Why the Rage?

Will the National Rage become Civil WAR?

  • YES. We already see shootings , riots and it is growing.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • NO. People are coming to their senses and starting to work together.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • The American Dream is dead. Trumps wall is to keep people in, not out!

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • The basic love of country will take over and force reconciliation!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
This is a surprise to you? There are indeed a whole bunch of Americans who could care less what go's on beyond their towns borders. So what. The overwhelming majority of Indians could care less what go's on beyond their city block. The same go's for EVERY country on the planet. There is a small minority of people from every country that cares about what is happening in the world.

The fact that you don't KNOW that, speaks volumes of how stupid you truly are.
Keep your head in your hole in the ground! And you call me stupid for understanding that we live in a great big world.HAHAHAHAHAHA

Oh, my head is far out of the sand dude. You're the person hiding in a third world military dictatorship. I actually travel all over the world every year. We have a flat in Paris, You? No? I thought not.
Your Alzheimers is making you forget what you wrote:
This is a surprise to you? There are indeed a whole bunch of Americans who could care less what go's on beyond their towns borders. So what. The overwhelming majority of Indians could care less what go's on beyond their city block. The same go's for EVERY country on the planet. There is a small minority of people from every country that cares about what is happening in the world.
Which is it? Do you care less about what goes on in the world, or do you own a flat in Paris?
I'm guessing you are so delusional, you don't really know!
By the way, There is no Dictatorship in Thailand, Military or otherwise.

Wow. You really, really, are stupid!

Thailand: Rights Crisis Deepens Under Dictatorship

(New York) – Thailand’s military junta increased its repression and failed to restore democratic rule in 2016, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2017. A new constitution, adopted in an August referendum that was marked by a crackdown against its critics, effectively entrenches unaccountable and abusive military rule.

A Thai activist protests the junta-backed constitution ahead of the August 7 referendum in Bangkok, June 15, 2016.

© 2016 Chaiwat Subprasom/Reuters
In the 687-page World Report, its 27th edition, Human Rights Watch reviews human rights practices in more than 90 countries. In his introductory essay, Executive Director Kenneth Roth writes that a new generation of authoritarian populists seeks to overturn the concept of human rights protections, treating rights as an impediment to the majority will. For those who feel left behind by the global economy and increasingly fear violent crime, civil society groups, the media, and the public have key roles to play in reaffirming the values on which rights-respecting democracy has been built.

Thailand: Rights Crisis Deepens Under Dictatorship
A Surprisingly Serious Jimmy Kimmel Calls Out 'Dictator' Trump

Jimmy Kimmel Calls President Trump ‘A Dictator’
Nuts like you are found in every country!


President Trump has a history of praising some of the world’s most nefarious autocrats, including: North Korea’s Kim Jong Un; Iraq’s former President Saddam Hussein; President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, and, of course, Russia’s Vladimir Putin. A big reason could be Trump’s own authoritarian tendencies. A lot of his political moves seem to be cribbed from a dictator’s handbook. He’s assailed judges who rule against him, threatened to lock up his political opponents, and worked tirelessly to intimidate the press.

Tuesday, Trump pulled another authoritarian move by firing FBI Director James Comey, the man charged with investigating his administration’s shady and potentially treasonous ties to Russia. Later that night, ABC late-night host, Jimmy Kimmel, made note of Trump’s dictator-like behavior in his monologue saying:
This is a surprise to you? There are indeed a whole bunch of Americans who could care less what go's on beyond their towns borders. So what. The overwhelming majority of Indians could care less what go's on beyond their city block. The same go's for EVERY country on the planet. There is a small minority of people from every country that cares about what is happening in the world.

The fact that you don't KNOW that, speaks volumes of how stupid you truly are.
Keep your head in your hole in the ground! And you call me stupid for understanding that we live in a great big world.HAHAHAHAHAHA

Oh, my head is far out of the sand dude. You're the person hiding in a third world military dictatorship. I actually travel all over the world every year. We have a flat in Paris, You? No? I thought not.
Your Alzheimers is making you forget what you wrote:
This is a surprise to you? There are indeed a whole bunch of Americans who could care less what go's on beyond their towns borders. So what. The overwhelming majority of Indians could care less what go's on beyond their city block. The same go's for EVERY country on the planet. There is a small minority of people from every country that cares about what is happening in the world.
Which is it? Do you care less about what goes on in the world, or do you own a flat in Paris?
I'm guessing you are so delusional, you don't really know!
By the way, There is no Dictatorship in Thailand, Military or otherwise.

Wow. You really, really, are stupid!

Thailand: Rights Crisis Deepens Under Dictatorship

(New York) – Thailand’s military junta increased its repression and failed to restore democratic rule in 2016, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2017. A new constitution, adopted in an August referendum that was marked by a crackdown against its critics, effectively entrenches unaccountable and abusive military rule.

A Thai activist protests the junta-backed constitution ahead of the August 7 referendum in Bangkok, June 15, 2016.

© 2016 Chaiwat Subprasom/Reuters
In the 687-page World Report, its 27th edition, Human Rights Watch reviews human rights practices in more than 90 countries. In his introductory essay, Executive Director Kenneth Roth writes that a new generation of authoritarian populists seeks to overturn the concept of human rights protections, treating rights as an impediment to the majority will. For those who feel left behind by the global economy and increasingly fear violent crime, civil society groups, the media, and the public have key roles to play in reaffirming the values on which rights-respecting democracy has been built.

Thailand: Rights Crisis Deepens Under Dictatorship
A Surprisingly Serious Jimmy Kimmel Calls Out 'Dictator' Trump

Jimmy Kimmel Calls President Trump ‘A Dictator’
Nuts like you are found in every country!


President Trump has a history of praising some of the world’s most nefarious autocrats, including: North Korea’s Kim Jong Un; Iraq’s former President Saddam Hussein; President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, and, of course, Russia’s Vladimir Putin. A big reason could be Trump’s own authoritarian tendencies. A lot of his political moves seem to be cribbed from a dictator’s handbook. He’s assailed judges who rule against him, threatened to lock up his political opponents, and worked tirelessly to intimidate the press.

Tuesday, Trump pulled another authoritarian move by firing FBI Director James Comey, the man charged with investigating his administration’s shady and potentially treasonous ties to Russia. Later that night, ABC late-night host, Jimmy Kimmel, made note of Trump’s dictator-like behavior in his monologue saying:

You left out what Kimmel said- which was funny

“A few hours ago, [Trump] fired James Comey, the director of the FBI. Which is kinda like O.J. firing Judge Ito halfway through the trial. He fired the director of the FBI while the director was investigating his people of possible collusion with Russia. This is the kinda thing dictators do.

Of course here in the U.S. we can say things like that.
For the first time in my life, I am truly a Happy Person! I have a guaranteed income, nice accommodation and freedom of action like I never experienced in America. Medical care and transportation are cheap and abundant. I eat and sleep when I like, go where I like, and associate with who I like. I also have the freedom to change my situation, any time the mood strikes.

So, I ask, why is everyone else in turmoil? Well, of course they're not, but those who fill the media are!

The same goes for those on this site, who spend their day posting one line insults, and creating false issues and attributing false personality traits to others. I have encountered at least half a dozen, truly disturbed people who have been on this site for years.

What we perceive, is our reality. I struggle to analyze the perception of others, and I increasingly fail as it is based primarily on emotion and little evidence.

People I am exposed to on social media tell the tale of their belief rather than an observation. It usually includes a motivation that they ascribed to an opponent; everyone is an opponent! The world is too complex for anyone to be in total agreement. Two individuals immediately judge each other by a phrase, or a verbiage associated with a certain group, or just an incorrect assumption.

Our language is filled with meaningless terminology and alphabet soup. Snowflake, LGBTQ, neo-, psudo, uber, cis-, WTF, LOL, making Donald Duck an intellectual. We talk at each other, secure in the knowledge we know everything and they are wrong! Righteousness adds bravado and certainty, prevents questioning.

So why the rage, when we have created our own environment?

THAT: is why the rage! IT IS OUR OWN DOING!

When I was born, television was just beginning to control our lives. Ladies still sat outside and talked to the neighbors, kids played with their friends, men went to the corner bar to converse, and the SUNDAY Paper was the primary source of advertising and communication.


I was worried about you as usual. times have changed..this is how people communicate now, which sucks. People think I am crazy when I tell them I LIKE going out and talking to people. Most people approach me actually, but either way is ok. A good conversation is better than tv anyday.

But generations of Celebrity Politics eliminated issue debates and replaced them with performances.

Emotion replaced reason until all that is left is rage.

We can see what fools we have become, when the best we can do was Obama, the Clinton's and the Donald.

Now the worlds fate hinges on one man! THE ULTIMATE CELIBRITY!

The people are in a rage, because they were played for fools. No one is angrier than when they have been fooled, and know there is nothing they can do about it!!
Hi Jeanne. I see you haven't mastered posting on this site yet> HAHA.
But thanks for the interest. As you can see I am hard at work making the Trolls piss in their pants, and having a good time.

Yeah- you are pretty much just trolling.
Americans (at least on this site) are incredibly ignorant as to what is going on in the world, and fight to the death, any attempt to inform them that the MSM is lying to them.
An informed citizenry, is vital to any form of Democracy!. How can you demand government follow your wishes on foreign policy, when you don't understand what is going on Globally?
If you want to hide in your little town like westwall says you do, that's fine with me. Then don't criticize Foreign Policy of the Trump Government, if you don't understand what is going on in the world!
It is the epitome of ignorance for westwall to claim not to care about world events, and then criticize those who do!

No, the Americans on this site are remarkably well informed for the most part. Of course there are the bigots and the morons, such as yourself, who think you're smarter than everyone. But your Personality Disorders aside, you have demonstrated nothing other than a vain belief that you're clever, when the reality is far, far different. But it's fun watching you dance!:laugh:

No, the Americans on this site are remarkably well informed for the most part.

So far they have demonstrated that they are better informed than you are.

And more dedicated to the United States.
Why don’t US news channels show international news?
I watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc. None of them are concerned about International news. I have lived in 3 other countries and each of them always air a small section to show the major events of the world for that day. I rarely see news correspondents outside of US, except maybe Syria once in a while.

Chris Shultis, 21 years as an editor and writing instructor
Answered Mar 25.

What is bizarre about your claim is that you even believe what you post. I see international news virtually everyday-when I bother to watch American TV. However, I commute daily and have lots of time to listen to the radio- and PBS, CBS and ABC cover international news every day- which is why I am aware of the German concern about hacking in their upcoming election- and how the French were concerned about their election.

Its fascinating what is happening with Saudi Arabia and its allies versus Qatar- all I learned from American media.

If you never see American media reporting on international news, then I can only presume wilfull and intentional blindness.

And really? Quoting an opinion piece posted by someone on the internet?

Believe what you will. I am tired of trying to educate you about USA news media. Wallow in your ignorance, it fits your pre conceived views.
American Vs. International News: Time And Newsweek
Lisa Wade, PhD on December 2, 2011
Updated; originally posted July 2009.

Americans are notorious for their ignorance of global issues and international news. This may be because Americans aren’t interested or it may be that our news outlets feed us fluff and focus us only on the U.S. Probably it’s a vicious cycle.

This month, for example, Time magazine’s cover story is about the political strife in Egypt… everywhere except the U.S. that is. Americans get “pop psychology” (via Global Sociology):
Your Alzheimers is causing you to forget what you wrote:

It turns out you can go to the Time website and compare covers from previous issues going back a long ways. Here are some more examples from the last couple years (I cherry picked just a bit):

Dmitriy T.M. sent in these previous examples a while back.

The cover story for Newsweek magazine’s September 2006 edition was “Losing Afghanistan” in Europe, Latin America, and Asia. It was “My Life in Pictures,” a story about the photographer Annie Liebovitz in the U.S. (via):


The cover story for Newsweek magazine’s October 2006 edition was “Global Warming’s First Victim” in Europe, Latin America, and Asia. It was “Off Message,” a story about Republican Congressman Mark Foley’s sexually suggestive emails and IMs to teenage boys (via):


The cover story for Time magazine’s April 2007 edition was “Talibanistan” in Europe, Latin America, and Asia. It was “Why We Should Teach the Bible in Public Schools” in the U.S. (via, also see Time):


As SocProf writes:

Talk about self-fulfilling prophecy: Americans are assumed to not be interested in international and global affairs… ergo, Time decides to replace a perfectly legitimate and newsworthy cover on a significant event in Egypt with some pop psychology item. As a result, Americans are less informed and knowledgeable on global affairs because they do not get intelligent coverage on that topic.

Lisa Wade, PhD is a professor at Occidental College. She is the author of American Hookup, a book about college sexual culture, and a textbook about gender. You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

This is a surprise to you? There are indeed a whole bunch of Americans who could care less what go's on beyond their towns borders. So what. The overwhelming majority of Indians could care less what go's on beyond their city block. The same go's for EVERY country on the planet. There is a small minority of people from every country that cares about what is happening in the world.

The fact that you don't KNOW that, speaks volumes of how stupid you truly are.
Keep your head in your hole in the ground! And you call me stupid for understanding that we live in a great big world.HAHAHAHAHAHA

Oh, my head is far out of the sand dude. You're the person hiding in a third world military dictatorship. I actually travel all over the world every year. We have a flat in Paris, You? No? I thought not.

By the way, There is no Dictatorship in Thailand, Military or otherwise.

Since May 2014 Thailand has been ruled by a military junta, the National Council for Peace and Order, which has partially repealed the 2007 constitution, declared martial law and nationwide curfew, banned political gatherings, arrested and detained politicians and anti-coup activists, imposed internet censorship and taken control of the media.
Why don’t US news channels show international news?
I watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc. None of them are concerned about International news. I have lived in 3 other countries and each of them always air a small section to show the major events of the world for that day. I rarely see news correspondents outside of US, except maybe Syria once in a while.

Chris Shultis, 21 years as an editor and writing instructor
Answered Mar 25.

What is bizarre about your claim is that you even believe what you post. I see international news virtually everyday-when I bother to watch American TV. However, I commute daily and have lots of time to listen to the radio- and PBS, CBS and ABC cover international news every day- which is why I am aware of the German concern about hacking in their upcoming election- and how the French were concerned about their election.

Its fascinating what is happening with Saudi Arabia and its allies versus Qatar- all I learned from American media.

If you never see American media reporting on international news, then I can only presume wilfull and intentional blindness.

And really? Quoting an opinion piece posted by someone on the internet?

Believe what you will. I am tired of trying to educate you about USA news media. Wallow in your ignorance, it fits your pre conceived views.

Yeah- whenever someone tries to 'educate' me, I always check my pocket and see if my wallet is still there.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.
No..Im posting everywhere but where I should be..but thats ok. Ive had a couple of political debates today, good enough for me. LOL. Also I am glad you are ahpy, dont let anyone give you any shit. Talk to politicchic I think her name is, I disagreed with her, you might not. She is really hard headed and a tough cookie, I sent her facts and she found another argument over each set of facts. Pretty good, but likes to argue. Also there is another man on here named Hossfly. Check him out, seesm nice.
For the first time in my life, I am truly a Happy Person! I have a guaranteed income, nice accommodation and freedom of action like I never experienced in America. Medical care and transportation are cheap and abundant. I eat and sleep when I like, go where I like, and associate with who I like. I also have the freedom to change my situation, any time the mood strikes.

So, I ask, why is everyone else in turmoil? Well, of course they're not, but those who fill the media are!

The same goes for those on this site, who spend their day posting one line insults, and creating false issues and attributing false personality traits to others. I have encountered at least half a dozen, truly disturbed people who have been on this site for years.

What we perceive, is our reality. I struggle to analyze the perception of others, and I increasingly fail as it is based primarily on emotion and little evidence.

People I am exposed to on social media tell the tale of their belief rather than an observation. It usually includes a motivation that they ascribed to an opponent; everyone is an opponent! The world is too complex for anyone to be in total agreement. Two individuals immediately judge each other by a phrase, or a verbiage associated with a certain group, or just an incorrect assumption.

Our language is filled with meaningless terminology and alphabet soup. Snowflake, LGBTQ, neo-, psudo, uber, cis-, WTF, LOL, making Donald Duck an intellectual. We talk at each other, secure in the knowledge we know everything and they are wrong! Righteousness adds bravado and certainty, prevents questioning.

So why the rage, when we have created our own environment?

THAT: is why the rage! IT IS OUR OWN DOING!

When I was born, television was just beginning to control our lives. Ladies still sat outside and talked to the neighbors, kids played with their friends, men went to the corner bar to converse, and the SUNDAY Paper was the primary source of advertising and communication.


I was worried about you as usual. times have changed..this is how people communicate now, which sucks. People think I am crazy when I tell them I LIKE going out and talking to people. Most people approach me actually, but either way is ok. A good conversation is better than tv anyday.

But generations of Celebrity Politics eliminated issue debates and replaced them with performances.

Emotion replaced reason until all that is left is rage.

We can see what fools we have become, when the best we can do was Obama, the Clinton's and the Donald.

Now the worlds fate hinges on one man! THE ULTIMATE CELIBRITY!

The people are in a rage, because they were played for fools. No one is angrier than when they have been fooled, and know there is nothing they can do about it!!
Hi Jeanne. I see you haven't mastered posting on this site yet> HAHA.
But thanks for the interest. As you can see I am hard at work making the Trolls piss in their pants, and having a good time.

Yeah- you are pretty much just trolling.

Tipsycatlover..give it a rest! No one was bothering you. Expat is newer to this site, and I just started posting today. He can be very rough but smart and a good writer. Give it a chance. He is from a site I am on and he is one of my personal favorites for his abilities as a writer and commentor.
Keep your head in your hole in the ground! And you call me stupid for understanding that we live in a great big world.HAHAHAHAHAHA

Oh, my head is far out of the sand dude. You're the person hiding in a third world military dictatorship. I actually travel all over the world every year. We have a flat in Paris, You? No? I thought not.
Your Alzheimers is making you forget what you wrote:
This is a surprise to you? There are indeed a whole bunch of Americans who could care less what go's on beyond their towns borders. So what. The overwhelming majority of Indians could care less what go's on beyond their city block. The same go's for EVERY country on the planet. There is a small minority of people from every country that cares about what is happening in the world.
Which is it? Do you care less about what goes on in the world, or do you own a flat in Paris?
I'm guessing you are so delusional, you don't really know!
By the way, There is no Dictatorship in Thailand, Military or otherwise.

Wow. You really, really, are stupid!

Thailand: Rights Crisis Deepens Under Dictatorship

(New York) – Thailand’s military junta increased its repression and failed to restore democratic rule in 2016, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2017. A new constitution, adopted in an August referendum that was marked by a crackdown against its critics, effectively entrenches unaccountable and abusive military rule.

A Thai activist protests the junta-backed constitution ahead of the August 7 referendum in Bangkok, June 15, 2016.

© 2016 Chaiwat Subprasom/Reuters
In the 687-page World Report, its 27th edition, Human Rights Watch reviews human rights practices in more than 90 countries. In his introductory essay, Executive Director Kenneth Roth writes that a new generation of authoritarian populists seeks to overturn the concept of human rights protections, treating rights as an impediment to the majority will. For those who feel left behind by the global economy and increasingly fear violent crime, civil society groups, the media, and the public have key roles to play in reaffirming the values on which rights-respecting democracy has been built.

Thailand: Rights Crisis Deepens Under Dictatorship
A Surprisingly Serious Jimmy Kimmel Calls Out 'Dictator' Trump

Jimmy Kimmel Calls President Trump ‘A Dictator’
Nuts like you are found in every country!


President Trump has a history of praising some of the world’s most nefarious autocrats, including: North Korea’s Kim Jong Un; Iraq’s former President Saddam Hussein; President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, and, of course, Russia’s Vladimir Putin. A big reason could be Trump’s own authoritarian tendencies. A lot of his political moves seem to be cribbed from a dictator’s handbook. He’s assailed judges who rule against him, threatened to lock up his political opponents, and worked tirelessly to intimidate the press.

Tuesday, Trump pulled another authoritarian move by firing FBI Director James Comey, the man charged with investigating his administration’s shady and potentially treasonous ties to Russia. Later that night, ABC late-night host, Jimmy Kimmel, made note of Trump’s dictator-like behavior in his monologue saying:
Keep your head in your hole in the ground! And you call me stupid for understanding that we live in a great big world.HAHAHAHAHAHA

Oh, my head is far out of the sand dude. You're the person hiding in a third world military dictatorship. I actually travel all over the world every year. We have a flat in Paris, You? No? I thought not.
Your Alzheimers is making you forget what you wrote:
This is a surprise to you? There are indeed a whole bunch of Americans who could care less what go's on beyond their towns borders. So what. The overwhelming majority of Indians could care less what go's on beyond their city block. The same go's for EVERY country on the planet. There is a small minority of people from every country that cares about what is happening in the world.
Which is it? Do you care less about what goes on in the world, or do you own a flat in Paris?
I'm guessing you are so delusional, you don't really know!
By the way, There is no Dictatorship in Thailand, Military or otherwise.

Wow. You really, really, are stupid!

Thailand: Rights Crisis Deepens Under Dictatorship

(New York) – Thailand’s military junta increased its repression and failed to restore democratic rule in 2016, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2017. A new constitution, adopted in an August referendum that was marked by a crackdown against its critics, effectively entrenches unaccountable and abusive military rule.

A Thai activist protests the junta-backed constitution ahead of the August 7 referendum in Bangkok, June 15, 2016.

© 2016 Chaiwat Subprasom/Reuters
In the 687-page World Report, its 27th edition, Human Rights Watch reviews human rights practices in more than 90 countries. In his introductory essay, Executive Director Kenneth Roth writes that a new generation of authoritarian populists seeks to overturn the concept of human rights protections, treating rights as an impediment to the majority will. For those who feel left behind by the global economy and increasingly fear violent crime, civil society groups, the media, and the public have key roles to play in reaffirming the values on which rights-respecting democracy has been built.

Thailand: Rights Crisis Deepens Under Dictatorship
A Surprisingly Serious Jimmy Kimmel Calls Out 'Dictator' Trump

Jimmy Kimmel Calls President Trump ‘A Dictator’
Nuts like you are found in every country!


President Trump has a history of praising some of the world’s most nefarious autocrats, including: North Korea’s Kim Jong Un; Iraq’s former President Saddam Hussein; President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, and, of course, Russia’s Vladimir Putin. A big reason could be Trump’s own authoritarian tendencies. A lot of his political moves seem to be cribbed from a dictator’s handbook. He’s assailed judges who rule against him, threatened to lock up his political opponents, and worked tirelessly to intimidate the press.

Tuesday, Trump pulled another authoritarian move by firing FBI Director James Comey, the man charged with investigating his administration’s shady and potentially treasonous ties to Russia. Later that night, ABC late-night host, Jimmy Kimmel, made note of Trump’s dictator-like behavior in his monologue saying:

You left out what Kimmel said- which was funny

“A few hours ago, [Trump] fired James Comey, the director of the FBI. Which is kinda like O.J. firing Judge Ito halfway through the trial. He fired the director of the FBI while the director was investigating his people of possible collusion with Russia. This is the kinda thing dictators do.

Of course here in the U.S. we can say things like that.
Yeah. Silly shit is all over the USA.
For the first time in my life, I am truly a Happy Person! I have a guaranteed income, nice accommodation and freedom of action like I never experienced in America. Medical care and transportation are cheap and abundant. I eat and sleep when I like, go where I like, and associate with who I like. I also have the freedom to change my situation, any time the mood strikes.

So, I ask, why is everyone else in turmoil? Well, of course they're not, but those who fill the media are!

The same goes for those on this site, who spend their day posting one line insults, and creating false issues and attributing false personality traits to others. I have encountered at least half a dozen, truly disturbed people who have been on this site for years.

What we perceive, is our reality. I struggle to analyze the perception of others, and I increasingly fail as it is based primarily on emotion and little evidence.

People I am exposed to on social media tell the tale of their belief rather than an observation. It usually includes a motivation that they ascribed to an opponent; everyone is an opponent! The world is too complex for anyone to be in total agreement. Two individuals immediately judge each other by a phrase, or a verbiage associated with a certain group, or just an incorrect assumption.

Our language is filled with meaningless terminology and alphabet soup. Snowflake, LGBTQ, neo-, psudo, uber, cis-, WTF, LOL, making Donald Duck an intellectual. We talk at each other, secure in the knowledge we know everything and they are wrong! Righteousness adds bravado and certainty, prevents questioning.

So why the rage, when we have created our own environment?

THAT: is why the rage! IT IS OUR OWN DOING!

When I was born, television was just beginning to control our lives. Ladies still sat outside and talked to the neighbors, kids played with their friends, men went to the corner bar to converse, and the SUNDAY Paper was the primary source of advertising and communication.


I was worried about you as usual. times have changed..this is how people communicate now, which sucks. People think I am crazy when I tell them I LIKE going out and talking to people. Most people approach me actually, but either way is ok. A good conversation is better than tv anyday.

But generations of Celebrity Politics eliminated issue debates and replaced them with performances.

Emotion replaced reason until all that is left is rage.

We can see what fools we have become, when the best we can do was Obama, the Clinton's and the Donald.

Now the worlds fate hinges on one man! THE ULTIMATE CELIBRITY!

The people are in a rage, because they were played for fools. No one is angrier than when they have been fooled, and know there is nothing they can do about it!!
Hi Jeanne. I see you haven't mastered posting on this site yet> HAHA.
But thanks for the interest. As you can see I am hard at work making the Trolls piss in their pants, and having a good time.

Yeah- you are pretty much just trolling.

Tipsycatlover..give it a rest! No one was bothering you. Expat is newer to this site, and I just started posting today. He can be very rough but smart and a good writer. Give it a chance. He is from a site I am on and he is one of my personal favorites for his abilities as a writer and commentor.

If he is that good- then he should be able to take it as well as he hands it out. But maybe he is a sensitive little snowflake.
For the first time in my life, I am truly a Happy Person! I have a guaranteed income, nice accommodation and freedom of action like I never experienced in America. Medical care and transportation are cheap and abundant. I eat and sleep when I like, go where I like, and associate with who I like. I also have the freedom to change my situation, any time the mood strikes.

So, I ask, why is everyone else in turmoil? Well, of course they're not, but those who fill the media are!

The same goes for those on this site, who spend their day posting one line insults, and creating false issues and attributing false personality traits to others. I have encountered at least half a dozen, truly disturbed people who have been on this site for years.

What we perceive, is our reality. I struggle to analyze the perception of others, and I increasingly fail as it is based primarily on emotion and little evidence.

People I am exposed to on social media tell the tale of their belief rather than an observation. It usually includes a motivation that they ascribed to an opponent; everyone is an opponent! The world is too complex for anyone to be in total agreement. Two individuals immediately judge each other by a phrase, or a verbiage associated with a certain group, or just an incorrect assumption.

Our language is filled with meaningless terminology and alphabet soup. Snowflake, LGBTQ, neo-, psudo, uber, cis-, WTF, LOL, making Donald Duck an intellectual. We talk at each other, secure in the knowledge we know everything and they are wrong! Righteousness adds bravado and certainty, prevents questioning.

So why the rage, when we have created our own environment?

THAT: is why the rage! IT IS OUR OWN DOING!

When I was born, television was just beginning to control our lives. Ladies still sat outside and talked to the neighbors, kids played with their friends, men went to the corner bar to converse, and the SUNDAY Paper was the primary source of advertising and communication.

But generations of Celebrity Politics eliminated issue debates and replaced them with performances.

Emotion replaced reason until all that is left is rage.

We can see what fools we have become, when the best we can do was Obama, the Clinton's and the Donald.

Now the worlds fate hinges on one man! THE ULTIMATE CELIBRITY!

The people are in a rage, because they were played for fools. No one is angrier than when they have been fooled, and know there is nothing they can do about it!!

Why don’t US news channels show international news?
I watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc. None of them are concerned about International news. I have lived in 3 other countries and each of them always air a small section to show the major events of the world for that day. I rarely see news correspondents outside of US, except maybe Syria once in a while.

Chris Shultis, 21 years as an editor and writing instructor
Answered Mar 25.

What is bizarre about your claim is that you even believe what you post. I see international news virtually everyday-when I bother to watch American TV. However, I commute daily and have lots of time to listen to the radio- and PBS, CBS and ABC cover international news every day- which is why I am aware of the German concern about hacking in their upcoming election- and how the French were concerned about their election.

Its fascinating what is happening with Saudi Arabia and its allies versus Qatar- all I learned from American media.

If you never see American media reporting on international news, then I can only presume wilfull and intentional blindness.

And really? Quoting an opinion piece posted by someone on the internet?

Believe what you will. I am tired of trying to educate you about USA news media. Wallow in your ignorance, it fits your pre conceived views.

Yeah- whenever someone tries to 'educate' me, I always check my pocket and see if my wallet is still there.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.
Nor will I. Stay ignorant!
Why don’t US news channels show international news?
I watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc. None of them are concerned about International news. I have lived in 3 other countries and each of them always air a small section to show the major events of the world for that day. I rarely see news correspondents outside of US, except maybe Syria once in a while.

Chris Shultis, 21 years as an editor and writing instructor
Answered Mar 25.

What is bizarre about your claim is that you even believe what you post. I see international news virtually everyday-when I bother to watch American TV. However, I commute daily and have lots of time to listen to the radio- and PBS, CBS and ABC cover international news every day- which is why I am aware of the German concern about hacking in their upcoming election- and how the French were concerned about their election.

Its fascinating what is happening with Saudi Arabia and its allies versus Qatar- all I learned from American media.

If you never see American media reporting on international news, then I can only presume wilfull and intentional blindness.

And really? Quoting an opinion piece posted by someone on the internet?

Believe what you will. I am tired of trying to educate you about USA news media. Wallow in your ignorance, it fits your pre conceived views.

Yeah- whenever someone tries to 'educate' me, I always check my pocket and see if my wallet is still there.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.
Nor will I. Stay ignorant!

I don't know how I can somehow turn into being as ignorant as you are.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.

Because you can't.
They repeat what our leftists say.

TOTALLY FALSE, and proof that you do not have access to real news. Nobody outside USA cares about Trump/Russia or Comey.
Sky News International has a daily review of all the front pages of world media, commented on by two guest Editors. One left, the other right.
They care about Interest rates, US/China conflict in the South China Sea, Trade restrictions, NOKO. All the things you don't see in USA.
Immigrants, Terror attacks, the High Rise fire, etc. You are badly misinformed.
Listen Mr. Expert Expat. I watch much more foreign news than US news. Euronews, Deutche Welle, RT, Al Jazeera, Sky News, BBC, etc. and it's the same report. I'm not interested in opinion clips but they get their sources from here with very little exception.

You put this in the CDZ and flame people for not goose stepping to your drumbeat.
I can tell from your writing how informed you are!
The opining of an ex-patriot are worth less to me than my dog's leavings.
They repeat what our leftists say.

TOTALLY FALSE, and proof that you do not have access to real news. Nobody outside USA cares about Trump/Russia or Comey.
Sky News International has a daily review of all the front pages of world media, commented on by two guest Editors. One left, the other right.
They care about Interest rates, US/China conflict in the South China Sea, Trade restrictions, NOKO. All the things you don't see in USA.
Immigrants, Terror attacks, the High Rise fire, etc. You are badly misinformed.
Listen Mr. Expert Expat. I watch much more foreign news than US news. Euronews, Deutche Welle, RT, Al Jazeera, Sky News, BBC, etc. and it's the same report. I'm not interested in opinion clips but they get their sources from here with very little exception.

You put this in the CDZ and flame people for not goose stepping to your drumbeat.
I can tell from your writing how informed you are!
The opining of an ex-patriot are worth less to me than my dog's leavings.
YES. Your dog's leavings sum up your thoughts. Be careful not to step in any reality, it will stink up your perception! Be grateful your dog can't talk, or it would tell you why it shits in your house. I already knew your thoughts were DOG SHIT! Since they moved my post, I can tell you what I really think of you!
She doesn't shit in the house but you love shitting on your country. Please just stay gone.
Why don’t US news channels show international news?
I watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc. None of them are concerned about International news. I have lived in 3 other countries and each of them always air a small section to show the major events of the world for that day. I rarely see news correspondents outside of US, except maybe Syria once in a while.

Chris Shultis, 21 years as an editor and writing instructor
Answered Mar 25.

What is bizarre about your claim is that you even believe what you post. I see international news virtually everyday-when I bother to watch American TV. However, I commute daily and have lots of time to listen to the radio- and PBS, CBS and ABC cover international news every day- which is why I am aware of the German concern about hacking in their upcoming election- and how the French were concerned about their election.

Its fascinating what is happening with Saudi Arabia and its allies versus Qatar- all I learned from American media.

If you never see American media reporting on international news, then I can only presume wilfull and intentional blindness.

And really? Quoting an opinion piece posted by someone on the internet?

Believe what you will. I am tired of trying to educate you about USA news media. Wallow in your ignorance, it fits your pre conceived views.

Yeah- whenever someone tries to 'educate' me, I always check my pocket and see if my wallet is still there.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.
Nor will I. Stay ignorant!

I don't know how I can somehow turn into being as ignorant as you are.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.

Because you can't.
Look at the Newsweek and Time covers dumb shit! You don't understand anything that isn't in your lame brain already.
What is bizarre about your claim is that you even believe what you post. I see international news virtually everyday-when I bother to watch American TV. However, I commute daily and have lots of time to listen to the radio- and PBS, CBS and ABC cover international news every day- which is why I am aware of the German concern about hacking in their upcoming election- and how the French were concerned about their election.

Its fascinating what is happening with Saudi Arabia and its allies versus Qatar- all I learned from American media.

If you never see American media reporting on international news, then I can only presume wilfull and intentional blindness.

And really? Quoting an opinion piece posted by someone on the internet?

Believe what you will. I am tired of trying to educate you about USA news media. Wallow in your ignorance, it fits your pre conceived views.

Yeah- whenever someone tries to 'educate' me, I always check my pocket and see if my wallet is still there.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.
Nor will I. Stay ignorant!

I don't know how I can somehow turn into being as ignorant as you are.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.

Because you can't.
Look at the Newsweek and Time covers dumb shit! You don't understand anything that isn't in your lame brain already.

Like these?


Still waiting for you to identify a single International story that was covered by your press in Thailand that was not covered by any U.S. Press.

And I will continue to wait.
Believe what you will. I am tired of trying to educate you about USA news media. Wallow in your ignorance, it fits your pre conceived views.

Yeah- whenever someone tries to 'educate' me, I always check my pocket and see if my wallet is still there.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.
Nor will I. Stay ignorant!

I don't know how I can somehow turn into being as ignorant as you are.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.

Because you can't.
Look at the Newsweek and Time covers dumb shit! You don't understand anything that isn't in your lame brain already.

Like these?
View attachment 136324
View attachment 136325
Still waiting for you to identify a single International story that was covered by your press in Thailand that was not covered by any U.S. Press.

And I will continue to wait.
Go sit in a corner and wait. You will be safe there. Any normal person would realize that local media deals with their own issues.
Yeah- whenever someone tries to 'educate' me, I always check my pocket and see if my wallet is still there.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.
Nor will I. Stay ignorant!

I don't know how I can somehow turn into being as ignorant as you are.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.

Because you can't.
Look at the Newsweek and Time covers dumb shit! You don't understand anything that isn't in your lame brain already.

Like these?
View attachment 136324
View attachment 136325
Still waiting for you to identify a single International story that was covered by your press in Thailand that was not covered by any U.S. Press.

And I will continue to wait.
Go sit in a corner and wait. You will be safe there. Any normal person would realize that local media deals with their own issues.

You were the one claiming that we Americans can't know whats going on the with the world because of our media.

You are also the one unable to find a single international story that American media didn't cover, but your fine sources did cover.

Of course local media covers local issues. Of course U.S. media focuses more on Trump than Thai media- just as U.S. media reported on Obama more than Thai media did.

But again- you were the one claiming we are not informed because of American media.
Nor will I. Stay ignorant!

I don't know how I can somehow turn into being as ignorant as you are.

You have yet to identify a single piece of news that you heard about in Thailand that was not reported in the United States.

Nor will you.

Because you can't.
Look at the Newsweek and Time covers dumb shit! You don't understand anything that isn't in your lame brain already.

Like these?
View attachment 136324
View attachment 136325
Still waiting for you to identify a single International story that was covered by your press in Thailand that was not covered by any U.S. Press.

And I will continue to wait.
Go sit in a corner and wait. You will be safe there. Any normal person would realize that local media deals with their own issues.

You were the one claiming that we Americans can't know whats going on the with the world because of our media.

You are also the one unable to find a single international story that American media didn't cover, but your fine sources did cover.

Of course local media covers local issues. Of course U.S. media focuses more on Trump than Thai media- just as U.S. media reported on Obama more than Thai media did.

But again- you were the one claiming we are not informed because of American media.
You You You You. It is not about ME!
You need to understand that life is not about defeating the other guy, but rather about improving yourself. You cannot do that if you spend all your time defending what you know! I posted two articles exposing what the thinking world knows, that Americans are fed pablum by the Media, while real issues are ignored. While America is full of Russian conspiracy, the rest of the world, including Putin laughs at them.
I watch Sky News International (Not Sky News) every morning(Night in USA) they have a segment called Front Page News, where two opposing editors from UK papers review Headlines from around the world. When I see something of interest, such as the unrest in South Africa, which is ignored by USA media, I use my scrubbed search engines(your Google only shows what your past searches indicate you want to see) to get information from local papers and bloggers.
There are a half dozen delusional commenters on this site, just like you who think they have all the information, when in fact most of the world is of no interest to USA MSM.
I understand it disturbs you, that you are stupid, as Jonathan Gruber let slip, but trying to deny me, when I bring you disturbing news, will not improve your life! I can bring you information, but I can't make you understand it!
Think about what I say, and try to improve your sources of information. The BBC would be a good start. You do get BBC in USA don't you?
I have taken the time to talk to you as if you were an adult, but this is the last time!
Instead of trying to find tricks to defeat me, try to find ways to grow your understanding of the world!
I am finished with you on this thread. Try to show some understanding, if you comment on my next post!

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