Why the lefties on this site think impeachment will cost republicans.

The Right keeps overreaching, and that is why doing stupid shit like shutting down the government or talking about impeaching Obama or wanding pregnant women's hoo-ha's earns them a dip in the polls every time.

Sure, a lot of people don't like Obama. Just not enough they want to do something as destructive and dangerous as an impeachment.

Sure, a lot of people don't like ObamaCare. Just not enough they want to ditch it for the GOP's plan. That plan being...NOTHING. They'd rather fix it, or maybe even would entertain a better alternative, IF ONLY THE GOP HAD ONE!

Sure, a lot of people don't like abortion. Just not enough they want to start fingering and shoving probes into a woman's vagina.

Sure, a lot of people don't like ObamaCare. Just not enough they want to grind the government to a complete halt.

The sooner the GOP stops behaving like a five year old throwing a tantrum and holding their breath until they get their way, the better off we will all be.
Talk about strawman bullshit lol

thats because you are 5

As much as I agree the Democrats/PC Police play the race card, I don't that's the thing here.

The Democrats probably think - accurately, I suspect - that the public is EXTREMELY wary of the wing of the GOP that would push this, and that the party would look like it's on a witch hunt just for political gain.

Deserved or not, the Tea Party is perceived as wild-eyed crazies at this moment. Trying to impeach Obama would be a huge gift to the Democrats at a time when they're very politically vulnerable. The GOP would get Thank You cards from the DNC.


IF impeachment is pursued, then it must be handled correctly.

Obama is a criminal - this is a fact. He is the first Mafia president, put in power by the Chicago mob. THIS must be demonstrated in clear terms before any talk of impeachment reaches the public.

Obama is guilty of felonies. He engaged in interstate extortion in cahoots with his Shock Collar Eric Holder. Obama and Holder cooked up a scheme to attack businesses that Obama disliked for political reasons. Obama and holder did this by serving malicious nuisance subpoenas against third party suppliers and financial institutions to try and force them to stop doing business with his targets. Obama and his criminal enterprise did willfully extort through coercion and fear, legal and legitimate businesses in multiple states to cease business dealings with other legal and legitimate businesses. Obama and Holder did engage in these criminal act for personal and political gain.

The above must be carefully explained to the public. Fox and the honest news must run the story along with other instances of the Mafia engaging in the same acts, along with the prosecution of Mafia chieftens like John Gotti for the same criminal acts. Establish a clear patter of criminal behavior by Obama and Holder - leave no question that Obama is in fact a criminal.

Then impeach the fucker.
Yeah...let your freak flag fly, nut cases!
Sometimes you have to lead the horse to water:

Majority say no to impeachment and lawsuit

A CNN/ORC International poll released Friday morning also indicates that a small majority of Americans do not believe that Obama has gone too far in expanding the powers of the presidency.

A majority do not believe he has gone too far.

But according to the poll, only 35% want Obama impeached, with nearly two-thirds saying the President should not be removed from office.

A supermajority opposed to impeachment.

It's up to you now whether or not to drink the water, Grampa, and stop drinking the piss.
that 1/3rd is the GOP......
The Right keeps overreaching, and that is why doing stupid shit like shutting down the government or talking about impeaching Obama or wanding pregnant women's hoo-ha's earns them a dip in the polls every time.

Sure, a lot of people don't like Obama. Just not enough they want to do something as destructive and dangerous as an impeachment.

Sure, a lot of people don't like ObamaCare. Just not enough they want to ditch it for the GOP's plan. That plan being...NOTHING. They'd rather fix it, or maybe even would entertain a better alternative, IF ONLY THE GOP HAD ONE!

Sure, a lot of people don't like abortion. Just not enough they want to start fingering and shoving probes into a woman's vagina.

Sure, a lot of people don't like ObamaCare. Just not enough they want to grind the government to a complete halt.

The sooner the GOP stops behaving like a five year old throwing a tantrum and holding their breath until they get their way, the better off we will all be.
Talk about strawman bullshit lol
Nope. Take a look at the polls. Any poll. See how unpopular impeaching Obama is.


A majority of Americans do not believe Obama has overreached his authority, and a supermajority is also opposed to impeachment.

Exactly as I have stated.
You can stick your finger in the wind all you want poll boy.
Funny considering you usually mock people who cite polls.

Sometimes you have to lead the horse to water:

Majority say no to impeachment and lawsuit

A CNN/ORC International poll released Friday morning also indicates that a small majority of Americans do not believe that Obama has gone too far in expanding the powers of the presidency.

A majority do not believe he has gone too far.

But according to the poll, only 35% want Obama impeached, with nearly two-thirds saying the President should not be removed from office.

A supermajority opposed to impeachment.

It's up to you now whether or not to drink the water, Grampa, and stop drinking the piss.
A majority have no idea why or how our government works. On any given survey people can't name the Majority leader or Speaker of the house or even the vice president.

So go ahead and put your stock in those morons
Sometimes you have to lead the horse to water:

Majority say no to impeachment and lawsuit

A CNN/ORC International poll released Friday morning also indicates that a small majority of Americans do not believe that Obama has gone too far in expanding the powers of the presidency.

A majority do not believe he has gone too far.

But according to the poll, only 35% want Obama impeached, with nearly two-thirds saying the President should not be removed from office.

A supermajority opposed to impeachment.

It's up to you now whether or not to drink the water, Grampa, and stop drinking the piss.
that 1/3rd is the GOP......
You're borderlining on ignore welfare whore
Obama is black & they see EVERYTHING through that lense first & foremost. Color>constitutional issues to these guys.

The true racists are exposed

Impeachment won't be the only thing that costs them, if they do nothing, it will cost them, if they enact their agenda, it will cost them. They kind of have themselves in a lose - lose scenario.
Obama is black & they see EVERYTHING through that lense first & foremost. Color>constitutional issues to these guys.

The true racists are exposed
Straw man fallacy
If people like Rightwinger weren't running around talking about the damage the gop would do to itself for impeaching the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT you might be right.

But you are not.
No, you're wrong - your premise fails as a straw man fallacy.
You can stick your finger in the wind all you want poll boy.


Your topic is about impeachment costing Republicans. Costing how?

In and at the polls.

It's an unpopular move. I just showed you. You lose.
The Right keeps overreaching, and that is why doing stupid shit like shutting down the government or talking about impeaching Obama or wanding pregnant women's hoo-ha's earns them a dip in the polls every time.

Sure, a lot of people don't like Obama. Just not enough they want to do something as destructive and dangerous as an impeachment.

Sure, a lot of people don't like ObamaCare. Just not enough they want to ditch it for the GOP's plan. That plan being...NOTHING. They'd rather fix it, or maybe even would entertain a better alternative, IF ONLY THE GOP HAD ONE!

Sure, a lot of people don't like abortion. Just not enough they want to start fingering and shoving probes into a woman's vagina.

Sure, a lot of people don't like ObamaCare. Just not enough they want to grind the government to a complete halt.

The sooner the GOP stops behaving like a five year old throwing a tantrum and holding their breath until they get their way, the better off we will all be.
Talk about strawman bullshit lol
Nope. Take a look at the polls. Any poll. See how unpopular impeaching Obama is.


A majority of Americans do not believe Obama has overreached his authority, and a supermajority is also opposed to impeachment.

Exactly as I have stated.
You can stick your finger in the wind all you want poll boy.
Funny considering you usually mock people who cite polls.

Show me where I mocked people who cite polls.
I'm not diggin through pre Obama election posts. You did, I saw it, end of discussion
Obama is black & they see EVERYTHING through that lense first & foremost. Color>constitutional issues to these guys.

The true racists are exposed

Impeachment won't be the only thing that costs them, if they do nothing, it will cost them, if they enact their agenda, it will cost them. They kind of have themselves in a lose - lose scenario.

The Republicans do not have an agenda to impeach Obama.
Since the start of the 113th Congress last year, Democrats have used the word “impeach” or “impeachment” regarding Obama 86 times, according to a review of the Congressional Record by The Hill.

Utterances on the floor from Republicans about impeaching Obama, in contrast, have been relatively rare. Only three Republicans in this Congress have raised the subject on the House floor, and the words have been used a total of four times by GOP members.
Most of the talk has come from House Democrats, with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas) alone using the words 18 times in two separate speeches late last month.
In the Senate, where the GOP hopes to retake a majority this fall (which they did), not a single Republican has mentioned impeachment on the floor over the last couple of years.
Dems talk about impeachment 20 times as much as Republicans TheHill
The Republicans do not have an agenda to impeach Obama.
Since the start of the 113th Congress last year, Democrats have used the word “impeach” or “impeachment” regarding Obama 86 times, according to a review of the Congressional Record by The Hill.

Utterances on the floor from Republicans about impeaching Obama, in contrast, have been relatively rare. Only three Republicans in this Congress have raised the subject on the House floor, and the words have been used a total of four times by GOP members.
Most of the talk has come from House Democrats, with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas) alone using the words 18 times in two separate speeches late last month.
In the Senate, where the GOP hopes to retake a majority this fall (which they did), not a single Republican has mentioned impeachment on the floor over the last couple of years.
Dems talk about impeachment 20 times as much as Republicans TheHill
This is one of the most profound cases of willful blindness out there.

This delusion that the Right has not been threatening or calling for Obama's impeachment is downright Orwellian.

Hey, dipshit. Did you notice that article carefully framed the matter on just speeches in Congress, and that it doesn't mention the impeachment drumbeat in the right wing media?
You can stick your finger in the wind all you want poll boy.
Funny considering you usually mock people who cite polls.

Show me where I mocked people who cite polls.
I'm not diggin through pre Obama election posts. You did, I saw it, end of discussion
Of course you aren't going to provide evidence. Because you are lying.
I have never lied on this site. I'm simply not interested in your cat & mouse game.
Not important enough to be bothered
I have never lied on this site. I'm simply not interested in your cat & mouse game.
Not important enough to be bothered

The only one running a game here is you. I am right here. Demanding you prove your claim.

You made up a lie. You got called on it.

You lied.

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