy Pelosi: The Most Effective Speaker of the House in History

Nancy has shown she knows how to get things done....Republicans could use someonlike that

At least government was stable and worked under her. We'd be better off...

Government was "stable" and "worked" under Stalin.
Please Explain? Ok...

The GOP controls the House, and they choose the Speaker if the House, not loser liberals who were drummed out of power in historical, record-setting fashion last November.

It hasn't even been a week since the bews broke of Boehner syeppi g down. Too much is being made of all this. Did people really think Boehner would step down and a unanimously agreed upon replacement would instantly step forward? BE REAL!
You can't be serious.

The only thing 'historic' about the 2014 midterms was its extremely low voter turn out and the fact that House democrats received more votes than republicans:

“The Washington Post's Dan Keating did the work and found that Democrats got 54,301,095 votes while Republicans got 53,822,442. That's a close election -- 48.8%-48.5% --but it's still a popular vote win for the Democrats.”

House Democrats got more votes than House Republicans. Yet Boehner says he’s got a mandate?

Republicans retained control of the House as a result of red state gerrymandering, not the 'will of the people.'

And republicans continue to defy the will of the people by pursuing an agenda opposed by a majority of Americans.

Indeed, the Anti-Freedom Caucus, House republicans with the most contempt for sound, responsible governance, are at the most at odds with a majority of the American people, who want nothing to do with the extreme right's reactionary agenda of fear and ignorance.

I say- don't help them out. Let the party of obstruction "twist in the wind" :boohoo:
If no Republican candidate to lead the House can win 218 votes, the only option may be a deal with the other party.

WASHINGTON -- If Paul Ryan can't save the GOP, could Democrats?

Many Republicans have been turning toward the Wisconsin representative as their best shot of electing a House speaker to replace John Boehner (R-Ohio), who wants to leave his post at the end of the month.

But Ryan has so far said he’s not interested.

The problem for Republicans is that they need a speaker candidate who can attract at least 218 votes -- the majority needed when the full House votes for a leader.

There are 247 Republicans in the House, but Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) abandoned his bid when it was clear he couldn’t get enough of them to reach the magic number, because several dozen members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus wouldn’t back him. Aside from maybe Ryan, no one else is yet positioned to secure that tally, either.

“At this point, it’s almost any leader that you put in in our conference is going to have the same difficulties with the makeup of our conference,” said Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Wash.)

And that has some Republicans looking to Democrats. There are 435 members of the House, and 188 belong to the minority party. Democrats get to vote for speaker, too.

More: Republicans Fear They May Need Dems To Solve Their Speaker Crisis

House Republicans created this mess - so why should Democrats help them resolve it?
Republicans are so divided they can't agree on a speaker.
Their primary favorites, Trump and Carson have absolutely no knowledge of how to draft legislation, how the government operates, how to negotiate legislation, and no formal training in parliamentary procedure. They wear their lack of knowledge and experience as a badge of honor. This does not speak well for Republicans in 2016.

oh dear. they aren't all marching in lockstep like Pelosi orders they do or they get threatened. this is only one (Menendez) who was threatened because he bucked against that thug Obama and Pelosi out of many they have threatened either get in line or get kicked to the curb.
N.J. Sen. Bob Menendez to face criminal corruption charges: reports
another Democrat Senator in trouble with the law

how dare the Republicans doesn't all fall in line because of the many different people they Represent. what it show's with you democrat base is you all march in lockstep with your party too. you never question them, You let them do anything they want even if they walk all over you, play games with your lives and it's not good for ALL of us. It's not something you all should be proud of. but here you sit bragging about it.

as if speaker is some big freaking deal. . You seem more worried over than the people who are their base. it's just weird
The purpose of a political party is to join together people who hold similar points of the view about government so they can influence it. The Republican Party views cover such as wide spectrum, they really don't know what they seek to accomplish. At one extreme they want to abolish most of the current government and at other extreme they want to expand it while promising their constituency that they're reducing the size of government. No wonder so many Republicans hate their own party almost as much they hate the Democrats.

IMHO, Democrats are far more focused than Republicans and more united.
This is a very real observation. Small government fiscal conservatives and social conservatives are 180 degrees from each other so much so that most in each 'camp' look at the others as democrats.

I don't think that the party can truly survive such a basic schism in the core ideology and is going to have to go one direction of the other. Of course, I prefer small government conservatives and I think that has significant pull with both the center AND the left. Social conservatives are a dying breed and while the make up a significant portion of the right - they do not represent a large enough section in the middle to keep the party relevant IMHO.
I think what is basic to the problem is that small government and large government programs that 49% of the country directly depends on are mutual exclusive. When you consider all the other indirect government programs that support local communities such infrastructure, education, disaster relief, law enforcement, and agriculture, the vast majority of Americans would be seriously hurt by a transition to small government. Although there may certainly be long term benefits in the form of lower taxes and increased capital to expand business, this is far from certain and the time required for such benefits to take effect would create a huge backlash.

Republicans in congress are well aware that any serious reduction in federal money effecting their constituents would cost them their jobs. Therefore they must assume a rather hypocritical role of proving that they are the most conservative kid on their block fighting for small government while actually making sure that federal money keeps coming into their districts.

IMHO, it is impossible to transition from big to small government in a democratic society where most of society is seeing financial benefits from big government.

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