Why The Big Lie About Steve Bannon?

Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:
  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

I agree. Breitbart is not one of my bookmarks, but these accusations are ridiculous.

When it comes to lazy intellect, the Bannon detractors in this thread win the grand prize. Racism is a serious accusation and the term is being thrown around very casually by people who have done zero investigation into the issue. I can't believe how many people latched onto the anti-Semite thing after being shown a headline without any context and without having read the article which happens to be written by a Jew in defense of Judaism.

Let's review some terms, as Bannon defines them;

Alt is short for alternative, as in alternative rock and alternative lifestyles. Many conservatives feel that the Republican Party doesn't represent them. Breitbart is a media outlet which gives voice to an alternative conservative movement.

Nationalism is the counterbalance to globalism. If you oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership, that's a nationalist position. You favor sovereignty and local control instead of international arbitration. Nationalism tends to be lumped in with racism because nations used to be more racially homogeneous. And every MSM outlet is owned by a multi-national parent corporation with a strong globalist bias. In his own words, Bannon is a nationalist because he is focused on American interests and not very concerned with global governance.
Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:
  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

I agree. Breitbart is not one of my bookmarks, but these accusations are ridiculous.

When it comes to lazy intellect, the Bannon detractors in this thread win the grand prize. Racism is a serious accusation and the term is being thrown around very casually by people who have done zero investigation into the issue. I can't believe how many people latched onto the anti-Semite thing after being shown a headline without any context and without having read the article which happens to be written by a Jew in defense of Judaism.

Let's review some terms, as Bannon defines them;

Alt is short for alternative, as in alternative rock and alternative lifestyles. Many conservatives feel that the Republican Party doesn't represent them. Breitbart is a media outlet which gives voice to an alternative conservative movement.

Nationalism is the counterbalance to globalism. If you oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership, that's a nationalist position. You favor sovereignty and local control instead of international arbitration. Nationalism tends to be lumped in with racism because nations used to be more racially homogeneous. And every MSM outlet is owned by a multi-national parent corporation with a strong globalist bias. In his own words, Bannon is a nationalist because he is focused on American interests and not very concerned with global governance.
Agreed. I was watching Morning Joe this morning, and Mark Halperin was tossing out all the standard talking points. Joe asked him for specifics on something this guy had actually said or written himself, and Halperin dodged.

If the guy is bad news, I want to know. But so far, all I've seen is empty inference and name-calling.

I realize they're still in shock and lashing out - that's human nature - but I hope they calm down soon.
I don't remember Obama working with ANYBODY from the other side of the aisle. In fact, I remember him referring to them as his enemies and that they should be punished.


Vice President Biden told me that during the transition, he was warned not to expect any bipartisan cooperation on major votes. “I spoke to seven different Republican Senators who said, ‘Joe, I’m not going to be able to help you on anything,’ ” he recalled. His informants said McConnell had demanded unified resistance. “The way it was characterized to me was, ‘For the next two years, we can’t let you succeed in anything. That’s our ticket to coming back,’ ” Biden said. The Vice President said he hasn’t even told Obama who his sources were, but Bob Bennett of Utah and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania both confirmed they had conversations with Biden along those lines.

“So I promise you — and the President agreed with me — I never thought we were going to get Republican support,” Biden said.

• One Obama aide said he received a similar warning from a Republican Senate staffer he was seeing at the time. He remembered asking her one morning in bed, How do we get a stimulus deal? She replied, Baby, there’s no deal!

David Obey, then chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, met with his GOP counterpart, Jerry Lewis, to explain what Democrats had in mind for the stimulus and ask what Republicans wanted to include. “Jerry’s response was, ‘I’m sorry, but leadership tells us we can’t play,’ ” Obey told me. “Exact quote: ‘We can’t play.’ What they said right from the get-go was, It doesn’t matter what the hell you do, we ain’t going to help you. We’re going to stand on the sidelines and bitch.”

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama | TIME.com
Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:
  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

#2 mac

Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”

then he calls his outlet the platform of the alt right

both are statements out of his own mouth ...

I got it... Bannon is a lying sob, right?
Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:
  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

#2 mac

then he calls his outlet the platform of the alt right

both are statements out of his own mouth ...

I got it... Bannon is a lying sob, right?
That's the one I get least of all.

Yes, there are racists there, he admits it.

Don't you agree?

He's not saying HE is one.
Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:
  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

#2 mac

then he calls his outlet the platform of the alt right

both are statements out of his own mouth ...

I got it... Bannon is a lying sob, right?
That's the one I get least of all.

Yes, there are racists there, he admits it.

Don't you agree?

He's not saying HE is one.

his platform is the benchmark for the alt right, and he's not part of his platform ????

Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

boy, thats a stretch any way you spin it
Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:
  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

I agree. Breitbart is not one of my bookmarks, but these accusations are ridiculous.

When it comes to lazy intellect, the Bannon detractors in this thread win the grand prize. Racism is a serious accusation and the term is being thrown around very casually by people who have done zero investigation into the issue. I can't believe how many people latched onto the anti-Semite thing after being shown a headline without any context and without having read the article which happens to be written by a Jew in defense of Judaism.

Let's review some terms, as Bannon defines them;

Alt is short for alternative, as in alternative rock and alternative lifestyles. Many conservatives feel that the Republican Party doesn't represent them. Breitbart is a media outlet which gives voice to an alternative conservative movement.

Nationalism is the counterbalance to globalism. If you oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership, that's a nationalist position. You favor sovereignty and local control instead of international arbitration. Nationalism tends to be lumped in with racism because nations used to be more racially homogeneous. And every MSM outlet is owned by a multi-national parent corporation with a strong globalist bias. In his own words, Bannon is a nationalist because he is focused on American interests and not very concerned with global governance.
Agreed. I was watching Morning Joe this morning, and Mark Halperin was tossing out all the standard talking points. Joe asked him for specifics on something this guy had actually said or written himself, and Halperin dodged.

If the guy is bad news, I want to know. But so far, all I've seen is empty inference and name-calling.

I realize they're still in shock and lashing out - that's human nature - but I hope they calm down soon.
Look, Bannon may or may not be a bigoted person, but HE CHOSE to make Briebart the outlet for those who are....bigoted, racist, anti American, anti establishment haters, Neo nazi/skinheads, Nationalists in the icky way and not good way, and channeled and still channels these type of people's angst and bigotry on the site.... It lies in many of their stories and takes tabloid-ism to the peak of peaks with their stances and fabrications just to channel the hatred...

is there a niche in the market that was served by Briebart...certainly so...and all of this could be simply a financial decision and filling the void....

BUT WHO in God's name would have thought this same person who chose to run Breitbart in that manner would ever in a million years be up for one of the highest tax payer positions? He made his bed/his choices....and if it comes back to bite him, that's NOT our fault....it's his.
Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:
  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

#2 mac

then he calls his outlet the platform of the alt right

both are statements out of his own mouth ...

I got it... Bannon is a lying sob, right?
That's the one I get least of all.

Yes, there are racists there, he admits it.

Don't you agree?

He's not saying HE is one.

his platform is the benchmark for the alt right, and he's not part of his platform ????

boy, thats a stretch any way you spin it
If you were to admit that there are bigots in the Democrat Party (and we both know there are), does that make you a bigot too?

You share their platform, too.
Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:
  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

I agree. Breitbart is not one of my bookmarks, but these accusations are ridiculous.

When it comes to lazy intellect, the Bannon detractors in this thread win the grand prize. Racism is a serious accusation and the term is being thrown around very casually by people who have done zero investigation into the issue. I can't believe how many people latched onto the anti-Semite thing after being shown a headline without any context and without having read the article which happens to be written by a Jew in defense of Judaism.

Let's review some terms, as Bannon defines them;

Alt is short for alternative, as in alternative rock and alternative lifestyles. Many conservatives feel that the Republican Party doesn't represent them. Breitbart is a media outlet which gives voice to an alternative conservative movement.

Nationalism is the counterbalance to globalism. If you oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership, that's a nationalist position. You favor sovereignty and local control instead of international arbitration. Nationalism tends to be lumped in with racism because nations used to be more racially homogeneous. And every MSM outlet is owned by a multi-national parent corporation with a strong globalist bias. In his own words, Bannon is a nationalist because he is focused on American interests and not very concerned with global governance.
Agreed. I was watching Morning Joe this morning, and Mark Halperin was tossing out all the standard talking points. Joe asked him for specifics on something this guy had actually said or written himself, and Halperin dodged.

If the guy is bad news, I want to know. But so far, all I've seen is empty inference and name-calling.

I realize they're still in shock and lashing out - that's human nature - but I hope they calm down soon.
Look, Bannon may or may not be a bigoted person, but HE CHOSE to make Briebart the outlet for those who are....bigoted, racist, anti American, anti establishment haters, Neo nazi/skinheads, Nationalists in the icky way and not good way, and channeled and still channels these type of people's angst and bigotry on the site.... It lies in many of their stories and takes tabloid-ism to the peak of peaks with their stances and fabrications just to channel the hatred...

is there a niche in the market that was served by Briebart...certainly so...and all of this could be simply a financial decision and filling the void....

BUT WHO in God's name would have thought this same person who chose to run Breitbart in that manner would ever in a million years be up for one of the highest tax payer positions? He made his bed/his choices....and if it comes back to bite him, that's NOT our fault....it's his.

Now this could be simply for money
Sure, I think he's responsible for contributing to the nutso echo chamber that has distorted the Right. Significantly.

But that doesn't make these wild accusations right.
Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:
  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

#2 mac

then he calls his outlet the platform of the alt right

both are statements out of his own mouth ...

I got it... Bannon is a lying sob, right?
That's the one I get least of all.

Yes, there are racists there, he admits it.

Don't you agree?

He's not saying HE is one.

his platform is the benchmark for the alt right, and he's not part of his platform ????

boy, thats a stretch any way you spin it
If you were to admit that there are bigots in the Democrat Party (and we both know there are), does that make you a bigot too?

You share their platform, too.

sorry pal, I'm not a dem ... and I didn't vote for clinton

keep trying
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

#2 mac

then he calls his outlet the platform of the alt right

both are statements out of his own mouth ...

I got it... Bannon is a lying sob, right?
That's the one I get least of all.

Yes, there are racists there, he admits it.

Don't you agree?

He's not saying HE is one.

his platform is the benchmark for the alt right, and he's not part of his platform ????

boy, thats a stretch any way you spin it
If you were to admit that there are bigots in the Democrat Party (and we both know there are), does that make you a bigot too?

You share their platform, too.

sorry pal, I'm not a dem ... and I didn't vote for clinton

keep trying
Okay, but the question and point remain.

None of those quotes were racist, as much as you may want them to be.
The big lie about Bannon.....First...because he helped turn the Trump campaign around and helped win the election...

Next....Breitbart actually covers the problems with black lives matter, illegal immigration and muslim terrorism....so right there the left hates him.......

Last....Trump picked him for his cabinet...they will destroy him to undermine Trump.....

And they are doing it by making up lies about the man....
The Alt-Right is an internet free speech movement.......some on their are racists, but they are a minority and generally teenagers trying to get a rise out of left wing assholes...just ask Milo Yianopolous....he explains exactly what the Alt-Right is since the democrats have decided to create a new monster out of it....
Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:
  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

I agree. Breitbart is not one of my bookmarks, but these accusations are ridiculous.

When it comes to lazy intellect, the Bannon detractors in this thread win the grand prize. Racism is a serious accusation and the term is being thrown around very casually by people who have done zero investigation into the issue. I can't believe how many people latched onto the anti-Semite thing after being shown a headline without any context and without having read the article which happens to be written by a Jew in defense of Judaism.

Let's review some terms, as Bannon defines them;

Alt is short for alternative, as in alternative rock and alternative lifestyles. Many conservatives feel that the Republican Party doesn't represent them. Breitbart is a media outlet which gives voice to an alternative conservative movement.

Nationalism is the counterbalance to globalism. If you oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership, that's a nationalist position. You favor sovereignty and local control instead of international arbitration. Nationalism tends to be lumped in with racism because nations used to be more racially homogeneous. And every MSM outlet is owned by a multi-national parent corporation with a strong globalist bias. In his own words, Bannon is a nationalist because he is focused on American interests and not very concerned with global governance.
Agreed. I was watching Morning Joe this morning, and Mark Halperin was tossing out all the standard talking points. Joe asked him for specifics on something this guy had actually said or written himself, and Halperin dodged.

If the guy is bad news, I want to know. But so far, all I've seen is empty inference and name-calling.

I realize they're still in shock and lashing out - that's human nature - but I hope they calm down soon.
Look, Bannon may or may not be a bigoted person, but HE CHOSE to make Briebart the outlet for those who are....bigoted, racist, anti American, anti establishment haters, Neo nazi/skinheads, Nationalists in the icky way and not good way, and channeled and still channels these type of people's angst and bigotry on the site.... It lies in many of their stories and takes tabloid-ism to the peak of peaks with their stances and fabrications just to channel the hatred...

is there a niche in the market that was served by Briebart...certainly so...and all of this could be simply a financial decision and filling the void....

BUT WHO in God's name would have thought this same person who chose to run Breitbart in that manner would ever in a million years be up for one of the highest tax payer positions? He made his bed/his choices....and if it comes back to bite him, that's NOT our fault....it's his.

Now this could be simply for money
Sure, I think he's responsible for contributing to the nutso echo chamber that has distorted the Right. Significantly.

But that doesn't make these wild accusations right.
what are the WILD accusations? Any normal person who has read their site, would believe the head of Briebart is a bigot....

I just am a business person, so that's why I view it a little differently when money, (the love of and root of all evil) :D is involved....
Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:
  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

I agree. Breitbart is not one of my bookmarks, but these accusations are ridiculous.

When it comes to lazy intellect, the Bannon detractors in this thread win the grand prize. Racism is a serious accusation and the term is being thrown around very casually by people who have done zero investigation into the issue. I can't believe how many people latched onto the anti-Semite thing after being shown a headline without any context and without having read the article which happens to be written by a Jew in defense of Judaism.

Let's review some terms, as Bannon defines them;

Alt is short for alternative, as in alternative rock and alternative lifestyles. Many conservatives feel that the Republican Party doesn't represent them. Breitbart is a media outlet which gives voice to an alternative conservative movement.

Nationalism is the counterbalance to globalism. If you oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership, that's a nationalist position. You favor sovereignty and local control instead of international arbitration. Nationalism tends to be lumped in with racism because nations used to be more racially homogeneous. And every MSM outlet is owned by a multi-national parent corporation with a strong globalist bias. In his own words, Bannon is a nationalist because he is focused on American interests and not very concerned with global governance.
Agreed. I was watching Morning Joe this morning, and Mark Halperin was tossing out all the standard talking points. Joe asked him for specifics on something this guy had actually said or written himself, and Halperin dodged.

If the guy is bad news, I want to know. But so far, all I've seen is empty inference and name-calling.

I realize they're still in shock and lashing out - that's human nature - but I hope they calm down soon.
Mac, I've seen Breitbart articles that were anti-Muslim, misogynist, etc. Bannon ran the news site. It was his call who the editors were, and what kind of articles were allowed. He clearly identified as a platform for the Alt-Right, and not everyone agrees that it is a harmless group of people as described by Tree Shepherd. The buck stopped there. He is more an ultra conservative than a racist, I think, but he has no problem bringing those folks into the tent. To be fair, that part of Trump's fan base needs representation in the new administration; Bannon is a bone thrown to the supremacist trash as well as a successful strategist. It also makes me a little uneasy that he is so "in the shadows." Come out into the light, Mr. Bannon, and show us who you are. Only the campaign staffers know him, and they AREN'T talking. We don't need a Rasputin character in the White House.
3 paragraphs in, and I realized I should have looked at the source. No wonder it read like the rightwing MediaMatters. PJ.
well coyote, post up some evidence. let's see it. you got it? BTW, you don't, so excuse me while I,

I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

I agree. Breitbart is not one of my bookmarks, but these accusations are ridiculous.

When it comes to lazy intellect, the Bannon detractors in this thread win the grand prize. Racism is a serious accusation and the term is being thrown around very casually by people who have done zero investigation into the issue. I can't believe how many people latched onto the anti-Semite thing after being shown a headline without any context and without having read the article which happens to be written by a Jew in defense of Judaism.

Let's review some terms, as Bannon defines them;

Alt is short for alternative, as in alternative rock and alternative lifestyles. Many conservatives feel that the Republican Party doesn't represent them. Breitbart is a media outlet which gives voice to an alternative conservative movement.

Nationalism is the counterbalance to globalism. If you oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership, that's a nationalist position. You favor sovereignty and local control instead of international arbitration. Nationalism tends to be lumped in with racism because nations used to be more racially homogeneous. And every MSM outlet is owned by a multi-national parent corporation with a strong globalist bias. In his own words, Bannon is a nationalist because he is focused on American interests and not very concerned with global governance.
Agreed. I was watching Morning Joe this morning, and Mark Halperin was tossing out all the standard talking points. Joe asked him for specifics on something this guy had actually said or written himself, and Halperin dodged.

If the guy is bad news, I want to know. But so far, all I've seen is empty inference and name-calling.

I realize they're still in shock and lashing out - that's human nature - but I hope they calm down soon.
Look, Bannon may or may not be a bigoted person, but HE CHOSE to make Briebart the outlet for those who are....bigoted, racist, anti American, anti establishment haters, Neo nazi/skinheads, Nationalists in the icky way and not good way, and channeled and still channels these type of people's angst and bigotry on the site.... It lies in many of their stories and takes tabloid-ism to the peak of peaks with their stances and fabrications just to channel the hatred...

is there a niche in the market that was served by Briebart...certainly so...and all of this could be simply a financial decision and filling the void....

BUT WHO in God's name would have thought this same person who chose to run Breitbart in that manner would ever in a million years be up for one of the highest tax payer positions? He made his bed/his choices....and if it comes back to bite him, that's NOT our fault....it's his.

Now this could be simply for money
Sure, I think he's responsible for contributing to the nutso echo chamber that has distorted the Right. Significantly.

But that doesn't make these wild accusations right.
what are the WILD accusations? Any normal person who has read their site, would believe the head of Briebart is a bigot....

I just am a business person, so that's why I view it a little differently when money, (the love of and root of all evil) :D is involved....
Breitbart is dead. If you have actual quotes from this guy, actual things he has said or written, I'd love to see them. And frankly, I wouldn't be shocked.

But so far, all I'm seeing is guilt by association, and the hysteria is beginning to look more than a little contrived.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

I agree. Breitbart is not one of my bookmarks, but these accusations are ridiculous.

When it comes to lazy intellect, the Bannon detractors in this thread win the grand prize. Racism is a serious accusation and the term is being thrown around very casually by people who have done zero investigation into the issue. I can't believe how many people latched onto the anti-Semite thing after being shown a headline without any context and without having read the article which happens to be written by a Jew in defense of Judaism.

Let's review some terms, as Bannon defines them;

Alt is short for alternative, as in alternative rock and alternative lifestyles. Many conservatives feel that the Republican Party doesn't represent them. Breitbart is a media outlet which gives voice to an alternative conservative movement.

Nationalism is the counterbalance to globalism. If you oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership, that's a nationalist position. You favor sovereignty and local control instead of international arbitration. Nationalism tends to be lumped in with racism because nations used to be more racially homogeneous. And every MSM outlet is owned by a multi-national parent corporation with a strong globalist bias. In his own words, Bannon is a nationalist because he is focused on American interests and not very concerned with global governance.
Agreed. I was watching Morning Joe this morning, and Mark Halperin was tossing out all the standard talking points. Joe asked him for specifics on something this guy had actually said or written himself, and Halperin dodged.

If the guy is bad news, I want to know. But so far, all I've seen is empty inference and name-calling.

I realize they're still in shock and lashing out - that's human nature - but I hope they calm down soon.
Look, Bannon may or may not be a bigoted person, but HE CHOSE to make Briebart the outlet for those who are....bigoted, racist, anti American, anti establishment haters, Neo nazi/skinheads, Nationalists in the icky way and not good way, and channeled and still channels these type of people's angst and bigotry on the site.... It lies in many of their stories and takes tabloid-ism to the peak of peaks with their stances and fabrications just to channel the hatred...

is there a niche in the market that was served by Briebart...certainly so...and all of this could be simply a financial decision and filling the void....

BUT WHO in God's name would have thought this same person who chose to run Breitbart in that manner would ever in a million years be up for one of the highest tax payer positions? He made his bed/his choices....and if it comes back to bite him, that's NOT our fault....it's his.

Now this could be simply for money
Sure, I think he's responsible for contributing to the nutso echo chamber that has distorted the Right. Significantly.

But that doesn't make these wild accusations right.
what are the WILD accusations? Any normal person who has read their site, would believe the head of Briebart is a bigot....

I just am a business person, so that's why I view it a little differently when money, (the love of and root of all evil) :D is involved....

"normal person"

that leaves out RW's.

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