Why The Big Lie About Steve Bannon?

Hildabeast losing has nothing to do with picking Bannon. I'm as sick of the continuation of the campaign bullshit as the next guy, but I WILL feel better if Bannon goes on one of the news shows and introduces himself. Is that so radical?

Well, Bannon has been hired to be Trump's David Axelrod. How much of what he says on Sunday morning talk shows will be his own opinion (vs. campaigning for Trump)? That will be difficult to parse out.
I suppose I think I'm gifted enough to get a sense of what sort of man he is from hearing him and watching him react to questions. Probably I'm wrong. I realize he's not going to say "YES, I'm a racist! I hate Jews! Women should be in the kitchen, not the voting booth, particularly if they aren't 10's.
You have a point, I suppose.
How 'bout an in depth interview with The Atlantic? Or Rolling Stone?
I realize he's not going to say "YES, I'm a racist! I hate Jews!

Haven't we at least moved past the anti-Semitism charge yet? Bill Kristol Renegade Jew was an article written by a Jew in defense of Judaism. People took the headline and ran with it without reading the article.
If I missed where a valid argument has been made for Bannon's anti-Semitism, please clue me in.
I realize he's not going to say "YES, I'm a racist! I hate Jews!

Haven't we at least moved past the anti-Semitism charge yet? Bill Kristol Renegade Jew was an article written by a Jew in defense of Judaism. People took the headline and ran with it without reading the article.
If I missed where a valid argument has been made for Bannon's anti-Semitism, please clue me in.
Sorry. I won't go to Breitbart's site and read that stuff. I've been there when posters here have included an article as a link, and the ones I've read have been pretty yucky.
Ultra conservatism, fine.
Sorry. I won't go to Breitbart's site and read that stuff. I've been there when posters here have included an article as a link, and the ones I've read have been pretty yucky.
Ultra conservatism, fine

So while you cannot provide any example of anti-Semitism, you are still entrenched in the position that Bannon is an anti-Semite? Is that correct?
This is a well written article were the journalist looked at the rhetoric and did the research to contrast it with reality. I'm not going to paste any of the article itself, because putting in pieces wouldn't do it justice as a whole.

Please don't comment unless you taken the 5 minutes to actually read the whole article.

The Big Lie About Steve Bannon

What's your problem with the dude?

The problem appears to be yours.
'Cause Stevie touched the establishment in it's naughty place and the punishment for that is to be slandered mercilessly!
He made his living off of slandering people mercilessly. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
As usual evidence doesn't factor into the race baiting slander mobs equation.... apparently you didn't. Bother to read the article, no surprise.

I mean the website is still there. This "no evidence" shit wont fly with a record that long
This is a well written article were the journalist


'Cause Stevie touched the establishment in it's naughty place and the punishment for that is to be slandered mercilessly!
He made his living off of slandering people mercilessly. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
As usual evidence doesn't factor into the race baiting slander mobs equation.... apparently you didn't. Bother to read the article, no surprise.

I mean the website is still there. This "no evidence" shit wont fly with a record that long
oky-doky, drop that evidence on us whenever you're ready .....

"Rumor travels faster, but it don't stay put as long as truth." -- Will Rogers
Steve Bannon’s Quotes
Here are some quotes by Steve Bannon that have recently come to question:
  1. “Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.”
  2. “Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”
  3. “What you realize hanging out with investigative reporters is that, while they may be personally liberal, they don’t let that get in the way of a good story.”
  4. “Fear is a good thing. Fear is going to lead you to take action.”
  5. “Hollywood does not understand Middle America, and it certainly does not understand and, in fact, despises, the core values of the country.”
  6. “George Clooney, who is a moron, came here to Cannes and gave a press conference saying, ‘Under no circumstances will Trump ever be president. Hillary Clinton will be the next president.’ Well, we can’t wait to make George Clooney eat his words.”
  7. “We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that.”
  8. “This country is in a crisis. And if you’re fighting to save this country, if you’re fighting to take this country back, it’s not going to be sunshine and patriots. It’s going to be people who want to fight. I mean, Andrew Breitbart was all about the fight.”
  9. “That’s one of the unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement – that, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be feminine, they would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children.”
  10. “If you stay true to yourself and true to your vision and your own values, you can power through and make an impact on modern life.”

Under Bannon's guidance, Breitbart served as a hub for pro-Trump, anti-immigration and especially anti-Muslim agit-prop. The site faced regular criticism — including from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton — for its close ties to the "alt right," an online-based counterculture movement associated with white nationalism. Bannon once called his outlet "the platform of the alt-right."

there ya have it, self admitted racist.
I don't see a "racist" comment on that list.

I'm no fan of Trump, I think Breitbart is clearly a cog in the right wing echo chamber, but no. No racist comments there.

If this is the best evidence against him, I'm a little less worried that Trump has him in there.

#2 mac

Are there racist people involved in the alt-right? Absolutely.”

then he calls his outlet the platform of the alt right

both are statements out of his own mouth ...

I got it... Bannon is a lying sob, right?

There goes that broad brush again. Got anything else in the tool belt?
'Cause Stevie touched the establishment in it's naughty place and the punishment for that is to be slandered mercilessly!
He made his living off of slandering people mercilessly. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
As usual evidence doesn't factor into the race baiting slander mobs equation.... apparently you didn't. Bother to read the article, no surprise.

I mean the website is still there. This "no evidence" shit wont fly with a record that long
oky-doky, drop that evidence on us whenever you're ready .....

"Rumor travels faster, but it don't stay put as long as truth." -- Will Rogers

Evidence of what? Slander? Racism? Sexism?

Whatever one you choose just know I'm going to ask what is your definition of that word also. I find that whenever someone asks for evidence of an "ism" they never see it because they cant define it

I can see that I'm going to have to do all the heavy lifting around here. Let's go down the list;

The renegade Jew article has already been vetted. It's written by a Jew in defense of Judaism.

Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer? This was a video made by a student group promoting an on-campus debate between a radical feminist and a radical anti-feminist. In the video, students are asked this question (feminism or cancer?). They answer as u might expect, either scoffing at the question or choosing feminism.

The question is in poor taste. But the students asking the question don't take a side. Their main purpose is to stop people, engage them, and get them interested in attending the debate.

Breitbart linked to the video because they are promoters of free speech and that was the focus of the event this video is promoting.

I can see that I'm going to have to do all the heavy lifting around here. Let's go down the list;

The renegade Jew article has already been vetted. It's written by a Jew in defense of Judaism.

Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer? This was a video made by a student group promoting an on-campus debate between a radical feminist and a radical anti-feminist. In the video, students are asked this question (feminism or cancer?). They answer as u might expect, either scoffing at the question or choosing feminism.

The question is in poor taste. But the students asking the question don't take a side. Their main purpose is to stop people, engage them, and get them interested in attending the debate.

Breitbart linked to the video because they are promoters of free speech and that was the focus of the event this video is promoting.

Everything is ok and if its not its not his company's fault his company posted it.
I don't remember Obama working with ANYBODY from the other side of the aisle. In fact, I remember him referring to them as his enemies and that they should be punished.


Vice President Biden told me that during the transition, he was warned not to expect any bipartisan cooperation on major votes. “I spoke to seven different Republican Senators who said, ‘Joe, I’m not going to be able to help you on anything,’ ” he recalled. His informants said McConnell had demanded unified resistance. “The way it was characterized to me was, ‘For the next two years, we can’t let you succeed in anything. That’s our ticket to coming back,’ ” Biden said. The Vice President said he hasn’t even told Obama who his sources were, but Bob Bennett of Utah and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania both confirmed they had conversations with Biden along those lines.

“So I promise you — and the President agreed with me — I never thought we were going to get Republican support,” Biden said.

• One Obama aide said he received a similar warning from a Republican Senate staffer he was seeing at the time. He remembered asking her one morning in bed, How do we get a stimulus deal? She replied, Baby, there’s no deal!

David Obey, then chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, met with his GOP counterpart, Jerry Lewis, to explain what Democrats had in mind for the stimulus and ask what Republicans wanted to include. “Jerry’s response was, ‘I’m sorry, but leadership tells us we can’t play,’ ” Obey told me. “Exact quote: ‘We can’t play.’ What they said right from the get-go was, It doesn’t matter what the hell you do, we ain’t going to help you. We’re going to stand on the sidelines and bitch.”

The Party of No: New Details on the GOP Plot to Obstruct Obama | TIME.com
Got anything rooted in reality or just a bunch of vague comments from unnamed sources?
Whatever one you choose just know I'm going to ask what is your definition of that word also. I find that whenever someone asks for evidence of an "ism" they never see it because they cant define it

LOL, oh the DELICIOUS IRONY ! the reason that you find that to be the case is; you're a typical progressive that believes that all it takes to be <fill in the "ist" flavor of the moment> is to disagree with your worldview; it's easy to see why this would confuse you, since you folks sling around "isms" and "ists" so often you don't even know what they really mean anymore.

Anywho.... if you had read the article in the OP you'd know that the main thrust of it dealt with the accusations against Bannon of being an anti-Semite, you do know what that means, right? Or would you like me to email you a copy of "Slanders Progressives Sling Around Whenever Their Worldview is challenged: For Dummies" ?

Whenever you're ready to drop that evidence, ANY credible evidence of whatever "ism" you happen to get your jollies off throwing around today, feel free..
Whatever one you choose just know I'm going to ask what is your definition of that word also. I find that whenever someone asks for evidence of an "ism" they never see it because they cant define it

LOL, oh the DELICIOUS IRONY ! the reason that you find that to be the case is; you're a typical progressive that believes that all it takes to be <fill in the "ist" flavor of the moment> is to disagree with your worldview; it's easy to see why this would confuse you, since you folks sling around "isms" and "ists" so often you don't even know what they really mean anymore.

Anywho.... if you had read the article in the OP you'd know that the main thrust of it dealt with the accusations against Bannon of being an anti-Semite, you do know what that means, right? Or would you like me to email you a copy of "Slanders Progressives Sling Around Whenever Their Worldview is challenged: For Dummies" ?

Whenever you're ready to drop that evidence, ANY credible evidence of whatever "ism" you happen to get your jollies off throwing around today, feel free..

Whats your definition of being an Anti-Semite? And what would be an example of 100% Anti-Semitism?
Bannon identifies as alt right, though he would argue with the co-opted mainstream media definition of alt right. And, he has admitted that some people who identify as alt right are racist. I think his mistake there was his overestimation of the public's ability to process nuance.

Allow me to provide a written illustration from my own mind of what Bannon is saying.

The 1970s were the formative decade of punk rock. During this time there emerged a racist xenophobic subgenre of punk called Nazi Punk. What did all the subgenres of punk have in common? They were a reaction to corporate rock, music that had 'sold out', music that had ceased to be critical of society, etc.. What all punk rock had in common was an anti-establishment perspective.

Bannon is like a dude who started a punk rock magazine and you're calling him a racist because Nazi Punk exists and people who like Nazi Punk read his magazine for the anti-establishment element of it.

Fast forward to the 21st Century and a band like Green Day (technically a punk band) has eclipsed traditional rock, going platinum and selling out huge venues. Today, maybe some people would begin to consider Green Day to be classic rock.

Bannon sees alt right as next mainstream right, with new media eclipsing old media and with issues that a majority of Americans are in favor of (anti-war, comprehensive immigration strategy, domestic economy more important than globalist ideals).

Yes....as Milo Yianopolous points out all the time the Alt-Right are free speechers.........who hate the control freaks and political correctness... of the main stream press and other web communiites

Yep, I actually saw ABC apologize because one of their guest used the term "illegal alien", saying we don't subscribe to that here.
Next on the list: the hoist it high article about the Confederate flag.

This article doesn't appeal to me. I've never been to the South. I'm not a Confederate flag waiver. But I've watched enough Dukes of Hazard to know that the flag is not a defense of slavery to many people who fly it. It's more about states rights. It's like the Don't Tread on Me flag, stay out of my business and let me make my own moonshine without being infringed upon by the Boss Hogg's of the world.

Once again, the article appeals to free speech. It's a criticism of selective censorship, characterized by this quote;

The attempt to demonise Robert E. Lee, a great gentleman and Christian soldier, is obscene. Lee was more critical of slavery than were the Northern generals Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman. In a letter to his wife on 27 December 1856, which he could not have imagined anyone else would ever see, Lee wrote that “slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country”.”."
Next on the list: the hoist it high article about the Confederate flag.

This article doesn't appeal to me. I've never been to the South. I'm not a Confederate flag waiver. But I've watched enough Dukes of Hazard to know that the flag is not a defense of slavery to many people who fly it. It's more about states rights. It's like the Don't Tread on Me flag, stay out of my business and let me make my own moonshine without being infringed upon by the Boss Hogg's of the world.

Once again, the article appeals to free speech. It's a criticism of selective censorship, characterized by this quote;

The attempt to demonise Robert E. Lee, a great gentleman and Christian soldier, is obscene. Lee was more critical of slavery than were the Northern generals Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman. In a letter to his wife on 27 December 1856, which he could not have imagined anyone else would ever see, Lee wrote that “slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country”.”."

As long as you can come up with excuses I see there is nothing that can stick with a slick talker like yourself.

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