Why the left hates Trump so intensely

Millions of folks dislike Trump because he is a top grade chauvinist wearing his prejudices with pride. Millions of others dislike Trump because of his bombastic narcissism. Yet millions of others dislike Trump simply because he is a pathological liar. Even before his inauguration, he has made a number of enemies in his own "party". With a National polling favorability of only 37% while 58% view Trump unfavorably, Trump is the most disliked president pre-inauguration in the 227 year history of this Nation.

When enough of the members in the House and in the Senate gin up the courage to declare the 'Emperor has no cloths', the House will pass Articles of Impeachment, the Senate will find Trump guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and Trump will be removed from office. It is just a matter of time! I've been saying it will happen before the end of 2018, but with the announcement of the new "investigations" it's looking to be much sooner.

None of your statements have any basis in reality or even common sense.
None of your statements have any basis in reality or even common sense.
That is pure horseshit.

Pathological liar;
Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?
Trump just proved he’s a pathological liar. Which part is worse: The lying or the pathology?

Chauvinistic - racist/misogynist;
Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | The Huffington Post
UN human rights chief: Trump spreads 'humiliating racial and religious prejudice'

Trump falls back in love with the polls
Donald Trump loves the polls he loves and hates the polls he hates

You were saying what about reality and common sense, shit for brains?

yes, keep quoting and listing other people's OPINION posts as actual fact, you cheap, dime store hack.

Oxygen Thief.
yes, keep quoting and listing other people's OPINION posts as actual fact, you cheap, dime store hack.
And when the House impeaches Trump, the Senate finds Trump guilty of the charges in the Articles of Impeachment and the CJ of SCOTUS kicks trump to the curb, the whole world is going to be guilty of picking on poor innocent Trump????

Have another drink of that shit sundae you're having, fool!
Another butthurt Leftard response
The sheer absurdity of Donald Trump being elected president of the United States of America is the single most ignored and avoided aspect of this whole calamity. Even the liberal media won't step up and acknowledge it.
Damn near as bad as electing a muslim queer. Or a bus stop rat bag old hag lying incompetent piece of shit hillary.
Thank God we're done with both.
They hate him for one reason; they are deathly afraid that he will be a success, and they know when that happens, progressivism is over for a couple of generations at least.

Is that your explanation for the hatred of Obama?
hatred? naw, just that we knew he wasn't qualified. And we learned we were right after eight years. See that all goes away in 100 days.

So now you wish to deny that anyone on the Right hates Obama.
Don't know what will happen with the new boss, no one does. there are a few of his picks that I worry about. just like how I felt about some of Obama's. kind of crazy how we just run on blind faith when our party is in power. they all make mistakes. just don't want war. that's the big mistake to many have made.
Millions of folks dislike Trump because he is a top grade chauvinist wearing his prejudices with pride. Millions of others dislike Trump because of his bombastic narcissism. Yet millions of others dislike Trump simply because he is a pathological liar. Even before his inauguration, he has made a number of enemies in his own "party". With a National polling favorability of only 37% while 58% view Trump unfavorably, Trump is the most disliked president pre-inauguration in the 227 year history of this Nation.

When enough of the members in the House and in the Senate gin up the courage to declare the 'Emperor has no cloths', the House will pass Articles of Impeachment, the Senate will find Trump guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and Trump will be removed from office. It is just a matter of time! I've been saying it will happen before the end of 2018, but with the announcement of the new "investigations" it's looking to be much sooner.

None of your statements have any basis in reality or even common sense.
None of your statements have any basis in reality or even common sense.
That is pure horseshit.

Pathological liar;
Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?
Trump just proved he’s a pathological liar. Which part is worse: The lying or the pathology?

Chauvinistic - racist/misogynist;
Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | The Huffington Post
UN human rights chief: Trump spreads 'humiliating racial and religious prejudice'

Trump falls back in love with the polls
Donald Trump loves the polls he loves and hates the polls he hates

You were saying what about reality and common sense, shit for brains?

yes, keep quoting and listing other people's OPINION posts as actual fact, you cheap, dime store hack.

Oxygen Thief.
yes, keep quoting and listing other people's OPINION posts as actual fact, you cheap, dime store hack.
And when the House impeaches Trump, the Senate finds Trump guilty of the charges in the Articles of Impeachment and the CJ of SCOTUS kicks trump to the curb, the whole world is going to be guilty of picking on poor innocent Trump????

Have another drink of that shit sundae you're having, fool!

You keep thinking Impeachment is going to happen, you fucking rube. It's sad and comical. don't you have some Chemtrail reports to read?
The democrats fear Trump, not because of any pain he might cause them or feelings he may hurt along the way, but rather because he might be successful and the country prosper under his leadership. That is their absolute greatest fear and what keeps them awake at night. Hence the desperate and incoherent need to categorize everything he does (long before he assumes office) as causing everything from poor gas mileage to uneven tire wear to acne and heartburn.
Its the same reason the conservatives hated Obama....its a derangement syndrome and in the end it doesn't matter who is in charge....the rich win everyone loses. Been that way forever.
Blog: Why the left hates Trump so intensely

I have said repeatedly that modern progressivism has all the trappings of a religion, and this person agrees.
He found a posting on Reddit that goes into the details.

[Blue Team Progressivism is a church, offering you moral superiority and a path to spiritual enlightenment. As a church it's got a lot going for it. It runs religious programming on television, all day every day. Every modern primetime program is like a left-wing Andy Griffith show, reinforcing lessons of inclusion, tolerance, feminism, and anti-racism./QUOTE]

The Blue Church controls the HR department, so even if you don't go to church, you have to act like a loyal churchgoer in every way that matters while you're on the clock. And off the clock, on any kind of public social media platform.

Jon Stewart and John Oliver are basically TV preachers. Watching them gives the same sense of quiet superiority your grandma gets from watching The 700 Club. The messages are constantly reinforced, providing that lovely dopamine hit, like an angel's voice whispering, "You're right, you're better, you're winning."

For the first time in decades, voters explicitly rejected the Blue Church, defying hours of daily cultural programming, years of indoctrination from the schools, and dozens of explicit warnings from HR.

We've been trained since childhood to obey the pretty people on TV, but for the first time in decades, that didn't work.

Donald Trump won because flyover America wants their culture back, and Blue Team has not been rejected like that before.

Good read....and perfectly on point.
The left was truly convinced they could have it their way forever and their whacko free for all would never end.
The bottom feeder up bullshit is over, the red carpet will no longer be rolled out for lowest of class...REAL American's are finally pissed off and want their country back. The nut-jobs are freaking out and paranoid like cockroaches when you flip the light on. Legitimate folks will make the rules now and these rules will favor legitimate folks...hahaha...This is awesome and super fun to watch...if you're LEGITIMATE!
That is exactly what they thought after 8 years of blatant corruption from the Obama administration with no back lash. Unfortunately they failed to grasp exactly how much Hillary Clinton was hated by both parties and they got cocky and wouldn't listen.

Its the same reason the conservatives hated Obama....its a derangement syndrome and in the end it doesn't matter who is in charge....the rich win everyone loses. Been that way forever.

Some of us attacked Obama for his policies and beliefs, not for what or who he was.

We don't really KNOW Trump's beliefs, so Progressives are left right now with nothing but personal attacks and made up poofery about what someone said he did, or some video of him being a crass jackass.
Millions of folks dislike Trump because he is a top grade chauvinist wearing his prejudices with pride. Millions of others dislike Trump because of his bombastic narcissism. Yet millions of others dislike Trump simply because he is a pathological liar. Even before his inauguration, he has made a number of enemies in his own "party". With a National polling favorability of only 37% while 58% view Trump unfavorably, Trump is the most disliked president pre-inauguration in the 227 year history of this Nation.

When enough of the members in the House and in the Senate gin up the courage to declare the 'Emperor has no cloths', the House will pass Articles of Impeachment, the Senate will find Trump guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and Trump will be removed from office. It is just a matter of time! I've been saying it will happen before the end of 2018, but with the announcement of the new "investigations" it's looking to be much sooner.

None of your statements have any basis in reality or even common sense.
None of your statements have any basis in reality or even common sense.
That is pure horseshit.

Pathological liar;
Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?
Trump just proved he’s a pathological liar. Which part is worse: The lying or the pathology?

Chauvinistic - racist/misogynist;
Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | The Huffington Post
UN human rights chief: Trump spreads 'humiliating racial and religious prejudice'

Trump falls back in love with the polls
Donald Trump loves the polls he loves and hates the polls he hates

You were saying what about reality and common sense, shit for brains?

yes, keep quoting and listing other people's OPINION posts as actual fact, you cheap, dime store hack.

Oxygen Thief.

Didn't the Op consist of posting someone else's opinion?

Too funny
Millions of folks dislike Trump because he is a top grade chauvinist wearing his prejudices with pride. Millions of others dislike Trump because of his bombastic narcissism. Yet millions of others dislike Trump simply because he is a pathological liar. Even before his inauguration, he has made a number of enemies in his own "party". With a National polling favorability of only 37% while 58% view Trump unfavorably, Trump is the most disliked president pre-inauguration in the 227 year history of this Nation.

When enough of the members in the House and in the Senate gin up the courage to declare the 'Emperor has no cloths', the House will pass Articles of Impeachment, the Senate will find Trump guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and Trump will be removed from office. It is just a matter of time! I've been saying it will happen before the end of 2018, but with the announcement of the new "investigations" it's looking to be much sooner.

None of your statements have any basis in reality or even common sense.
None of your statements have any basis in reality or even common sense.
That is pure horseshit.

Pathological liar;
Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?
Trump just proved he’s a pathological liar. Which part is worse: The lying or the pathology?

Chauvinistic - racist/misogynist;
Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | The Huffington Post
UN human rights chief: Trump spreads 'humiliating racial and religious prejudice'

Trump falls back in love with the polls
Donald Trump loves the polls he loves and hates the polls he hates

You were saying what about reality and common sense, shit for brains?

yes, keep quoting and listing other people's OPINION posts as actual fact, you cheap, dime store hack.

Oxygen Thief.

Didn't the Op consist of posting someone else's opinion?

Too funny

Yes, and I commented on it, and added my own views to it, unlike thoughtcrimes.
Trump doesn't matter. Democrats would do the same thing to any republican that won. Democrats had the exact same complaints about Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was governor of California.
Millions of folks dislike Trump because he is a top grade chauvinist wearing his prejudices with pride. Millions of others dislike Trump because of his bombastic narcissism. Yet millions of others dislike Trump simply because he is a pathological liar. Even before his inauguration, he has made a number of enemies in his own "party". With a National polling favorability of only 37% while 58% view Trump unfavorably, Trump is the most disliked president pre-inauguration in the 227 year history of this Nation.

When enough of the members in the House and in the Senate gin up the courage to declare the 'Emperor has no cloths', the House will pass Articles of Impeachment, the Senate will find Trump guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and Trump will be removed from office. It is just a matter of time! I've been saying it will happen before the end of 2018, but with the announcement of the new "investigations" it's looking to be much sooner.
Sounds like you went head first into the bilge there skipper.
The sheer absurdity of Donald Trump being elected president of the United States of America is the single most ignored and avoided aspect of this whole calamity. Even the liberal media won't step up and acknowledge it.
Libtards said that about Reagan and Bush too. They turned Romney into a monster and would have done worse had he won. You don't think it's noticeable?
The real reason why liberalfilth (one word now?) have such a violent, murderous hatred of Trump is because he doesn't have a muslim penis in his mouth. Trust me, I come from a family of hard-core liberals who think Obama shits diamonds out of his golden asshole, and I've seen AD NAUSEUM how upset, hysterical and censorious these traitors get when anyone doesn't join in the Islam cocksucking. Honestly, this election has proven that these violent animal liberals are, in every quantifiable way, shape and form, the most poisonous, demonic living things I've ever seen in my 44 years of life. With a track record of assaulting innocent small children of Trump supporters.
When enough of the members in the House and in the Senate gin up the courage to declare the 'Emperor has no cloths', the House will pass Articles of Impeachment, the Senate will find Trump guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and Trump will be removed from office.

Please give me a break, I don't believe that for a minute.

He'll Nixon out as soon as it passes committee.

Then Pence will Ford him..........
When enough of the members in the House and in the Senate gin up the courage to declare the 'Emperor has no cloths', the House will pass Articles of Impeachment, the Senate will find Trump guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and Trump will be removed from office.

Please give me a break, I don't believe that for a minute.

He'll Nixon out as soon as it passes committee.

Then Pence will Ford him..........
OH YEAH? Well there is the Nixon option now that you mention it!

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