Why the hatred.

The wealth gap is growing every year but for some reason the class issue is for some reason not to be discussed. Why?
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?

The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole. This will never happen. What makes it sad is even the most moderate Democrats are turning a blind eye. FYI, Biden and Harris aren't in charge. Obama, Soros and the Cabal think they are in charge but their game is almost over.

Hey Stupid!!! Your country is already the shithole country of the First World, thanks to 40 years of Republican greed, selfishness, and bad management. 3 economic crashes in 40 years. Widest wealth gap and greatest wage inequity in the First World.

Both life expectancy and the middle class are shrinking, and more people are falling into poverty than are rising into wealth as a result of 40 years of Republican tax and labour policy.

Hey, Stupid!!! No one asked what you thought of OUR country. Ever. And the fact that it doesn't meet your standards is actually a selling point!!

Call us when YOUR country can exist without hiding behind ours. On second thought, don't call us, because you'll still be piss-stupid with nothing to say.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
While I do agree with you. . . . the rhetoric IS getting out of hand, I can tell you what is going on.

The establishment power players, especially corporations, both in the establishment media, and silicon valley, have not been treating the two partisan POV the same, in regards to public access to public engagement, and how they report on issues. This has caused a great deal of anger and resentment.

To give one example;

Over and over, conservatives have to hear about "BLM protests," which? Ostensibly, yes, they were "protests." Yet, it cannot be denied that in very, very many cases these devolved into riots, if not all out civil disobedience to local authorities.

And yet? The corporate and government media never, ever described them as such. All this looting, burning, murder and destruction by the left was never honestly described by the government or media for what it was. It was complete chaos and societal breakdown.

. . . and then, when several dozen extremists provoked the protesters at the Capitol to enter the Capitol, after the security there was not only lax, but compliant and willingly letting folks just walk right in. . . what was clearly, at first just a protest, which later only devolved into just a mild riot.. . . was blown out of all proportion to become in the public mind, "an insurrection."

It is this type of unfair treatment in the minds of the public that aggravate the situation.

While I dislike both parties these days, you forget that BML was an accurate protest of Blacks being systematically murdered and abused by out of control police, while the capital riot was about a fake claim about an election being stolen.
Big difference.
BLM has a lot more credibility.
We see it almost every day.
But there has been very little to support election fraud.
BLM is a cancer that is spreading into every corner of our Democracy. You can't tell me that the 0.0005% of unarmed Black men murdered in a confrontation with police is proof of some systematic genocide. That is absolute nonsense that is being pushed 24/7 by our Ministry of Propaganda that used to be known as 'The Media'. They are extremely good at duping Americans into believing their bullshit. Apparently they have convinced you.

I disagree.
I see police being out of control and doing illegal things constantly.
Even when it is not entirely their fault, like when they enforce bad laws like the War on Drugs, they should know better.
And no-knock warrants are all inherently illegal except in the cases where there is a hostage.
It is totally and completely illegal to conduct a search order to find evidence.
If you do not already have sufficient evidence to charge, then the warrant is illegal.

But shootings by police are WAY out of hand.
Police do not need and should not have such deadly weapons, as 21 shot Glocks in high powered calibers like .40S&W, and they should not be using hollow points that are against the Geneva conventions.
Police do not need to and never should charge in shooting.
They should avoid shoot outs and instead surround suspects until they give up.
They do not have the authority to shoot just because they see a gun, or else everyone else would have the right to shoot every cop who is armed.
I see the police often pointing guns at people without any cause, and that is a felony, conduct regardless of life.
Police have no more authority to point guns at people than anyone does, and yet they do it all the time.
Very hard to not just pick a side & dig your heels in. Truth is all the barriers that held our nation together are being torn down. matters not who we chose to blame. When repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth is the way to win we all lose.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?

The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole. This will never happen. What makes it sad is even the most moderate Democrats are turning a blind eye. FYI, Biden and Harris aren't in charge. Obama, Soros and the Cabal think they are in charge but their game is almost over.
Yes, Obama and Soros. I knew it. Especially Soros! Please explain to these left wing whackos what Soros has done to our country and how he did it.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?

The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole. This will never happen. What makes it sad is even the most moderate Democrats are turning a blind eye. FYI, Biden and Harris aren't in charge. Obama, Soros and the Cabal think they are in charge but their game is almost over.
Rubbish. You're paranoid about some communist takeover like all republicans.
Tell us what is about to happen Obama etc?
Make the claim not based on the Republican propaganda you've swallowed. See how good you are now.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
The far right are quite similar to the Nazis in Germany before they took power, accusing everyone who opposed them as socialists or commies.

Unlike the Nazis, the far right here will never take power.

The Nazis also disarmed the citizenry, silenced opposition, and stoke division and racial hatred. Sounds like leftists to me, so we'll hear no more of your sanctimonious, "You're just like the Nazis, because I think that word means 'people I don't like'!"
Study your history, and you won't sound so goofy. You are describing the Trump wing with "division and racial hatred." You are indeed sanctimonious and false.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
The far right are quite similar to the Nazis in Germany before they took power, accusing everyone who opposed them as socialists or commies.

Unlike the Nazis, the far right here will never take power.

I disagree.
I think the far right has always had power and has been in control in the US.
In early days, it was slavery, the Trail of Tears, etc., that showed the wealthy elite were in control.
It never changed.
The Spanish American war was a fake hoax based on the USS Maine blowing up all by itself.
WWI was incredibly corrupt and evil.
So was the Korean war, Vietnam, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, the invasion of Iraq, the murder of Qaddafi, etc.
Prohibition, the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, federal gun control, etc., are all massively illegal.

I think your thought runs just deep enough to create a "Historical Things I Think Were Bad" list, and then to blame the right for them all, and feel justified and righteous.

On the bright side, you've managed to produce the stupidest glob of nothing I've read today. Hard to do around here.
You describe yourself well as you imply the Limbaugh Mirror Attack: accuse your enemies of what you are doing.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
While I do agree with you. . . . the rhetoric IS getting out of hand, I can tell you what is going on.

The establishment power players, especially corporations, both in the establishment media, and silicon valley, have not been treating the two partisan POV the same, in regards to public access to public engagement, and how they report on issues. This has caused a great deal of anger and resentment.

To give one example;

Over and over, conservatives have to hear about "BLM protests," which? Ostensibly, yes, they were "protests." Yet, it cannot be denied that in very, very many cases these devolved into riots, if not all out civil disobedience to local authorities.

And yet? The corporate and government media never, ever described them as such. All this looting, burning, murder and destruction by the left was never honestly described by the government or media for what it was. It was complete chaos and societal breakdown.

. . . and then, when several dozen extremists provoked the protesters at the Capitol to enter the Capitol, after the security there was not only lax, but compliant and willingly letting folks just walk right in. . . what was clearly, at first just a protest, which later only devolved into just a mild riot.. . . was blown out of all proportion to become in the public mind, "an insurrection."

It is this type of unfair treatment in the minds of the public that aggravate the situation.

While I dislike both parties these days, you forget that BML was an accurate protest of Blacks being systematically murdered and abused by out of control police, while the capital riot was about a fake claim about an election being stolen.
Big difference.
BLM has a lot more credibility.
We see it almost every day.
But there has been very little to support election fraud.
BLM is a cancer that is spreading into every corner of our Democracy. You can't tell me that the 0.0005% of unarmed Black men murdered in a confrontation with police is proof of some systematic genocide. That is absolute nonsense that is being pushed 24/7 by our Ministry of Propaganda that used to be known as 'The Media'. They are extremely good at duping Americans into believing their bullshit. Apparently they have convinced you.

I disagree.
I see police being out of control and doing illegal things constantly.
Even when it is not entirely their fault, like when they enforce bad laws like the War on Drugs, they should know better.
And no-knock warrants are all inherently illegal except in the cases where there is a hostage.
It is totally and completely illegal to conduct a search order to find evidence.
If you do not already have sufficient evidence to charge, then the warrant is illegal.

But shootings by police are WAY out of hand.
Police do not need and should not have such deadly weapons, as 21 shot Glocks in high powered calibers like .40S&W, and they should not be using hollow points that are against the Geneva conventions.
Police do not need to and never should charge in shooting.
They should avoid shoot outs and instead surround suspects until they give up.
They do not have the authority to shoot just because they see a gun, or else everyone else would have the right to shoot every cop who is armed.
I see the police often pointing guns at people without any cause, and that is a felony, conduct regardless of life.
Police have no more authority to point guns at people than anyone does, and yet they do it all the time.
On one hand, I agree with your analysis of Police misconduct.

The Police Are Still Out of Control
I should know.
October 23, 2014

OTH? The folks that have AstroTurfed the BLM movement don't really give a shit about the black community, anymore than LBJ gave a shit about the poor.

What they want? Is more power and control for the technocracy.

I find this video interesting, as the top liked three or four commenters are all black.
Honestly? I don't care anymore than I care about anyone else on this site washing away their illusions. In fact, yours are not so bad as a lot of folks on here. You were the one that told ME I had a wrong POV about the events of the Capitol riot and those of BLM and George Floyd. I just opined why we have so much partisan hatred. . . because of the lies told about these events. If you have a better reason, that does not blame one side or the other? Go ahead. I think what you reacted to, was being told your world view, the world view being sold to you by the government and the global corporatists. . . is bullshit. THAT makes you uncomfortable, because, deep down? You know this intercine conflict that results from it---what I say is the truth.
No, what I was reacting to was someone without the intelligence to discern the difference between two types of events - one protected by the U.S. Constitution and the other defined by United States code as a criminal offense insisting in such a condescending manner that I am not able to think or figure out things for myself and have to be TOLD what to think.

That alone takes a lot of gall but when the person doing so cannot even support their own claims it makes it doubly so.

I deal in facts, logic and science. And not just what I claim to be facts or are facts in my opinion, but facts supported by tangible evidence. So I'll make you a deal. I will gladly concede if you can prove the statements you made - that Black Lives Matter protests and the storming of the Capitol on January 6th 2021 are the same kind of events. Of particular interest to me is the claim you made that only about a dozen of the Trump supports where there to cause harm or make mischief, I can't remember exactly how you worded it.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason.

There's a very good reason, NAZI. You are trying to turn this country into a communist police state. Everything Dims do harms me.

They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

The label every dissenter as a NAZI or a "white nationalist," as if there's a difference between the two.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

Biden and the Democrat Reich are the problem.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?

You whine about people attacking Biden and Democrats, and then what do you do? Attack Republicans.

You're a fucking moron.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Spot on.

It's projection.

They really hate themselves, but manifest it by showing hatred to others.

No we HATE you with a passion
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Spot on.

It's projection.

They really hate themselves, but manifest it by showing hatred to others.
No, we just hate turds like you.
nobody thought it was funny & her career tanked after that stunt.

ted nugent had gigs & interviews all over the place with his repulsive remarks - the rwing nutters still love him.
Nobody, with sense, took her as a legitimate threat.

She got canceled by the American rightwing for expressing her first amendment rights.

She took a hit, but she'll eventually come back on top.

she has since then.

Kathy Griffin still working and hustling after Trump photo
Kathy Griffin still working and hustling after Trump photo
View attachment 484873
Huh? Who laughed at that when it was Trump's head?
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Because you stole the election, and are attempting to make the illegal power grab permanent through changing the rules in the middle of the game. Adding DC as a state, packing the court, and so on. And you are radically changing the country and destroying our homeland with your illegitimate government and the utterly loathsome George Soros. And every sentence out of your mouths is lie. Of course we hate you.

You're quoting somebody else, not me.

Oh sorry - and thank you. It was Colin norris who said this. My answer is the same as it was before. I repeat it now if someone likes to delete my mistake here.


Oh so now you've injected a bit of God into it. You godbotherers appealed for divine intervention in November. That worked well. Over 400000 who died of covid believed in God and assumed he would protect them. That worked well also.
Do you think it is appropriate to even mention about any ridiculous God?
Keep going with it.

And all others? Why did they die? Because they did not believe in god? And how many survived in the USA because children of migrants from Turkey lived the "american dream" in Germany and were the first who made a vaccine against the virus Sars-CoV-2? They did do so with the help of god and also with the help of the German education sector and people from more than 60 different "racial", cultural and national backgrounds. Possible that also an atheist was under all this people.

A flood was going to ravage a city, and most people saw the alert and evacuated. One lady, however, decided that if God really loved her, He would save her from the flood. So she climbs up onto the roof of her apartment building and waits.
The flood begins to rise and a rescue helicopter flies over. A man stands on the side and yells to her: "We're going to save you!"
The woman stubbornly replies: "No, I'm waiting for God to save me."
They try a little harder, but it's obvious that she isn't going to go, and they fly off to go save other people.
The flood rises higher, and a boat drives by her building. The people inside tell her that they can save her, but she gives them the same reply. "I'm waiting for God to save me."
They drive off.
Now the flood is almost at the top of the building, where she is, and another boat drives by. They yell: "This is your last opportunity! Get on! "
To which the woman yells back: "I'm waiting for God to save me!"
They realize nothing can be done, so they shake their heads and drive off.
The flood rises up to the top, and the woman drowns.
At the gates of heaven, she complains to Peter: "I waited for God to save me, but he didn't. He doesn't love me."
Peter frowns. "He sent you two boats and a helicopter, what are you complaining about?"

I heard that 40% of the political followers of the republican party don't like to make a vaccination against covid-19. If this has something to do with the Christains rebound in god then let me say to all this people: For me personally it is totally clear that it is a duty of all Christians to take a vaccine against covid-19; not only on reason to save the own life and/or health - also on reason to minimize the number of all possible infections and to try to help others not to get covid-19. Some few exceptions confirm this rule - for example on reason of allergy or other health problems. May god enlighten everyone to be able to find the best ways what to do for the own life and the own people and for all others in the world.

God did not create these vaccines.

God created everything.

First, they are unnecessary

What's totally wrong.

since this is a virus endemic to bats and can't survive in a human population.

We know that it came from bats over an unknown intermediate host into the human population - but this is now too late. We were not able to stop it as effective as Australia and New Zealand were able to stop it. But this countries are now in a much better situation than others in the western world, because vaccines exists. Congrats.

This virus infects human beings via human beings now and caused a worldwide pandemic. We have to live with this virus a long time - perhaps forever. But this plays not a big role any longer - if we are able to produce a worldwide herd immunity via vaccination (and not via dead and sick people).

Second is that they are messing around with genetically modified human embryos

What would be a crime.

to produce the vaccines,

What's just simple stupid unreal nonsense. No one is doing so. And no one could sell a vaccine in case someone is doing so.

so run huge new risks of contaminating immune systems against the normal exosomes produced by the human body.

To train an immune system means not to contaminate a body. I don't think it makes a big sense to try to speak with you about the biology of vertebrates now. But what about some more serios facts? Scots for example found out that a first incomplete vaccination helps not necessarily not to get covid-19 at all - but relativelly only 10% compared with 90% need clinical help. A more concrete example what this means: If you have 10 persons who got the first dose but not the second dose of a vaccine and 10 persons, who got no first dose and out of this population of 20 people all get infectetd and 11 people will come into a hospital, because they need help, then the 9, who have not to go into a hospital got a first dose before they were infected. Their body needs not more help. And with a complete vaccination the situation is much more better.

Please let it be to repeat the nonsense, which you propagate. It's not impossible to understand how for example the mRNA vaccince from Pfizer/Biontech (or Moderna or Curevac) works. And sure is always able to happen something in case of a vaccination - a needle is for example able to be contaminated with a bacterium and someone dies because of a sepsis - but this is the same as to drive to work and to fall over a banana peel. Read the package insert of a normal medicament for head ache and you wonder why people take it, who caused a head ache with alcohol - nevertheless even very most of them will survive. So for sure exist some very few individual sitiuations where a vaccination is not senseful - but to find this out is the job of a professional - for example from a Dr. of medicine - and not the job from a Dr. of political agitation for everyone.
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The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Spot on.

It's projection.

They really hate themselves, but manifest it by showing hatred to others.

Says the guy who is projecting.

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