Why should government be kept smaller, and restricted to only certain tasks?

Do you imagine that Ford Motor Company would have refused to build all the tanks and B-17s the government wanted? Currently the market provides all the hardware the military requires. What possible reason could there be that it couldn't do so during WW II?

Please explain why the government had to decide how much tin to mine or how much steel to produce during a war.
Would Ford have abandoned all of the private auto market to build tanks? Could they have gotten the resources they needed to meet production quotas? Could they protect their critical workforce?

Ford would have devoted its production to whatever returned the most profit. Nothing screws up getting the resources a company needs better than some bureaucrat being put in charge of it. When has a private company that was making a good profit ever had trouble getting the resources it needs? Can you name a single instance? And what does it mean to "protect its critical work force?" Employers keep their best employees around by paying them the market wage or better. FDR actually screwed that up by freezing wages during the war. That's how we got employer paid health insurance, if you don't recall. Companies couldn't offer critical employees higher wages, so they offered them free healthcare instead.

So you see, the market does a better job than some bureaucrat moron.

Free market would have been a disaster

Nope. The free market works beautifully every time it's tried.

Anyone who believes government can do a better job of allocating resources than the market is basically just a Marxist moron.

Would they now?

If GM and Chrysler (as well as all the other auto companies) gave up commercial production and Ford would be the only manufacturer still selling to Main Street America, you think they wouldn't have done it?

All the while drawing precious resources from the war effort
Would Ford have abandoned all of the private auto market to build tanks? Could they have gotten the resources they needed to meet production quotas? Could they protect their critical workforce?

Ford would have devoted its production to whatever returned the most profit. Nothing screws up getting the resources a company needs better than some bureaucrat being put in charge of it. When has a private company that was making a good profit ever had trouble getting the resources it needs? Can you name a single instance? And what does it mean to "protect its critical work force?" Employers keep their best employees around by paying them the market wage or better. FDR actually screwed that up by freezing wages during the war. That's how we got employer paid health insurance, if you don't recall. Companies couldn't offer critical employees higher wages, so they offered them free healthcare instead.

So you see, the market does a better job than some bureaucrat moron.

Free market would have been a disaster

Nope. The free market works beautifully every time it's tried.

Anyone who believes government can do a better job of allocating resources than the market is basically just a Marxist moron.

Would they now?

If GM and Chrysler (as well as all the other auto companies) gave up commercial production and Ford would be the only manufacturer still selling to Main Street America, you think they wouldn't have done it?

All the while drawing precious resources from the war effort

It's not clear that ending all car production was beneficial to the war effort. The government utilized many cars, and ending production made it harder to provide those needs. However, if the government wanted 50,000 tanks a year, then private industry would have done whatever necessary to provide them. There's no reason to believe otherwise. Why would a private firm turn down a profit on a single tank?

The reason government took over private industry is the fact that the politicians didn't want the public to know what the war was actually costing. It was purely for political reasons.
Government forced demand.. using a power that is not constitutionally granted.. mandating the purchase of a good or service.. with kickbacks from the companies providing the service

If it were all private enterprise, the forced purchase would not be there... kinda like is SS were so great, why is it mandated and forced? People would flock to it over private investment? Hardly

The issue was 'European socialism'. Where can you get United HealthCare in Europe?

Kickbacks? Making insurance companies spend 80% of their collected premiums on claims is a 'kickback'?
Dictating to any private company how much of their resources go to anything is outright dictatorial tyranny.

Or is it equaling the playing field dealing with companies that promote their own corporate greed which was lost when Reagan deregulated.

Example: Of all the different types of insurance, how many collect the agreed upon premium, then charge you a deductible, a co-pay, additional charges for covered services through another company which is actually owned by the insurance company you have your policy written?
Well the plan we had is no longer available to us. I've looked. So that was taken away from me by Obamacare.

The premium we were paying for our insurance has been increased by 38%. So losing my ability to choose the policy I wanted is costing me 38% more this year and is guaranteed to sky rocket next year. (Our insurance company has already warned us about that and told us to be ready.)

So why do you have to pay for my cancer treatment? Where is the constitutional authority for that? Please point to the specific clause. If I have to pay for your treatment or you have to pay for mine, how is that not a confiscation of our respective personal property? By what constitutional authority is the federal government authorized to force Citizen A to support Citizen B in any way just because Citizen A has been more financially succesful than Citizen B?

Your plan was taken away by YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY who could have very easily amended your policy, but YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY CANCELED YOUR POLICY.
Yes, we've heard that lie over and over again, Mr. Carney.

Fact is that O-care made those policies illegal.

I see you're having a problem wrapping your head around the truth.
My insurance card reads 'United HealthCare', how about yours.

What does that have to do with your attempt to impose fascist healthcare on everyone?

The issue was 'socialist'. How can you have 'socialist' when a private company is providing the coverage?

As forced and dictated in scope by the government.. kinda like the socialist practice in Nazi germany of having 'private' owners over the factories providing war goods.. as long as there were kickbacks etc for the power hungry government
The 4th amendment right to be secure in your papers, houses and effects, for one. The NSA routinely spies on Americans. Then there's the TSA wich feels you up even though you are not suspected of any crime. Obama also gave himself the right to kill American citizens without a trial. By not enforcing the immigration laws, Obama failed to enforce equal protection of the laws. The same goes for the exemptions he granted regarding Obamacare.

I could go on and on, but that should be sufficient.

And libturds lick Obama's asshole every chance they get.


When was I spied upon?

You mean you don't read the papers?

Again, specifically, when was I spied upon?
Why is crony capitalism wrong? I thought you libs were opposed to crony capitalism. Apparently you mean something else by the term.

You seem to have me confused with someone else.

I'm a registered Republican, but I don't necessarily conform to Republican ideology, in that I support middle-class Americans.

I'm pro death penalty. We don't do nearly enough.

I said "lib." I didn't say Democrat. I seriously doubt you are registered as a Republican. It's obvious you don't conform to Republican ideology. You're fairly close to being a Marxist.

You support the middle class the same way Obama supports them, by bending them over and fucking them up the ass.

The difference between you and me, is that I don't 'conform'.

A Marxist? I don't agree with using child labor, and I'm pro free education for kids.
Actually, that is how our country functions. If you think your "rights" are violated, you have access to the court system

Great country, isn't it?
Actually, that is why out country has become dysfunctional.

My rights were meant to be above the "if you don't like it, sue me" mindset of despotic thugs, finger wagging nannies and bureaucratic tyrants.

So much for greatness.

Well, you have a dilemma then don't you?

You can't find enough other voters who agree with you
The courts do not agree with you

What do you have left?
Bitching on a Message Board I guess

Hard to compete with voters who's rather depend on the government to get what they feel they "need". Sorta puts to shame the old generation who rolls up their sleeves and works hard to supply a better life for the next generation. Now we simply vote for a system that will do it for us, making each generation less appreciative and more selfish than the last. There used to be a time when parents were motivated by passing down strong, solid work ethics to their children. Government entitlements have changed all that.
Your plan was taken away by YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY who could have very easily amended your policy, but YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY CANCELED YOUR POLICY.
Yes, we've heard that lie over and over again, Mr. Carney.

Fact is that O-care made those policies illegal.

I see you're having a problem wrapping your head around the truth.
I can tell truth from propaganda. Along with being able to tell sincerity from disingenuousness.

You have the latter of those all sewn up.
Read my post again.

I read you post. It's opinions based on ignorance.

The point is, I didn't say business development was wrong. I said targeted tax incentives are wrong. My opinion is based on a respect for equal protection and rule of law.

I don't agree at all, except for Walmart. A company that in 2012 made 15.1B in cash profit, paid 0.01% effective Federal tax, displaces 1.4 jobs for everyone created, then dumps their employee healthcare on the taxpayers should be made to pay back every cent.
Actually, that is why out country has become dysfunctional.

My rights were meant to be above the "if you don't like it, sue me" mindset of despotic thugs, finger wagging nannies and bureaucratic tyrants.

So much for greatness.

Well, you have a dilemma then don't you?

You can't find enough other voters who agree with you
The courts do not agree with you

What do you have left?
Bitching on a Message Board I guess

Hard to compete with voters who's rather depend on the government to get what they feel they "need". Sorta puts to shame the old generation who rolls up their sleeves and works hard to supply a better life for the next generation. Now we simply vote for a system that will do it for us, making each generation less appreciative and more selfish than the last. There used to be a time when parents were motivated by passing down strong, solid work ethics to their children. Government entitlements have changed all that.

Hate to break it to ya....

But everyone votes based on what they "need"
Especially the wealthy who get more of what they "need" from politicians than anyone else

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