Why should government be kept smaller, and restricted to only certain tasks?

And yet you haven't proven it's propaganda.
I also know when disingenuous phonies are peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.

Oh stop with the Judge Judy quips and answer his question. Prove it's propaganda.
It's a propaganda lie because the law made those catastrophic-only policies illegal.

The insurance companies would have been just fine continuing keeping them in place were they not outlawed.

There, are you happy now?

No, don't answer that. Leftist cranks like you are never happy.
Well, you have a dilemma then don't you?

You can't find enough other voters who agree with you
The courts do not agree with you

What do you have left?
Bitching on a Message Board I guess

Hard to compete with voters who's rather depend on the government to get what they feel they "need". Sorta puts to shame the old generation who rolls up their sleeves and works hard to supply a better life for the next generation. Now we simply vote for a system that will do it for us, making each generation less appreciative and more selfish than the last. There used to be a time when parents were motivated by passing down strong, solid work ethics to their children. Government entitlements have changed all that.

Hate to break it to ya....

But everyone votes based on what they "need"
Especially the wealthy who get more of what they "need" from politicians than anyone else

Indeed. I'd like to see what the lobbyist group for $7.50/hour workers looks like. Where are their offices in D.C.?
'a lot' of what? Not quoting the entire post to be deceptive?

People claiming to be something they're not as rhetorical gimmick.

I'm NOT the one being deceptive.

I don't agree at all, except for Walmart. A company that in 2012 made 15.1B in cash profit, paid 0.01% effective Federal tax, displaces 1.4 jobs for everyone created, then dumps their employee healthcare on the taxpayers should be made to pay back every cent.

Yes you are.
I also know when disingenuous phonies are peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.

Oh stop with the Judge Judy quips and answer his question. Prove it's propaganda.
It's a propaganda lie because the law made those catastrophic-only policies illegal.

The insurance companies would have been just fine continuing keeping them in place were they not outlawed.

There, are you happy now?

No, don't answer that. Leftist cranks like you are never happy.

The insurance companies were FLEECING sheep like you with those policies, honey.
Thank God they've been outlawed. Yes, the insurance companies were doing just fine with their shell game.
Got snake oil in that handbag of yours, missy?
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Oh stop with the Judge Judy quips and answer his question. Prove it's propaganda.
It's a propaganda lie because the law made those catastrophic-only policies illegal.

The insurance companies would have been just fine continuing keeping them in place were they not outlawed.

There, are you happy now?

No, don't answer that. Leftist cranks like you are never happy.

The insurance companies were FLEECING sheep like you with those policies, honey.
Thank God they've been outlawed. Yes, the insurance companies were doing just fine with their shell game.
Got snake oil in that handbag of yours, missy?
Your opinion as to what the insurance companies were doing doesn't make lies true, liar.
I read you post. It's opinions based on ignorance.

The point is, I didn't say business development was wrong. I said targeted tax incentives are wrong. My opinion is based on a respect for equal protection and rule of law.

I don't agree at all, except for Walmart. A company that in 2012 made 15.1B in cash profit, paid 0.01% effective Federal tax, displaces 1.4 jobs for everyone created, then dumps their employee healthcare on the taxpayers should be made to pay back every cent.

in 2010 Walmart earned a profit of $21.9 billion and paid $7.1 billion in income taxes so their effective tax rate was 32%.

The claim that it "displaces" 1.4 jobs for every job it creates is purely made up data.
I read you post. It's opinions based on ignorance.

The point is, I didn't say business development was wrong. I said targeted tax incentives are wrong. My opinion is based on a respect for equal protection and rule of law.

I don't agree at all, except for Walmart. A company that in 2012 made 15.1B in cash profit, paid 0.01% effective Federal tax, displaces 1.4 jobs for everyone created, then dumps their employee healthcare on the taxpayers should be made to pay back every cent.

Seriously? You think Wal-Mart is the only business in the country taking advantageous of tax incentives? heh... ok.
I read you post. It's opinions based on ignorance.

The point is, I didn't say business development was wrong. I said targeted tax incentives are wrong. My opinion is based on a respect for equal protection and rule of law.

I don't agree at all, except for Walmart. A company that in 2012 made 15.1B in cash profit, paid 0.01% effective Federal tax, displaces 1.4 jobs for everyone created, then dumps their employee healthcare on the taxpayers should be made to pay back every cent.

Where has anyone demonstrated that Walmart is responsible for the healthcare of its employees?
The point is, I didn't say business development was wrong. I said targeted tax incentives are wrong. My opinion is based on a respect for equal protection and rule of law.

I don't agree at all, except for Walmart. A company that in 2012 made 15.1B in cash profit, paid 0.01% effective Federal tax, displaces 1.4 jobs for everyone created, then dumps their employee healthcare on the taxpayers should be made to pay back every cent.

Where has anyone demonstrated that Walmart is responsible for the healthcare of its employees?

Every American has a God given right to be taken care of.
I don't support a small government, I don't support a large government

I support a right sized government as determined by the voters and their constitutionally elected representatives
Then what you support is mob rule.

When the left expresses 'mob rule' it's interpretation is usually in the form of "government" projecting its dominance over the people, rather than it's ability to serve as to place itself in subjection under the "will of the people".
Well, you have a dilemma then don't you?

You can't find enough other voters who agree with you
The courts do not agree with you

What do you have left?
Bitching on a Message Board I guess

Hard to compete with voters who's rather depend on the government to get what they feel they "need". Sorta puts to shame the old generation who rolls up their sleeves and works hard to supply a better life for the next generation. Now we simply vote for a system that will do it for us, making each generation less appreciative and more selfish than the last. There used to be a time when parents were motivated by passing down strong, solid work ethics to their children. Government entitlements have changed all that.

Hate to break it to ya....

But everyone votes based on what they "need"
Especially the wealthy who get more of what they "need" from politicians than anyone else

The "need" that's being refered to here is with respect to an individual's dependency upon government, where an individual's achievements based upon one's own efforts to provide for themselves no longer applies. It's similar to a rich kid who feels they are simply "entitled" to own what their rich parents already possess, with no real effort to work hard to attain it on their own - simply give me, give me, give me.
Oh stop with the Judge Judy quips and answer his question. Prove it's propaganda.
It's a propaganda lie because the law made those catastrophic-only policies illegal.

The insurance companies would have been just fine continuing keeping them in place were they not outlawed.

There, are you happy now?

No, don't answer that. Leftist cranks like you are never happy.

The insurance companies were FLEECING sheep like you with those policies, honey.
Thank God they've been outlawed. Yes, the insurance companies were doing just fine with their shell game.
Got snake oil in that handbag of yours, missy?

How were these policies fleecing anyone?
It's a propaganda lie because the law made those catastrophic-only policies illegal.

The insurance companies would have been just fine continuing keeping them in place were they not outlawed.

There, are you happy now?

No, don't answer that. Leftist cranks like you are never happy.

The insurance companies were FLEECING sheep like you with those policies, honey.
Thank God they've been outlawed. Yes, the insurance companies were doing just fine with their shell game.
Got snake oil in that handbag of yours, missy?

How were these policies fleecing anyone?
Never mind. The diversionary argument was meant to distract from the lies and the propaganda based upon them.

Pay no attention to those wandering goalposts.
The evil government took over the entire economy and ran up massive debt. They improved their aircraft from biplanes to jet planes and developed an atomic bomb.

And Americans backed them all the way

Americans backed the German government?

Only the Republicans

Then why did you say the government invented the jet?

The Airacomet was the first American built jet and it came out 4 years after the first German jet aircraft. Funny thing, it was slower, and less maneuverable, than the P-51 Mustang, which was built by NAA, not the government. Maybe the government is repsonsible for the Airacomet after all.
Why would anyone want a government restricted to only certain tasks?
Why would anyone want a government restricted to only certain tasks?
If the rationale behind keeping a strict lid on the monopoly on the proactive use of force isn't self-evident to you, it's highly doubtful that any explanation would suffice.
Why would anyone want a government restricted to only certain tasks?
If the rationale behind keeping a strict lid on the monopoly on the proactive use of force isn't self-evident to you, it's highly doubtful that any explanation would suffice.

Actually, it isn't obvious

Maybe you can explain why you want to restrict our country to a small government?

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