Why Shouldn't Police Be Allowed To Kill Suspects Who Don't Comply?

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.
Despite repeated attempts by leftist to turn the Executive Branch in one centralized power...we haven't done that in this country. Police are not judges, and juries they don't get to decide guilt and then punishment. So that's why.

Certainly, there are cases in which a police officer can use deadly force, such as when a suspect threatens their lives, or the lives of the public...such as in a high speed chase. However, it appears in this case, the threat was no longer there, as the suspect was caught. Those involved seem to be getting what they deserved.

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.

Leftists: All cops are bad!
Also leftists: Only cops should have guns!

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.

Leftists: All cops are bad!
Also leftists: Only cops should have guns!
Reactionary right-wing cucks:
Killing someone for taking a wrong turn seems a bit excessive. If they had his car details they knew where he lived. Could they not pick him up at a later point ?

Could he not pull the fuck over and hand the Police Officer his driver's license?
That seems to be the better, or at least more reasonable option, than a chase endangering the safety of others.

That would have been the sensible thing to do. Nevertheless, he didnt deserve to die. In fact if he had stolen the car he didnt deserve to die.
But life is cheap in the US.
That would have been the sensible thing to do. Nevertheless, he didnt deserve to die. In fact if he had stolen the car he didnt deserve to die.
But life is cheap in the US.

Whether or not he deserved to die, is just your opinion, and not your choice, whether or not is a good opinion.
If officers violate the law, they can be prosecuted the same as anyone else.

Police officers put their asses and their lives on the line to make those choices every day.
Just be thankful it isn't your choice to make ... :thup:


"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.

Leftists: All cops are bad!
Also leftists: Only cops should have guns!
Reactionary right-wing cucks:
View attachment 491556
You'll get no argument from me.

People are naïve to believe the police can protect them. That's how people are, though. They always want to put their own responsibilities on others.
That would have been the sensible thing to do. Nevertheless, he didnt deserve to die. In fact if he had stolen the car he didnt deserve to die.
But life is cheap in the US.

Whether or not he deserved to die, is just your opinion, and not your choice, whether or not is a good opinion.
If officers violate the law, they can be prosecuted the same as anyone else.

Police officers put their asses and their lives on the line to make those choices every day.
Just be thankful it isn't your choice to make ... :thup:

Well its fact in the civilised world but opinion in the Wild West.

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.
And there is the justification for Capitol Police shooting ashli bobbert.
Not really......

When you are a suspect and you are not complying -- you are putting others in danger in many ways....especially if you are in a high speed chase
High speed chases should've stopped with the invention of the helicopter. At least satellite imaging on helicopters should've done that.

Many innocent people have been killed as a result of the high speed chase. Don't chase the perp and she won't drive so fast and run red lights. And you 1-Adam-12 won't T-bone Grandma and the kids chasing her through the red light.

There are safer and better ways of doing those things.

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.
The cause of death for Ronald Greene was the Black Disease that causes some people to resist arrest

When will they learn?
Now the answer to your question is because we do not hire the police to be judge, jury and executioners.

You are absolutely correct about that ...

But ... To Protect and Serve, up to the inclusion of the use of deadly force, is very much in their job description.
Your job to decide the details surrounding that, stops at the point you cast a vote for the person whose job it is to make that decision.

Unless of course you are the Mayor, Police Chief or Sheriff ... :thup:


The decision is being made. Police officers are being charged for going too far.
Except when shooting an unarmed woman....Then it is okay? You progs sure do have a "War on Women"..
To me, what makes the big difference is whether or not the disobedient person is armed with anything life threatening.

God bless you always!!!

Now the answer to your question is because we do not hire the police to be judge, jury and executioners.

You are absolutely correct about that ...

But ... To Protect and Serve, up to the inclusion of the use of deadly force, is very much in their job description.
Your job to decide the details surrounding that, stops at the point you cast a vote for the person whose job it is to make that decision.

Unless of course you are the Mayor, Police Chief or Sheriff ... :thup:


The decision is being made. Police officers are being charged for going too far.
Except when shooting an unarmed woman....Then it is okay? You progs sure do have a "War on Women"..

No idea what you are rambling about. The sad thing is neither do you.

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.

Police should not exist at all, as there really is no legal authority by which they can be created.
All police are criminal because of the illegal legislation they enforce, like Prohibition, the war on drugs, asset forfeiture, no-knock warrants, 3 strikes law, etc.
We need to get rid of all police, now.

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.

And isn't it weird that left wing loons ONLY want the police to be armed!

The only thing preventing this from becoming commonplace, is an armed populace.
Police should not exist at all, as there really is no legal authority by which they can be created.
All police are criminal because of the illegal legislation they enforce, like Prohibition, the war on drugs, asset forfeiture, no-knock warrants, 3 strikes law, etc.
We need to get rid of all police, now.

Sweetie ... There is no legal authority without law enforcement.
Without law enforcement, you wouldn't have anything but a bunch of words.


"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.
Yeah, why shouldn't police be able to shoot on sight....if they are black?

It should be illegal to have black skin. It causes violence. Just the color. That's all.

Because if police were to start discriminating against Blacks based on skin color, then there would be no police left alive.
The police are way outnumbered by Black, and the Blacks are pretty well armed.
And the whites would like join in the move to get rid of the police, like all those whole now fear the police illegally arresting them for things like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, 3 strikes, no-knock warrants, etc.
The police are way over the line as to what is legal, and need to be ended.

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.

And isn't it weird that left wing loons ONLY want the police to be armed!

The only thing preventing this from becoming commonplace, is an armed populace.

Agreed. We need to disarm the police or get rid of them entirely. The police always lead to a police state and the end of democracy.

"Louisiana state troopers were captured on body camera video stunning, punching and dragging a Black man as he apologized for leading them on a high-speed chase -- footage of the man’s last moments alive that The Associated Press obtained after authorities refused to release it for two years.

Troopers initially told Greene’s family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase. Only now in the footage obtained by the AP from one trooper's body camera can the public see for the first time some of what happened during the arrest. State Police brass initially argued the troopers’ use of force was justified —
“awful but lawful,” as ranking officials described it — and did not open an administrative investigation until 474 days after Greene’s death."

Yea, I know it may look bad for the police to repeatedly lie and file false reports; but none of this would have ever been known about if it wasn't for some meddling emergency room doctor noticing the dead guy still had the taser prongs stuck in his back -- after being told he died from a car crash. But the only person to blame for this is Green himself; he shouldn't have fled and took police on a high-speed chase..and for what? a traffic violation?

The question still remains however; why shouldn't cops be allowed to kill suspects who try to run away or don't follow police orders?? If the police tells you to stop, you stop...if you don't, you die...that simple....Now because of this; the lives of at least 2 officers have been destroyed. The officer who was bragging about choking and beating Mr. Greene and making him spit blood everywhere; that guy was fired for his involvement in this case; and later died hours after finding out he was fired (due to a single vehicle highway crash with karma). The other officer was later arrested for his connection to another police beating -- but as I said; none of this would have happened if we simply made it perfectly legal for cops to kill whoever tries to flee from police or doesn't comply with their orders.

And isn't it weird that left wing loons ONLY want the police to be armed!

The only thing preventing this from becoming commonplace, is an armed populace.

Agreed. We need to disarm the police or get rid of them entirely. The police always lead to a police state and the end of democracy.
we arent a democracy,,

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