Why the American People Like President Trump

View attachment 267273
There is a minority that worship the ground Trump walks on. Despite the fact that the economy continues to grow at the same trajectory Trump inherited, a majority of Americans do not like Donald Trump.
Quit all this alternative fact bullshit and try living in reality
Thank you.

It took Obama 8 years to get unemployment down to what it was a year before Bush left office.

Only Donald John Trump took it lower, way lower. To record levels not seen in decades. And he did it within months of taking office, not almost a decade, like it took Obozo.

Obama inherited the largest downturn since the Great Recession. I agree it took Obama a little too long to get it right.
The fact is, Trump's new jobs and unemployment rates are a continuation of the Obama trajectory.
View attachment 267260
View attachment 267261

Enough said. Trump inherited a growing economy and Trump didn't change any growth trajectory. That is reality
By the way, here is a chart of yearly deficits.
Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?
Please note how much debt Trump has accumulated in an inherited growing economy. Now, please find another president throughout history who ever did that? And the effect on as the trajectory shows. the economic change was minimal after more than $2 trillion was added to the National Debt.
Usually, big deficits do not accompany a growing economy and Trump's did nothing dramatic to the economy, as facts clearly show.

Democrats caused the housing crash to begin with. Bush and McCain both warned of it and Democrats ignored it. 2010 is when the GOP took back the House which is when confidence was restored and the upturn started. By 2016 the GOP owned both the House and Senate. Obviously Obama didn't create any legislation or make any decisions to affect jobs. Trump gets paired with the GOP already in the House and Senate and records are broken. When 2020 rolls around why mess with a good thing?
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They like him because he's not a politician "who is not afraid to say what we're all thinking."
"The man loves America!"
"I like the guy because he tells it like it is."
"He's a little off the wall, but that's just because he's Trump."trump tells it like it is?
on and on and on...!


trump tells it like it is?

Just laugh at the butthurt lying crap stains! They never stop lying.
View attachment 267273
There is a minority that worship the ground Trump walks on. Despite the fact that the economy continues to grow at the same trajectory Trump inherited, a majority of Americans do not like Donald Trump.
Quit all this alternative fact bullshit and try living in reality
Thank you.

It took Obama 8 years to get unemployment down to what it was a year before Bush left office.

Only Donald John Trump took it lower, way lower. To record levels not seen in decades. And he did it within months of taking office, not almost a decade, like it took Obozo.

Obama inherited the largest downturn since the Great Recession. I agree it took Obama a little too long to get it right.
The fact is, Trump's new jobs and unemployment rates are a continuation of the Obama trajectory.
View attachment 267260
View attachment 267261

Enough said. Trump inherited a growing economy and Trump didn't change any growth trajectory. That is reality
By the way, here is a chart of yearly deficits.
Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?
Please note how much debt Trump has accumulated in an inherited growing economy. Now, please find another president throughout history who ever did that? And the effect on as the trajectory shows. the economic change was minimal after more than $2 trillion was added to the National Debt.
Usually, big deficits do not accompany a growing economy and Trump's did nothing dramatic to the economy, as facts clearly show.

Democrats caused the housing crash to begin with. Bush and McCain both warned of it and Democrats ignored it. 2010 is when the GOP took back the House which is when confidence was restored and the upturn started. By 2016 the GOP owned both the House and Senate. Obviously Obama didn't create any legislation or make any decisions to affect jobs. Trump gets paired with the GOP already in the House and Senate and records are broken. When 2020 rolls around why mess with a good thing?

An hyper-Little Trumpster responds and totally ignores reality..The Dems took over Congress in January 2007
The Great Recession started in December 2007.
A recession is when the economy declines significantly for at least six months. There's a drop in the following five economic indicators: real gross domestic product, income, employment, manufacturing, and retail sales..
5 Warning Signs of a Recession
So the first quarter that economic decline started was only four months after the Dems took control of Congress. The wheels of the housing crises were already racing
to the crash. Any economist knows that the housing crises started it's decent years before it reached it's apex.
Who is to blame? It's pretty much a consensuses.
What Caused the Subprime Mortgage Crisis?
Who Was to Blame for the Subprime Crisis?
What Was the Subprime Mortgage Crisis and How Did it Happen?
What records did Trump break, other than creating a two trillion deficit during an already growing economy?
Yes, Obama didn't create legislation but he signed of on to legislation after compromise.
Repugs never had veto proof congress.
View attachment 267273
There is a minority that worship the ground Trump walks on. Despite the fact that the economy continues to grow at the same trajectory Trump inherited, a majority of Americans do not like Donald Trump.
Quit all this alternative fact bullshit and try living in reality
Thank you.

It took Obama 8 years to get unemployment down to what it was a year before Bush left office.

Only Donald John Trump took it lower, way lower. To record levels not seen in decades. And he did it within months of taking office, not almost a decade, like it took Obozo.

Obama inherited the largest downturn since the Great Recession. I agree it took Obama a little too long to get it right.
The fact is, Trump's new jobs and unemployment rates are a continuation of the Obama trajectory.
View attachment 267260
View attachment 267261

Enough said. Trump inherited a growing economy and Trump didn't change any growth trajectory. That is reality
By the way, here is a chart of yearly deficits.
Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?
Please note how much debt Trump has accumulated in an inherited growing economy. Now, please find another president throughout history who ever did that? And the effect on as the trajectory shows. the economic change was minimal after more than $2 trillion was added to the National Debt.
Usually, big deficits do not accompany a growing economy and Trump's did nothing dramatic to the economy, as facts clearly show.

What did Obama do?

Tarp Bush Jr

Stimulus copied off Bush Jr and the unemployment went up

Auto bailout copied off Bush Jr

Wall Street: Janet Yellen

Tax cuts: Copied off Bush Jr

Obama was anti fracking, anti drilling anti pipeline, Obama was anti jobs see him try to prevent 1,000s of jobs in South Carolina, Obama was anti bussiness see his 4,000 plus new rules and regulations.

The job creators was the red States governors during obamas term all he did was slow the recovery down with Obama care no one wanted to spend money with such a anti bussiness president .
So you are trying to say that Oblama handed Trumpet an economy that was in the same state that Boosh left Oblama?

That's what Bill handed Bush Jr a economy going south and all Obama did was continue Bush Jr policy's and added his own that slowed it down.
I agree, Clinton did hand Bush an economy that was declining. The recession Bush inherited started in March of 2001.
However, Obama had his own economic advisors and they contributed to the recovery. As I stated in another post, Obama didn't hit road running with his attempt to get the economy going. (Shovel ready jobs, per example). He took a little to long.
obama trump.png
View attachment 267273
It took Obama 8 years to get unemployment down to what it was a year before Bush left office.

Only Donald John Trump took it lower, way lower. To record levels not seen in decades. And he did it within months of taking office, not almost a decade, like it took Obozo.

Obama inherited the largest downturn since the Great Recession. I agree it took Obama a little too long to get it right.
The fact is, Trump's new jobs and unemployment rates are a continuation of the Obama trajectory.
View attachment 267260
View attachment 267261

Enough said. Trump inherited a growing economy and Trump didn't change any growth trajectory. That is reality
By the way, here is a chart of yearly deficits.
Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?
Please note how much debt Trump has accumulated in an inherited growing economy. Now, please find another president throughout history who ever did that? And the effect on as the trajectory shows. the economic change was minimal after more than $2 trillion was added to the National Debt.
Usually, big deficits do not accompany a growing economy and Trump's did nothing dramatic to the economy, as facts clearly show.

What did Obama do?

Tarp Bush Jr

Stimulus copied off Bush Jr and the unemployment went up

Auto bailout copied off Bush Jr

Wall Street: Janet Yellen

Tax cuts: Copied off Bush Jr

Obama was anti fracking, anti drilling anti pipeline, Obama was anti jobs see him try to prevent 1,000s of jobs in South Carolina, Obama was anti bussiness see his 4,000 plus new rules and regulations.

The job creators was the red States governors during obamas term all he did was slow the recovery down with Obama care no one wanted to spend money with such a anti bussiness president .
So you are trying to say that Oblama handed Trumpet an economy that was in the same state that Boosh left Oblama?

That's what Bill handed Bush Jr a economy going south and all Obama did was continue Bush Jr policy's and added his own that slowed it down.
I agree, Clinton did hand Bush an economy that was declining. The recession Bush inherited started in March of 2001.
However, Obama had his own economic advisors and they contributed to the recovery. As I stated in another post, Obama didn't hit road running with his attempt to get the economy going. (Shovel ready jobs, per example). He took a little to long.
View attachment 267383
While Boosh did nothing and they refused to acknowledge the warnings of a coming recession in 2007 and then threw money(TARP) out to the poor afflicted rich folks....
The American people don't like Trump...by a lot. Republicans like Trump to a sycophantic level, but the rest of the country, and world, think he's a moron.
He will be YOUR president till 2024. Get over it.
He's never been my President, but he doesn't want to be. He wants to be President of his adoring sycophants only.

I guess you're gonna have to move to the back of the bus.
The "American people" DON'T like Trump

Trumpers do
most people have been told by smug elites at some point: "you don't get to say that, it's racist"...well, a vote for Trump was like saying: "fuck you, you don't get to tell me what to say!"
They like him because he's not a politician "who is not afraid to say what we're all thinking."
"The man loves America!"
"I like the guy because he tells it like it is."
"He's a little off the wall, but that's just because he's Trump."
on and on and on...!


True American hero for defeating the deep state troglodyte Clinton’s. Saved our nation.
They like him because he's not a politician "who is not afraid to say what we're all thinking."
"The man loves America!"
"I like the guy because he tells it like it is."
"He's a little off the wall, but that's just because he's Trump."
on and on and on...!


A better question would be "Why do so many people hate his sorry ass?" Look at the polls.
The American people don't like Trump...by a lot. Republicans like Trump to a sycophantic level, but the rest of the country, and world, think he's a moron.
He will be YOUR president till 2024. Get over it.
Well tell him we need more clerks working on travel pay benefits for veterans. I have been waiting almost a month for what used to take three days under Oblama...
B-O-O H-O-O. You’ll be taken care of do time...perhaps if you would stop being a belligerent, selfish, prick, the gentleman and ladies would wait on you. I wait my turn as does everyone else. I prefer to let WW2 vets and disabled get first attention.
And he does tell it like it isn't...

Trump implied in his interview that he had solved homelessness in Washington, D.C., at the start of his presidency, but provided no evidence to support that claim.

A May 2019 report from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, a nonprofit organization of area leaders, counted nearly 10,000 homeless people in the city.
They like him because he's not a politician "who is not afraid to say what we're all thinking."
"The man loves America!"
"I like the guy because he tells it like it is."
"He's a little off the wall, but that's just because he's Trump."
on and on and on...!


A better question would be "Why do so many people hate his sorry ass?" Look at the polls.

I look at the lies Democrats have projected about President Trump's alleged collusion with Russian and found that not only did he not collude as 4 reviews at the behest of both houses of Congress concluded, and found that the truth does not quench the wanton hatred that Trump had to have committed some other crime, since he did not commit the crime they claimed with all their spite, might, and main that he did. When that lie was disproven, several other lies popped up in its place, one of which was discredited by 3 of the 4 reviews, and the other review clearly states that nothing Trump did amounts to an impeachable offense.

The Democrats pulled the wool over a lot of people's eyes--enough to win them a lot of seats in Congress, but there's a backlash coming with thousands of disillusioned Democrats madder than hell that their party was needlessly harassing Republicans and conservatives in general with never before seen punishments, such as telling their party constituents not to do business with the other Party. This has not ever happened before to my knowledge except once, the week the protesters in Portland Oregon, Seattle, and other left coast locations, pooped on police cars to protest conservative wins. Right now, Maxine Waters' insistence that her supporters harass members of the Executive branch that breaks with the Constitution and is still going on as we see militant Democrat proponents refusing basic American rights of people to do business because they voted for President Trump.

That's going to far into the realm of hate and will result in a civil war if it isn't discouraged and soon. I wish the Democrats would stop weakening the nation. We have enemies who'd like to see us take each other out.
You're promoting a civil war?

Do you understand what that actually means?

What is wrong with you people? Are you willing to kill and die for Trump?


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