Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

That's easy

He double downs on it.

On the Islamophobia? Yes, he does. Then he tries to pretend he's not an Islamophobic bigot.

Here's the thing. We are not fighting a war on Islam, but people like you and Mac would love one (as long as someone else fights it.)
Islam is fighting a war with us. We are not Islamic, therefore we live in the house of war. Do you know anything about Islam besides their victim status created by lies about their actions and intentions?
Why do you think Coyote rated this post funny? Anyone?
That's easy

He double downs on it.

On the Islamophobia? Yes, he does. Then he tries to pretend he's not an Islamophobic bigot.

Here's the thing. We are not fighting a war on Islam, but people like you and Mac would love one (as long as someone else fights it.)
Islam is fighting a war with us. We are not Islamic, therefore we live in the house of war. Do you know anything about Islam besides their victim status created by lies about their actions and intentions?
Why do you think Coyote rated this post funny? Anyone?
Probably for the same reason she has done that to me.

With me, it's often for things like Muslims raping British children and Such. She uses it as ridicule and to show solidarity with The Islamists.
That's easy

He double downs on it.

On the Islamophobia? Yes, he does. Then he tries to pretend he's not an Islamophobic bigot.

Here's the thing. We are not fighting a war on Islam, but people like you and Mac would love one (as long as someone else fights it.)
Islam is fighting a war with us. We are not Islamic, therefore we live in the house of war. Do you know anything about Islam besides their victim status created by lies about their actions and intentions?
Why do you think Coyote rated this post funny? Anyone?
Probably for the same reason she has done that to me.

With me, it's often for things like Muslims raping British children and Such. She uses it as ridicule and to show solidarity with The Islamists.
I have noticed.
That's easy

He double downs on it.

On the Islamophobia? Yes, he does. Then he tries to pretend he's not an Islamophobic bigot.

Here's the thing. We are not fighting a war on Islam, but people like you and Mac would love one (as long as someone else fights it.)
Islam is fighting a war with us. We are not Islamic, therefore we live in the house of war. Do you know anything about Islam besides their victim status created by lies about their actions and intentions?
Why do you think Coyote rated this post funny? Anyone?

Because you read bizarro comic books. As you just described.
That's easy

He double downs on it.

On the Islamophobia? Yes, he does. Then he tries to pretend he's not an Islamophobic bigot.

Here's the thing. We are not fighting a war on Islam, but people like you and Mac would love one (as long as someone else fights it.)
Islam is fighting a war with us. We are not Islamic, therefore we live in the house of war. Do you know anything about Islam besides their victim status created by lies about their actions and intentions?
Why do you think Coyote rated this post funny? Anyone?

Because you're such freak you can't conceive of a reality where Muslims are individuals and instead have to employ groupthink that demonizes them all.
That's easy

He double downs on it.

On the Islamophobia? Yes, he does. Then he tries to pretend he's not an Islamophobic bigot.

Here's the thing. We are not fighting a war on Islam, but people like you and Mac would love one (as long as someone else fights it.)
Islam is fighting a war with us. We are not Islamic, therefore we live in the house of war. Do you know anything about Islam besides their victim status created by lies about their actions and intentions?
Why do you think Coyote rated this post funny? Anyone?

Because you're such freak you can't conceive of a reality where Muslims are individuals and instead have to employ groupthink that demonizes them all.

The reality is that there are Muslims motivated by the religion to commit acts of terror. Another reality hard line Islam is going nowhere. The more Muslims the better chance of terror. Doesn't the Middle East prove that?

You are feeding a monster.
That's easy

He double downs on it.

On the Islamophobia? Yes, he does. Then he tries to pretend he's not an Islamophobic bigot.

Here's the thing. We are not fighting a war on Islam, but people like you and Mac would love one (as long as someone else fights it.)
Islam is fighting a war with us. We are not Islamic, therefore we live in the house of war. Do you know anything about Islam besides their victim status created by lies about their actions and intentions?
Why do you think Coyote rated this post funny? Anyone?

Because you're such freak you can't conceive of a reality where Muslims are individuals and instead have to employ groupthink that demonizes them all.

The reality is that there are Muslims motivated by the religion to commit acts of terror. Another reality hard line Islam is going nowhere. The more Muslims the better chance of terror. Doesn't the Middle East prove that?

You are feeding a monster.
The reality is that Muslims are no different to any other people in the world. You lack the intelligence to distinguish between terrorists and ordinary people. What do your Muslim friends think about your foul opinions ?
People keep asking who supports Islamist terrorism.

The answer to that is very easy. It is those who call people bigots, Islamophobes and racists for NOT supporting it.

In fact, any objection to the central mission of this anti-humanist supremacist ideology receives the same treatment by these repulsive creatures.

Their "Central Mission" is "We don't want you invading our countries".

Maybe I'm an Old Man... but I remember the same kind of racist shit being said about the Vietnamese because they had pretty much the same reaction when we invaded their country.

The thing is, you want to dehumanize the Muslims, but want to pretend a lot of the things that we've done over the last 25 years that have claimed more than a million lives in that part of the world didn't happen.

Here's the thing. Everyone we call a "Terrorist" now at one point was someone the CIA thought we could work with. They armed Bin Laden, they turned a blind eye when Saddam was invading Iran. They armed the rebels in Libya and Syria (see, I can be fair and criticize Democrats when they engage in the same stupid policies). You want to complain when you stick your dick in a hornet's nest and get stung.

I'm saying, 'Hey, maybe we shouldn't stick our dicks in that hornet's nest."

Probably smarter than arguing whether or not hornets are bad after you nurtured a bigger and nasty hornet. .

But please - lets just continue with the program of demonizing those who support western values while making these dishonest claims that you aren't supporting Islamism. If you weren't supporting Islamism, you wouldn't act in the way you do towards those who don't.

I'm sorry, when has "wars of aggression" become a western value? Well, I guess it is if you consider the whole history of imperialism and white people exploiting non-white people.

The term regressive is more than earned by the filth in league with the Islamists in their jihad against western liberalism.

Except you really haven't demonstrated to me that "Islam" is at war with the west. Muslims are not the Borg. They are not a hive mind. Most of the heavy lifting in the fight against the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS has been done by - wait for it - other Muslims.

You see, if you really want to argue that Jihadism is an existential threat to "the West" like Nazism or Communism, then you should advocate making the rich pay their fair share in taxes and having a draft to raise a large enough army to fight them. And if you really think all 1.6 Billion of them hate us and are evil then you'd better be damned ready to hunker down for a long war.

Of course, we've already spent ourselves 20 TRILLION in debt and have been fighting this war for 17 years now, and are probably worse off now than we were when we started.
The reality is that there are Muslims motivated by the religion to commit acts of terror. Another reality hard line Islam is going nowhere. The more Muslims the better chance of terror. Doesn't the Middle East prove that?

You are feeding a monster.

Are they motivated by their religion (which has been around for 1400 years) or are they motivated by the fact we are invading their countries directly or by Zionist proxy?

Islam is fighting a war with us. We are not Islamic, therefore we live in the house of war. Do you know anything about Islam besides their victim status created by lies about their actions and intentions?

Really? Because I'm not seeing an Islamic Army on our soil, I'm seeing western armies on their soil.

Trying to explain the concepts of dar al harb and dar al Islam to him is like trying to teach your gerbil Greek.

It just won't happen.

WHy you are right, buddy. I picked up a copy of the Koran and found THIS quote in it!!!!

Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

Oh. Wait. No. That's in the BIBLE. I'm sorry, I'm getting my Holy Books mixed up to take out of context.
Probably for the same reason she has done that to me.

With me, it's often for things like Muslims raping British children and Such. She uses it as ridicule and to show solidarity with The Islamists.

So a religion where members "Rape Children" is to be demonized to the last adherent.

Nobody tell the Catholics!!!!

You know, the Catholic Church, where the clergy was raping children for decades and they kept moving the priests around without warning anyone.

That's easy

He double downs on it.

On the Islamophobia? Yes, he does. Then he tries to pretend he's not an Islamophobic bigot.

Here's the thing. We are not fighting a war on Islam, but people like you and Mac would love one (as long as someone else fights it.)
Islam is fighting a war with us. We are not Islamic, therefore we live in the house of war. Do you know anything about Islam besides their victim status created by lies about their actions and intentions?
Why do you think Coyote rated this post funny? Anyone?

Because you're such freak you can't conceive of a reality where Muslims are individuals and instead have to employ groupthink that demonizes them all.

The reality is that there are Muslims motivated by the religion to commit acts of terror. Another reality hard line Islam is going nowhere. The more Muslims the better chance of terror. Doesn't the Middle East prove that?

You are feeding a monster.

And there are Christians motivated by their religion to commit acts of terror, and there are Jews motivated by theirs, etc etc. Cherrypicked examples abound, but ultimately it's not a religion that motivates, but the judgment of the individual interpreting that religion --- or, far more often, that political philosophy.

What you're trying to do here is a classic Causation Fallacy, ass-uming correlation equals causation. To get there you have to completely ignore not only the myriad atrocities committed by Christians, Jews, Buddhists, atheists etc etc, but you also have to ignore the overwhelming majority of that religion (any of them) who do not participate in or approve of those atrocities.

Ergo, the fact that Eric Rudolph bombed the Olympics, an abortion clinic and a gay bar is in no way justification to bomb the Vatican. The causation simply does not follow. That's the inconvenient bridge you can't cross to push this bigotry point. Cherrypicked samples devolving into Composition Fallacy is the same attitude which Hitler too to the Jews, which the Klan took to blacks (and Catholics and Jews etc), which the Know Nothings took to immigrants, etc etc etc. We've all been through this movie before. Recognize the plot.
People keep asking who supports Islamist terrorism.

The answer to that is very easy. It is those who call people bigots, Islamophobes and racists for NOT supporting it.

In fact, any objection to the central mission of this anti-humanist supremacist ideology receives the same treatment by these repulsive creatures.

Their "Central Mission" is "We don't want you invading our countries".

Maybe I'm an Old Man... but I remember the same kind of racist shit being said about the Vietnamese because they had pretty much the same reaction when we invaded their country.

The thing is, you want to dehumanize the Muslims, but want to pretend a lot of the things that we've done over the last 25 years that have claimed more than a million lives in that part of the world didn't happen.

Here's the thing. Everyone we call a "Terrorist" now at one point was someone the CIA thought we could work with. They armed Bin Laden, they turned a blind eye when Saddam was invading Iran. They armed the rebels in Libya and Syria (see, I can be fair and criticize Democrats when they engage in the same stupid policies). You want to complain when you stick your dick in a hornet's nest and get stung.

I'm saying, 'Hey, maybe we shouldn't stick our dicks in that hornet's nest."

Probably smarter than arguing whether or not hornets are bad after you nurtured a bigger and nasty hornet. .

But please - lets just continue with the program of demonizing those who support western values while making these dishonest claims that you aren't supporting Islamism. If you weren't supporting Islamism, you wouldn't act in the way you do towards those who don't.

I'm sorry, when has "wars of aggression" become a western value? Well, I guess it is if you consider the whole history of imperialism and white people exploiting non-white people.

The term regressive is more than earned by the filth in league with the Islamists in their jihad against western liberalism.

Except you really haven't demonstrated to me that "Islam" is at war with the west. Muslims are not the Borg. They are not a hive mind. Most of the heavy lifting in the fight against the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS has been done by - wait for it - other Muslims.

You see, if you really want to argue that Jihadism is an existential threat to "the West" like Nazism or Communism, then you should advocate making the rich pay their fair share in taxes and having a draft to raise a large enough army to fight them. And if you really think all 1.6 Billion of them hate us and are evil then you'd better be damned ready to hunker down for a long war.

Of course, we've already spent ourselves 20 TRILLION in debt and have been fighting this war for 17 years now, and are probably worse off now than we were when we started.

Damn, you have parroted just about every single authoritarian leftist platitude imaginable. I would have thought that if you were actually a many anywhere close to my own age, you would have learned how to think by now.

All your ridiculous blather does not change the nature of Islam, and what it represents. You do what you do because you are stupid and ignorant. Coyote does what she does because she is manipulative and dishonest. The fact remains, however, that Islam is a supremacist ideology created by a murderous warlord, and commits its followers to engage in a perpetual struggle to spread it by any means necessary.

All you anti-liberal, authoritarian leftists have proven in this thread is the validity of the op. Whether it is through stupidity and ignorance or utter dishonesty and intentional deception, you are part of the unholy alliance between Islamists and western leftists.
On the Islamophobia? Yes, he does. Then he tries to pretend he's not an Islamophobic bigot.

Here's the thing. We are not fighting a war on Islam, but people like you and Mac would love one (as long as someone else fights it.)
Islam is fighting a war with us. We are not Islamic, therefore we live in the house of war. Do you know anything about Islam besides their victim status created by lies about their actions and intentions?
Why do you think Coyote rated this post funny? Anyone?

Because you're such freak you can't conceive of a reality where Muslims are individuals and instead have to employ groupthink that demonizes them all.

The reality is that there are Muslims motivated by the religion to commit acts of terror. Another reality hard line Islam is going nowhere. The more Muslims the better chance of terror. Doesn't the Middle East prove that?

You are feeding a monster.
The reality is that Muslims are no different to any other people in the world. You lack the intelligence to distinguish between terrorists and ordinary people. What do your Muslim friends think about your foul opinions ?
Well a significant number of their ‘ordinary people’ support slaughtering innocent people for Islam. Also, everyone has trouble distinguishing between Islamic terrorists and ‘ordinary people’, including security services, until it’s too late!

A 2013 Pew Research Center poll asked Muslims around the world whether attacks on civilians were justified. Globally 72% of Muslims said violence against civilians is never justified, and in the US, 81% of Muslims opposed such violence. About 14% of Muslims in the nations surveyed (and 8% of Muslims in the US) said violence against civilians is "often" or "sometimes" justified. 26% of Muslims in Bangladesh believe attacks are either somewhat justified or often justified, 18% in Malaysia, 7% in Iraq, 15% in Jordan, 29% in Egypt, 39% in Afghanistan and 40% in the Palestinian territories.[35][36][37]
And there are Christians motivated by their religion to commit acts of terror, and there are Jews motivated by theirs, etc etc. .

I love how you use intentionally false analogies to defend Islamists while pretending it is others engaging in fallacious lines of reasoning.

There is nothing in Jewish or Christian texts urging followers to kill others in order to spread the religion. You are utterly ignorant, of course, but Judaism does not even seek converts, while Christianity does, but only through persuasion. Islam, conversely, was born of the sword, has spread by the sword and DOES motivate violence in order to spread it.

In addition, you are trying to compare Islamic terrorism which is absolutely massive, widespread and motivated by Islam to Terrorism by those following Judaism and Christianity which is extremely rare and represents an aberration rather than an indulgence in faith.

Goodness, child, for a little fellow who likes to pretend he's so smart, you sure do say a lot of very stupid things.
Damn, you have parroted just about every single authoritarian leftist platitude imaginable. I would have thought that if you were actually a many anywhere close to my own age, you would have learned how to think by now.

If you were older than 18, you'd be able to refute what i said with anything brighter than whatever you heard on Hate Radio...

All your ridiculous blather does not change the nature of Islam, and what it represents. You do what you do because you are stupid and ignorant. Coyote does what she does because she is manipulative and dishonest. The fact remains, however, that Islam is a supremacist ideology created by a murderous warlord, and commits its followers to engage in a perpetual struggle to spread it by any means necessary.

Well, since they've been at it for 1400 years and haven't conquered the world yet, they kind of suck at it, don't they? Shit, the "Islamic World" is actually smaller than it was 500 years ago.

I'm guessing you don't actually KNOW any Muslims on a first name basis, much less what their religion is.

All you anti-liberal, authoritarian leftists have proven in this thread is the validity of the op. Whether it is through stupidity and ignorance or utter dishonesty and intentional deception, you are part of the unholy alliance between Islamists and western leftists.

Or we just don't spend out time getting scared of something that doesn't affect us.

We have 16,000 homicides a year in this country. Maybe 10-50 of them are perpetrated by "Islamists". I just can't spending my nights worrying that someone might be upset about the middle east any more than he might be upset about the next Batman movie.
And there are Christians motivated by their religion to commit acts of terror, and there are Jews motivated by theirs, etc etc. .

I love how you use intentionally false analogies to defend Islamists while pretending it is others engaging in fallacious lines of reasoning.

There is nothing in Jewish or Christian texts urging followers to kill others in order to spread the religion. You are utterly ignorant, of course, but Judaism does not even seek converts, while Christianity does, but only through persuasion. Islam, conversely, was born of the sword, has spread by the sword and DOES motivate violence in order to spread it.

In addition, you are trying to compare Islamic terrorism which is absolutely massive, widespread and motivated by Islam to Terrorism by those following Judaism and Christianity which is extremely rare and represents an aberration rather than an indulgence in faith.

Goodness, child, for a little fellow who likes to pretend he's so smart, you sure do say a lot of very stupid things.

Yeah yeah, covered this before several times, "when "they" do it they're true to their religion, when "we" do it they're outliers", yammer yammer, lather rinse repeat, having it both ways--- priceless. Double standards R Us and shit.

Seen this song and dance over and over. You need new material.
Islam is fighting a war with us. We are not Islamic, therefore we live in the house of war. Do you know anything about Islam besides their victim status created by lies about their actions and intentions?
Why do you think Coyote rated this post funny? Anyone?

Because you're such freak you can't conceive of a reality where Muslims are individuals and instead have to employ groupthink that demonizes them all.

The reality is that there are Muslims motivated by the religion to commit acts of terror. Another reality hard line Islam is going nowhere. The more Muslims the better chance of terror. Doesn't the Middle East prove that?

You are feeding a monster.
The reality is that Muslims are no different to any other people in the world. You lack the intelligence to distinguish between terrorists and ordinary people. What do your Muslim friends think about your foul opinions ?
Well a significant number of their ‘ordinary people’ support slaughtering innocent people for Islam. Also, everyone has trouble distinguishing between Islamic terrorists and ‘ordinary people’, including security services, until it’s too late!

A 2013 Pew Research Center poll asked Muslims around the world whether attacks on civilians were justified. Globally 72% of Muslims said violence against civilians is never justified, and in the US, 81% of Muslims opposed such violence. About 14% of Muslims in the nations surveyed (and 8% of Muslims in the US) said violence against civilians is "often" or "sometimes" justified. 26% of Muslims in Bangladesh believe attacks are either somewhat justified or often justified, 18% in Malaysia, 7% in Iraq, 15% in Jordan, 29% in Egypt, 39% in Afghanistan and 40% in the Palestinian territories.[35][36][37]

.....and, of course, beyond the violence lies a much deeper support for the agenda the violence is seeking to attain. It's almost like the old game of good cop/bad cop within Islam, in that the majority of Muslims who do not condone the violence still support the central agenda of Islam, the end product of which is an entire world of nothing but Islam, replete with its misogyny, restrictions on personal liberty, and submission to religious authority.

Freedom in the World 2015
THIS is what these anti-liberal leftists are supporting. An honest person would look at this map and acknowledge the inverse relationship between Freedom and Islam. These are not honest people, however, as they have no use for freedom. All they are doing is using their own current freedom to assist those who would end it forever.
Damn, you have parroted just about every single authoritarian leftist platitude imaginable. I would have thought that if you were actually a many anywhere close to my own age, you would have learned how to think by now.

If you were older than 18, you'd be able to refute what i said with anything brighter than whatever you heard on Hate Radio...

All your ridiculous blather does not change the nature of Islam, and what it represents. You do what you do because you are stupid and ignorant. Coyote does what she does because she is manipulative and dishonest. The fact remains, however, that Islam is a supremacist ideology created by a murderous warlord, and commits its followers to engage in a perpetual struggle to spread it by any means necessary.

Well, since they've been at it for 1400 years and haven't conquered the world yet, they kind of suck at it, don't they? Shit, the "Islamic World" is actually smaller than it was 500 years ago.

I'm guessing you don't actually KNOW any Muslims on a first name basis, much less what their religion is.

All you anti-liberal, authoritarian leftists have proven in this thread is the validity of the op. Whether it is through stupidity and ignorance or utter dishonesty and intentional deception, you are part of the unholy alliance between Islamists and western leftists.

Or we just don't spend out time getting scared of something that doesn't affect us.

We have 16,000 homicides a year in this country. Maybe 10-50 of them are perpetrated by "Islamists". I just can't spending my nights worrying that someone might be upset about the middle east any more than he might be upset about the next Batman movie.

I am 63 and do not listen to hate radio, moron.

Unlike you, I am simply not an ignorant apologist for the very least liberal ideology on the face of the Earth.
.....and, of course, beyond the violence lies a much deeper support for the agenda the violence is seeking to attain. It's almost like the old game of good cop/bad cop within Islam, in that the majority of Muslims who do not condone the violence still support the central agenda of Islam, the end product of which is an entire world of nothing but Islam, replete with its misogyny, restrictions on personal liberty, and submission to religious authority.

Except nobody is really advocating that.

Here's the reality- In the Islamic World, you have Christians, Druze, Yadizis, Mandeans, Zoroastereans, Bahai, Hindus, etc.... all living in relative peaceful co-existance with their Islamic neighbors.

Meanwhile in the "Christian" World.

When was the last time you met a follower of Zeus? Or Odin? Or Queztacoatl? Or Mithras? When was the last time you met a Arian, Gnostic, a Hussite, or an Albigensian. Nope, these are all non-Christian or Semi-Christian Sects that were pretty much wiped out of existence in the "West" you love so much.

In fact, the only religion minority that has survived well into the Christian world are the Jews, and if they weren't wiped out, it certainly wasn't for a lack of trying before they just tried to dump them all into Palestine to be rid of them.

So it would seem to me that if your argument is "the Muslims are going to force us all to convert!" then you probably have to look as to who has a better record of religious tolerance.

THIS is what these anti-liberal leftists are supporting. An honest person would look at this map and acknowledge the inverse relationship between Freedom and Islam.

Well, when a map says the US is the freest county in the world... I have to ask, then why do we have the most people in prison? It strikes me that you can't brag about your "Freedom" if you lock up 2 million people and have another 7 million on probation or parole. Or where the police shoot 1200 citizens a year and rarely face any legal consequences.

Here's how I would measure "Freedom". Are the people who live there content? Yeah, Saudi Arabia might be an awful place to live from an American perspective. But from the perspective of a Saudi, it's probably just fine.

These are not honest people, however, as they have no use for freedom. All they are doing is using their own current freedom to assist those who would end it forever.

Or we just don't see it as our place to get involved in other people's internal affairs, particularly given our tendency to fuck things up when we do.

Most Iraqis would probably LOVE to have their lives before 2002 back. You know, before we brought "Freedom" to the place. Oh, according to your map, Iraq's "Freedom" rating isn't much better than Saudi Arabia's. Aren't you glad we brought them some of that there "Freedom"?

I am 63 and do not listen to hate radio, moron.

Unlike you, I am simply not an ignorant apologist for the very least liberal ideology on the face of the Earth.

I'm not an apologist... I'm just apathetic and don't get worked up about shit that isn't any of my business because the Jews and Oil Companies tell me I should be.
Islam is fighting a war with us. We are not Islamic, therefore we live in the house of war. Do you know anything about Islam besides their victim status created by lies about their actions and intentions?
Why do you think Coyote rated this post funny? Anyone?

Because you're such freak you can't conceive of a reality where Muslims are individuals and instead have to employ groupthink that demonizes them all.

The reality is that there are Muslims motivated by the religion to commit acts of terror. Another reality hard line Islam is going nowhere. The more Muslims the better chance of terror. Doesn't the Middle East prove that?

You are feeding a monster.
The reality is that Muslims are no different to any other people in the world. You lack the intelligence to distinguish between terrorists and ordinary people. What do your Muslim friends think about your foul opinions ?
Well a significant number of their ‘ordinary people’ support slaughtering innocent people for Islam. Also, everyone has trouble distinguishing between Islamic terrorists and ‘ordinary people’, including security services, until it’s too late!

A 2013 Pew Research Center poll asked Muslims around the world whether attacks on civilians were justified. Globally 72% of Muslims said violence against civilians is never justified, and in the US, 81% of Muslims opposed such violence. About 14% of Muslims in the nations surveyed (and 8% of Muslims in the US) said violence against civilians is "often" or "sometimes" justified. 26% of Muslims in Bangladesh believe attacks are either somewhat justified or often justified, 18% in Malaysia, 7% in Iraq, 15% in Jordan, 29% in Egypt, 39% in Afghanistan and 40% in the Palestinian territories.[35][36][37]
The poll you quote shows that Muslims are overwhelmingly anti violence. Where are you going with this ?

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