why the left hates glen beck

i don't see racism in beck. If it's there, he hides it well. I confess that i'm disturbed by the cover of his new book. It is in poor taste.

i presume you mean his arguing with idiots. . . book and not common sense? i don't like the cover either--it triggers a negative response in me--but out of curiosity, why do you think it is in poor taste?

Got watermelon??

The video specifically references Green Policies in relation to Red Communist Policies. Green on the outside, Red on the inside. Don't see the connection with Race. It's a stretch.

Lets see....how can we best illustrate president Obama's environmental policies??

I got it! Watermelon!

All he was missing was the black face and the Minstrel Dancers

But why is it that you relate watermelon to black face and the rest of us don't? I buy watermelon all the time and I don't recall a single time that I immediately thought of black face and minstrel dancers.

I think somebody who automatically thinks black when he sees watermelon might want to rethink his own prejudices.
Got watermelon??

The video specifically references Green Policies in relation to Red Communist Policies. Green on the outside, Red on the inside. Don't see the connection with Race. It's a stretch.

Lets see....how can we best illustrate president Obama's environmental policies??

I got it! Watermelon!

All he was missing was the black face and the Minstrel Dancers

My position is that first, I support much of what Glenn is doing. Second, If one was looking on things to criticize about Him, there is much more, without having to stretch so far, to target. Why are you so sensitive to this, and so unmoving in relation to what has been uncovered with ACORN? Be honest.
Becks base was Seattle, not Atlanta. Do we need to probe into how many Hendrix albums he might have owned? Was he Anti-Motown? Do you have anything to go on or is this a witch hunt? Is Glenn hiding a White Supremest Past? Is he the white version of Reverend Wright?
The video specifically references Green Policies in relation to Red Communist Policies. Green on the outside, Red on the inside. Don't see the connection with Race. It's a stretch.

Lets see....how can we best illustrate president Obama's environmental policies??

I got it! Watermelon!

All he was missing was the black face and the Minstrel Dancers

My position is that first, I support much of what Glenn is doing. Second, If one was looking on things to criticize about Him, there is much more, without having to stretch so far, to target. Why are you so sensitive to this, and so unmoving in relation to what has been uncovered with ACORN? Be honest.

To be perfectly honest. It is grossly hypicrytical for Beck to openly call the President of the United States a racist while he does a watermelon bit to critique the presidents environmental policy

Someone in Becks position realizes the historical relevance of using symbols like watermelon and fried chicken to describe a black man. It was not an innocent mistake. It was using a watermelon to make a child like analogy.
Lets see....how can we best illustrate president Obama's environmental policies??

I got it! Watermelon!

All he was missing was the black face and the Minstrel Dancers

My position is that first, I support much of what Glenn is doing. Second, If one was looking on things to criticize about Him, there is much more, without having to stretch so far, to target. Why are you so sensitive to this, and so unmoving in relation to what has been uncovered with ACORN? Be honest.

To be perfectly honest. It is grossly hypicrytical for Beck to openly call the President of the United States a racist while he does a watermelon bit to critique the presidents environmental policy

Someone in Becks position realizes the historical relevance of using symbols like watermelon and fried chicken to describe a black man. It was not an innocent mistake. It was using a watermelon to make a child like analogy.

It's still reaching. Jumping at shadows. You may even be getting baited. You come out losing that type of an argument, best to find something more substantive. The Characters from the ACORN Video's must must have had you pulling your hair out. Straight out of the 70's & 80's Starsky and Hutch. LOL. Why did We even go through the polyester phase? Why does it even exist? LOL

Keep Glenn Humble and He stays on track. He works that Howard Beale thing well. The Prophet thing is dangerous for anyone to play. There are lines nobody crosses, without Justification.
FYI, if you are going to cut and paste something, the honest thing to do is provide a link to the original author/site.

Beck, conservative media use violent rhetoric suggesting White House will retaliate against Fox News and opponents | Media Matters for America

I'm sure that they would appreciate proper credit for their ideological press releases.

If I wanted to provide a link, I would have. Believe me, I don't need advice from the peanut gallery. Or maybe I mean the peanut brain.
Not sourcing a post you presented as your own work, and is not - is wrong.
It violates copyright laws and shows you to be a plagiarist.

Look, I don't owe anybody an explanation. Did anybody ask me if I had forgotten to post the link or at least politely ask if I could please post it? Hell no.

I always intend to provide a link to what I post, okay?? If I forget, I forget. The missing link sure offended people. But the lies of Glenn Beck do not. Check your priorities, people. my priority is the board's rules. if you post copyrighted material,you must post a link and you may not post the piece in its entirety. thanks-del
If I wanted to provide a link, I would have. Believe me, I don't need advice from the peanut gallery. Or maybe I mean the peanut brain.
Not sourcing a post you presented as your own work, and is not - is wrong.
It violates copyright laws and shows you to be a plagiarist.

Look, I don't owe anybody an explanation. Did anybody ask me if I had forgotten to post the link or at least politely ask if I could please post it? Hell no.

I always intend to provide a link to what I post, okay?? If I forget, I forget. The missing link sure offended people. But the lies of Glenn Beck do not. Check your priorities, people.

Calm Down.... Calm Down..... Are You Calm..... Good.... Now .... How Much Kool-Aid did you Drink.... ?????? Are we okay here yet.... ???? Good. Just stay away from sharp utensils and don't drive until you get centered.... Whew, that was close. :):):)
I can tell you exactly why I don't like Glenn Beck. He's a liar and a drama queen.

Following the White House's recent criticism of Fox News for its conservative slant, Glenn Beck and other conservative media have fearmongered that the Obama administration will harm Fox News and its supporters -- physically or otherwise -- because of their opposition to its policies. Since September alone, Beck has asked listeners to "pray for protection," compared Fox News to Jews during the Holocaust, and suggested the White House was pointing missiles at Fox News, and Newt Gingrich asked on Hannity if the administration would subject Fox News commentators to the Chinese "Cultural Revolution" because of their objections.

On his October 13 radio show, Beck said: "When they're done with Fox, and you decide to speak out on something. The old, 'first they came for the Jews, and I wasn't Jewish.' When you have a question, and you believe that something should be asked, they're a -- totally fine with you right now; they have no problem with you. When they're done with Fox and talk radio, do you really think they're going to leave you alone if you want to ask a tough question? Do you really think that a man who has never had to stand against tough questions and has as much power as he does -- do you really believe after he takes out the number one news network, do you really think that this man is then not going to turn on you? That you and your little organization is going to cause him any hesitation at all not to take you out?"

Oh please!!! How you people can defend this lunatic is absolutely amazing. Because if you do, you are sicker than he is.

FYI, if you are going to cut and paste something, the honest thing to do is provide a link to the original author/site.

Beck, conservative media use violent rhetoric suggesting White House will retaliate against Fox News and opponents | Media Matters for America

I'm sure that they would appreciate proper credit for their ideological press releases.

If I wanted to provide a link, I would have. Believe me, I don't need advice from the peanut gallery. Or maybe I mean the peanut brain.

So you intended to be dishonest and plagiarize? You seem to get a bit huffy when called on it.
FYI, if you are going to cut and paste something, the honest thing to do is provide a link to the original author/site.

Beck, conservative media use violent rhetoric suggesting White House will retaliate against Fox News and opponents | Media Matters for America

I'm sure that they would appreciate proper credit for their ideological press releases.

Good catch. The George Soros funded (at least in part) Media Matters has been a designated attack dog for the more radical Democrat left and now the Obama machine for quite some time now. It would be interesting to see how much of their acid commentary could be supported if put in accurate context?

Why don't you two clowns stop dancing and comment on what I posted about Glenn Beck. Well????

Glenn Beck is a dishonest fucktard. And so are Media Matters. I believe I've already said as much at least 3 or 4 times in this thread. Not my fault you can't seem to keep up.

Now about YOUR dishonesty....
If I wanted to provide a link, I would have. Believe me, I don't need advice from the peanut gallery. Or maybe I mean the peanut brain.
Not sourcing a post you presented as your own work, and is not - is wrong.
It violates copyright laws and shows you to be a plagiarist.

Look, I don't owe anybody an explanation. Did anybody ask me if I had forgotten to post the link or at least politely ask if I could please post it? Hell no.

I always intend to provide a link to what I post, okay?? If I forget, I forget. The missing link sure offended people. But the lies of Glenn Beck do not. Check your priorities, people.

FYI, if you are going to cut and paste something, the honest thing to do is provide a link to the original author/site.

Beck, conservative media use violent rhetoric suggesting White House will retaliate against Fox News and opponents | Media Matters for America

I'm sure that they would appreciate proper credit for their ideological press releases.

If I wanted to provide a link, I would have. Believe me, I don't need advice from the peanut gallery. Or maybe I mean the peanut brain.

So you intended to be dishonest and plagiarize? You seem to get a bit huffy when called on it.

God, you're dumb. Must everything be spelled out for you?? That's not what I said. But you can think what you like. You are not anybody whose opinion I care about. Now go pray to your picture of Glenn Beck and change the flowers in the coffee can that are next to it.
Geeez..........how much did the left get publically pwned last month when ACORN got humiliated by Glenn Beck.
It was classic.................

Lefties...for the fail.

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If I wanted to provide a link, I would have. Believe me, I don't need advice from the peanut gallery. Or maybe I mean the peanut brain.

So you intended to be dishonest and plagiarize? You seem to get a bit huffy when called on it.

God, you're dumb. Must everything be spelled out for you?? That's not what I said. But you can think what you like. You are not anybody whose opinion I care about. Now go pray to your picture of Glenn Beck and change the flowers in the coffee can that are next to it.

So you deny getting huffy and defensive.....by getting huffy and defensive?

And ya, I must be pretty dumb if I called you on your bullshit. Anything else you have to add or deny?
Why the left hates Glenn Beck?

Aperently, some agrees with him.

This may be one of the few times Fox News firebrand Glenn Beck endorses a policy of liberal Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.).

Always a stickler for the constitutional privileges of Congress, Feingold is holding a hearing on “the history and legality of executive branch ‘czars’” before the Judiciary subcommittee he chairs. Feingold has been among a handful of liberals who aren’t fans of the proliferation of czars in the White House, contending that these unconfirmed advisers have too much executive power and infringe on the Senate’s advise-and-consent role on confirming executive nominations.

Strange bedfellows: Beck, Feingold?

But what is this all about? It looks like the Congress wants some of those "czars" to testify before them, and white house rejected those calls.

The debate goes to the heart of weighty constitutional issues about separation of powers. The president argues that he should be allowed to have advisers who are free to give him confidential advice without having to fear being called to testify about it.
Democrats and Republicans in Congress, though, argue that those in office who actually craft policy should be able to be summoned to testify because they do more than just give the president advice.

W.H. Tells Hill Policy 'Czars' Won't Testify

Reason behind all of this is ethical cloud that still hangs over Browner’s head after she left the EPA. Here is what happened...

On her last day in office, nearly eight years ago, Browner oversaw the destruction of agency computer files in brazen violation of a federal judge’s order requiring the agency to preserve its records. This from a public official who bragged about her tenure: “One of the things I’m the proudest of at EPA is the work we’ve done to expand the public’s right to know.”

Asked to explain her track-covering actions, the savvy career lawyer played dumb. Figuratively batting her eyelashes, Browner claimed she had no clue about a court injunction signed by U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth on the same day she commanded an underling to wipe her hard drives clean. Golly gee willikers, how could that have slipped by?

According to testimony in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against EPA by Landmark Legal Foundation, a Virginia-based conservative legal watchdog group, Browner commanded a computer technician on Jan. 19, 2001: “I would like my files deleted. I want you to delete my files.”

Not coincidentally, Landmark Legal Foundation had been pressing Browner to fully and publicly disclose the names of any special interest groups that may have influenced her wave of last-minute regulatory actions. Two days before she told her technician to purge all her records, EPA had gone to court to file a motion opposing the federal court injunction protecting those government documents.

Down on Browner

So question is, does Congress has authority to call president's senior advisors to testify before Congress? Whatever answer is, you gotta love those czars. :eusa_whistle:
This Czar thing needs to go away. I have an Idea, let's structure the three branches of the Federal Government according to Constitutional Purpose and function. I apologize. I'm talking crazy, I realize that now.... I am overcome with the effects of Right Wing Extremism .... It's only temporary.... I am sorry I questioned Government.... I didn't mean to.... don't punish me... no more sensitivity training please... oh the horror... Please stop playing that song in my head...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A81fwLNklSM]YouTube - Starland Vocal Band Afternoon Delight[/ame]

I promise to vote how you tell me, I will believe everything I hear on the news without question. ... Make the music stop..... It's worse than Olberman!!!!
Issue a supeonea. Then throw them in jail until they testify. (Dare we bring up waterboarding?)

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