why the left hates glen beck

Still, folks seem passive about a woman at the highest level of our constitutional democracy who is on tape as saying one of her favorite political philosophers is Mao.

The exact point I have been skirting around. Beck may serve the message in a way that many do not appreciate.....but why is his style of broadcasting more important than the disturbing facts themselves.

Likewise.....I need to ask...does it not bother ANYONE that such information has been ignored by NBC, CBS and ABC?

Sure.....attack beck...his approach deserves it.....but how in the world does this stuff stay under the radar....even AFTER beck exposes it?

All they do is attack beck...I say time is to forget beck and ask....

"why does no one care about the valid facts that the fear monger, hate monger has exposed?"
But please...tell me what he states as fact that is not true?
Have you listeened to the speeches of some of Obama's administration?
Beck spreads the fear...yes....but it is the poeple Obama surrounds himself with that creates the fear.

I've already done that.

He stated that Van Jones was involved in the Rodney King riots and arrested for it. Untrue.

He stated that Jennings covered up the statuatory rape of a 15 yr old. Again, not true.

Beck turns ordinary material into something to be afraid of. Like "death panels", and not being allowed to choose your own doctor etc etc.

If Beck had been a leftwing pundit - he would have Bush on dias with Hitler. How is that for ridiculous fear mongering? It's been done.

Van Jones WAS arrested and the charges were dropped.

Except - he was never at the Rodney King riots and he spent no time in jail (which was also mentioned). He was arrested with a group of others at a demonstration - not at any riots least of all the big ones in Los Angeles. Beck made it sound as if he was a participant in the riots and I am sure that is what he meant to make it sound like.

He never said Jennings covered it up...what he said was that Jennings never reported the "rape" to authorities.

But again - the kid was not 15, was of legal age, and no "rape" occurred.

As for healthcare....I read the original bill...and I too saw it strange with the "end of life" counseling.....

End of life counseling has nothing to do with "death panels" - think about it! It's a common sense thing and has more to do with making decisions about what you want and letting others know before you are in a position where you can't.

And by the way....HE called for the impeachment of Bush.

Good for him. It doesn't erase his hate mongering.
I've already done that.

He stated that Van Jones was involved in the Rodney King riots and arrested for it. Untrue.

He stated that Jennings covered up the statuatory rape of a 15 yr old. Again, not true.

Beck turns ordinary material into something to be afraid of. Like "death panels", and not being allowed to choose your own doctor etc etc.

If Beck had been a leftwing pundit - he would have Bush on dias with Hitler. How is that for ridiculous fear mongering? It's been done.

Van Jones WAS arrested and the charges were dropped.

Except - he was never at the Rodney King riots and he spent no time in jail (which was also mentioned). He was arrested with a group of others at a demonstration - not at any riots least of all the big ones in Los Angeles. Beck made it sound as if he was a participant in the riots and I am sure that is what he meant to make it sound like.

But again - the kid was not 15, was of legal age, and no "rape" occurred.

As for healthcare....I read the original bill...and I too saw it strange with the "end of life" counseling.....

End of life counseling has nothing to do with "death panels" - think about it! It's a common sense thing and has more to do with making decisions about what you want and letting others know before you are in a position where you can't.

And by the way....HE called for the impeachment of Bush.

Good for him. It doesn't erase his hate mongering.

Beck called it rape based on JENNIINGS sayingh he was 15 years old....once Jennings corrected it and said he was 16, Beck called it poor jjudgement and no longer rape.

He was arrested....and charges were dropped. Dont see how that means he was not arrested.

Whatever...deflect from the truth...he has exposed some very disturbing information regarding some appointees...and all I hear in response is a bashing of Beck for his approach....
But the question is.....exactly what FACTS has he presented that are untrue?
Conspiracy? That is assumption...noit fact....but as for the facts.....exactly what is not true?

Why ask me? Why not ask the people who accused him of saying untrue things?

I was asking you becuase you refer to him as a hatemonger so I assumed you watch him......or how would you know he is a hatemonger...
I am aware you did not say he lied.....

but to be frank......I, too, despise ANYONE who supports political philosophies of Mao...and I also despise those that parise Castro...and I too loathe those that offer accolades to Cahvez..

SO I do not see him as a hate monger...I see him as one that loathes what many loathe....those that murder in cold blood...and yes, I loathe anyone who praises such people.

When does that cross the line into hate mongering?
my theory: because he isnt a liberal

Because he is right

Because he cares and loves his country

I think you left out he backs up his thoughts with facts and research, but also shows his emotions. Seems like liberals have a tendency to corner the market on showing them.
Why ask me? Why not ask the people who accused him of saying untrue things?

I was asking you becuase you refer to him as a hatemonger so I assumed you watch him......or how would you know he is a hatemonger...
I am aware you did not say he lied.....

but to be frank......I, too, despise ANYONE who supports political philosophies of Mao...and I also despise those that parise Castro...and I too loathe those that offer accolades to Cahvez..

SO I do not see him as a hate monger...I see him as one that loathes what many loathe....those that murder in cold blood...and yes, I loathe anyone who praises such people.

When does that cross the line into hate mongering?

Hatemopnger is a term you can use...I see him as an entertainer that CAPITALIZES on warranted hate....so yes...he can be labelled as a hate monger...

But notice how ther TRUE facts are not debated....just the messager's style...

I dont care for Becks approach...it gets in the way of the facts...but the facts are still important...yet when they are brought up to the WH and to others...the response is "Beck is a hate monger" or "fear monger"...

But what about the facts?
Still, folks seem passive about a woman at the highest level of our constitutional democracy who is on tape as saying one of her favorite political philosophers is Mao.

The exact point I have been skirting around. Beck may serve the message in a way that many do not appreciate.....but why is his style of broadcasting more important than the disturbing facts themselves.

Likewise.....I need to ask...does it not bother ANYONE that such information has been ignored by NBC, CBS and ABC?

Sure.....attack beck...his approach deserves it.....but how in the world does this stuff stay under the radar....even AFTER beck exposes it?

All they do is attack beck...I say time is to forget beck and ask....

"why does no one care about the valid facts that the fear monger, hate monger has exposed?"
For example, the evidence has been presented - a tape of Dunn stating that she likes Mao's political philosophy.

Logically refuting that requires that you provide evidence that the tape of her speaking is not true. Logically refuting it does NOT involve pointing to the incompetence of others.
Van Jones WAS arrested and the charges were dropped.

Except - he was never at the Rodney King riots and he spent no time in jail (which was also mentioned). He was arrested with a group of others at a demonstration - not at any riots least of all the big ones in Los Angeles. Beck made it sound as if he was a participant in the riots and I am sure that is what he meant to make it sound like.

But again - the kid was not 15, was of legal age, and no "rape" occurred.

End of life counseling has nothing to do with "death panels" - think about it! It's a common sense thing and has more to do with making decisions about what you want and letting others know before you are in a position where you can't.

And by the way....HE called for the impeachment of Bush.

Good for him. It doesn't erase his hate mongering.

Beck called it rape based on JENNIINGS sayingh he was 15 years old....once Jennings corrected it and said he was 16, Beck called it poor jjudgement and no longer rape.

He was arrested....and charges were dropped. Dont see how that means he was not arrested.

Whatever...deflect from the truth...he has exposed some very disturbing information regarding some appointees...and all I hear in response is a bashing of Beck for his approach....

He was never at the Rodney King riots and Beck referred to him as a "convicted felon". How is that deflecting from the truth?

What about his claims that czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population?

What about his claim that Anita Dunn "worships" her "hero" Mao Zedong? False.

Or that Sunstein advocates forced organ donation or his claim that if Sunstein's writings were put into policy we wouldn't be allowed to get rid of rats? If not out right lies they are based on deliberate distortions designed to induce fear.
Except - he was never at the Rodney King riots and he spent no time in jail (which was also mentioned). He was arrested with a group of others at a demonstration - not at any riots least of all the big ones in Los Angeles. Beck made it sound as if he was a participant in the riots and I am sure that is what he meant to make it sound like.

But again - the kid was not 15, was of legal age, and no "rape" occurred.

End of life counseling has nothing to do with "death panels" - think about it! It's a common sense thing and has more to do with making decisions about what you want and letting others know before you are in a position where you can't.

Good for him. It doesn't erase his hate mongering.

Beck called it rape based on JENNIINGS sayingh he was 15 years old....once Jennings corrected it and said he was 16, Beck called it poor jjudgement and no longer rape.

He was arrested....and charges were dropped. Dont see how that means he was not arrested.

Whatever...deflect from the truth...he has exposed some very disturbing information regarding some appointees...and all I hear in response is a bashing of Beck for his approach....

He was never at the Rodney King riots and Beck referred to him as a "convicted felon". How is that deflecting from the truth?

What about his claims that czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population?

What about his claim that Anita Dunn "worships" her "hero" Mao Zedong? False.

Or that Sunstein advocates forced organ donation or his claim that if Sunstein's writings were put into policy we wouldn't be allowed to get rid of rats? If not out right lies they are based on deliberate distortions designed to induce fear.
:confused: Dunn is on tape speaking publicly that Mao is one of her two favorite political philosophers.
Except - he was never at the Rodney King riots and he spent no time in jail (which was also mentioned). He was arrested with a group of others at a demonstration - not at any riots least of all the big ones in Los Angeles. Beck made it sound as if he was a participant in the riots and I am sure that is what he meant to make it sound like.

But again - the kid was not 15, was of legal age, and no "rape" occurred.

End of life counseling has nothing to do with "death panels" - think about it! It's a common sense thing and has more to do with making decisions about what you want and letting others know before you are in a position where you can't.

Good for him. It doesn't erase his hate mongering.

Beck called it rape based on JENNIINGS sayingh he was 15 years old....once Jennings corrected it and said he was 16, Beck called it poor jjudgement and no longer rape.

He was arrested....and charges were dropped. Dont see how that means he was not arrested.

Whatever...deflect from the truth...he has exposed some very disturbing information regarding some appointees...and all I hear in response is a bashing of Beck for his approach....

He was never at the Rodney King riots and Beck referred to him as a "convicted felon". How is that deflecting from the truth?

What about his claims that czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population?

What about his claim that Anita Dunn "worships" her "hero" Mao Zedong? False.

Or that Sunstein advocates forced organ donation or his claim that if Sunstein's writings were put into policy we wouldn't be allowed to get rid of rats? If not out right lies they are based on deliberate distortions designed to induce fear.

My debate with you is over. You stated FACTS THAT WERE BACKED UP WITH FLIM CLIPS as false....so you are nothing more than a left wing hack to me.
Still, folks seem passive about a woman at the highest level of our constitutional democracy who is on tape as saying one of her favorite political philosophers is Mao.

The exact point I have been skirting around. Beck may serve the message in a way that many do not appreciate.....but why is his style of broadcasting more important than the disturbing facts themselves.

Likewise.....I need to ask...does it not bother ANYONE that such information has been ignored by NBC, CBS and ABC?

Sure.....attack beck...his approach deserves it.....but how in the world does this stuff stay under the radar....even AFTER beck exposes it?

All they do is attack beck...I say time is to forget beck and ask....

"why does no one care about the valid facts that the fear monger, hate monger has exposed?"
For example, the evidence has been presented - a tape of Dunn stating that she likes Mao's political philosophy.

Logically refuting that requires that you provide evidence that the tape of her speaking is not true. Logically refuting it does NOT involve pointing to the incompetence of others.

Except Beck did not state it quite that way. He used words like "worships" and "idolizes" and "her hero" in describing what she said about Mao Zedong.

http://mediamatters.org/research/200910150044Beck's quote: "This is her hero's work!" After commenting that Mao "killed 70 million people," Beck falsely claimed of Dunn: "It's insanity! This is her hero's work! Seventy million dead!"

Beck suggests Dunn "idolize" Mao. After asking, "America, how many radicals is it going to take?" Beck stated: "[W]e're not just talking about progressives now, we're talking about revolutionaries that idolize Mao."

What she actually said in that segment was that that Mao and Mother Teresa were her two of her "favorite political philosophers" and she cited some quotes in relation to particular situations- a far cry from the implied meaning that she worshipped Mao's ideology. In this, she is in the company of conservative figures have cited quotes or tactics of Mao.

Is that fear mongering?
Except - he was never at the Rodney King riots and he spent no time in jail (which was also mentioned). He was arrested with a group of others at a demonstration - not at any riots least of all the big ones in Los Angeles. Beck made it sound as if he was a participant in the riots and I am sure that is what he meant to make it sound like.

But again - the kid was not 15, was of legal age, and no "rape" occurred.

End of life counseling has nothing to do with "death panels" - think about it! It's a common sense thing and has more to do with making decisions about what you want and letting others know before you are in a position where you can't.

Good for him. It doesn't erase his hate mongering.

Beck called it rape based on JENNIINGS sayingh he was 15 years old....once Jennings corrected it and said he was 16, Beck called it poor jjudgement and no longer rape.

He was arrested....and charges were dropped. Dont see how that means he was not arrested.

Whatever...deflect from the truth...he has exposed some very disturbing information regarding some appointees...and all I hear in response is a bashing of Beck for his approach....

He was never at the Rodney King riots and Beck referred to him as a "convicted felon". How is that deflecting from the truth?

What about his claims that czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population?

What about his claim that Anita Dunn "worships" her "hero" Mao Zedong? False.

Or that Sunstein advocates forced organ donation or his claim that if Sunstein's writings were put into policy we wouldn't be allowed to get rid of rats? If not out right lies they are based on deliberate distortions designed to induce fear.

Have you read Sunsteins book on 'nudging'?

If not, you should.

Fact is that Sunstein and his cohorts have written about various systems that Americans would view as unacceptable..... unless of course we are 'nudged' towards these potential policies.

I'm not for one moment suggesting that that is what they will do but one has to consider the words of the people that the POTUS surrounds himself with. Now, I work with academics and I understand the difference between academic theory and what happens in policy and practice..... however, I have some serious questions about who these people are, and why they are in our government.
Beck called it rape based on JENNIINGS sayingh he was 15 years old....once Jennings corrected it and said he was 16, Beck called it poor jjudgement and no longer rape.

He was arrested....and charges were dropped. Dont see how that means he was not arrested.

Whatever...deflect from the truth...he has exposed some very disturbing information regarding some appointees...and all I hear in response is a bashing of Beck for his approach....

He was never at the Rodney King riots and Beck referred to him as a "convicted felon". How is that deflecting from the truth?

What about his claims that czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population?

What about his claim that Anita Dunn "worships" her "hero" Mao Zedong? False.

Or that Sunstein advocates forced organ donation or his claim that if Sunstein's writings were put into policy we wouldn't be allowed to get rid of rats? If not out right lies they are based on deliberate distortions designed to induce fear.

My debate with you is over. You stated FACTS THAT WERE BACKED UP WITH FLIM CLIPS as false....so you are nothing more than a left wing hack to me.

Film clips of Van Jones participating in the Los Angeles Rodney King Riots? Convicted felon?

I don't think I'm the hack here.
But the question is.....exactly what FACTS has he presented that are untrue?
Conspiracy? That is assumption...noit fact....but as for the facts.....exactly what is not true?

Why ask me? Why not ask the people who accused him of saying untrue things?

I was asking you becuase you refer to him as a hatemonger so I assumed you watch him......or how would you know he is a hatemonger...
I am aware you did not say he lied.....

but to be frank......I, too, despise ANYONE who supports political philosophies of Mao...and I also despise those that parise Castro...and I too loathe those that offer accolades to Cahvez..

SO I do not see him as a hate monger...I see him as one that loathes what many loathe....those that murder in cold blood...and yes, I loathe anyone who praises such people.

I don't see the "you can" which can be read as "one can" that you are talking about. But no sweat - I've gotten posters confused during a rapid exchange myself.
He was never at the Rodney King riots and Beck referred to him as a "convicted felon". How is that deflecting from the truth?

What about his claims that czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population?

What about his claim that Anita Dunn "worships" her "hero" Mao Zedong? False.

Or that Sunstein advocates forced organ donation or his claim that if Sunstein's writings were put into policy we wouldn't be allowed to get rid of rats? If not out right lies they are based on deliberate distortions designed to induce fear.

My debate with you is over. You stated FACTS THAT WERE BACKED UP WITH FLIM CLIPS as false....so you are nothing more than a left wing hack to me.

Film clips of Van Jones participating in the Los Angeles Rodney King Riots? Convicted felon?

I don't think I'm the hack here.

You just proved you are.
What she actually said in that segment was that that Mao and Mother Teresa were her two of her "favorite political philosophers" and she cited some quotes in relation to particular situations- a far cry from the implied meaning that she worshipped Mao's ideology. In this, she is in the company of conservative figures have cited quotes or tactics of Mao.

Is that fear mongering?[/QUOTE]

What I found very disturbing was how Dunn seemed to use quote from Mother Teresa as a way to lend credibility to Mao.
Beck called it rape based on JENNIINGS sayingh he was 15 years old....once Jennings corrected it and said he was 16, Beck called it poor jjudgement and no longer rape.

He was arrested....and charges were dropped. Dont see how that means he was not arrested.

Whatever...deflect from the truth...he has exposed some very disturbing information regarding some appointees...and all I hear in response is a bashing of Beck for his approach....

He was never at the Rodney King riots and Beck referred to him as a "convicted felon". How is that deflecting from the truth?

What about his claims that czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population?

What about his claim that Anita Dunn "worships" her "hero" Mao Zedong? False.

Or that Sunstein advocates forced organ donation or his claim that if Sunstein's writings were put into policy we wouldn't be allowed to get rid of rats? If not out right lies they are based on deliberate distortions designed to induce fear.

Have you read Sunsteins book on 'nudging'?

If not, you should.

Fact is that Sunstein and his cohorts have written about various systems that Americans would view as unacceptable..... unless of course we are 'nudged' towards these potential policies.

I'm not for one moment suggesting that that is what they will do but one has to consider the words of the people that the POTUS surrounds himself with. Now, I work with academics and I understand the difference between academic theory and what happens in policy and practice..... however, I have some serious questions about who these people are, and why they are in our government.

No, I actually haven't - only excerpts, but I'm tempted to check it out. You make a good a good distinction with the difference between academic theory and policy/practice and I think that what these tend to do is latch onto is portions of that theory as if it were potential policy and strip it of context.

They do not bother me so much, but I am also fairly liberal so that's no surprise. I was much more bothered by the people surrounding President Bush.
Glenn Beck serves a purpose for the left. Along with Boss Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity the left gets to paint them as the face of the republican party. They get to say "If you support the republicans....here is what you support'

I say let him spout

I didn't get the memo that informed us that we needed permission to speak now. Is that a new policy of the Obamanation?

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