Why the 'End' of White Men Is Actually Good for White Men

Nothing racist about the article . Strange and interesting who the ones are that jump in an cry reverse racism .

Everything racist about you and everything you've ever posted here, punk.

Racist? Now why would ANYONE be offended about the demographic shift taking place in America, Unless.....

Again goober My family IS multi racial so you entire premise is BS just like you

Me I am very happy that my children an grandchildren will have a level playing field without one group having privilege. Why would someone be offended by that? Unless....

If you think that your life would be so much better if you were not under the white man's yoke, move to Mexico, Asia or the nirvana of maladjusted miscreants like you, your dreamland of happiness and peace, AFRICA.
Some good advice for the bitter uneducated teahadists

"The life-span for white men without a college education is actually shrinking, while Hispanic males are the longest-lived American men. For affluent white guys, being in control all the time takes a toll on the heart; for poorer white men, rage at not having what you think is rightfully yours by virtue of your skin color can lead to lethally reckless behavior. The sooner white men let go of the anxiety and resentment that accompany unearned privilege, the healthier and happier we'll likely be".

"middle-aged, middle-class white men like me no longer have sole control of the levers of power."

Why the 'End' of White Men Is Actually Good for White Men


Nothing racist about the article . Strange and interesting who the ones are that jump in an cry reverse racism

"We've all heard a variation on that point before, as white dudes complain that they're unfairly held accountable for historic and contemporary injustices. Whining about "reverse racism" or about being "blamed" for the exclusionary practices of those who shared (and share) our color, our class, and our sex doesn't change the reality that we're the ones who've enjoyed unearned advantages for eons".

If I wrote the exact same article, substituting black for white, you would be screaming about racism. That means that either you are a racist scumbag, or a lying sack of shit.

Not a multiple choice question. He is definitely, both.

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