why the left hates glen beck

I got tired of some local folks here complaining about Glenn Beck and his "irrational, extremist, crazy, hate-mongering" etc. etc. I knew these folks to not be particularly ideological in their point of view and played them a couple of recordings of some of Glenn's commentary without identifying him. Then, after they agreed that this guy was okay and spot on accurate, I invited them to watch one of his television shows. He did himself proud that day.

They are now fans.

I think most thinking people who actually give him a chance become fans. I certainly don't agree with him on every point any more than I agree with anybody on every point. But I have yet to watch or listen to Beck that I haven't learned something, that I haven't received something to think about, or that I haven't had my curiosity tweaked enough to look something up. He doesn't get everything right. Unlike certain of our elected leaders, he doesn't consider himself infallible or God. But he does his homework and he's putting a lot of information out there.

I challenge his worse critics to give him a fair chance and actually listen to a few programs before declaring him the worst thing to ever hit the airways.
Here's a couple of Glenn Beck's extremist presentations. I would be interested to know what the Beck critics think of them:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONbp0LSSgo4]YouTube - Glenn Beck -- Your Choice: America's Founders vs Obama's Radicals [1/2] -- FOX News[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCiWJ2Sz7i8&feature=youtube_gdata]YouTube - Glenn Beck -- Your Choice: America's Founders vs Obama's Radicals [2/2] -- FOX News[/ame]
Doesn't the blackboard just scream, I want you to really learn something today. A series of facts, leading to a logical conclusion, based in reality.

I like the nine principles:

1. America is good place, not perfect, but good.
2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.
3. I must try to be a better, more honest person than I was yesterday.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority.
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and not a guarantee of equal results.
7. I work hard for what I have. I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree or share my personal opinion.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them. They answer to me.
Doesn't the blackboard just scream, I want you to really learn something today. A series of facts, leading to a logical conclusion, based in reality.

I like the nine principles:

1. America is good place, not perfect, but good.
2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.
3. I must try to be a better, more honest person than I was yesterday.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority.
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and not a guarantee of equal results.
7. I work hard for what I have. I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree or share my personal opinion.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them. They answer to me.

I support Glenn, but am not bound or limited to His Perception. Others have said it better, and in better context. Again I support Him. Don't get so easily caught up in the Dogma.
Doesn't the blackboard just scream, I want you to really learn something today. A series of facts, leading to a logical conclusion, based in reality.

I like the nine principles:

1. America is good place, not perfect, but good.
2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.
3. I must try to be a better, more honest person than I was yesterday.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority.
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and not a guarantee of equal results.
7. I work hard for what I have. I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree or share my personal opinion.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them. They answer to me.

I support Glenn, but am not bound or limited to His Perception. Others have said it better, and in better context. Again I support Him. Don't get so easily caught up in the Dogma.

I don't think these nine principles are necessarily 'dogma' from Beck or anybody else in particular and I could be wrong, but I don't think the member is quoting Beck here. Beck does hit on many of these themes over a period of time, however. Actually they are pretty good principles to live by even if one is not a religious person.
Glenn Beck has been crowned big media’s King of Hate.

In a new report that warns of the potential for anti-government violence since President Obama’s election, the Anti-Defamation League singles out Fox News TV pundit and radio host Beck for “making a habit” of promoting anti-government conspiracy theories from his mainstream media perch.

“Beck has acted as a ‘fearmonger-in-chief,’ raising anxiety about and distrust towards the government,” the study’s authors write, reports the New York Daily News.

The ADL study cites instances where Beck has called President Obama “dangerous” and compared him to Hitler to argue the case that Beck may be putting his viewers on a path to becoming extremists.The ADL also faults the popular and polarizing host for providing a platform to guests who tout paranoid fears like: Obama and his administration are trying to create a “civilian national security force” of political loyalists; or, that FEMA is building concentration camps to contain “dissidents.”

Glenn Beck "Fearmonger-In-Chief": ADL | NBC New York
Glenn Beck has been crowned big media’s King of Hate.

By whom? YOU?

In a new report that warns of the potential for anti-government violence since President Obama’s election, the Anti-Defamation League singles out Fox News TV pundit and radio host Beck for “making a habit” of promoting anti-government conspiracy theories from his mainstream media perch.

Fear Mongering BULLSHIT against someone that DARES to speak OUT against Government ABUSE of the PEOPLE...Try again...

“Beck has acted as a ‘fearmonger-in-chief,’ raising anxiety about and distrust towards the government,” the study’s authors write, reports the New York Daily News.

Yes he IS raising the ALARM much as PAUL REVERE did a messanger of a different time...the PRINCIPLE is that same...and YOU cannot seem to fathom this. YOU would be NO worthy of the British Sympathesisers in this respect. UNTIL Beck does something WRONG? Shaddup...

The ADL study cites instances where Beck has called President Obama “dangerous” and compared him to Hitler to argue the case that Beck may be putting his viewers on a path to becoming extremists.The ADL also faults the popular and polarizing host for providing a platform to guests who tout paranoid fears like: Obama and his administration are trying to create a “civilian national security force” of political loyalists; or, that FEMA is building concentration camps to contain “dissidents.”

LOL! Bullshit TRIPE. Polarizing under what auspices? What a fuckin TOOL you are...UNTIL the FIRST AMENDMENT is repealed, or AMENDED? Get BENT. Glenn has you fuckers NAILED to the proverbial CROSS...

Glenn Beck "Fearmonger-In-Chief": ADL | NBC New York
Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:
Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:

The really sad thing about your post is that you actually appear to believe the bullshit you post. I think it's sad that you are either too stupid or too caught up in the spell of Obama to see reality.

Beck pisses off the left because he offers a different view. Not once as the WH been able to counter a single fact presented by Beck about this Administration. Beck, like anyone else, is perfectly entitled to speak his mind. The constant attacking actually give him more credence - if he's so far off the mark - if he's such a fucking nutjob - why worry about what he says?

I don't always agree with the conclusions he draws but when it comes to presenting facts, he's got it nailed. He's a libertarian - he is as entitled to speak his mind as anyone else. I find it funny that he annoys you so much.
Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:

The really sad thing about your post is that you actually appear to believe the bullshit you post. I think it's sad that you are either too stupid or too caught up in the spell of Obama to see reality.

Beck pisses off the left because he offers a different view.

No you're just being desperate, or incredibly thick. That's what you wish the left would hate him for, nothing more.
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Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:

The really sad thing about your post is that you actually appear to believe the bullshit you post. I think it's sad that you are either too stupid or too caught up in the spell of Obama to see reality.

Beck pisses off the left because he offers a different view.

No you're just being desperate, or incredibly thick. That's what you wish the left would hate him for, nothing more.

Nope, it's the whining liberal media who hate him.... because they don't know how to counter him. The left would love to have someone like Beck on their side.... sadly, those who have his talents are too smart to agree with the left about anything - other, possibly, than the time of day.
The really sad thing about your post is that you actually appear to believe the bullshit you post. I think it's sad that you are either too stupid or too caught up in the spell of Obama to see reality.

Beck pisses off the left because he offers a different view.

No you're just being desperate, or incredibly thick. That's what you wish the left would hate him for, nothing more.

Nope, it's the whining liberal media who hate him.... because they don't know how to counter him.

"if he's so far off the mark - if he's such a fucking nutjob - why worry about what he says?"

I'm confused are they supposed to counter every blessed thing he says or are they supposed to ignore him when he acts err 'off'? Methinks it's whatever's convenient for you.

By the way why hasn't Glenn Beck responded to allegations that he raped a murdered a girl in 1990? Is it because he can't counter them?
Have the investigator done anything more about the supposed allegations of rape and mutilations of the remains of that poor girl?
No you're just being desperate, or incredibly thick. That's what you wish the left would hate him for, nothing more.

Nope, it's the whining liberal media who hate him.... because they don't know how to counter him.

"if he's so far off the mark - if he's such a fucking nutjob - why worry about what he says?"

I'm confused are they supposed to counter every blessed thing he says or are they supposed to ignore him when he acts err 'off'? Methinks it's whatever's convenient for you.

By the way why hasn't Glenn Beck responded to allegations that he raped a murdered a girl in 1990? Is it because he can't counter them?

I think it's pathetic that people still continue with the offensive allegations even now. It does not, however, surprise me that pathetic people use pathetic tactics to disparage someone like Beck. There is no level to which some will not stoop in their vitriol and faux outrage about the guy. No matter that it is offensive to anyone who has had a family member raped and murdered - nope, don't worry about anyone but the need to destroy a perfectly decent, innocent individual. Carry on. The only people who look like assholes are those who continue to use this 'allegation'. To decent people, you are on a par with those who started this stupid nonsense.

There is a thread on here where a weeks worth of Becks facts are provided with the challenge to disprove any of what he has said. So far, interestingly, not one person has bothered to actually disprove anything.... Instead, they choose to fall back on lies in some rather deranged attempt to derail the facts. Pathetic.

The only people who would like to silence Beck are those who are afraid of what he says. I find that entertaining as hell.

And they always fall back on the same lie to justify their stupidity. I find it strange that people would prefer to regurgitate a lie - knowing that it is a lie - than seek the truth.
Yes, until those allegations about Glenn are investigated fully, we will never know the truth.
Yes, until those allegations about Glenn are investigated fully, we will never know the truth.

Just when we think you really cannot be any more stupid, you do - indeed - prove the whole forum wrong.

I respect anyone, left or right, who uses legitimate argument and reason to make a point. Using a snipe website allegation - which has already been admitted to as fake - truly is just pathetic. It's insulting to real victims and real families and those who are falsely accused. It is, however, no surprise that people like you continue it. Because you have absolutely no morals.

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