Why The Big Lie About Steve Bannon?

Breitbart is staunchly Pro-Israel. It's a bald faced lie to suggest otherwise. You can easily confirm it by a simple google search.

The media "elites" hate Steve Bannon because he kicked their fucking teeth in.

Hopefully he'll do a lot more damage to them over then next 4 years....

We need a real 4th estate, not this fraudulent media that allows a political campaign to edit articles about their candidate, spoon feeds them debate questions, and rigs polls to suppress voter turnout. It's disgraceful.
What big lie? Breitbart doesn't even try to pretend it's anything but what it is. And Bannon helped build it.

A Jew founded it. Jews run it. And you are going to stick to your guns that the website is anti Semetic? You're caught in a big lie and there's no getting out of it.

Anti-Semitic? I don't know about that because I've dismissed it as a joke site. But it's definitely preferred by people who are anti-Semitic.

Bannon is pro Israel and pro Jew. So much so that he is backed by the Zionists of America. This is one hell of a big lie but one that got busted really quickly and now the left wing whack jobs are on defense.

The left didn't do their homework on Bannon. He was a freind, a confident and advisor to Breitbart. Andrew was a Jew.
Briebart is a TABLOID for politics, not a news source....and has never really pretended to be a legitimate news source.....imo. TABLOIDS promote what makes them money, no matter how crazy the lie, or the stance
Breitbart is staunchly Pro-Israel. It's a bald faced lie to suggest otherwise. You can easily confirm it by a simple google search.

The media "elites" hate Steve Bannon because he kicked their fucking teeth in.

Hopefully he'll do a lot more damage to them over then next 4 years....

We need a real 4th estate, not this fraudulent media that allows a political campaign to edit articles about their candidate, spoon feeds them debate questions, and rigs polls to suppress voter turnout. It's disgraceful.

On the bright side their narrative that he's anti Semetic has been busted big time. Only left wing whackos could come up with the narrative that Bannon, a freind of Breitbart a Jew and working with all the upper echelon of Breitbart who are Jews, working with the Jewish CEO of Breitbart to launch Breitbart Jerusalem could be a freaking anti Semite.

What big lie? Breitbart doesn't even try to pretend it's anything but what it is. And Bannon helped build it.

A Jew founded it. Jews run it. And you are going to stick to your guns that the website is anti Semetic? You're caught in a big lie and there's no getting out of it.

Anti-Semitic? I don't know about that because I've dismissed it as a joke site. But it's definitely preferred by people who are anti-Semitic.

Bannon is pro Israel and pro Jew. So much so that he is backed by the Zionists of America. This is one hell of a big lie but one that got busted really quickly and now the left wing whack jobs are on defense.

The left didn't do their homework on Bannon. He was a freind, a confident and advisor to Breitbart. Andrew was a Jew.
Homework? Bannon was in charge of a hate site. Breitbart was the founder of a hate site. Anti-semites and anti-other minorities flock to that site every day. There's no denying that.

Breitbart disagreed with one of the most famous quotes to come from the Holocaust:

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

Breitbart.com is currently going after every minority group. And that's because Bannon helped it to fuel hate, including anti-Semitism.
What big lie? Breitbart doesn't even try to pretend it's anything but what it is. And Bannon helped build it.

A Jew founded it. Jews run it. And you are going to stick to your guns that the website is anti Semetic? You're caught in a big lie and there's no getting out of it.

Anti-Semitic? I don't know about that because I've dismissed it as a joke site. But it's definitely preferred by people who are anti-Semitic.

Bannon is pro Israel and pro Jew. So much so that he is backed by the Zionists of America. This is one hell of a big lie but one that got busted really quickly and now the left wing whack jobs are on defense.

The left didn't do their homework on Bannon. He was a freind, a confident and advisor to Breitbart. Andrew was a Jew.
Homework? Bannon was in charge of a hate site. Breitbart was the founder of a hate site. Anti-semites and anti-other minorities flock to that site every day. There's no denying that.

Breitbart disagreed with one of the most famous quotes to come from the Holocaust:

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

Breitbart.com is currently going after every minority group. And that's because Bannon helped it to fuel hate, including anti-Semitism.

So you really are accusing all the upper echelon of Breitbart who are Jews of fueling anti Semitism. Okey dokey.

That's really fucked up.
Steve Bannon signed up to run fucking breitbart a news outlet for the deplorables with delightful content like:

Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer,

Bannon wasn't the editor. And what's wrong with those titles? I've been on Daily Kos, the Wonkettes, Raw Story all your lefty outfits and they have some whacked out titles as well.

Bill Kristol: Republican spoiler, renegade Jew

Hoist it high and proud: The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage

Pamela Geller’s Muhammad cartoon contest is no different from Selma

Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy

The solution to online ‘harassment’ is simple: Women should log off

We seriously need an asshole like that in our president's ear everyday? Is there seriously no one else?
Whoops that didn't come out right. Oh and by the way the article on Bill Kristol renegade Jew was written by Horowitz a Jew.

And Renegade Jew goes back to the 16 th Century I think it was. Refers to the first secular Jew.
Steve Bannon signed up to run fucking breitbart a news outlet for the deplorables with delightful content like:

Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer,

Bannon wasn't the editor. And what's wrong with those titles? I've been on Daily Kos, the Wonkettes, Raw Story all your lefty outfits and they have some whacked out titles as well.

Bill Kristol: Republican spoiler, renegade Jew

Hoist it high and proud: The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage

Pamela Geller’s Muhammad cartoon contest is no different from Selma

Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy

The solution to online ‘harassment’ is simple: Women should log off

We seriously need an asshole like that in our president's ear everyday? Is there seriously no one else?

Oh come on, are you seriously going to tell me that he didn't know that he was signing up to run skinhead central?

Drain the swamp? These people ARE the swamp.
Steve Bannon signed up to run fucking breitbart a news outlet for the deplorables with delightful content like:

Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer,

Bannon wasn't the editor. And what's wrong with those titles? I've been on Daily Kos, the Wonkettes, Raw Story all your lefty outfits and they have some whacked out titles as well.

Bill Kristol: Republican spoiler, renegade Jew

Hoist it high and proud: The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage

Pamela Geller’s Muhammad cartoon contest is no different from Selma

Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy

The solution to online ‘harassment’ is simple: Women should log off

We seriously need an asshole like that in our president's ear everyday? Is there seriously no one else?

Oh come on, are you seriously going to tell me that he didn't know that he was signing up to run skinhead central?

Drain the swamp? These people ARE the swamp.

Andrew Breitbart was a skin head? Andrew was a Jew.

Surely you jest. All the editors are Jewish but they're skin heads too? Joel is Orthodox.

Man oh man. The CEO is a Jew? And he's a skin head?

Why don't you tell the class who wrote the article on Kristol.
Steve Bannon signed up to run fucking breitbart a news outlet for the deplorables with delightful content like:

Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer,

Bannon wasn't the editor. And what's wrong with those titles? I've been on Daily Kos, the Wonkettes, Raw Story all your lefty outfits and they have some whacked out titles as well.

Bill Kristol: Republican spoiler, renegade Jew

Hoist it high and proud: The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage

Pamela Geller’s Muhammad cartoon contest is no different from Selma

Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy

The solution to online ‘harassment’ is simple: Women should log off

We seriously need an asshole like that in our president's ear everyday? Is there seriously no one else?

Oh come on, are you seriously going to tell me that he didn't know that he was signing up to run skinhead central?

Drain the swamp? These people ARE the swamp.

Andrew Breitbart was a skin head? Andrew was a Jew.

Surely you jest. All the editors are Jewish but they're skin heads too? Joel is Orthodox.

Man oh man. The CEO is a Jew? And he's a skin head?

You are right, since the guy is not outright skinhead himself he is creme de'la cream, totally qualified to have a big role in top office of this land.

Maybe Trump is making a mistake in not letting Alex Jones jump in too?
Steve Bannon signed up to run fucking breitbart a news outlet for the deplorables with delightful content like:

Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer,

Bannon wasn't the editor. And what's wrong with those titles? I've been on Daily Kos, the Wonkettes, Raw Story all your lefty outfits and they have some whacked out titles as well.

Bill Kristol: Republican spoiler, renegade Jew

Hoist it high and proud: The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage

Pamela Geller’s Muhammad cartoon contest is no different from Selma

Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy

The solution to online ‘harassment’ is simple: Women should log off

We seriously need an asshole like that in our president's ear everyday? Is there seriously no one else?

Oh come on, are you seriously going to tell me that he didn't know that he was signing up to run skinhead central?

Drain the swamp? These people ARE the swamp.

Andrew Breitbart was a skin head? Andrew was a Jew.

Surely you jest. All the editors are Jewish but they're skin heads too? Joel is Orthodox.

Man oh man. The CEO is a Jew? And he's a skin head?

You are right, since the guy is not outright skinhead himself he is creme de'la cream, totally qualified to have a big role in top office of this land.

Maybe Trump is making a mistake in not letting Alex Jones jump in too?

To accuse Bannon and the CEO and the editors at Breitbart of running a skin head website is beyond the pale. Well unless you are a secret anti Semite yourself and this is the way you can attack the Jews and the pro Israel individuals in the company.
Can you hear me Steve Bannon?

I respect you and I love you Sir !!!

I will do whatever you want me to do Sir!:bow2:
Maybe this is really what this is all about. All these secret Jew haters attacking Bannon and Breitbart in this fashion; projecting their own hatreds on these good men.

I have to admit I never thought I'd see the day that Jews could be accused of running a skin head website though.
Maybe this is really what this is all about. All these secret Jew haters attacking Bannon and Breitbart in this fashion; projecting their own hatreds on these good men.

I have to admit I never thought I'd see the day that Jews could be accused of running a skin head website though.
Think the Jews are hated now, wait until they build that Temple in Jerusalem
Funny I don't recall you complaining about Obama tapping Al Sharpton as an adviser on race relations.

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