Why Shouldn't Police Be Allowed To Kill Suspects Who Don't Comply?

I wonder why someone like Paul Gosar or Ted Cruz isn't calling for a Congressional investigation into what happened to Ashli??

It could put pressure and shed a light on the evil actions of the police and the Dems...but none of them even mentions her name....its sad
I wonder why someone like Paul Gosar or Ted Cruz isn't calling for a Congressional investigation into what happened to Ashli??

It could put pressure and shed a light on the evil actions of the police and the Dems...but none of them even mentions her name....its sad

Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us.

Donald Trump had to put up with four years of criticism about how he grabbed some women's crotches ten years before the comment was played by the media. Cuomo was accused of being inappropriate with several women while being Governor, and the story died in less than two weeks because he said he didn't know he was coming off that way, and we never heard anything about it again.

After Floyd died in the custody of Chauvin, we knew his name within hours because he was a white police officer and the criminal was black. A black officer intentionally kills an unarmed white female vet, and over four months later we still don't know his name, and likely never will.
I wonder why someone like Paul Gosar or Ted Cruz isn't calling for a Congressional investigation into what happened to Ashli??

It could put pressure and shed a light on the evil actions of the police and the Dems...but none of them even mentions her name....its sad

Because the crack whores on Capitol Hill are more interested in maintaining the Banana Republic.
Congress couldn't investigate a nose bleed without it turning into a shit show of liars and race pimps.

You rubes haven't figured out it's all just theatrics, not some huge conspiracy, just a bunch of jerkoffs.


"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.
thats a loaded question,,

theres a difference between not complying and putting others in danger,,
Not really......

When you are a suspect and you are not complying -- you are putting others in danger in many ways....especially if you are in a high speed chase
thats more than not complying,, that is putting others in danger,,
Not complying is not complying period...

Example....you enter an area that is restricted and police tell you not to enter....and you still insist, you are asking to be shot.....

Your entry into a restricted area poses a danger to others
it all depends on how you dont,,

youre trying to play word games when its far more complicated than that,,

what do you mean by restricted area?? a military compound or just a dog park that restricts people without dogs??
Ask her
View attachment 491547
Fit, happy white woman who served her country and engaged in protest-Liberals are furious.

She was murdered-Liberals are content and even happy.

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.


"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.

Old rule my Dad taught me. If you have to lie about it, you know you did the wrong thing.

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.

Zero to do with subject at hand but that’s always all you ever have.
Now the answer to your question is because we do not hire the police to be judge, jury and executioners.

You are absolutely correct about that ...

But ... To Protect and Serve, up to the inclusion of the use of deadly force, is very much in their job description.
Your job to decide the details surrounding that, stops at the point you cast a vote for the person whose job it is to make that decision.

Unless of course you are the Mayor, Police Chief or Sheriff ... :thup:


The decision is being made. Police officers are being charged for going too far.
Except when shooting an unarmed woman....Then it is okay? You progs sure do have a "War on Women"..

No idea what you are rambling about. The sad thing is neither do you.

I notice you always dodge the issue when someone points out the fact that you support cops shooting unarmed protesters.

If you're so ashamed of your opinion, maybe you should change it.

Once again no clue what you are rambling about.

I know you don't have a clue. But, in this case, you're just ashamed of the fact that you enthusiastically support cops killing unarmed protestors, which is actually a good start on your road to potentially becoming human.

You should be embarrassed. You will not be though. Just because you belong to the cult does not mean all do.

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.

Police absolutely should be allowed to kill or arrest whomever they deem isn't "following orders"...................in an authoritarian police state. As much as you right wingers would love to turn this country into Russia or worse, it's not happening.
Police absolutely should be allowed to kill or arrest whomever they deem isn't "following orders"...................in an authoritarian police state. As much as you right wingers would love to turn this country into Russia or worse, it's not happening.

Oh please. The commies impeached a Republican President twice with no impeachable offenses. They are now trying to disarm society and fix the elections so they can never lose again. They pushed for a Russia collusion investigation when the only candidate that colluded with Russia was theirs. They ran a guy who's son was under FBI investigations, and after he won, never charged his son for criminal acts like lying on a federal firearms application, having sex with minors, and even videoing the events. He owed back taxes and the IRS didn't lift a finger to force him to pay.

You want to talk about Communism or a Dictatorship, look at your own party.

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.
Dont FLEE asshole

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.
thats a loaded question,,

theres a difference between not complying and putting others in danger,,
Not really......

When you are a suspect and you are not complying -- you are putting others in danger in many ways....especially if you are in a high speed chase
Allowances are made for the ignorant race
The police will not get it right 100% of the time. Without them, crime is soaring. For every one they get wrong, they get 99 right. Making the police the target instead of the criminal isn't working out to well...
The police will not get it right 100% of the time. Without them, crime is soaring. For every one they get wrong, they get 99 right. Making the police the target instead of the criminal isn't working out to well...

Tell me why the police should not be subject to accountability when they use excessive force or make an illegal arrest.

As for that 99%. I do not think that is accurate. However. Let’s pretend it is. The police kill about a thousand people a year. In killings alone that means ten people are murdered every year by police according to your statistic.

Hundreds of searches are conducted improperly. Or illegally if you prefer. Thousands of arrests are illegal. Oh and let’s not forget the tens of thousands of illegal traffic citations.

Now. Turn your statistic around. A bank robber does not rob every bank. So it would be safe to say he doesn’t rob 99% of the banks. So he is a good guy right? A murderer doesn’t kill everyone he sees or interacts with. And since he didn’t murder 99% of the people he came into contact with it means he is a good guy right?

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