Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

I want an end to both progressive taxes and tax breaks.
You should move then. Even Adam Smith approved of the rich paying more than their share, since they had more than their share. Sorry little buddy.

So your standard is you won't live in a country you disagree with on anything? Actually, I suppose that's true since you think what you are told. I guess that's why you get lost when I say things. What matters to Paint, is not part of your world
Again, how does it make sense I want benefits when I oppose the benefits? Is all the spinning you're doing making you dizzy?

If you wanted to talk about your opposition to marriage benefits in general, why did you single out gays?

Support from anti gay bigots and more click worthy...

Actually, slut, you want married gays to pay less tax than unmarried gays, but more if the unmarried gays have children, but less than married straights who have children, who should pay more if they don't have children.

I want everyone to pay the same rate. Which according to you between promiscuous romps in the sack with random strangers you get online and call bigotry. That I want everyone treated the same and you want everyone treated differently. I'm the bigot.

What an argument. For an idiot.

Except that's not how you framed your OP. You took a decided anti gay position, bigot.

The point is to frame it in the context of your leftist agenda, slut

If it was, you wouldn't have singled out gays and would have made it a rant against all liberals and their support for a progressive tax system.

You made it only about gays...like a good little bigot who needs other bigots to validate him.
You think a pair of 80 year old newly weds are eligible for 'marriage bennies' but not a lesbian couple with 5 kids.

True, and the lesbian couple are entitled to 5 child tax exemptions and the gezzers aren't entitle to any

Do you want to talk about child exemptions now- or marriage benefits?

This thread is your whine about you having to pay 'marriage benefits' to homosexual couples- as you make a very strained argument that marriage is supposed to be about 'procreation'.

As I pointed out- and will continue to point out tough- you only care about the 'procreation' issue when it comes to homosexuals.

A pair of 80 year olds who marry get those bennies even though they will never procreate.

a pair of lesbians who want to marry- and who each have children using the exact same methods that heterosexual couples use when the male cannot provide viable sperm- you want to deny the lesbian couple 'bennies'

Just because they are lesbians.

Sorry I made you cry again, get back to me when you calm down

LOL- Kaz when he gets all Kazzie because his hypocrisy is being shown

Once again

Do you want to talk about child exemptions now- or marriage benefits?

This thread is your whine about you having to pay 'marriage benefits' to homosexual couples
- as you make a very strained argument that marriage is supposed to be about 'procreation'.

As I pointed out- and will continue to point out though- you only care about the 'procreation' issue when it comes to homosexuals.

A pair of 80 year olds who marry get those bennies even though they will never procreate.

a pair of lesbians who want to marry- and who each have children using the exact same methods that heterosexual couples use when the male cannot provide viable sperm- you want to deny the lesbian couple 'bennies'

Just because they are lesbians.

More tears? I'll do you a solid and wait to respond so you have time to calm down.

LOL- Kaz when he gets all Kazzie because his hypocrisy is being shown

Once again

Do you want to talk about child exemptions now- or marriage benefits?

This thread is your whine about you having to pay 'marriage benefits' to homosexual couples
- as you make a very strained argument that marriage is supposed to be about 'procreation'.

As I pointed out- and will continue to point out though- you only care about the 'procreation' issue when it comes to homosexuals.

A pair of 80 year olds who marry get those bennies even though they will never procreate.

a pair of lesbians who want to marry- and who each have children using the exact same methods that heterosexual couples use when the male cannot provide viable sperm- you want to deny the lesbian couple 'bennies'

Just because they are lesbians.
So you object to when the Loves went to the courts instead of the legislature?

That case involved an actual violation of the Constitution

And that is for the courts to decide.

Here is the basic hypocrisy of this position of yours- you whine how this issue should be put before the vote- but are fine with the courts ruling on the Constitutionality of marriage- for everyone else- just so long as they are not gay.

You whine about 'judicial fiat'- but only when it comes to the issue of same gender marriage- with mixed race marriage bans you are fine with the court stepping in.

Because of course- they weren't gay.
Keep going, that document was amended. See the 14th amendment.

Yes, and zero gays had who they could marry change based on being gay, so the 14th was not applicable
When being gay became "legal" that opened the door to gays having rights. The 14th clarifies what rights the states can and can't restrict. Get over it.

Yes, it gave gays the rights everyone else had. What you want them to have are rights others don't have. No one could "marry" the same sex. Including my grandmother who took care of her sister for 10 years and got no marriage break, childcare break or any other break. And you think that's the same as blacks getting water canons and tear gas shot at them.

And also what you want for them is only because of progressive taxes. I oppose progressive taxes, they should be flat. But I'm a big-ot for not letting liberals out of your own trap. You are a big-idi-ot...
No. Putting your JACK BOOT ON THE NECK OF GAY COUPLES AND TELLING THEM THEY CANT GET MARRIED TO EACH OTHER, is not the same as them being allowed to marry each other. This is pretty basic stuff. I'm surprised you don't get it yet. Maybe you would if the JACK BOOTS WERE ON YOUR NECK.

Child care breaks are based on dependency, not marriage. How many times are you gonna fail at that one, before you get it right?

Are you actually complaining that the gays are not RIOTING? And instead are using the legal system like adults? ROFL You're nutz.. if you don't think we would use water cannons and tear gas on gays if they rioted.

As for all of the BULLSHIT LIES YOU KEEP MAKING UP ABOUT WHAT I THINK. Dude put it to rest everyone knows you are just a piece of shit liar.

Gay marriage is not about taxes, ya dumb ass.

You know what the beauty of the three step process of grab, pull, remove is? It provides instant relief. Now granted it could take a few days for the soreness to completely wear off, expecially when the stick is rammed in as far as yours is. But wow, you'll feel a lot better instantly
Says the gay basher with his boot up the ass of every gay person in this country.
If you wanted to talk about your opposition to marriage benefits in general, why did you single out gays?

Support from anti gay bigots and more click worthy...

Actually, slut, you want married gays to pay less tax than unmarried gays, but more if the unmarried gays have children, but less than married straights who have children, who should pay more if they don't have children.

I want everyone to pay the same rate. Which according to you between promiscuous romps in the sack with random strangers you get online and call bigotry. That I want everyone treated the same and you want everyone treated differently. I'm the bigot.

What an argument. For an idiot.

Except that's not how you framed your OP. You took a decided anti gay position, bigot.

The point is to frame it in the context of your leftist agenda, slut

If it was, you wouldn't have singled out gays and would have made it a rant against all liberals and their support for a progressive tax system.

You made it only about gays...like a good little bigot who needs other bigots to validate him.

Gays are the leftist agenda I am referring to, you ignorant slut
Yes, and zero gays had who they could marry change based on being gay, so the 14th was not applicable
When being gay became "legal" that opened the door to gays having rights. The 14th clarifies what rights the states can and can't restrict. Get over it.

Yes, it gave gays the rights everyone else had. What you want them to have are rights others don't have. No one could "marry" the same sex. Including my grandmother who took care of her sister for 10 years and got no marriage break, childcare break or any other break. And you think that's the same as blacks getting water canons and tear gas shot at them.

And also what you want for them is only because of progressive taxes. I oppose progressive taxes, they should be flat. But I'm a big-ot for not letting liberals out of your own trap. You are a big-idi-ot...
No. Putting your JACK BOOT ON THE NECK OF GAY COUPLES AND TELLING THEM THEY CANT GET MARRIED TO EACH OTHER, is not the same as them being allowed to marry each other. This is pretty basic stuff. I'm surprised you don't get it yet. Maybe you would if the JACK BOOTS WERE ON YOUR NECK.

Child care breaks are based on dependency, not marriage. How many times are you gonna fail at that one, before you get it right?

Are you actually complaining that the gays are not RIOTING? And instead are using the legal system like adults? ROFL You're nutz.. if you don't think we would use water cannons and tear gas on gays if they rioted.

As for all of the BULLSHIT LIES YOU KEEP MAKING UP ABOUT WHAT I THINK. Dude put it to rest everyone knows you are just a piece of shit liar.

Gay marriage is not about taxes, ya dumb ass.

You know what the beauty of the three step process of grab, pull, remove is? It provides instant relief. Now granted it could take a few days for the soreness to completely wear off, expecially when the stick is rammed in as far as yours is. But wow, you'll feel a lot better instantly
Says the gay basher with his boot up the ass of every gay person in this country.

How so?
Support from anti gay bigots and more click worthy...

Actually, slut, you want married gays to pay less tax than unmarried gays, but more if the unmarried gays have children, but less than married straights who have children, who should pay more if they don't have children.

I want everyone to pay the same rate. Which according to you between promiscuous romps in the sack with random strangers you get online and call bigotry. That I want everyone treated the same and you want everyone treated differently. I'm the bigot.

What an argument. For an idiot.

Except that's not how you framed your OP. You took a decided anti gay position, bigot.

The point is to frame it in the context of your leftist agenda, slut

If it was, you wouldn't have singled out gays and would have made it a rant against all liberals and their support for a progressive tax system.

You made it only about gays...like a good little bigot who needs other bigots to validate him.

Gays are the leftist agenda I am referring to, you ignorant slut

Gays are a "leftist agenda"? :lol: Now you're just being silly. Silly bigot.
Actually, slut, you want married gays to pay less tax than unmarried gays, but more if the unmarried gays have children, but less than married straights who have children, who should pay more if they don't have children.

I want everyone to pay the same rate. Which according to you between promiscuous romps in the sack with random strangers you get online and call bigotry. That I want everyone treated the same and you want everyone treated differently. I'm the bigot.

What an argument. For an idiot.

Except that's not how you framed your OP. You took a decided anti gay position, bigot.

The point is to frame it in the context of your leftist agenda, slut

If it was, you wouldn't have singled out gays and would have made it a rant against all liberals and their support for a progressive tax system.

You made it only about gays...like a good little bigot who needs other bigots to validate him.

Gays are the leftist agenda I am referring to, you ignorant slut

Gays are a "leftist agenda"? :lol: Now you're just being silly. Silly bigot.

You don't think the leftists have a gay agenda? Wow, you are an ignorant slut, Jane
Except that's not how you framed your OP. You took a decided anti gay position, bigot.

The point is to frame it in the context of your leftist agenda, slut

If it was, you wouldn't have singled out gays and would have made it a rant against all liberals and their support for a progressive tax system.

You made it only about gays...like a good little bigot who needs other bigots to validate him.

Gays are the leftist agenda I am referring to, you ignorant slut

Gays are a "leftist agenda"? :lol: Now you're just being silly. Silly bigot.

You don't think the leftists have a gay agenda? Wow, you are an ignorant slut, Jane

No bigot, they have an equality agenda. That's the only "gay agenda" there is.

Your thread isn't about taxes or civil marriage law, it's about you needing validation from other bigots for your anti gay agenda.
When being gay became "legal" that opened the door to gays having rights. The 14th clarifies what rights the states can and can't restrict. Get over it.

Yes, it gave gays the rights everyone else had. What you want them to have are rights others don't have. No one could "marry" the same sex. Including my grandmother who took care of her sister for 10 years and got no marriage break, childcare break or any other break. And you think that's the same as blacks getting water canons and tear gas shot at them.

And also what you want for them is only because of progressive taxes. I oppose progressive taxes, they should be flat. But I'm a big-ot for not letting liberals out of your own trap. You are a big-idi-ot...
No. Putting your JACK BOOT ON THE NECK OF GAY COUPLES AND TELLING THEM THEY CANT GET MARRIED TO EACH OTHER, is not the same as them being allowed to marry each other. This is pretty basic stuff. I'm surprised you don't get it yet. Maybe you would if the JACK BOOTS WERE ON YOUR NECK.

Child care breaks are based on dependency, not marriage. How many times are you gonna fail at that one, before you get it right?

Are you actually complaining that the gays are not RIOTING? And instead are using the legal system like adults? ROFL You're nutz.. if you don't think we would use water cannons and tear gas on gays if they rioted.

As for all of the BULLSHIT LIES YOU KEEP MAKING UP ABOUT WHAT I THINK. Dude put it to rest everyone knows you are just a piece of shit liar.

Gay marriage is not about taxes, ya dumb ass.

You know what the beauty of the three step process of grab, pull, remove is? It provides instant relief. Now granted it could take a few days for the soreness to completely wear off, expecially when the stick is rammed in as far as yours is. But wow, you'll feel a lot better instantly
Says the gay basher with his boot up the ass of every gay person in this country.

How so?
The point is to frame it in the context of your leftist agenda, slut

If it was, you wouldn't have singled out gays and would have made it a rant against all liberals and their support for a progressive tax system.

You made it only about gays...like a good little bigot who needs other bigots to validate him.

Gays are the leftist agenda I am referring to, you ignorant slut

Gays are a "leftist agenda"? :lol: Now you're just being silly. Silly bigot.

You don't think the leftists have a gay agenda? Wow, you are an ignorant slut, Jane

No bigot, they have an equality agenda. That's the only "gay agenda" there is.

Your thread isn't about taxes or civil marriage law, it's about you needing validation from other bigots for your anti gay agenda.

Well Jane, you ignorant slut. That gays are already treated equally is what shows what an "agenda" the left has on this
Keep going, that document was amended. See the 14th amendment.

Yes, and zero gays had who they could marry change based on being gay, so the 14th was not applicable
When being gay became "legal" that opened the door to gays having rights. The 14th clarifies what rights the states can and can't restrict. Get over it.

Yes, it gave gays the rights everyone else had. What you want them to have are rights others don't have. No one could "marry" the same sex. Including my grandmother who took care of her sister for 10 years and got no marriage break, childcare break or any other break. And you think that's the same as blacks getting water canons and tear gas shot at them.

And also what you want for them is only because of progressive taxes. I oppose progressive taxes, they should be flat. But I'm a big-ot for not letting liberals out of your own trap. You are a big-idi-ot...
Regarding the part I highlighted .... what rights do gays seek that others don't?

The right to marry the same sex through judicial fiat rather than a Constitutional legislative process. I mean duh. Besides being butt obvious, I've pointed it out repeatedly. Do you have any long term memory at all? Do you have any long term memory at all? How many times did I just ask you that? LOL
It's fun watching you spout nonsense because you don't understand the U.S. Supreme Court is tasked with deciding which laws are Constitutional or not.
Except that's not how you framed your OP. You took a decided anti gay position, bigot.

The point is to frame it in the context of your leftist agenda, slut

If it was, you wouldn't have singled out gays and would have made it a rant against all liberals and their support for a progressive tax system.

You made it only about gays...like a good little bigot who needs other bigots to validate him.

Gays are the leftist agenda I am referring to, you ignorant slut

Gays are a "leftist agenda"? :lol: Now you're just being silly. Silly bigot.

You don't think the leftists have a gay agenda? Wow, you are an ignorant slut, Jane

Everything Kaz doesn't approve of is part of his 'leftist agenda'
If it was, you wouldn't have singled out gays and would have made it a rant against all liberals and their support for a progressive tax system.

You made it only about gays...like a good little bigot who needs other bigots to validate him.

Gays are the leftist agenda I am referring to, you ignorant slut

Gays are a "leftist agenda"? :lol: Now you're just being silly. Silly bigot.

You don't think the leftists have a gay agenda? Wow, you are an ignorant slut, Jane

No bigot, they have an equality agenda. That's the only "gay agenda" there is.

Your thread isn't about taxes or civil marriage law, it's about you needing validation from other bigots for your anti gay agenda.

Well Jane, you ignorant slut. That gays are already treated equally is what shows what an "agenda" the left has on this

Well Kaz, you ignorant slut- you are the one who started a thread with an inane argument on why gay couples should not be treated equally.

Like they are not in a few remaining states right now.
No- couples get the marriage exemption- regardless of procreation.

You want to deny the 'marriage bennies' that you get- only to homosexual couples. While they pay for your bennies.

You think a pair of 80 year old newly weds are eligible for 'marriage bennies' but not a lesbian couple with 5 kids.

Like I said- you are fine with getting yours- but don't want other people to get it.

If they are gay.

Again, how does it make sense I want benefits when I oppose the benefits? Is all the spinning you're doing making you dizzy?
Since you're against those benefits, do you give the proceeds to charity or do you just send them back to the government.

Right, Sparky. A low tax libertarian is a hypocrite for paying your progressive taxes then taking tax breaks.

You who advocate progressive taxes are not the hypocrite for taking the tax breaks. Even the ones not everyone gets like marriage and home deductions. No hypocrisy there. People who oppose the progressive taxes and tax breaks should pay more. Not the ones who want higher taxes

I take this as a, no, you don't give any of those benefits you are against to charity.

Seems you "claim" you're against them ... even as you profit from them. :ack-1:

This actually sounds good to you?

kaz: I am against progressive taxes and tax breaks, taxes should be flat.

flaunting stupidity: Oh, well you shouldn't take the tax breaks then, you're a hypocrite

Meanwhile back at the farm, you evade the progressive taxes you advocate, but that's fine.

That actually sounds good? You read it and think you're kicking ass? Amazing
Since I am not evading any taxes, I'm not being a hypocrite. You claiming I do makes you a liar; and you not returning taxes you're against makes you a hypocrite.
Gays are the leftist agenda I am referring to, you ignorant slut

Gays are a "leftist agenda"? :lol: Now you're just being silly. Silly bigot.

You don't think the leftists have a gay agenda? Wow, you are an ignorant slut, Jane

No bigot, they have an equality agenda. That's the only "gay agenda" there is.

Your thread isn't about taxes or civil marriage law, it's about you needing validation from other bigots for your anti gay agenda.

Well Jane, you ignorant slut. That gays are already treated equally is what shows what an "agenda" the left has on this

Well Kaz, you ignorant slut- you are the one who started a thread with an inane argument on why gay couples should not be treated equally.

Like they are not in a few remaining states right now.
Yet he defends the courts ruling states cannot prevent whites and blacks from marrying. To show how retarded he is, he argues gays are not treated unequally since they can marry someone of the opposite gender -- applying that logic to blacks is like saying blacks were not treated unequally ... they could have married any other black of the opposite gender.

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