Why so angry?

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The New Testament can be boiled down to
"do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

The Old Testament to
"Love thy neighbor as they self"

Looking at the threads I see little attempt at discussion but unrelenting effort at creating anger and stirring hatred.
But rarely is a thread posted that steers in the direction of "love your neighbor."

My question to those who post those threads is, does it make you happy?
Does spending your day looking for reasons to be angry, bring you happiness?
I read your posts and few of you actually seem happy.
Angry, hateful, resentful, yes. But not happy.

If the result of your efforts, as seen in your postings, is anger, why do it?
Gee, you're not one to make snap judgements are you. On this board for less than an hour and you've already judged the entire board? My, my, my, a bit judgemental aren't we?
Gee, you're not one to make snap judgements are you. On this board for less than an hour and you've already judged the entire board? My, my, my, a bit judgemental aren't we?
I use "fuck" like a comma IRL. :lmao:
A good friends daughter does that. She enters the room and that word is spoken by her twenty times in the first two minutes. I never met anyone so well versed in its usage and I went through Marine Corps boot camp in 1968. LOL
I thought the same, until I went and looked at the sticky note in garage sub-forum.
"Topics that don't fit into the other categories go here" though it is under the Hobbies Forum.
This one is a good topic. I am hesitant to disturb it.
Creating "Anger" for anger’s sake, does appear to be a hobby on this message board.:dunno:

I never give negs, and even though you'll get the points for it, I'm gonna toss you one on the principle of the matter.

You know fully well where this thread should be. And it ain't here. You're certainly free to disagree, and I imagine yo uwill, but it will only speak for poor judgement on your part here and everyone else disagrees with you aside from the noob.
The New Testament can be boiled down to
"do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

The Old Testament to
"Love thy neighbor as they self"

Looking at the threads I see little attempt at discussion but unrelenting effort at creating anger and stirring hatred.
But rarely is a thread posted that steers in the direction of "love your neighbor."

My question to those who post those threads is, does it make you happy?
Does spending your day looking for reasons to be angry, bring you happiness?
I read your posts and few of you actually seem happy.
Angry, hateful, resentful, yes. But not happy.

If the result of your efforts, as seen in your postings, is anger, why do it?
Great post but is there a reason that you didn't create this in the "Religion" forum?

Anyway, yes, there are a lot of angry people here. There are also some good posters that share solid information and give reasoned opinions. I believe that we should treat others with kindness, compassion, and consideration, something that I don't always do but I'm working on it! :) I also believe that we must be honest and truthful. We should strive to edify and educate one another and to produce good fruits (deeds).
Anger goes hand and hand in politics... always has...
Reagan called Pelosi's father the most corrupt man in the country and yes I'm sure he was angry when he said that...
Booth was so angry at Lincoln he shot and killed him.... He jumped down to the stage after shooting Lincoln breaking his leg as he hit the stage and shouted Sic Semper Tyrannis!.....
Does it?
I watched Reagan and O'Neil go at it but neither showed the vitriol I see here.

I see many threads that should be apolitical (like those about East Palestine) yet are made political.

I suspect people look for reasons to be angry which allows them to justify hatred of their "opponents"
Great post but is there a reason that you didn't create this in the "Religion" forum?

Anyway, yes, there are a lot of angry people here. There are also some good posters that share solid information and give reasoned opinions. I believe that we should treat others with kindness, compassion, and consideration, something that I don't always do but I'm working on it! :) I also believe that we must be honest and truthful. We should strive to edify and educate one another and to produce good fruits (deeds).

One is not required to be self-righteous to be happy.

You mentioned deeds ... Which are not a product so easily associated with online discussion boards.
If the idea is to openly share ideas ... It doesn't require acceptance ... Only sharing.

The ideology of Kindness, Compassion and Consideration ... Is one of Compliance to a Standard ... And most often with the desire to press an Issue or Agenda.
Whether or not the Issue or Agenda is worthy of that Compliance is always in question.

I watched Reagan and O'Neil go at it but neither showed the vitriol I see here.
Since you are trying to move the goal posts from this thread to American politicians of the past. Let me refresh your memory with this piece of non vitriol from more recent history.
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