why the left hates glen beck

Sounds like You are over reacting a bit. Even Howard Beale has a role to play and Glenn plays it well. You are probably still blind to ACORN as well. One of these days the Light is going to hit you like a shit storm. Good luck with that.

I am over reacting??? It was she that responded to the post I did in her usual confrontational attack mode. If you think that I am going to be meek in my response, then you're nuts too.

And I am not blind to anything. That would be you and the rest of the haters. No light is going to hit me, so stop with the drama. What's really going on is that you people cannot accept a black president. Deny it all you want, but you're full of it.

There is no reason on this earth to be as hateful as you people are. Especially when the last president made such a mess. I didn't see you fools out there protesting with tea bags in your eyes then, did I? So there really is nothing you can tell me. I can see through you all like an xray machine.

And that is why I insult you. Because you assume that it's because he's black. That makes you a racist honey. You can't see past the color of his skin. Personally I just disagree with his policies - as I am perfectly entitled to do. You are a fucking idiot.

Because you didn't see the TEA party protests during the Bush years does not mean that there were no protests but, again, you're too fucking stupid to know that. You didn't see them so they didn't happen. Again, makes you an idiot.

I think you're a racist. You voted for Obama because he is black.

You don't know what you're talking about. And from now on you are on total ignore. I don't like talking to people like you. There is never anything of substance in your post. So get lost and go post to the people that like being cussed at. I'm not one of them.
Sounds like You are over reacting a bit. Even Howard Beale has a role to play and Glenn plays it well. You are probably still blind to ACORN as well. One of these days the Light is going to hit you like a shit storm. Good luck with that.

I am over reacting??? It was she that responded to the post I did in her usual confrontational attack mode. If you think that I am going to be meek in my response, then you're nuts too.

And I am not blind to anything. That would be you and the rest of the haters. No light is going to hit me, so stop with the drama. What's really going on is that you people cannot accept a black president. Deny it all you want, but you're full of it.

There is no reason on this earth to be as hateful as you people are. Especially when the last president made such a mess. I didn't see you fools out there protesting with tea bags in your eyes then, did I? So there really is nothing you can tell me. I can see through you all like an xray machine.

And that is why I insult you. Because you assume that it's because he's black. Personally I just disagree with his policies - as I am perfectly entitled to do. You are a fucking idiot.

You assume that we hate Glenn Beck because he's patriotic or whatever dumb reason you like to pull from a hat. Ah irony.
I am over reacting??? It was she that responded to the post I did in her usual confrontational attack mode. If you think that I am going to be meek in my response, then you're nuts too.

And I am not blind to anything. That would be you and the rest of the haters. No light is going to hit me, so stop with the drama. What's really going on is that you people cannot accept a black president. Deny it all you want, but you're full of it.

There is no reason on this earth to be as hateful as you people are. Especially when the last president made such a mess. I didn't see you fools out there protesting with tea bags in your eyes then, did I? So there really is nothing you can tell me. I can see through you all like an xray machine.

And that is why I insult you. Because you assume that it's because he's black. That makes you a racist honey. You can't see past the color of his skin. Personally I just disagree with his policies - as I am perfectly entitled to do. You are a fucking idiot.

Because you didn't see the TEA party protests during the Bush years does not mean that there were no protests but, again, you're too fucking stupid to know that. You didn't see them so they didn't happen. Again, makes you an idiot.

I think you're a racist. You voted for Obama because he is black.

You don't know what you're talking about. And from now on you are on total ignore. I don't like talking to people like you. There is never anything of substance in your post. So get lost and go post to the people that like being cussed at. I'm not one of them.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Oh no! I'm on ignore! :eek:

It's easier to ignore the truth than face it.
If you were truly trying to change someone's mind, do you really think calling them tea baggers (versus tea party memebers), wingnuts (versus conservatives) and unable to think for themselves is going to help them see your point?

A lack of intelligence is not the problem with any of the people in this debate. I find Beck's nine principles to be very helpful. I don't agree with him all the time, but that is not necessary for him to be useful for me. Just to give you a little insight, I usually read the news online or NBC/CNN and make up my mind about issues. Sometimes I read things here and do follow up research. What is weird is when I say or think something and the next thing I know, it is being said on TV. Not the other way around.

Change someone's mind??? You are kidding, I hope. You cannot think that you are going to change anybody's mind on this site. If that is your goal, good luck. It's not mine.

I did not like the response I got from that cow that calls herself CA Girl. She wishes. I'm tired of being called names and insulted. If you want to take it, that's your business. But I'm tired of it. I responded to her in kind, and that's what she deserved.

So it is an eye for an eye in politics and internet boards. But we expect D.C. to be better.

As a rule, I don't believe in an eye for an eye. But you are entitled to interpret my behavior in any way you choose.

And I am better. You don't see me dropping F-bombs on anybody on this site or cussing at them. But I am not going to be nice to people that are abusive. It's that simple.
Sounds like You are over reacting a bit. Even Howard Beale has a role to play and Glenn plays it well. You are probably still blind to ACORN as well. One of these days the Light is going to hit you like a shit storm. Good luck with that.

I am over reacting??? It was she that responded to the post I did in her usual confrontational attack mode. If you think that I am going to be meek in my response, then you're nuts too.

And I am not blind to anything. That would be you and the rest of the haters. No light is going to hit me, so stop with the drama. What's really going on is that you people cannot accept a black president. Deny it all you want, but you're full of it.

There is no reason on this earth to be as hateful as you people are. Especially when the last president made such a mess. I didn't see you fools out there protesting with tea bags in your eyes then, did I? So there really is nothing you can tell me. I can see through you all like an xray machine.

Just busting Your chops. Sometimes You make it easy. :)
Potential for Black Presidents, All preferable to Obama?

Clarence Thomas.
Colin Powell.
Condoleza Rice.
Bill Cosby.
Morgan Freeman.
Danny Glover.

I don't have the slightest idea what you're trying to say.
In the last election, I would have preferred Hillary to Obama. I think she had more experience and a drive to get things done. Seems to me women are considered a minority group too. Future pick: Deval Patrick?
I am over reacting??? It was she that responded to the post I did in her usual confrontational attack mode. If you think that I am going to be meek in my response, then you're nuts too.

And I am not blind to anything. That would be you and the rest of the haters. No light is going to hit me, so stop with the drama. What's really going on is that you people cannot accept a black president. Deny it all you want, but you're full of it.

There is no reason on this earth to be as hateful as you people are. Especially when the last president made such a mess. I didn't see you fools out there protesting with tea bags in your eyes then, did I? So there really is nothing you can tell me. I can see through you all like an xray machine.

And that is why I insult you. Because you assume that it's because he's black. Personally I just disagree with his policies - as I am perfectly entitled to do. You are a fucking idiot.

You assume that we hate Glenn Beck because he's patriotic or whatever dumb reason you like to pull from a hat. Ah irony.

It would be irony if I had ever said that. But the irony is that you are too fucking stupid to know what I have said, even when you can read it.

Take your head out of your ass and work on fact not fiction. Idiot.
I am over reacting??? It was she that responded to the post I did in her usual confrontational attack mode. If you think that I am going to be meek in my response, then you're nuts too.

And I am not blind to anything. That would be you and the rest of the haters. No light is going to hit me, so stop with the drama. What's really going on is that you people cannot accept a black president. Deny it all you want, but you're full of it.

There is no reason on this earth to be as hateful as you people are. Especially when the last president made such a mess. I didn't see you fools out there protesting with tea bags in your eyes then, did I? So there really is nothing you can tell me. I can see through you all like an xray machine.

And that is why I insult you. Because you assume that it's because he's black. Personally I just disagree with his policies - as I am perfectly entitled to do. You are a fucking idiot.

You assume that we hate Glenn Beck because he's patriotic or whatever dumb reason you like to pull from a hat. Ah irony.

What Glenn is to You, Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman would be to Me. I do not hate Them. Glenn has hit some pretty impressive Bullseye's. They have yet to.
In November 2006, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim U.S. congressman, appeared on Glenn Beck. Beck told him, “I have been nervous about this interview with you because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.’” This prompted Jon Stewart to comment, “Finally, a guy who says what people who aren’t thinking are thinking.”

The incident earned Beck a spot on the alternative weekly Buffalo Beast ’s list of 2006’s most loathesome people. The paper wrote, “It’s like someone found a manic, doom-prophesying hobo in a sandwich board, shaved him, shot him full of Zoloft and gave him a show.”

Beck is a jerk.
In November 2006, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim U.S. congressman, appeared on Glenn Beck. Beck told him, “I have been nervous about this interview with you because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.’” This prompted Jon Stewart to comment, “Finally, a guy who says what people who aren’t thinking are thinking.”

The incident earned Beck a spot on the alternative weekly Buffalo Beast ’s list of 2006’s most loathesome people. The paper wrote, “It’s like someone found a manic, doom-prophesying hobo in a sandwich board, shaved him, shot him full of Zoloft and gave him a show.”

Beck is a jerk.

Pay Him no mind then. I thank Him for His Part in the outing of ACORN. A part Few had the courage to play.
Outing Czar's that had no place in Government at all.
Say what You will, He has effected History.
In November 2006, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim U.S. congressman, appeared on Glenn Beck. Beck told him, “I have been nervous about this interview with you because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.’” This prompted Jon Stewart to comment, “Finally, a guy who says what people who aren’t thinking are thinking.”

The incident earned Beck a spot on the alternative weekly Buffalo Beast ’s list of 2006’s most loathesome people. The paper wrote, “It’s like someone found a manic, doom-prophesying hobo in a sandwich board, shaved him, shot him full of Zoloft and gave him a show.”

Beck is a jerk.

What's wrong with asking what he did about Ellison.....besides being a religion....Islam is a political system...
In November 2006, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim U.S. congressman, appeared on Glenn Beck. Beck told him, “I have been nervous about this interview with you because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.’” This prompted Jon Stewart to comment, “Finally, a guy who says what people who aren’t thinking are thinking.”

The incident earned Beck a spot on the alternative weekly Buffalo Beast ’s list of 2006’s most loathesome people. The paper wrote, “It’s like someone found a manic, doom-prophesying hobo in a sandwich board, shaved him, shot him full of Zoloft and gave him a show.”

Beck is a jerk.

Pay Him no mind then. I thank Him for His Part in the outing of ACORN. A part Few had the courage to play.
Outing Czar's that had no place in Government at all.
Say what You will, He has effected History.

The thing that really makes me laugh is the way the left rant about Beck. If he's just a fool, why bother ranting? I watch him - though I often disagree with his conclusions - because he provides a lot of very useful, factually accurate information. The problem with the terminally stupid (left and right) is that they take every word he says as either absolute truth or absolute lies. In fact, for the most part, he evidences every opinoin he forms and provides his audience with the facts on which he bases these opinions. Far more that that, he appears to be one of the few people asking questions... what is so very wrong with asking questions. I was raised to believe that asking questions was a good thing, and intelligent thing.
Thirty-five pages for someone with no impact or importance to the American political landscape? I think we will keep him around a bit longer.
Glen Beck asks the questions all Americans are asking. He has the facts to back it up what he says. He dislikes the Dems and the Reps and he sure doesn't play favorites. He bashs Bush right alongside Ol'BO.

The fitst time I watched him I thought the guy was a little nuts. Then I really listened to what he was saying and he is 100% right. We need to take our country back and start following the Constitution. He thinks the Clown sin DC are a pack of self-serving idiots and I agree, they are.

Beck is fun to watch and he makes perfect sense to anyone with Common Sense.
Glen Beck asks the questions all Americans are asking. He has the facts to back it up what he says. He dislikes the Dems and the Reps and he sure doesn't play favorites. He bashs Bush right alongside Ol'BO.

The fitst time I watched him I thought the guy was a little nuts. Then I really listened to what he was saying and he is 100% right. We need to take our country back and start following the Constitution. He thinks the Clown sin DC are a pack of self-serving idiots and I agree, they are.

Beck is fun to watch and he makes perfect sense to anyone with Common Sense.

Following disturbs Me. Open Eyes and a Purpose Driven Life. No substitute for Understanding, no greater enemy to the Totalitarian.
In November 2006, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim U.S. congressman, appeared on Glenn Beck. Beck told him, “I have been nervous about this interview with you because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.’” This prompted Jon Stewart to comment, “Finally, a guy who says what people who aren’t thinking are thinking.”

The incident earned Beck a spot on the alternative weekly Buffalo Beast ’s list of 2006’s most loathesome people. The paper wrote, “It’s like someone found a manic, doom-prophesying hobo in a sandwich board, shaved him, shot him full of Zoloft and gave him a show.”

Beck is a jerk.

What's wrong with asking what he did about Ellison.....besides being a religion....Islam is a political system...

Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies
In November 2006, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim U.S. congressman, appeared on Glenn Beck. Beck told him, “I have been nervous about this interview with you because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.’” This prompted Jon Stewart to comment, “Finally, a guy who says what people who aren’t thinking are thinking.”

The incident earned Beck a spot on the alternative weekly Buffalo Beast ’s list of 2006’s most loathesome people. The paper wrote, “It’s like someone found a manic, doom-prophesying hobo in a sandwich board, shaved him, shot him full of Zoloft and gave him a show.”

Beck is a jerk.

What's wrong with asking what he did about Ellison.....besides being a religion....Islam is a political system...

Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies

If You were to imply that You don't trust Anyone, there would at the least be a thread of Honesty, on Your part. I suspect that what You don't trust is Anything Politically Right of You.
From time to time have watched Glen Beck on Fox News, and he is boring to me as a spokesman. He is not a scholar with political thought for the left or with the right. All he is and always will be is to notice the current political standings and make comments. The weird his comments and the weirder they are, people will spend time to refute his comments. With Glen Beck, it is best not to feed the troll.
Yes, until those allegations about Glenn are investigated fully, we will never know the truth.

Just when we think you really cannot be any more stupid, you do - indeed - prove the whole forum wrong.

I respect anyone, left or right, who uses legitimate argument and reason to make a point. Using a snipe website allegation - which has already been admitted to as fake - truly is just pathetic. It's insulting to real victims and real families and those who are falsely accused. It is, however, no surprise that people like you continue it. Because you have absolutely no morals.

That's it, CG. You cannot use either "legitmate argument" or "reason". Your deceit continues to trip you up, and mainstream America is well aware where the far fringe loonies are coming from, finally. You get shrill and hysterical when confronted, you betcha. That's what loser do. Hey, though, it is America: you rant right along with Glenn and the rest of the far right whackos.

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Glen Beck asks the questions all Americans are asking. He has the facts to back it up what he says. He dislikes the Dems and the Reps and he sure doesn't play favorites. He bashs Bush right alongside Ol'BO.

The fitst time I watched him I thought the guy was a little nuts. Then I really listened to what he was saying and he is 100% right. We need to take our country back and start following the Constitution. He thinks the Clown sin DC are a pack of self-serving idiots and I agree, they are.

Beck is fun to watch and he makes perfect sense to anyone with Common Sense.

Yes, Glenn is fun to watch! He is also goofy, and so are you if you buy into his screed. If you really listened to him and agreed with him, then either your hearing or your analytical ability or both are impaired. Severely.

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