Why The Big Lie About Steve Bannon?

Funny I don't recall you complaining about Obama tapping Al Sharpton as an adviser on race relations.

Excuse me, advisers are dime a dozen, this is a whole different ballgame of a position
Bill Kristol is a conservative who doesn't like Trump because, in his view, Trump isn't a true conservative. So Kristol and the conservative National Review tried their best to derail the Trump campaign.

Horowitz, who wrote the renegade Jew article, is a Jew who feels that Trump is the best chance to save Israel. He thinks Bill Kristol is undermining Jewish interests by working to defeat Trump.

Regardless of where you stand on the nation of Israel, or who has Israel's best interests at heart, you can't say the intent of this article is anti-Semitic.

It's ironic that the subject of the article is being roasted for being too ideological in their conservatism.

Here's the conclusion of the article for which Breitbart has been labelled anti-Semitic;

I am a Jew who has never been to Israel and has never been a Zionist in the sense of believing that Jews can rid themselves of Jew hatred by having their own nation state. But half of world Jewry now lives in Israel, and the enemies whom Obama and Hillary have empowered — Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, ISIS, and Hamas — have openly sworn to exterminate the Jews. I am also an American (and an American first), whose country is threatened with destruction by the same enemies. To weaken the only party that stands between the Jews and their annihilation, and between America and the forces intent on destroying her, is a political miscalculation so great and a betrayal so profound as to not be easily forgiven.
.He may or may not be anti-Semitic, but he is racist....or in the least, supports the alt right racist groups with Briebart being their best mouth piece.... Bannon said so, himself...
.He may or may not be anti-Semitic, but he is racist....or in the least, supports the alt right racist groups with Briebart being their best mouth piece.... Bannon said so, himself...

Not all alt right groups are racist nor are they all anti Semetic. I know I've had it up to here with these terms being thrown about so readily just because you disagree with some one's policies.

Yes many on the alt right post at Breibart. Many on the left do as well. They battle it out in the comment sections. Just like what happens at the Daily Mail or any other publication.

Look at this board. Hard left. Hard right. And all of us in between. Does this make cereal killer or the mods racist or anti Semetic because of certain posters.

Hell NO!
.He may or may not be anti-Semitic, but he is racist....or in the least, supports the alt right racist groups with Briebart being their best mouth piece.... Bannon said so, himself...

My edit button doesn't work. I don't mean "you" personally.
We really have to be careful here when throwing these really disgusting names out. I'm old school. To be a racist or to be an anti Semite you have to be a true scumbucket and low life.

When you label people these names you damn well have really really good proof.
Funny I don't recall you complaining about Obama tapping Al Sharpton as an adviser on race relations.

Excuse me, advisers are dime a dozen, this is a whole different ballgame of a position

How so?
This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

The guy is a magazine editor of Briebart News- which is a Reich wing tabloid magazine. He does not have the experience to be a cabinet member--and Democrats will not work with him, or acknowledge his presence in a room. This is a guy that is capable of turning Mother Teresa into a whore, and his readers would believe it.

If you want government to work, you have GOT to find people that are capable of working with the opposite side of the isle or NOTHING gets done. Steve Bannon is not that person. Republicans do not have SUPER MAJORITIES in both houses, nor do they have a mandate because Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, so they have got to work with Democrats if you want that wall built--LOL Otherwise it's going to be a long bloody battle for the next two years, and then Democrats will take over the house and Senate and they'll hog tie Trump up on any of his proposals.
Funny I don't recall you complaining about Obama tapping Al Sharpton as an adviser on race relations.

Excuse me, advisers are dime a dozen, this is a whole different ballgame of a position
How about the racist A.J. Eric Holder, would he be in that ballgame?
This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

The guy is a magazine editor of Briebart News- which is a Reich wing tabloid magazine. He does not have the experience to be a cabinet member--and Democrats will not work with him, or acknowledge his presence in a room. This is a guy that is capable of turning Mother Teresa into a whore, and his readers would believe it.

If you want government to work, you have GOT to find people that are capable of working with the opposite side of the isle or NOTHING gets done. Steve Bannon is not that person. Republicans do not have SUPER MAJORITIES in both houses, nor do they have a mandate because Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, so they have got to work with Democrats if you want that wall built--LOL Otherwise it's going to be a long bloody battle for the next two years, and then Democrats will take over the house and Senate and they'll hog tie Trump up on any of his proposals.

I guess you haven't bothered to look up his qualifications. Degree from VA Tech, Masters national security studies from Georgetown, MBA from Harvard. Naval surface warfare officer, special assistant to the Chief of Naval operations at the pentagon.

Now contrast those qualifications with Valerie Jattett, the Iranian born communist, who holds basically the same position with your dear leader. She has a BA in psychology from Stanford and a law degree from the University of Michigan.

So tell me dear child, which is most qualified to advise the president?
This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

The guy is a magazine editor of Briebart News- which is a Reich wing tabloid magazine. He does not have the experience to be a cabinet member--and Democrats will not work with him, or acknowledge his presence in a room. This is a guy that is capable of turning Mother Teresa into a whore, and his readers would believe it.

If you want government to work, you have GOT to find people that are capable of working with the opposite side of the isle or NOTHING gets done. Steve Bannon is not that person. Republicans do not have SUPER MAJORITIES in both houses, nor do they have a mandate because Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, so they have got to work with Democrats if you want that wall built--LOL Otherwise it's going to be a long bloody battle for the next two years, and then Democrats will take over the house and Senate and they'll hog tie Trump up on any of his proposals.

I guess you haven't bothered to look up his qualifications. Degree from VA Tech, Masters national security studies from Georgetown, MBA from Harvard. Naval surface warfare officer, special assistant to the Chief of Naval operations at the pentagon.

Now contrast those qualifications with Valerie Jattett, the Iranian born communist, who holds basically the same position with your dear leader. She has a BA in psychology from Stanford and a law degree from the University of Michigan.

So tell me dear child, which is most qualified to advise the president?

I could give a rats ass if he's got degrees coming out of his ass. If you want to unite this country behind Trump, Bannon is the very last guy to do it. Bannon has made a living out of attacking Democrats, they won't work with him, instead they'll attack back.

You have 100's of thousand of people protesting Trump out there, and you don't throw gasoline on the fire by making Steve Bannon a part of your cabinet. You don't have a MANDATE with Trump, he lost the popular vote, you don't have Super Majorities in either house, in fact you're very far from that,. So if you want to get anything done you're going to have to work across the isle with Democrats.

The smartest thing Trump could do right now, is get some minorities, and women in his cabinet, that have EXPERIENCE and have worked with Democrats on the hill before and have actually accomplished something with them.

This is basic civics 101. He's doesn't do this, he's a lame duck before he's even sworn in.
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This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon
Good article.

A lot of Jewish comedians on late nite TV are bothered by some of Trump's choices so far as well.

But the GOP has a long tradition of being pro-oil and therefore pro-Arab and at the same time not particularly pro-Israel nor pro-Jewish.

Oil is king. Next to food it is our most important commodity.

I do not expect to see a slew of Jews or Liberals on Trump's staff, or any. Maybe a token Jew here or there.

No big surprise.
I could give a rats ass if ... .

Please note that the proper use of this Navy and USMC expression is "I do NOT give a ratz ass ... ."

You have butchered it.

Now the ratz azz sounds worth more than yours.
Bannon has been quoted saying alt right is racist, Bannon is alt right.

fuck him

#2 and #4

Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:

  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
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Anti-Semitic? I don't know about that because I've dismissed it as a joke site. But it's definitely preferred by people who are anti-Semitic.
I suspect that Jews get all overly worked up anytime they hear anything that criticizes the modern stranglehold that American Jews have on industry and media and banking. They seem overly paranoid because politics is the one area that Jews do not dominate outside of NYC.

I suppose they are worried about another holocaust.

If they are truly worried about another holocaust they should join the NRA and buy guns and ammo and get ready for another holocaust. Because this is the only thing that will save them from another holocaust anyway.

Not that anyone in America is planning a holocaust. Just that the Jews seem to be overly paranoid about it here as elsewhere.
This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

The guy is a magazine editor of Briebart News- which is a Reich wing tabloid magazine. He does not have the experience to be a cabinet member--and Democrats will not work with him, or acknowledge his presence in a room. This is a guy that is capable of turning Mother Teresa into a whore, and his readers would believe it.

If you want government to work, you have GOT to find people that are capable of working with the opposite side of the isle or NOTHING gets done. Steve Bannon is not that person. Republicans do not have SUPER MAJORITIES in both houses, nor do they have a mandate because Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, so they have got to work with Democrats if you want that wall built--LOL Otherwise it's going to be a long bloody battle for the next two years, and then Democrats will take over the house and Senate and they'll hog tie Trump up on any of his proposals.

I guess you haven't bothered to look up his qualifications. Degree from VA Tech, Masters national security studies from Georgetown, MBA from Harvard. Naval surface warfare officer, special assistant to the Chief of Naval operations at the pentagon.

Now contrast those qualifications with Valerie Jattett, the Iranian born communist, who holds basically the same position with your dear leader. She has a BA in psychology from Stanford and a law degree from the University of Michigan.

So tell me dear child, which is most qualified to advise the president?

I could give a rats ass if he's got degrees shoved up his ass. If you want to unite this country behind Trump, Bannon is the very last guy to do it. He's made a living attacking Democrats, they won't work with him, instead they'll attack back.

You have 100's of thousand of people protesting Trump out there, and you don't throw gasoline on the fire by making Steve Bannon a part of your cabinet. You don't have a MANDATE with Trump, he lost the popular vote, you don't have a Super Majorities in either house, you're very far from that,. So if you want to get anything done you're going to have to work across the isle.

The smartest thing Trump could do right now, is get some minorities, and women in his cabinet, that have EXPERIENCE and have worked with Democrats on the hill before and have actually accomplished something with them..

He's not a part of the cabinet dipstick, he's a personal strategist and advisor. He serves at the pleasure of the president.

As for you faux grass roots protest, I've heard the leaders are being paid $1,500 a week. The rest are just weak minded snowflakes like you. Oh and now we're finding that many of them didn't even bother to vote.

BTW if you haven't noticed we didn't elect Trump to play nice, your dear leaders legacy will be in shambles by the end of next year. To use your dear leaders words, we won, you lost. The sooner you accept that reality, the easier your poor little life will be.
This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon
Good article.

A lot of Jewish comedians on late nite TV are bothered by some of Trump's choices so far as well.

But the GOP has a long tradition of being pro-oil and therefore pro-Arab and at the same time not particularly pro-Israel nor pro-Jewish.

Oil is king. Next to food it is our most important commodity.

I do not expect to see a slew of Jews or Liberals on Trump's staff, or any. Maybe a token Jew here or there.

No big surprise.

And what choices would that be, only two have been confirmed at this point and neither are responsible for policy.
.He may or may not be anti-Semitic, but he is racist....or in the least, supports the alt right racist groups with Briebart being their best mouth piece.... Bannon said so, himself...

Not all alt right groups are racist nor are they all anti Semetic. I know I've had it up to here with these terms being thrown about so readily just because you disagree with some one's policies.

Yes many on the alt right post at Breibart. Many on the left do as well. They battle it out in the comment sections. Just like what happens at the Daily Mail or any other publication.

Look at this board. Hard left. Hard right. And all of us in between. Does this make cereal killer or the mods racist or anti Semetic because of certain posters.

Hell NO!
It is a tactic neo-Nazi groups have been using for a long time, for example, they would bring in certain Jewish "scholars" to "prove" the Holocaust was a fraud.

The use of blacks is much rarer, and it is usually used by less extreme groups, for example Republicans, to attack the black community.

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