why the left hates glen beck

The really sad thing about your post is that you actually appear to believe the bullshit you post. I think it's sad that you are either too stupid or too caught up in the spell of Obama to see reality.

Beck pisses off the left because he offers a different view.

No you're just being desperate, or incredibly thick. That's what you wish the left would hate him for, nothing more.

Okay, I think CG comes across as neither desperate nor thick. And I think none of us are privy to what she thinks other than what she posts here. So you lost a lot of credibility in your conclusion right off the bat.

You might be able to redeem yourself if you pick a particular point that Beck emphasizes and give us a nice, clear, coherent reason for why it pisses you off. It will be helpful if you focus on one of the points or themes that he regularly touches on to make it easier to collect supporting data for our opinions here.

I don't pay attention to Beck, but I do know why people hate him and it's not just because he leans right.
I don't pay attention to Beck, but I do know why people hate him and it's not just because he leans right.

I don't presume to know all the reasons people hate Glenn Beck or why people hate anybody. But I do believe most hate him because they have been told to hate him. My reason for believing that is that so few who seem to hate him have any clue about what he actually says about anything.
Objective Reason can be Really Scawy in Times like this where 2 + 2 = 5.

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!!! Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!!!

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!! Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!!!
Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:

The really sad thing about your post is that you actually appear to believe the bullshit you post. I think it's sad that you are either too stupid or too caught up in the spell of Obama to see reality.

Beck pisses off the left because he offers a different view. Not once as the WH been able to counter a single fact presented by Beck about this Administration. Beck, like anyone else, is perfectly entitled to speak his mind. The constant attacking actually give him more credence - if he's so far off the mark - if he's such a fucking nutjob - why worry about what he says?

I don't always agree with the conclusions he draws but when it comes to presenting facts, he's got it nailed. He's a libertarian - he is as entitled to speak his mind as anyone else. I find it funny that he annoys you so much.

There is somebody stupid around here, dear, but it sure isn't me. You actually expect me to believe that Beck is just "speaking his mind"??? That he pisses off the left because he has a "different view"? And that when it comes to presenting facts, he's "got it nailed"??

You are as sick as he is. Nothing he says is mired in facts of any kind, and you know it. Beck is a crazy alcoholic that is a dry drunk if I ever saw one. Angry and hateful. Anybody that defends him is as sick as he is.

Mark my words that he will have a total breakdown one of these days and be sent to a funny farm. Which is where you belong, right along with him. You sure don't belong in CA.
Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:

The really sad thing about your post is that you actually appear to believe the bullshit you post. I think it's sad that you are either too stupid or too caught up in the spell of Obama to see reality.

Beck pisses off the left because he offers a different view. Not once as the WH been able to counter a single fact presented by Beck about this Administration. Beck, like anyone else, is perfectly entitled to speak his mind. The constant attacking actually give him more credence - if he's so far off the mark - if he's such a fucking nutjob - why worry about what he says?

I don't always agree with the conclusions he draws but when it comes to presenting facts, he's got it nailed. He's a libertarian - he is as entitled to speak his mind as anyone else. I find it funny that he annoys you so much.

There is somebody stupid around here, dear, but it sure isn't me. You actually expect me to believe that Beck is just "speaking his mind"??? That he pisses off the left because he has a "different view"? And that when it comes to presenting facts, he's "got it nailed"??

You are as sick as he is. Nothing he says is mired in facts of any kind, and you know it. Beck is a crazy alcoholic that is a dry drunk if I ever saw one. Angry and hateful. Anybody that defends him is as sick as he is.

Mark my words that he will have a total breakdown one of these days and be sent to a funny farm. Which is where you belong, right along with him. You sure don't belong in CA.

Sounds like You are over reacting a bit. Even Howard Beale has a role to play and Glenn plays it well. You are probably still blind to ACORN as well. One of these days the Light is going to hit you like a shit storm. Good luck with that.
Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:

If you were truly trying to change someone's mind, do you really think calling them tea baggers (versus tea party memebers), wingnuts (versus conservatives) and unable to think for themselves is going to help them see your point?

A lack of intelligence is not the problem with any of the people in this debate. I find Beck's nine principles to be very helpful. I don't agree with him all the time, but that is not necessary for him to be useful for me. Just to give you a little insight, I usually read the news online or NBC/CNN and make up my mind about issues. Sometimes I read things here and do follow up research. What is weird is when I say or think something and the next thing I know, it is being said on TV. Not the other way around.
Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:

If you were truly trying to change someone's mind, do you really think calling them tea baggers (versus tea party memebers), wingnuts (versus conservatives) and unable to think for themselves is going to help them see your point?

A lack of intelligence is not the problem with any of the people in this debate. I find Beck's nine principles to be very helpful. I don't agree with him all the time, but that is not necessary for him to be useful for me. Just to give you a little insight, I usually read the news online or NBC/CNN and make up my mind about issues. Sometimes I read things here and do follow up research. What is weird is when I say or think something and the next thing I know, it is being said on TV. Not the other way around.

I tolerate His Nine Principles, but they are off the mark.
But I am here to tell you something important: You are not alone, and if you believe in a majority of these nine principles then keep watching because I am going to prove it to you to.

1. America is good place, not perfect, but good.

2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.

3. I must try to be a better, more honest person than I was yesterday.

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority.

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.

6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and not a guarantee of equal results.

7. I work hard for what I have. I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree or share my personal opinion.

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them. They answer to me.
Nine Principles to Believe In - Glenn Beck - FOXNews.com
But I am here to tell you something important: You are not alone, and if you believe in a majority of these nine principles then keep watching because I am going to prove it to you to.

1. America is good place, not perfect, but good.

Doesn't really jump out at Me.
Put God First in All Things Through Conscience. The Rest will follow.

2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.

He should have started with this one.
America, Land of Inalienable Right, Life, Liberty, Property, Pursuit of Happiness, Equal Justice.

3. I must try to be a better, more honest person than I was yesterday.

Bear Witness, Tell the Truth about What You See. Multiply, Replenish The Earth. Avoid Corruption in Compromise.

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority.
God, Truth, Justice, are Sacred, God is The Ultimate Authority. Perspectives grow and Change, Applications change, Purpose and Principle may grow in Function, but Their Nature Remains.

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
Justice was meant to be Impartial, not blind to the Truth. Time to remove The Blindfold and start earning that Reward. Impartiality in Judgement.

6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and not a guarantee of equal results.

We All Matter, Individually and Collectively, Let not the Majority stand on the Neck or Back of the Minority in Matters of Conscience. Each to Their Will, Each to what They will Allow, with No expectation from Another, against Their Will.

7. I work hard for what I have. I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.

Federalism, as described by Madison and Jefferson, Enumerated Powers, Government by The Consent of The Governed. New Authorities by Constitutional Amendment Only. 75% Approval, before Any New Power can be Acted upon.

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree or share my personal opinion.

Subjective Reason Gifts Us with Ideas and Opinions, These and the Forms of How We Communicate should be protected under The Constitution.

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them. They answer to me.

The Government works for Us as a People, a Diverse People, by Our Consent. It is Empowered by Our Consent, and Limited by Our Consent, Best None forget that. We do Answer to Government in that Which We have Lent It, To Maintain, and Referee, for the Good of The Society. We should Always Honor that and Improve Upon, rather than tear down and destroy.

Nine Principles to Believe In - Glenn Beck - FOXNews.com

It's late, I'm tired. Just a poor example of what bothers Me about the nine Principles. Glenn, Screw with Principles, one day meet the Principal. Stay well.
I don't see why believing in God is so damn important, it doesn't make you a better person.
The really sad thing about your post is that you actually appear to believe the bullshit you post. I think it's sad that you are either too stupid or too caught up in the spell of Obama to see reality.

Beck pisses off the left because he offers a different view. Not once as the WH been able to counter a single fact presented by Beck about this Administration. Beck, like anyone else, is perfectly entitled to speak his mind. The constant attacking actually give him more credence - if he's so far off the mark - if he's such a fucking nutjob - why worry about what he says?

I don't always agree with the conclusions he draws but when it comes to presenting facts, he's got it nailed. He's a libertarian - he is as entitled to speak his mind as anyone else. I find it funny that he annoys you so much.

There is somebody stupid around here, dear, but it sure isn't me. You actually expect me to believe that Beck is just "speaking his mind"??? That he pisses off the left because he has a "different view"? And that when it comes to presenting facts, he's "got it nailed"??

You are as sick as he is. Nothing he says is mired in facts of any kind, and you know it. Beck is a crazy alcoholic that is a dry drunk if I ever saw one. Angry and hateful. Anybody that defends him is as sick as he is.

Mark my words that he will have a total breakdown one of these days and be sent to a funny farm. Which is where you belong, right along with him. You sure don't belong in CA.

Sounds like You are over reacting a bit. Even Howard Beale has a role to play and Glenn plays it well. You are probably still blind to ACORN as well. One of these days the Light is going to hit you like a shit storm. Good luck with that.

I am over reacting??? It was she that responded to the post I did in her usual confrontational attack mode. If you think that I am going to be meek in my response, then you're nuts too.

And I am not blind to anything. That would be you and the rest of the haters. No light is going to hit me, so stop with the drama. What's really going on is that you people cannot accept a black president. Deny it all you want, but you're full of it.

There is no reason on this earth to be as hateful as you people are. Especially when the last president made such a mess. I didn't see you fools out there protesting with tea bags in your eyes then, did I? So there really is nothing you can tell me. I can see through you all like an xray machine.
Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:

If you were truly trying to change someone's mind, do you really think calling them tea baggers (versus tea party memebers), wingnuts (versus conservatives) and unable to think for themselves is going to help them see your point?

A lack of intelligence is not the problem with any of the people in this debate. I find Beck's nine principles to be very helpful. I don't agree with him all the time, but that is not necessary for him to be useful for me. Just to give you a little insight, I usually read the news online or NBC/CNN and make up my mind about issues. Sometimes I read things here and do follow up research. What is weird is when I say or think something and the next thing I know, it is being said on TV. Not the other way around.

Change someone's mind??? You are kidding, I hope. You cannot think that you are going to change anybody's mind on this site. If that is your goal, good luck. It's not mine.

I did not like the response I got from that cow that calls herself CA Girl. She wishes. I'm tired of being called names and insulted. If you want to take it, that's your business. But I'm tired of it. I responded to her in kind, and that's what she deserved.
Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:

If you were truly trying to change someone's mind, do you really think calling them tea baggers (versus tea party memebers), wingnuts (versus conservatives) and unable to think for themselves is going to help them see your point?

A lack of intelligence is not the problem with any of the people in this debate. I find Beck's nine principles to be very helpful. I don't agree with him all the time, but that is not necessary for him to be useful for me. Just to give you a little insight, I usually read the news online or NBC/CNN and make up my mind about issues. Sometimes I read things here and do follow up research. What is weird is when I say or think something and the next thing I know, it is being said on TV. Not the other way around.

Change someone's mind??? You are kidding, I hope. You cannot think that you are going to change anybody's mind on this site. If that is your goal, good luck. It's not mine. ....
That's a shame, really; but I understand why - it's somewhat challenging to attempt to do so.

There are a couple of posters here who have very opposite political views from mine yet because they presented a thoughtful and logical argument, they were successful in changing my mind. But, they had to actually apply thought to their posts. Your way involves little thought but lots of emoting. I know there are sites where such strong feelings are actually valued - Oprah, Dr. Phil, Harlequin paperback fans, etc.- where such emoting as yours is highly valued.

.... I did not like the response I got from that cow that calls herself CA Girl. .... I'm tired of being called names and insulted. ....
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There is somebody stupid around here, dear, but it sure isn't me. You actually expect me to believe that Beck is just "speaking his mind"??? That he pisses off the left because he has a "different view"? And that when it comes to presenting facts, he's "got it nailed"??

You are as sick as he is. Nothing he says is mired in facts of any kind, and you know it. Beck is a crazy alcoholic that is a dry drunk if I ever saw one. Angry and hateful. Anybody that defends him is as sick as he is.

Mark my words that he will have a total breakdown one of these days and be sent to a funny farm. Which is where you belong, right along with him. You sure don't belong in CA.

Sounds like You are over reacting a bit. Even Howard Beale has a role to play and Glenn plays it well. You are probably still blind to ACORN as well. One of these days the Light is going to hit you like a shit storm. Good luck with that.

I am over reacting??? It was she that responded to the post I did in her usual confrontational attack mode. If you think that I am going to be meek in my response, then you're nuts too.

And I am not blind to anything. That would be you and the rest of the haters. No light is going to hit me, so stop with the drama. What's really going on is that you people cannot accept a black president. Deny it all you want, but you're full of it.

There is no reason on this earth to be as hateful as you people are. Especially when the last president made such a mess. I didn't see you fools out there protesting with tea bags in your eyes then, did I? So there really is nothing you can tell me. I can see through you all like an xray machine.

And that is why I insult you. Because you assume that it's because he's black. That makes you a racist honey. You can't see past the color of his skin. Personally I just disagree with his policies - as I am perfectly entitled to do. You are a fucking idiot.

Because you didn't see the TEA party protests during the Bush years does not mean that there were no protests but, again, you're too fucking stupid to know that. You didn't see them so they didn't happen. Again, makes you an idiot.

I think you're a racist. You voted for Obama because he is black.
Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:

The really sad thing about your post is that you actually appear to believe the bullshit you post. I think it's sad that you are either too stupid or too caught up in the spell of Obama to see reality.

Beck pisses off the left because he offers a different view. Not once as the WH been able to counter a single fact presented by Beck about this Administration. Beck, like anyone else, is perfectly entitled to speak his mind. The constant attacking actually give him more credence - if he's so far off the mark - if he's such a fucking nutjob - why worry about what he says?

I don't always agree with the conclusions he draws but when it comes to presenting facts, he's got it nailed. He's a libertarian - he is as entitled to speak his mind as anyone else. I find it funny that he annoys you so much.

There is somebody stupid around here, dear, but it sure isn't me. You actually expect me to believe that Beck is just "speaking his mind"??? That he pisses off the left because he has a "different view"? And that when it comes to presenting facts, he's "got it nailed"??

You are as sick as he is. Nothing he says is mired in facts of any kind, and you know it. Beck is a crazy alcoholic that is a dry drunk if I ever saw one. Angry and hateful. Anybody that defends him is as sick as he is.

Mark my words that he will have a total breakdown one of these days and be sent to a funny farm. Which is where you belong, right along with him. You sure don't belong in CA.

If there's a 'hater' around here, little girl, it is you. Beck has the courage to admit what he was and to use it to make himself a better person. You, on the other hand, are just a nasty little racist.
Gee, did I upset you?? I'm so sorry. It's just that I am trying to help you, can't you see that?? You and the other tea bagging wingnuts are in such denial. You have to face the truth about people that you idolize and learn to think for yourselves.

You can do it!!!! :lol:

If you were truly trying to change someone's mind, do you really think calling them tea baggers (versus tea party memebers), wingnuts (versus conservatives) and unable to think for themselves is going to help them see your point?

A lack of intelligence is not the problem with any of the people in this debate. I find Beck's nine principles to be very helpful. I don't agree with him all the time, but that is not necessary for him to be useful for me. Just to give you a little insight, I usually read the news online or NBC/CNN and make up my mind about issues. Sometimes I read things here and do follow up research. What is weird is when I say or think something and the next thing I know, it is being said on TV. Not the other way around.

Change someone's mind??? You are kidding, I hope. You cannot think that you are going to change anybody's mind on this site. If that is your goal, good luck. It's not mine.

I did not like the response I got from that cow that calls herself CA Girl. She wishes. I'm tired of being called names and insulted. If you want to take it, that's your business. But I'm tired of it. I responded to her in kind, and that's what she deserved.

So it is an eye for an eye in politics and internet boards. But we expect D.C. to be better.
I don't see why believing in God is so damn important, it doesn't make you a better person.

Well Personally I feel it does, yet it is not necessary. I believe that We are All created and purposed by God, and We Each have our to do list. His reason for Our Being, out weighs, Our tangents. He believes in You, even if You don't acknowledge Him. If You live through Conscience, accepting Moral Value and Ideals, Your Compass is still working, there is Hope.
Ayn Rand was a devout Atheist, Yet she spoke of Inalienable Right, Soul, Virtue, Ideals, Moral Right. Maybe what makes Us feel better is accomplishment, Growth, Realization, Discovery, doing Good. :)
There is somebody stupid around here, dear, but it sure isn't me. You actually expect me to believe that Beck is just "speaking his mind"??? That he pisses off the left because he has a "different view"? And that when it comes to presenting facts, he's "got it nailed"??

You are as sick as he is. Nothing he says is mired in facts of any kind, and you know it. Beck is a crazy alcoholic that is a dry drunk if I ever saw one. Angry and hateful. Anybody that defends him is as sick as he is.

Mark my words that he will have a total breakdown one of these days and be sent to a funny farm. Which is where you belong, right along with him. You sure don't belong in CA.

Sounds like You are over reacting a bit. Even Howard Beale has a role to play and Glenn plays it well. You are probably still blind to ACORN as well. One of these days the Light is going to hit you like a shit storm. Good luck with that.

I am over reacting??? It was she that responded to the post I did in her usual confrontational attack mode. If you think that I am going to be meek in my response, then you're nuts too.

And I am not blind to anything. That would be you and the rest of the haters. No light is going to hit me, so stop with the drama. What's really going on is that you people cannot accept a black president. Deny it all you want, but you're full of it.

There is no reason on this earth to be as hateful as you people are. Especially when the last president made such a mess. I didn't see you fools out there protesting with tea bags in your eyes then, did I? So there really is nothing you can tell me. I can see through you all like an xray machine.

Just busting Your chops. Sometimes You make it easy. :)
Potential for Black Presidents, All preferable to Obama?

Clarence Thomas.
Colin Powell.
Condoleza Rice.
Bill Cosby.
Morgan Freeman.
Danny Glover.

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