Why the left hates Trump so intensely

Millions of folks dislike Trump because he is a top grade chauvinist wearing his prejudices with pride. ....

I stopped reading here. Save your bullshit for another thread. Address the op.
It appears someone bumped you and your shit sundae smeared your glasses impairing your vision! The title of the OP is, "Why the left hates Trump so intensely"!

My opening remark, which you started to quote, has EVERY THING to do with the OP your bloody knuckle dragging FOOL. If you have troubles with comprehension of the written word, perhaps an enema may be in your future to help cleanse your brain!

Have a nice day, shit for brains!

Your lies are not a reason. They are a manifestation of the hate, not a cause. You are an asshole.

THe linked article gave a very compelling argument as to why lefties are so full of hate.
I couldn't stand the MF'r L-O-N-G before he ever made it to politics.

F Trump.
Blog: Why the left hates Trump so intensely

I have said repeatedly that modern progressivism has all the trappings of a religion, and this person agrees.
He found a posting on Reddit that goes into the details.

[Blue Team Progressivism is a church, offering you moral superiority and a path to spiritual enlightenment. As a church it's got a lot going for it. It runs religious programming on television, all day every day. Every modern primetime program is like a left-wing Andy Griffith show, reinforcing lessons of inclusion, tolerance, feminism, and anti-racism./QUOTE]

The Blue Church controls the HR department, so even if you don't go to church, you have to act like a loyal churchgoer in every way that matters while you're on the clock. And off the clock, on any kind of public social media platform.

Jon Stewart and John Oliver are basically TV preachers. Watching them gives the same sense of quiet superiority your grandma gets from watching The 700 Club. The messages are constantly reinforced, providing that lovely dopamine hit, like an angel's voice whispering, "You're right, you're better, you're winning."

For the first time in decades, voters explicitly rejected the Blue Church, defying hours of daily cultural programming, years of indoctrination from the schools, and dozens of explicit warnings from HR.

We've been trained since childhood to obey the pretty people on TV, but for the first time in decades, that didn't work.

Donald Trump won because flyover America wants their culture back, and Blue Team has not been rejected like that before.
WTF Marty. the chamber of commerce is not tap dancing for the cretin either.
Millions of folks dislike Trump because he is a top grade chauvinist wearing his prejudices with pride. ....

I stopped reading here. Save your bullshit for another thread. Address the op.
It appears someone bumped you and your shit sundae smeared your glasses impairing your vision! The title of the OP is, "Why the left hates Trump so intensely"!

My opening remark, which you started to quote, has EVERY THING to do with the OP your bloody knuckle dragging FOOL. If you have troubles with comprehension of the written word, perhaps an enema may be in your future to help cleanse your brain!

EDIT: For your further edification, read my post #20 here on this thread;
Why the left hates Trump so intensely

Have a nice day, shit for brains!

Your lies are not a reason. They are a manifestation of the hate, not a cause. You are an asshole.

THe linked article gave a very compelling argument as to why lefties are so full of hate.
Ah HA! More of the deflection horseshit from the halfwit. You claimed that my critique of Trump, IMPLYING that a number of that fool's traits I enumerated, were the cause of Trumps 'lack' of popularity had naught to do with the OP entitled, "Why the left hates Trump so intensely" with your unfounded claim that I ignored the topic of the the OP, you fucking FOOL.

Now you double down on your stupidity with more of the same type of ignorance as with your first bit of stupidity with yet more deflection! Ya know, you bring to mind an old proverb;
"Better to say nothing, and be thought a fool, than to say something, and prove it."

You have made yourself look the fool twice over now. Want to attempt a trifecta, shit for brains?

EDIT: For your further edification, read my post #20 on this thread here;
Why the left hates Trump so intensely
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Millions of folks dislike Trump because he is a top grade chauvinist wearing his prejudices with pride. ....

I think that a prejudice that Trump can be really accused of is his pro-Jewish chauvinism.

Trump supports a "Jewish state", created on the ethnically cleansed Palestinian land, which has "Jews-Only" migration and citizenship laws and no institution of civil marriage.

A Jew cannot marry a non-Jew in Israel, and 99,999% of migrants, who get Israeli citizenship, are Jews by blood. They do not have to be religious Jews, they only have to have "Jewish blood".

And Trump even supports the further ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian land from its native Semitic population, he supports the illegal settlements.

That is an obvious and irrefutable reason, why Trump can be called a "racist", a "pro-Jewish racist".

But it seems that this obvious racism of Trump is "kosher".

The leftist hypocrites, that pretend to fight racism, invent a non-existing "white supremacy" of Trump, but close an eye of his pro-Jewish racism.
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Millions of folks dislike Trump because he is a top grade chauvinist wearing his prejudices with pride. ....

I stopped reading here. Save your bullshit for another thread. Address the op.
It appears someone bumped you and your shit sundae smeared your glasses impairing your vision! The title of the OP is, "Why the left hates Trump so intensely"!

My opening remark, which you started to quote, has EVERY THING to do with the OP your bloody knuckle dragging FOOL. If you have troubles with comprehension of the written word, perhaps an enema may be in your future to help cleanse your brain!

Have a nice day, shit for brains!

Your lies are not a reason. They are a manifestation of the hate, not a cause. You are an asshole.

THe linked article gave a very compelling argument as to why lefties are so full of hate.
Ah HA! More of the deflection horseshit from the halfwit. You claimed that my critique of Trump, IMPLYING that a number of that fool's traits I enumerated, were the cause of Trumps 'lack' of popularity had naught to do with the OP entitled, "Why the left hates Trump so intensely" with your unfounded claim that I ignored the topic of the the OP, you fucking FOOL.

Now you double down on your stupidity with more of the same type of ignorance as with your first bit of stupidity with yet more deflection! Ya know, you bring to mind an old proverb;
"Better to say nothing, and be thought a fool, than to say something, and prove it."

You have made yourself look the fool twice over now. Want to attempt a trifecta, shit for brains?

Nothing in your post addressed my point, so my point stands, and fuck you.

THis is for you.

Nothing in your post addressed my point, so my point stands, and fuck you.
You must have all the mirrors in your home draped so you never have to look into your lying eyes. And don't bother to project your shtick on others as you are so fond of doing to everyone who takes you to the mat for the count, shit for brains.

If you're gonna just outright fucking lie like you do, at least be creative and have some fun with it! Damn but you're a dullard! Now go have a nice cold chocolate shit sundae little one! There's a good little miscreant!
They hate him for one reason; they are deathly afraid that he will be a success, and they know when that happens, progressivism is over for a couple of generations at least.

Is that your explanation for the hatred of Obama?
hatred? naw, just that we knew he wasn't qualified. And we learned we were right after eight years. See that all goes away in 100 days.

So now you wish to deny that anyone on the Right hates Obama.
hates nope. Bad president, you betcha. eight years of hell suffered by all of us.
Nothing in your post addressed my point, so my point stands, and fuck you.
You must have all the mirrors in your home draped so you never have to look into your lying eyes. And don't bother to project your shtick on others as you are so fond of doing to everyone who takes you to the mat for the count, shit for brains.

If you're gonna just outright fucking lie like you do, at least be creative and have some fun with it! Damn but you're a dullard! Now go have a nice cold chocolate shit sundae little one! There's a good little miscreant!

And nothing but meaningless blather.

The op's point about looking at liberalism as a religion to explain their hysterical overreaction is SUPPORTED by your hysterical hatred.

The democrats fear Trump, not because of any pain he might cause them or feelings he may hurt along the way, but rather because he might be successful and the country prosper under his leadership. That is their absolute greatest fear and what keeps them awake at night. Hence the desperate and incoherent need to categorize everything he does (long before he assumes office) as causing everything from poor gas mileage to uneven tire wear to acne and heartburn.
it is their fear, he might get rid of the inner city violence. The people the left continue to oppress. Ask Ex Black Panther Clarence Mason 'Weaver'
Yes, and I commented on it, and added my own views to it, unlike thoughtcrimes.
Not only have you now confirmed your hypocrisy, but also your penchant to distort and lie! However, you go right ahead and lap up Trump's shit and worship his reflection in the pool!
while you're watching Obummer walk on water right? Too funny your alls shit on Trump.
Millions of folks dislike Trump because he is a top grade chauvinist wearing his prejudices with pride. Millions of others dislike Trump because of his bombastic narcissism. Yet millions of others dislike Trump simply because he is a pathological liar. Even before his inauguration, he has made a number of enemies in his own "party". With a National polling favorability of only 37% while 58% view Trump unfavorably, Trump is the most disliked president pre-inauguration in the 227 year history of this Nation.

When enough of the members in the House and in the Senate gin up the courage to declare the 'Emperor has no cloths', the House will pass Articles of Impeachment, the Senate will find Trump guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and Trump will be removed from office. It is just a matter of time! I've been saying it will happen before the end of 2018, but with the announcement of the new "investigations" it's looking to be much sooner.
The sheer absurdity of Donald Trump being elected president of the United States of America is the single most ignored and avoided aspect of this whole calamity. Even the liberal media won't step up and acknowledge it.
What's absurd about it?

The most absurd thing I've observed during this election cycle is the total inability of leftwing douche bags to accept reality. They simply can't accept the fact that the voters rejected their agenda and their criminal dirt bag candidate.
The democrats fear Trump, not because of any pain he might cause them or feelings he may hurt along the way, but rather because he might be successful and the country prosper under his leadership. That is their absolute greatest fear and what keeps them awake at night. Hence the desperate and incoherent need to categorize everything he does (long before he assumes office) as causing everything from poor gas mileage to uneven tire wear to acne and heartburn.
it is their fear, he might get rid of the inner city violence. The people the left continue to oppress. Ask Ex Black Panther Clarence Mason 'Weaver'
Their biggest fear is that Trump will succeed, and then the voters will come to understand how Democrats have swindled them for the last 50 years.
Millions of folks dislike Trump because he is a top grade chauvinist wearing his prejudices with pride. Millions of others dislike Trump because of his bombastic narcissism. Yet millions of others dislike Trump simply because he is a pathological liar. Even before his inauguration, he has made a number of enemies in his own "party". With a National polling favorability of only 37% while 58% view Trump unfavorably, Trump is the most disliked president pre-inauguration in the 227 year history of this Nation.

When enough of the members in the House and in the Senate gin up the courage to declare the 'Emperor has no cloths', the House will pass Articles of Impeachment, the Senate will find Trump guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and Trump will be removed from office. It is just a matter of time! I've been saying it will happen before the end of 2018, but with the announcement of the new "investigations" it's looking to be much sooner.
i'll say again, the polls mean absolutely nothing. It again is just another form to undermine the people. So, just another useless poll that isn't factual or evidence of anything except hate by the media and polls.

Remember all those polls that showed trump couldn't even get 100 electoral votes. yep now they want you all to think he's going in with a low approval rating. bull fking shit. 48% of fking americans voted for the Donald, that isn't 37%. So suck a fking rotten egg all you losers.
Liberal polls are fake news.

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