Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
This is an opinion, but it's from someone who is an expert on the subject.

I don't know if they're right or wrong, but I do think their theory is quite plausible.

Original: Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

Archive (no paywall): Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

Guest opinion by Dr. Alina Chan in the New York Times

Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

June 2, 2024

Dr. Chan is a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard, and a co-author of “Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19.”

The Wuhan lab ran risky experiments to learn about how SARS-like viruses might infect humans.

In the United States, virologists generally use stricter Biosafety Level 3 protocols when working with SARS-like viruses.

In previous outbreaks of coronaviruses, scientists were able to demonstrate natural origin by collecting multiple pieces of evidence linking infected humans to infected animals.

The pandemic could have been caused by any of hundreds of virus species, at any of tens of thousands of wildlife markets, in any of thousands of cities, and in any year. But it was a SARS-like coronavirus with a unique furin cleavage site that emerged in Wuhan, less than two years after scientists, sometimes working under inadequate biosafety conditions, proposed collecting and creating viruses of that same design.
I've never doubted it started from that lab. What i don't believe is that that it was a giant conspiracy or plot. I also believe that Trump trying to demonize China over it kept us from getting good information from China about the virus for too long and what we got was dismissed out of hand because it came from china. What we know now is that Chinese doctors were using HIV anti-viral cocktails to treat this thing early before it had even reached the US, for instance, but the FDA took 10 months after it was here to approve Remdesivir.
This is an opinion, but it's from someone who is an expert on the subject.

I don't know if they're right or wrong, but I do think their theory is quite plausible.

Original: Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

Archive (no paywall): Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

Guest opinion by Dr. Alina Chan in the New York Times

Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

June 2, 2024

Dr. Chan is a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard, and a co-author of “Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19.”

The Wuhan lab ran risky experiments to learn about how SARS-like viruses might infect humans.

In the United States, virologists generally use stricter Biosafety Level 3 protocols when working with SARS-like viruses.

In previous outbreaks of coronaviruses, scientists were able to demonstrate natural origin by collecting multiple pieces of evidence linking infected humans to infected animals.

The pandemic could have been caused by any of hundreds of virus species, at any of tens of thousands of wildlife markets, in any of thousands of cities, and in any year. But it was a SARS-like coronavirus with a unique furin cleavage site that emerged in Wuhan, less than two years after scientists, sometimes working under inadequate biosafety conditions, proposed collecting and creating viruses of that same design.
How does this COVID article square with Danielle Anderson worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology until late 2019.

Anderson worked there. What does she say about safety procedures?

Special Disinfectants

These rules are mandatory across BSL-4 labs, though Anderson noted differences compared with similar facilities in Europe, Singapore and Australia in which she’s worked. The Wuhan lab uses a bespoke method to make and monitor its disinfectants daily, a system Anderson was inspired to introduce in her own lab. She was connected via a headset to colleagues in the lab’s command center to enable constant communication and safety vigilance—steps designed to ensure nothing went awry.

However, the Trump administration’s focus in 2020 on the idea the virus escaped from the Wuhan facility suggested that something went seriously wrong at the institute, the only one to specialize in virology, viral pathology and virus technology of the some 20 biological and biomedical research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Virologists and infectious disease experts initially dismissed the theory, noting that viruses jump from animals to humans with regularity. There was no clear evidence from within SARS-CoV-2’s genome that it had been artificially manipulated, or that the lab harbored progenitor strains of the pandemic virus. Political observers suggested the allegations had a strategic basis and were designed to put pressure on Beijing.

And yet, China’s actions raised questions. The government refused to allow international scientists into Wuhan in early 2020 when the outbreak was mushrooming, including experts from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who were already in the region.

Beijing stonewalled on allowing World Health Organization experts into Wuhan for more than a year, and then provided only limited access. The WHO team’s final report, written with and vetted by Chinese researchers, played down the possibility of a lab leak. Instead, it said the virus probably spread via a bat through another animal, and gave some credence to a favored Chinese theory that it could have been transferred via frozen food.

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This is an opinion, but it's from someone who is an expert on the subject.

I don't know if they're right or wrong, but I do think their theory is quite plausible.

Original: Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

Archive (no paywall): Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

Guest opinion by Dr. Alina Chan in the New York Times

Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

June 2, 2024

Dr. Chan is a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard, and a co-author of “Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19.”

The Wuhan lab ran risky experiments to learn about how SARS-like viruses might infect humans.

In the United States, virologists generally use stricter Biosafety Level 3 protocols when working with SARS-like viruses.

In previous outbreaks of coronaviruses, scientists were able to demonstrate natural origin by collecting multiple pieces of evidence linking infected humans to infected animals.

The pandemic could have been caused by any of hundreds of virus species, at any of tens of thousands of wildlife markets, in any of thousands of cities, and in any year. But it was a SARS-like coronavirus with a unique furin cleavage site that emerged in Wuhan, less than two years after scientists, sometimes working under inadequate biosafety conditions, proposed collecting and creating viruses of that same design.

There you have it

A chicom coverup right on cue
Astra Zeneca pulled the “vax” from Europe because of vax damage,

You vax cultists are suckers.
This is an opinion, but it's from someone who is an expert on the subject.

I don't know if they're right or wrong, but I do think their theory is quite plausible.

Original: Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

Archive (no paywall): Opinion | Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

Guest opinion by Dr. Alina Chan in the New York Times

Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

June 2, 2024

Dr. Chan is a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard, and a co-author of “Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19.”

The Wuhan lab ran risky experiments to learn about how SARS-like viruses might infect humans.

In the United States, virologists generally use stricter Biosafety Level 3 protocols when working with SARS-like viruses.

In previous outbreaks of coronaviruses, scientists were able to demonstrate natural origin by collecting multiple pieces of evidence linking infected humans to infected animals.

The pandemic could have been caused by any of hundreds of virus species, at any of tens of thousands of wildlife markets, in any of thousands of cities, and in any year. But it was a SARS-like coronavirus with a unique furin cleavage site that emerged in Wuhan, less than two years after scientists, sometimes working under inadequate biosafety conditions, proposed collecting and creating viruses of that same design.
from Anderson article

Gain of Function

Anderson did concede that it would be theoretically possible for a scientist in the lab to be working on a gain of function technique to unknowingly infect themselves and to then unintentionally infect others in the community. But there’s no evidence that occurred and Anderson rated its likelihood as exceedingly slim.

Getting authorization to create a virus in this way typically requires many layers of approval, and there are scientific best practices that put strict limits on this kind of work. For example, a moratorium was placed on research that could be done on the 1918 Spanish Flu virus after scientists isolated it decades later.

Even if such a gain of function effort got clearance, it’s hard to achieve, Anderson said. The technique is called reverse genetics.

“It’s exceedingly difficult to actually make it work when you want it to work,” she said.

-- (ha too funny security of site?)
The Wuhan lab ran risky experiments to learn about how SARS-like viruses might infect humans.

In the United States, virologists generally use stricter Biosafety Level 3 protocols when working with SARS-like viruses.

In previous outbreaks of coronaviruses, scientists were able to demonstrate natural origin by collecting multiple pieces of evidence linking infected humans to infected animals.

The pandemic could have been caused by any of hundreds of virus species, at any of tens of thousands of wildlife markets, in any of thousands of cities, and in any year. But it was a SARS-like coronavirus with a unique furin cleavage site that emerged in Wuhan, less than two years after scientists, sometimes working under inadequate biosafety conditions, proposed collecting and creating viruses of that same design.

The version of yours is likely untrue in most respects .
However, this version is likely accurate .

1.The first instance of this specific SARS2 virus was found in Saudi . Hard fact .
2.It was referred to an Egyptian virus specialist . Hard fact .
3. It was sent by him to Fort Detrick in Maryland , a level 4 security bio lab . 2012 . Hard fact .
4. It was passed to Chapel Hill , north Carolina bio lab two years later for Gain of Function research .Hard Fact .
5. Lab testing results were published publicly . Hard Fact .
6. Fauci who headed NIH wanted further Gain of Research but could not carry it out in the US because they were signatory to new Chemical and Bio protocols which prevented such research being carried out in their country. Hard Fact .
7. Fauci obtained permission from Obummer to agree to further GOF research, but to be carried out in Wuhan within a team that contained at least two of the specialists who were involved in the Chapel Hill work . This work to be funded by a US paid for grant . Hard Fact .
8.The virus appeared outside the Wuhan bio lab around October 2019 . Hard Fact .
9. The US sent a team to the World Championship Military Games-- also in October 2019 . This was unexpectedly a small team made up of unknowns who from memory finished around 34 th in the world rather than in a forecast place in the top three teams . Hard Fact .
10.The virus then escapes and soon has crossed oceans -- effectively spread by US military personnel to other Military competitors effectively operating as Deep State proxy carriers .

Of course this version is hidden / rejected for obvious reasons .
The main source for this detail narrative is Dr Francis Boyle the US lawyer responsible for drawing up the Chemical and Biological development rules and protocols .He has advised numerous international bodies in the areas of human rights, war crimes and genocide, nuclear policy, and bio-warfare.
Also Dr David Martin who is probably the world's leading expert on the history of patents and as they relate to the Corona viruses , SARS Covid 2.0 and Sars 2.0 Covid 19 .

Both Boyle and Martin have been repeatedly attacked by the mainstream for obvious reasons .
Time will tell but I would back their version with big money.
The version of yours is likely untrue in most respects .
However, this version is likely accurate .

1.The first instance of this specific SARS2 virus was found in Saudi . Hard fact .
2.It was referred to an Egyptian virus specialist . Hard fact .
3. It was sent by him to Fort Detrick in Maryland , a level 4 security bio lab . 2012 . Hard fact .
4. It was passed to Chapel Hill , north Carolina bio lab two years later for Gain of Function research .Hard Fact .
5. Lab testing results were published publicly . Hard Fact .
6. Fauci who headed NIH wanted further Gain of Research but could not carry it out in the US because they were signatory to new Chemical and Bio protocols which prevented such research being carried out in their country. Hard Fact .
7. Fauci obtained permission from Obummer to agree to further GOF research, but to be carried out in Wuhan within a team that contained at least two of the specialists who were involved in the Chapel Hill work . This work to be funded by a US paid for grant . Hard Fact .
8.The virus appeared outside the Wuhan bio lab around October 2019 . Hard Fact .
9. The US sent a team to the World Championship Military Games-- also in October 2019 . This was unexpectedly a small team made up of unknowns who from memory finished around 34 th in the world rather than in a forecast place in the top three teams . Hard Fact .
10.The virus then escapes and soon has crossed oceans -- effectively spread by US military personnel to other Military competitors effectively operating as Deep State proxy carriers .

Of course this version is hidden / rejected for obvious reasons .
The main source for this detail narrative is Dr Francis Boyle the US lawyer responsible for drawing up the Chemical and Biological development rules and protocols .He has advised numerous international bodies in the areas of human rights, war crimes and genocide, nuclear policy, and bio-warfare.
Also Dr David Martin who is probably the world's leading expert on the history of patents and as they relate to the Corona viruses , SARS Covid 2.0 and Sars 2.0 Covid 19 .

Both Boyle and Martin have been repeatedly attacked by the mainstream for obvious reasons .
Time will tell but I would back their version with big money.

Conspiracy alert!
The version of yours is likely untrue in most respects .
However, this version is likely accurate .

1.The first instance of this specific SARS2 virus was found in Saudi . Hard fact .
2.It was referred to an Egyptian virus specialist . Hard fact .
3. It was sent by him to Fort Detrick in Maryland , a level 4 security bio lab . 2012 . Hard fact .
4. It was passed to Chapel Hill , north Carolina bio lab two years later for Gain of Function research .Hard Fact .
5. Lab testing results were published publicly . Hard Fact .
6. Fauci who headed NIH wanted further Gain of Research but could not carry it out in the US because they were signatory to new Chemical and Bio protocols which prevented such research being carried out in their country. Hard Fact .
7. Fauci obtained permission from Obummer to agree to further GOF research, but to be carried out in Wuhan within a team that contained at least two of the specialists who were involved in the Chapel Hill work . This work to be funded by a US paid for grant . Hard Fact .
8.The virus appeared outside the Wuhan bio lab around October 2019 . Hard Fact .
9. The US sent a team to the World Championship Military Games-- also in October 2019 . This was unexpectedly a small team made up of unknowns who from memory finished around 34 th in the world rather than in a forecast place in the top three teams . Hard Fact .
10.The virus then escapes and soon has crossed oceans -- effectively spread by US military personnel to other Military competitors effectively operating as Deep State proxy carriers .

Of course this version is hidden / rejected for obvious reasons .
The main source for this detail narrative is Dr Francis Boyle the US lawyer responsible for drawing up the Chemical and Biological development rules and protocols .He has advised numerous international bodies in the areas of human rights, war crimes and genocide, nuclear policy, and bio-warfare.
Also Dr David Martin who is probably the world's leading expert on the history of patents and as they relate to the Corona viruses , SARS Covid 2.0 and Sars 2.0 Covid 19 .


Time will tell but I would back their version with big money.
Buy more stock in Trump media
False. Misleading comments. Dis-ingenuousness does not make your spin true
Remember when Trump was holding major rallies, and attendees were later dying from Covid?

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