why the left hates glen beck

The Left hates Glenn Beck because he is slowing down the socialist revolution. Good for him.
The Left hates Glenn Beck because he is slowing down the socialist revolution. Good for him.
It is not a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION. It's a departure from the disaster that unfettered Capitalism has wrought. If you think tinkering with the marginal tax rates for the wealthy is all that is needed to bring the economy back from the brink, then you really need to get to a good school of economics! That policy lead us into the era of greed and plunder and the crisis we now face.

And the Left does not HATE Glenn Beck. We pity him for his method of fear mongering which appeals to the intellectually incurious and the ignorant. We see Glenn Beck as a comic yet tragic figure who is inevitably going to shoot himself in his foot.

Believing in Glenn Beck is easy for those with no real life perspective. Just as believing in Fascism was easy for the economically depressed Germans and Italians just before World War II.

The simple are lead by simplicity. Simplicity will not unravel the mess left by years of coddling the rich at the expense of everyone else.
The Left hates Glenn Beck because he is slowing down the socialist revolution. Good for him.
It is not a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION. It's a departure from the disaster that unfettered Capitalism has wrought. If you think tinkering with the marginal tax rates for the wealthy is all that is needed to bring the economy back from the brink, then you really need to get to a good school of economics! That policy lead us into the era of greed and plunder and the crisis we now face.

And the Left does not HATE Glenn Beck. We pity him for his method of fear mongering which appeals to the intellectually incurious and the ignorant. We see Glenn Beck as a comic yet tragic figure who is inevitably going to shoot himself in his foot.

Believing in Glenn Beck is easy for those with no real life perspective. Just as believing in Fascism was easy for the economically depressed Germans and Italians just before World War II.

The simple are lead by simplicity. Simplicity will not unravel the mess left by years of coddling the rich at the expense of everyone else.

Care to give your definition of socialism? Most of us are working off of the AMerican Hertiage Dictionary version: Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

Consult public insurance option and GM bailout under Obama as examples.
The Left hates Glenn Beck because he is slowing down the socialist revolution. Good for him.
It is not a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION. It's a departure from the disaster that unfettered Capitalism has wrought. If you think tinkering with the marginal tax rates for the wealthy is all that is needed to bring the economy back from the brink, then you really need to get to a good school of economics! That policy lead us into the era of greed and plunder and the crisis we now face.

And the Left does not HATE Glenn Beck. We pity him for his method of fear mongering which appeals to the intellectually incurious and the ignorant. We see Glenn Beck as a comic yet tragic figure who is inevitably going to shoot himself in his foot.

Believing in Glenn Beck is easy for those with no real life perspective. Just as believing in Fascism was easy for the economically depressed Germans and Italians just before World War II.

The simple are lead by simplicity. Simplicity will not unravel the mess left by years of coddling the rich at the expense of everyone else.

Intelligent people watch Beck for factual information that the rest of the media refuse to divulge. Some people take everything he says as gospel, but even Beck himself says people should think for themselves. I don't always agree with his conclusions - but he's open for the WH to debunk anything he says.... and yet they do not - because they cannot. This Administration goes hell for leather after anyone who dares report anything even vaguely inaccurate.... Why the silence about what Beck says?
The Left hates Glenn Beck because he is slowing down the socialist revolution. Good for him.
It is not a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION. It's a departure from the disaster that unfettered Capitalism has wrought. If you think tinkering with the marginal tax rates for the wealthy is all that is needed to bring the economy back from the brink, then you really need to get to a good school of economics! That policy lead us into the era of greed and plunder and the crisis we now face.

And the Left does not HATE Glenn Beck. We pity him for his method of fear mongering which appeals to the intellectually incurious and the ignorant. We see Glenn Beck as a comic yet tragic figure who is inevitably going to shoot himself in his foot.

Believing in Glenn Beck is easy for those with no real life perspective. Just as believing in Fascism was easy for the economically depressed Germans and Italians just before World War II.

The simple are lead by simplicity. Simplicity will not unravel the mess left by years of coddling the rich at the expense of everyone else.

Unfettered Capitalism? You act like the Government plays no role in the corruption. I see the silent partner, co-conspirator, sorry Charlie. What is greed? When Government Workers displace the Middle Class? What do Government workers produce? Transport? Distribute? Governments Role is taking over every aspect of our lives. Wake the Fuck Up!!!
The Left hates Glenn Beck because he is slowing down the socialist revolution. Good for him.
It is not a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION. It's a departure from the disaster that unfettered Capitalism has wrought. If you think tinkering with the marginal tax rates for the wealthy is all that is needed to bring the economy back from the brink, then you really need to get to a good school of economics! That policy lead us into the era of greed and plunder and the crisis we now face.

And the Left does not HATE Glenn Beck. We pity him for his method of fear mongering which appeals to the intellectually incurious and the ignorant. We see Glenn Beck as a comic yet tragic figure who is inevitably going to shoot himself in his foot.

Believing in Glenn Beck is easy for those with no real life perspective. Just as believing in Fascism was easy for the economically depressed Germans and Italians just before World War II.

The simple are lead by simplicity. Simplicity will not unravel the mess left by years of coddling the rich at the expense of everyone else.

Intelligent people watch Beck for factual information that the rest of the media refuse to divulge. Some people take everything he says as gospel, but even Beck himself says people should think for themselves. I don't always agree with his conclusions - but he's open for the WH to debunk anything he says.... and yet they do not - because they cannot. This Administration goes hell for leather after anyone who dares report anything even vaguely inaccurate.... Why the silence about what Beck says?
That's the core of the argument, isn't it? But take a look at the assumption you make: WH to debunk anything he says.... and yet they do not - because they cannot.

"Because they cannot"? That's the fulcrum supporting your contention Beck is accurate and not just hyperbole and fear mongering.

Political reality is it would be stupid for the White House to even notice Beck. Why grant him time, and thereby profits, when Beck has no respect for Obama?

The White House should always punch up to get their message out. Never down.
The Left hates Glenn Beck because he is slowing down the socialist revolution. Good for him.
It is not a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION. It's a departure from the disaster that unfettered Capitalism has wrought. If you think tinkering with the marginal tax rates for the wealthy is all that is needed to bring the economy back from the brink, then you really need to get to a good school of economics! That policy lead us into the era of greed and plunder and the crisis we now face.

And the Left does not HATE Glenn Beck. We pity him for his method of fear mongering which appeals to the intellectually incurious and the ignorant. We see Glenn Beck as a comic yet tragic figure who is inevitably going to shoot himself in his foot.

Believing in Glenn Beck is easy for those with no real life perspective. Just as believing in Fascism was easy for the economically depressed Germans and Italians just before World War II.

The simple are lead by simplicity. Simplicity will not unravel the mess left by years of coddling the rich at the expense of everyone else.

Unfettered Capitalism? You act like the Government plays no role in the corruption. I see the silent partner, co-conspirator, sorry Charlie. What is greed? When Government Workers displace the Middle Class? What do Government workers produce? Transport? Distribute? Governments Role is taking over every aspect of our lives. Wake the Fuck Up!!!
Yeah! The unfettered Capitalism that lead to the financial system meltdown! I suppose there was a House committee that explicitly passed legislation permitting derivatives? Oh wait! There was such an action! In the name of deregulation!

No cop on the beat means an increase in crime.
Derivatives would not even be a factor if mortages had been based on ability to pay. That falls on the underwriters at Fannie Mac and Freddie Mae. Market to market was also created by government. That made the problem much worse.
Nope, it's the whining liberal media who hate him.... because they don't know how to counter him.

"if he's so far off the mark - if he's such a fucking nutjob - why worry about what he says?"

I'm confused are they supposed to counter every blessed thing he says or are they supposed to ignore him when he acts err 'off'? Methinks it's whatever's convenient for you.

By the way why hasn't Glenn Beck responded to allegations that he raped a murdered a girl in 1990? Is it because he can't counter them?

I think it's pathetic that people still continue with the offensive allegations even now. It does not, however, surprise me that pathetic people use pathetic tactics to disparage someone like Beck. There is no level to which some will not stoop in their vitriol and faux outrage about the guy. No matter that it is offensive to anyone who has had a family member raped and murdered - nope, don't worry about anyone but the need to destroy a perfectly decent, innocent individual. Carry on. The only people who look like assholes are those who continue to use this 'allegation'. To decent people, you are on a par with those who started this stupid nonsense.

There is a thread on here where a weeks worth of Becks facts are provided with the challenge to disprove any of what he has said. So far, interestingly, not one person has bothered to actually disprove anything.... Instead, they choose to fall back on lies in some rather deranged attempt to derail the facts. Pathetic.

And the award for the biggest failure to recognize satire goes to...
It is not a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION. It's a departure from the disaster that unfettered Capitalism has wrought. If you think tinkering with the marginal tax rates for the wealthy is all that is needed to bring the economy back from the brink, then you really need to get to a good school of economics! That policy lead us into the era of greed and plunder and the crisis we now face.

And the Left does not HATE Glenn Beck. We pity him for his method of fear mongering which appeals to the intellectually incurious and the ignorant. We see Glenn Beck as a comic yet tragic figure who is inevitably going to shoot himself in his foot.

Believing in Glenn Beck is easy for those with no real life perspective. Just as believing in Fascism was easy for the economically depressed Germans and Italians just before World War II.

The simple are lead by simplicity. Simplicity will not unravel the mess left by years of coddling the rich at the expense of everyone else.

Intelligent people watch Beck for factual information that the rest of the media refuse to divulge. Some people take everything he says as gospel, but even Beck himself says people should think for themselves. I don't always agree with his conclusions - but he's open for the WH to debunk anything he says.... and yet they do not - because they cannot. This Administration goes hell for leather after anyone who dares report anything even vaguely inaccurate.... Why the silence about what Beck says?
That's the core of the argument, isn't it? But take a look at the assumption you make: WH to debunk anything he says.... and yet they do not - because they cannot.

"Because they cannot"? That's the fulcrum supporting your contention Beck is accurate and not just hyperbole and fear mongering.

Political reality is it would be stupid for the White House to even notice Beck. Why grant him time, and thereby profits, when Beck has no respect for Obama?

The White House should always punch up to get their message out. Never down.

When exactly has the white house ever taken time to respond to a pundit, whether it be under a republican or democrat?

This whole 'they won't respond to it because they can't' is just purely stupid. They don't take time off to respond to loudmouth non journalists, or else they'd have to respond to every two bit hack with a microphone. If Beck wants his stuff answered so bad he could join the press and ask the white house at a press conference, yet he doesn't.

It's akin to why won't glenn beck mention the accusations that he raped and murdered a girl in 1990?

Oh and why are you so hellbent on trying to silence those who are just asking questions? Why are you so afraid of the possibility that glenn beck raped and murdered someone in 1990?
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Derivatives would not even be a factor if mortages had been based on ability to pay. That falls on the underwriters at Fannie Mac and Freddie Mae. Market to market was also created by government. That made the problem much worse.
There was no oversight! There was deregulation which permitted all those pop up mortgage companies. The market was as culpable as the state. But the state's culpability is its lack of oversight.
Derivatives would not even be a factor if mortages had been based on ability to pay. That falls on the underwriters at Fannie Mac and Freddie Mae. Market to market was also created by government. That made the problem much worse.
There was no oversight! There was deregulation which permitted all those pop up mortgage companies. The market was as culpable as the state. But the state's culpability is its lack of oversight.

Deregulation caused the mortgage crisis? Right. Barney Franks and company bear the weight of that one. If there was a lack of regualtion, it was because Franks wanted it that way. Mortgage companies are suppose to follow government rules (regulation).
Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:

The really sad thing about your post is that you actually appear to believe the bullshit you post. I think it's sad that you are either too stupid or too caught up in the spell of Obama to see reality.

Beck pisses off the left because he offers a different view.

No you're just being desperate, or incredibly thick. That's what you wish the left would hate him for, nothing more.

Okay, I think CG comes across as neither desperate nor thick. And I think none of us are privy to what she thinks other than what she posts here. So you lost a lot of credibility in your conclusion right off the bat.

You might be able to redeem yourself if you pick a particular point that Beck emphasizes and give us a nice, clear, coherent reason for why it pisses you off. It will be helpful if you focus on one of the points or themes that he regularly touches on to make it easier to collect supporting data for our opinions here.
It is not a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION. It's a departure from the disaster that unfettered Capitalism has wrought. If you think tinkering with the marginal tax rates for the wealthy is all that is needed to bring the economy back from the brink, then you really need to get to a good school of economics! That policy lead us into the era of greed and plunder and the crisis we now face.

And the Left does not HATE Glenn Beck. We pity him for his method of fear mongering which appeals to the intellectually incurious and the ignorant. We see Glenn Beck as a comic yet tragic figure who is inevitably going to shoot himself in his foot.

Believing in Glenn Beck is easy for those with no real life perspective. Just as believing in Fascism was easy for the economically depressed Germans and Italians just before World War II.

The simple are lead by simplicity. Simplicity will not unravel the mess left by years of coddling the rich at the expense of everyone else.

Unfettered Capitalism? You act like the Government plays no role in the corruption. I see the silent partner, co-conspirator, sorry Charlie. What is greed? When Government Workers displace the Middle Class? What do Government workers produce? Transport? Distribute? Governments Role is taking over every aspect of our lives. Wake the Fuck Up!!!
Yeah! The unfettered Capitalism that lead to the financial system meltdown! I suppose there was a House committee that explicitly passed legislation permitting derivatives? Oh wait! There was such an action! In the name of deregulation!

No cop on the beat means an increase in crime.

Either or, as if there are no other perspectives. The problem with incompetent Bureaucrat's is that they attract Rats and Sharks. Unfettered Capitalism as in? Building Standards? UL Requirements? Product Integrity Standards? If The Government received It's compensation from Border Security, Import Regulation, Inspection, and Control, where would We be today? Where would the Government be? Earning an honest buck. Why are Our Factories closing down? Our Mills? Our Economy? Stop trying to suck the rest of Us into Your Lie. You are entitled to a cage, if that's what You feel You need, but You should start respecting Individual Decision, I for one want to Live Free, as in Life Liberty, and Property. If You cannot respect Private Property, however big or small, that makes You a Predator. A government that is Predatory is a Tyranny and It's days are numbered. Don't turn Us into a Tyranny.
Derivatives would not even be a factor if mortages had been based on ability to pay. That falls on the underwriters at Fannie Mac and Freddie Mae. Market to market was also created by government. That made the problem much worse.
There was no oversight! There was deregulation which permitted all those pop up mortgage companies. The market was as culpable as the state. But the state's culpability is its lack of oversight.

You are too kind. Barney Frank must be coming in his pants right about now. Hint... Follow the money.

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