Why the hatred.

The two parties must be laughing at the electorate.

The more tribal the people get, the more donations go into their pockets.

The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Your hate of us is astounding
Let me tell you ..we’re finally fighting back
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
We have had it

I come from a long line of democrats who worked in the steel mills and iron mills of Pennsylvania. They stood on union lines often in bad weather on strike so future workers could get fair pay and benefits.

For half a century I was a registered democrat but last year when I moved I changed my registration to republican.

So why the change. It wasn’t so much that I left the party as the Democratic Party left me.

Why is the Democratic Party so ashamed of our nation? Yes, in the beginning we had slavery but even from the start it was a controversial idea and we did away with it by fighting a Civil War.

While we are far from a perfect nation we have always been a nation that wants to improve and become better and fairer for all. I have seen significant changes for the better in my lifetime. Significant not minor.

Many of those changes were because of the efforts of the Democratic Party.

But now it seems the extremists in the Democratic Party have taken control and want to change this nation into a socialist workers paradise. We are not talking socialist programs like Social Security here but a major change in our form of government from capitalist to socialist as in Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea. This form of government has proven a failure over and over but of course the Democratic Party thinks that they can finally make it work in our nation. A nation with possibly the most freedoms of any nation in the world is a poor choice for a socialist or communist government.

Plus the Denocratic Party sees no problem with groups like Antifa and BLM rioting and burning our cities down. In fact some elected democrats encourage such activities.

The Democratic Party sees the cops as the bad guys not the drug gangs who spend their time shooting up our big cities over territory while killing innocent people and even children during their gun battles. The dems want to defund the police or do away with police and replace them with social workers.

So cops in many big cities are tired of having little or no support from the management of their cites and are leaving the force in mass. Few people have any interest in joining the police force today to replace the officers leaving as today cops are shot and murdered while just sitting in their police car. A cop has to try to control a riot and dodge bricks and commercial fireworks from the rioters and is limited in how much force he can use to quell the riot or protect himself. Being a cop is not a job any rational, sane person would want to be today. It sucks because many citizens absolutely hate cops and to top it off it doesn’t pay all that well.

Our Mexican border is basically wide open and Biden has invited everybody in and they are coming In mass. It is not just illegal aliens looking for work that cross this border but also drug mules and gang members as well as possible terrorists. Of course the dems want to do away with ICE and provide sanctuary for anyone who comes here even if they commit crimes, often it seems they treat illegal aliens better then real citizens.

If the dems get a chance they will attempt to push their plan of disarming American citizens as far as possible in the next couple of years possibly starting off with a ban and a mandatory buy back of “assault rifles“ and all semi-automatic firearms including pistols if possible. First they cripple the police and ICE and the crime rate skyrockets and to top it off they try to ban and confiscate civilian owned firearms people use for defense. It makes me wonder if they are working for the citizens of our nation or the criminals in our nation.

I could continue with this rant but by now most readers will have an good idea of how I feel. The Democratic Party has went totally BATSHIT CRAZY and I no longer want to be associated in any way with it.

It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that. We may well end up with our nation breaking apart. Hopefully if it happens the breakup will be peaceful not bloody.
"It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that."

What do you think will destroy this nation faster than the right's attempts at destroying our election process?
The left fascist have turned our elections into a banana republic nation

I didn't realize Trump and Republicans were leftwing fascists. Thanks for the insight.
2 sides of the same coin , you giant buffoon
For the Dems
Conservatives are the resistance .

Conservatives are too stupid to resist anything other than the urge to fart.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Your hate of us is astounding
Let me tell you ..we’re finally fighting back
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
We have had it

I come from a long line of democrats who worked in the steel mills and iron mills of Pennsylvania. They stood on union lines often in bad weather on strike so future workers could get fair pay and benefits.

For half a century I was a registered democrat but last year when I moved I changed my registration to republican.

So why the change. It wasn’t so much that I left the party as the Democratic Party left me.

Why is the Democratic Party so ashamed of our nation? Yes, in the beginning we had slavery but even from the start it was a controversial idea and we did away with it by fighting a Civil War.

While we are far from a perfect nation we have always been a nation that wants to improve and become better and fairer for all. I have seen significant changes for the better in my lifetime. Significant not minor.

Many of those changes were because of the efforts of the Democratic Party.

But now it seems the extremists in the Democratic Party have taken control and want to change this nation into a socialist workers paradise. We are not talking socialist programs like Social Security here but a major change in our form of government from capitalist to socialist as in Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea. This form of government has proven a failure over and over but of course the Democratic Party thinks that they can finally make it work in our nation. A nation with possibly the most freedoms of any nation in the world is a poor choice for a socialist or communist government.

Plus the Denocratic Party sees no problem with groups like Antifa and BLM rioting and burning our cities down. In fact some elected democrats encourage such activities.

The Democratic Party sees the cops as the bad guys not the drug gangs who spend their time shooting up our big cities over territory while killing innocent people and even children during their gun battles. The dems want to defund the police or do away with police and replace them with social workers.

So cops in many big cities are tired of having little or no support from the management of their cites and are leaving the force in mass. Few people have any interest in joining the police force today to replace the officers leaving as today cops are shot and murdered while just sitting in their police car. A cop has to try to control a riot and dodge bricks and commercial fireworks from the rioters and is limited in how much force he can use to quell the riot or protect himself. Being a cop is not a job any rational, sane person would want to be today. It sucks because many citizens absolutely hate cops and to top it off it doesn’t pay all that well.

Our Mexican border is basically wide open and Biden has invited everybody in and they are coming In mass. It is not just illegal aliens looking for work that cross this border but also drug mules and gang members as well as possible terrorists. Of course the dems want to do away with ICE and provide sanctuary for anyone who comes here even if they commit crimes, often it seems they treat illegal aliens better then real citizens.

If the dems get a chance they will attempt to push their plan of disarming American citizens as far as possible in the next couple of years possibly starting off with a ban and a mandatory buy back of “assault rifles“ and all semi-automatic firearms including pistols if possible. First they cripple the police and ICE and the crime rate skyrockets and to top it off they try to ban and confiscate civilian owned firearms people use for defense. It makes me wonder if they are working for the citizens of our nation or the criminals in our nation.

I could continue with this rant but by now most readers will have an good idea of how I feel. The Democratic Party has went totally BATSHIT CRAZY and I no longer want to be associated in any way with it.

It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that. We may well end up with our nation breaking apart. Hopefully if it happens the breakup will be peaceful not bloody.
"It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that."

What do you think will destroy this nation faster than the right's attempts at destroying our election process?
The left fascist have turned our elections into a banana republic nation

I didn't realize Trump and Republicans were leftwing fascists. Thanks for the insight.
2 sides of the same coin , you giant buffoon
For the Dems
Conservatives are the resistance .

Conservatives are too stupid to resist anything other than the urge to fart.
You have the true vernacular of a leftist loser !!
You talk just like your fellow leftist vermin
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Your hate of us is astounding
Let me tell you ..we’re finally fighting back
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
We have had it

I come from a long line of democrats who worked in the steel mills and iron mills of Pennsylvania. They stood on union lines often in bad weather on strike so future workers could get fair pay and benefits.

For half a century I was a registered democrat but last year when I moved I changed my registration to republican.

So why the change. It wasn’t so much that I left the party as the Democratic Party left me.

Why is the Democratic Party so ashamed of our nation? Yes, in the beginning we had slavery but even from the start it was a controversial idea and we did away with it by fighting a Civil War.

While we are far from a perfect nation we have always been a nation that wants to improve and become better and fairer for all. I have seen significant changes for the better in my lifetime. Significant not minor.

Many of those changes were because of the efforts of the Democratic Party.

But now it seems the extremists in the Democratic Party have taken control and want to change this nation into a socialist workers paradise. We are not talking socialist programs like Social Security here but a major change in our form of government from capitalist to socialist as in Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea. This form of government has proven a failure over and over but of course the Democratic Party thinks that they can finally make it work in our nation. A nation with possibly the most freedoms of any nation in the world is a poor choice for a socialist or communist government.

Plus the Denocratic Party sees no problem with groups like Antifa and BLM rioting and burning our cities down. In fact some elected democrats encourage such activities.

The Democratic Party sees the cops as the bad guys not the drug gangs who spend their time shooting up our big cities over territory while killing innocent people and even children during their gun battles. The dems want to defund the police or do away with police and replace them with social workers.

So cops in many big cities are tired of having little or no support from the management of their cites and are leaving the force in mass. Few people have any interest in joining the police force today to replace the officers leaving as today cops are shot and murdered while just sitting in their police car. A cop has to try to control a riot and dodge bricks and commercial fireworks from the rioters and is limited in how much force he can use to quell the riot or protect himself. Being a cop is not a job any rational, sane person would want to be today. It sucks because many citizens absolutely hate cops and to top it off it doesn’t pay all that well.

Our Mexican border is basically wide open and Biden has invited everybody in and they are coming In mass. It is not just illegal aliens looking for work that cross this border but also drug mules and gang members as well as possible terrorists. Of course the dems want to do away with ICE and provide sanctuary for anyone who comes here even if they commit crimes, often it seems they treat illegal aliens better then real citizens.

If the dems get a chance they will attempt to push their plan of disarming American citizens as far as possible in the next couple of years possibly starting off with a ban and a mandatory buy back of “assault rifles“ and all semi-automatic firearms including pistols if possible. First they cripple the police and ICE and the crime rate skyrockets and to top it off they try to ban and confiscate civilian owned firearms people use for defense. It makes me wonder if they are working for the citizens of our nation or the criminals in our nation.

I could continue with this rant but by now most readers will have an good idea of how I feel. The Democratic Party has went totally BATSHIT CRAZY and I no longer want to be associated in any way with it.

It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that. We may well end up with our nation breaking apart. Hopefully if it happens the breakup will be peaceful not bloody.
"It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that."

What do you think will destroy this nation faster than the right's attempts at destroying our election process?

I find it hilarious that you accuse the right of attempting to destroy our election process after the 2020 Presidential election which was definitely rigged by the democrats. The only reason you got away with the steal was overturning Biden’s election would have led to liberals rioting all over this nation and burning cities to the ground. Conservatives fortunately aren’t batshit crazy so they don’t loot and burn like liberals.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Your hate of us is astounding
Let me tell you ..we’re finally fighting back
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
We have had it

I come from a long line of democrats who worked in the steel mills and iron mills of Pennsylvania. They stood on union lines often in bad weather on strike so future workers could get fair pay and benefits.

For half a century I was a registered democrat but last year when I moved I changed my registration to republican.

So why the change. It wasn’t so much that I left the party as the Democratic Party left me.

Why is the Democratic Party so ashamed of our nation? Yes, in the beginning we had slavery but even from the start it was a controversial idea and we did away with it by fighting a Civil War.

While we are far from a perfect nation we have always been a nation that wants to improve and become better and fairer for all. I have seen significant changes for the better in my lifetime. Significant not minor.

Many of those changes were because of the efforts of the Democratic Party.

But now it seems the extremists in the Democratic Party have taken control and want to change this nation into a socialist workers paradise. We are not talking socialist programs like Social Security here but a major change in our form of government from capitalist to socialist as in Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea. This form of government has proven a failure over and over but of course the Democratic Party thinks that they can finally make it work in our nation. A nation with possibly the most freedoms of any nation in the world is a poor choice for a socialist or communist government.

Plus the Denocratic Party sees no problem with groups like Antifa and BLM rioting and burning our cities down. In fact some elected democrats encourage such activities.

The Democratic Party sees the cops as the bad guys not the drug gangs who spend their time shooting up our big cities over territory while killing innocent people and even children during their gun battles. The dems want to defund the police or do away with police and replace them with social workers.

So cops in many big cities are tired of having little or no support from the management of their cites and are leaving the force in mass. Few people have any interest in joining the police force today to replace the officers leaving as today cops are shot and murdered while just sitting in their police car. A cop has to try to control a riot and dodge bricks and commercial fireworks from the rioters and is limited in how much force he can use to quell the riot or protect himself. Being a cop is not a job any rational, sane person would want to be today. It sucks because many citizens absolutely hate cops and to top it off it doesn’t pay all that well.

Our Mexican border is basically wide open and Biden has invited everybody in and they are coming In mass. It is not just illegal aliens looking for work that cross this border but also drug mules and gang members as well as possible terrorists. Of course the dems want to do away with ICE and provide sanctuary for anyone who comes here even if they commit crimes, often it seems they treat illegal aliens better then real citizens.

If the dems get a chance they will attempt to push their plan of disarming American citizens as far as possible in the next couple of years possibly starting off with a ban and a mandatory buy back of “assault rifles“ and all semi-automatic firearms including pistols if possible. First they cripple the police and ICE and the crime rate skyrockets and to top it off they try to ban and confiscate civilian owned firearms people use for defense. It makes me wonder if they are working for the citizens of our nation or the criminals in our nation.

I could continue with this rant but by now most readers will have an good idea of how I feel. The Democratic Party has went totally BATSHIT CRAZY and I no longer want to be associated in any way with it.

It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that. We may well end up with our nation breaking apart. Hopefully if it happens the breakup will be peaceful not bloody.
"It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that."

What do you think will destroy this nation faster than the right's attempts at destroying our election process?
The left fascist have turned our elections into a banana republic nation

I didn't realize Trump and Republicans were leftwing fascists. Thanks for the insight.
2 sides of the same coin , you giant buffoon
For the Dems
Conservatives are the resistance .

Conservatives are too stupid to resist anything other than the urge to fart.
You have the true vernacular of a leftist loser !!
You talk just like your fellow leftist vermin
Why thank you. I take that from conservatives as I'm right on target.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
The far right are quite similar to the Nazis in Germany before they took power, accusing everyone who opposed them as socialists or commies.

Unlike the Nazis, the far right here will never take power.

The Nazis also disarmed the citizenry, silenced opposition, and stoke division and racial hatred. Sounds like leftists to me, so we'll hear no more of your sanctimonious, "You're just like the Nazis, because I think that word means 'people I don't like'!"
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason

Because Dems are lying lawless traitors who sell out Americans every chance they get. Dems friends are now illegals flooding in across our southern border, China and Iran.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
The far right are quite similar to the Nazis in Germany before they took power, accusing everyone who opposed them as socialists or commies.

Unlike the Nazis, the far right here will never take power.

I disagree.
I think the far right has always had power and has been in control in the US.
In early days, it was slavery, the Trail of Tears, etc., that showed the wealthy elite were in control.
It never changed.
The Spanish American war was a fake hoax based on the USS Maine blowing up all by itself.
WWI was incredibly corrupt and evil.
So was the Korean war, Vietnam, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, the invasion of Iraq, the murder of Qaddafi, etc.
Prohibition, the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, federal gun control, etc., are all massively illegal.

I think your thought runs just deep enough to create a "Historical Things I Think Were Bad" list, and then to blame the right for them all, and feel justified and righteous.

On the bright side, you've managed to produce the stupidest glob of nothing I've read today. Hard to do around here.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Your hate of us is astounding
Let me tell you ..we’re finally fighting back
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
We have had it

I come from a long line of democrats who worked in the steel mills and iron mills of Pennsylvania. They stood on union lines often in bad weather on strike so future workers could get fair pay and benefits.

For half a century I was a registered democrat but last year when I moved I changed my registration to republican.

So why the change. It wasn’t so much that I left the party as the Democratic Party left me.

Why is the Democratic Party so ashamed of our nation? Yes, in the beginning we had slavery but even from the start it was a controversial idea and we did away with it by fighting a Civil War.

While we are far from a perfect nation we have always been a nation that wants to improve and become better and fairer for all. I have seen significant changes for the better in my lifetime. Significant not minor.

Many of those changes were because of the efforts of the Democratic Party.

But now it seems the extremists in the Democratic Party have taken control and want to change this nation into a socialist workers paradise. We are not talking socialist programs like Social Security here but a major change in our form of government from capitalist to socialist as in Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea. This form of government has proven a failure over and over but of course the Democratic Party thinks that they can finally make it work in our nation. A nation with possibly the most freedoms of any nation in the world is a poor choice for a socialist or communist government.

Plus the Denocratic Party sees no problem with groups like Antifa and BLM rioting and burning our cities down. In fact some elected democrats encourage such activities.

The Democratic Party sees the cops as the bad guys not the drug gangs who spend their time shooting up our big cities over territory while killing innocent people and even children during their gun battles. The dems want to defund the police or do away with police and replace them with social workers.

So cops in many big cities are tired of having little or no support from the management of their cites and are leaving the force in mass. Few people have any interest in joining the police force today to replace the officers leaving as today cops are shot and murdered while just sitting in their police car. A cop has to try to control a riot and dodge bricks and commercial fireworks from the rioters and is limited in how much force he can use to quell the riot or protect himself. Being a cop is not a job any rational, sane person would want to be today. It sucks because many citizens absolutely hate cops and to top it off it doesn’t pay all that well.

Our Mexican border is basically wide open and Biden has invited everybody in and they are coming In mass. It is not just illegal aliens looking for work that cross this border but also drug mules and gang members as well as possible terrorists. Of course the dems want to do away with ICE and provide sanctuary for anyone who comes here even if they commit crimes, often it seems they treat illegal aliens better then real citizens.

If the dems get a chance they will attempt to push their plan of disarming American citizens as far as possible in the next couple of years possibly starting off with a ban and a mandatory buy back of “assault rifles“ and all semi-automatic firearms including pistols if possible. First they cripple the police and ICE and the crime rate skyrockets and to top it off they try to ban and confiscate civilian owned firearms people use for defense. It makes me wonder if they are working for the citizens of our nation or the criminals in our nation.

I could continue with this rant but by now most readers will have an good idea of how I feel. The Democratic Party has went totally BATSHIT CRAZY and I no longer want to be associated in any way with it.

It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that. We may well end up with our nation breaking apart. Hopefully if it happens the breakup will be peaceful not bloody.
You went to a lot of trouble to say nothing.

Why would the democrats want to destroy the nation? It's their nation as much as yours. Don't give me that rubbish that it is being transformed to Marxism etc. Because there is evidence for it. It's typical Republican propaganda to put fear into dumb punters.
Did you think they were destroying it when you supported them? Of course not. You didn't give that lot of thought.
Of all the Democrat governments, not one took it towards communism. It seems republicans are paranoid about communism but never experienced it.
Have a nice day. I am.

I just heard, "I dismissed your post as nothing without reading it, because hearing what other people say gets in the way of spewing my self-righteous victimhood."

Can't remember the last time I saw someone work so hard to be a laughingstock.
Pospotus JoeXi is a catholic-CIA puppet with drug connections. Those are catholics streaming across the Mexican border, and the Ukrainian bullshit is also catholic: the Ukraine was founded as a Viking kingship, catholic. JoeXi’’s other handlers are now seeing the distancing from their puppet:

28 Ap 2021. U.S. Catholic Bishops May Press Biden to Stop Taking Communion
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

Conservatives are not the ones looting, burning down cities, doxxing people on social media so that they are "canceled" and fired from their jobs.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
While I do agree with you. . . . the rhetoric IS getting out of hand, I can tell you what is going on.

The establishment power players, especially corporations, both in the establishment media, and silicon valley, have not been treating the two partisan POV the same, in regards to public access to public engagement, and how they report on issues. This has caused a great deal of anger and resentment.

To give one example;

Over and over, conservatives have to hear about "BLM protests," which? Ostensibly, yes, they were "protests." Yet, it cannot be denied that in very, very many cases these devolved into riots, if not all out civil disobedience to local authorities.

And yet? The corporate and government media never, ever described them as such. All this looting, burning, murder and destruction by the left was never honestly described by the government or media for what it was. It was complete chaos and societal breakdown.

. . . and then, when several dozen extremists provoked the protesters at the Capitol to enter the Capitol, after the security there was not only lax, but compliant and willingly letting folks just walk right in. . . what was clearly, at first just a protest, which later only devolved into just a mild riot.. . . was blown out of all proportion to become in the public mind, "an insurrection."

It is this type of unfair treatment in the minds of the public that aggravate the situation.

While I dislike both parties these days, you forget that BML was an accurate protest of Blacks being systematically murdered and abused by out of control police, while the capital riot was about a fake claim about an election being stolen.
Big difference.
BLM has a lot more credibility.
We see it almost every day.
But there has been very little to support election fraud.
BLM is a cancer that is spreading into every corner of our Democracy. You can't tell me that the 0.0005% of unarmed Black men murdered in a confrontation with police is proof of some systematic genocide. That is absolute nonsense that is being pushed 24/7 by our Ministry of Propaganda that used to be known as 'The Media'. They are extremely good at duping Americans into believing their bullshit. Apparently they have convinced you.

BLM is just the New Black of Red Marxism.
Hatred exists because many are ignorant enough to believe that politics is important. Uhhhh they aren't very bright.
Blm marauding baboons were burning and looting while those Americans who worked to create the destroyed infrastructure were at the time very distracted as the bulemic communist Chinese virus ate them. Selfish, narcissitic, violent sewage slime.
Narcissistic cocksuckiung baboons who try a replay in Florida will be placed in cages.
Everything is blown out of proportion, The sad thing is both sides say its the other sides media that lies, few bother to question there own Very biased news sources. Stick to CSPAN hear it right out of the horses ass mouths. But not nearly as much fun as the total trash talk you get with your one side only view.
Everything is blown out of proportion, The sad thing is both sides say its the other sides media that lies, few bother to question there own Very biased news sources. Stick to CSPAN hear it right out of the horses ass mouths. But not nearly as much fun as the total trash talk you get with your one side only view.

That is because partisan hacks tend to have the loudest voices.
The Chinese knew about phlogistic air well before Joseph Priestly “discovered” it and resonates with breathing problems of a black fentanyl eater and subsequent marauding baboons egged on by the democrats.

‘It leaves me, it enters me.
Good and evil are shown,
By the four stars of the Plough’
(Yang Hsiung, Tai hsuan jing [Mystery of the Great Dark], Shou 45, 18 B.C.)
Yep...when middle and lower class people are attacking each other, who is keeping an eye on the Uber wealthy cheaters?
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?

The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole. This will never happen. What makes it sad is even the most moderate Democrats are turning a blind eye. FYI, Biden and Harris aren't in charge. Obama, Soros and the Cabal think they are in charge but their game is almost over.

Hey Stupid!!! Your country is already the shithole country of the First World, thanks to 40 years of Republican greed, selfishness, and bad management. 3 economic crashes in 40 years. Widest wealth gap and greatest wage inequity in the First World.

Both life expectancy and the middle class are shrinking, and more people are falling into poverty than are rising into wealth as a result of 40 years of Republican tax and labour policy.

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