Why the Right loves Putin

to the OP.

the right does not "love" Putin.

Putin is a man and a leader. Obama is a pussy boy and is not a leader.

the comparison is valid. and thats all it is, a comparison on those two characteristics.
this thread reminded me of the time (and still do :up:) when the leftwing nuts adored

russian leaders like,

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1917-22);
Josef Stalin (1922-53);
Nikita Kruschev (1953-64);
Leonid Brezhnev (1964-82);
Yuri Andropov (1982-84);
Konstantin Chernenko (1984-85);
Mikhail Gorbachev (1985-91);
Boris Yeltsin (1991-99); V
Vladimir Putin (1999-present).

you liberfools never cease to amaze me :lmao:

So on a thread dedicated to how conservatives have been supporting Putin, you with all your wisdom make a lame and amaturish attempt to accuse the libs of supporting Putin and ignore all the support from conservatives found at this site and even on this thread. It is amazing how openly delusional some folks can be and show it with confidence.

let's be honest here. If our dear leader won't have his PERSONAL feud with putin, this line of adoration of the totalitarian regimes from the left would be still in place.
However, in a weird twist of personal dislikes Obama is forced to be opposed putin.
Which makes him a strange ally to what I consider my personal interests :eek:
to the OP.

the right does not "love" Putin.

Putin is a man and a leader. Obama is a pussy boy and is not a leader.

the comparison is valid. and thats all it is, a comparison on those two characteristics.

no, he is NOT. he is a totalitarian crazy midget with a paranoid idea of restoration of the empire.

his manhood can be questioned as well - the abundance of botox facelifts and necessity to expose the naked torso and "fighting the tigers" are clear symptoms of quite the opposite.
to the OP.

the right does not "love" Putin.

Putin is a man and a leader. Obama is a pussy boy and is not a leader.

the comparison is valid. and thats all it is, a comparison on those two characteristics.

Nice try but FAIL

We have already posted all the threads with conservatives fawning over Putin
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this thread reminded me of the time (and still do :up:) when the leftwing nuts adored

russian leaders like,

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1917-22);
Josef Stalin (1922-53);
Nikita Kruschev (1953-64);
Leonid Brezhnev (1964-82);
Yuri Andropov (1982-84);
Konstantin Chernenko (1984-85);
Mikhail Gorbachev (1985-91);
Boris Yeltsin (1991-99); V
Vladimir Putin (1999-present).

you liberfools never cease to amaze me :lmao:

Those are the American Left's Founding Fathers
to the OP.

the right does not "love" Putin.

Putin is a man and a leader. Obama is a pussy boy and is not a leader.

the comparison is valid. and thats all it is, a comparison on those two characteristics.

Nice try but FAIL

We have already posted all the threads with conservatives awning over Putin

wrong again, RW. you need to face reality, your boy obama is a failure as a president, leader, policy maker, statesman, negotiator, diplomat, and role model. But he has played a lot of golf.
to the OP.

the right does not "love" Putin.

Putin is a man and a leader. Obama is a pussy boy and is not a leader.

the comparison is valid. and thats all it is, a comparison on those two characteristics.

Nice try but FAIL

We have already posted all the threads with conservatives awning over Putin

wrong again, RW. you need to face reality, your boy obama is a failure as a president, leader, policy maker, statesman, negotiator, diplomat, and role model. But he has played a lot of golf.

which does not make putin a man and a leader.
to the OP.

the right does not "love" Putin.

Putin is a man and a leader. Obama is a pussy boy and is not a leader.

the comparison is valid. and thats all it is, a comparison on those two characteristics.

no, he is NOT. he is a totalitarian crazy midget with a paranoid idea of restoration of the empire.

his manhood can be questioned as well - the abundance of botox facelifts and necessity to expose the naked torso and "fighting the tigers" are clear symptoms of quite the opposite.

history will record which of them was a leader.
Nice try but FAIL

We have already posted all the threads with conservatives awning over Putin

wrong again, RW. you need to face reality, your boy obama is a failure as a president, leader, policy maker, statesman, negotiator, diplomat, and role model. But he has played a lot of golf.

which does not make putin a man and a leader.

thats your opinion, most disagree. for the record, I don't give a flying fuck what you think.
wrong again, RW. you need to face reality, your boy obama is a failure as a president, leader, policy maker, statesman, negotiator, diplomat, and role model. But he has played a lot of golf.

which does not make putin a man and a leader.

thats your opinion, most disagree. for the record, I don't give a flying fuck what you think.

most don't have any idea about what that schizophrenic midget means and how is to live under such a "leader"

you like him and his policies so much - why won't you and "most who disagree" move to Russia and try to put your money where your mouth is? try to live there as Russian citizen a year - THEN you will have a right to voice an opinion.

He is a typical leftard dictator which YOU and others on the right ( and especially libertarians) are supposedly against.
Yet you are all so fooled by your hatred of Obama ( which actually has all the necessary virtues to become the same dictator as well, except he is not obsessed with his "manhood" as he is good looking tall male, contrary to the ugly midget) that you will praise the devil himself if Obama would declare to be an enemy of the devil :disgusted smiley:
to the OP.

the right does not "love" Putin.

Putin is a man and a leader. Obama is a pussy boy and is not a leader.

the comparison is valid. and thats all it is, a comparison on those two characteristics.

no, he is NOT. he is a totalitarian crazy midget with a paranoid idea of restoration of the empire.

his manhood can be questioned as well - the abundance of botox facelifts and necessity to expose the naked torso and "fighting the tigers" are clear symptoms of quite the opposite.

history will record which of them was a leader.

which history? yours? or the likes of those which recorded soviet history during the soviet era?

he is neither a leader, nor a man. he is a schizophrenic tyrant obsessed with his own ugliness and vertical challenge so much that he is willing to crush his own people and all others around to satisfy his paranoid complexes.

Most tyrants in the history of mankind were short and ugly. the history of XX century is a perfect example of it.
lenin, stalin,hitler,mao,pol pot and now putin - all ugly and short men with severe complexes.
Pussy riot, what kind of stupid name is that?

AND who gives a shit about them
to the OP.

the right does not "love" Putin.

Putin is a man and a leader. Obama is a pussy boy and is not a leader.

the comparison is valid. and thats all it is, a comparison on those two characteristics.

Nice try but FAIL

We have already posted all the threads with conservatives awning over Putin

wrong again, RW. you need to face reality, your boy obama is a failure as a president, leader, policy maker, statesman, negotiator, diplomat, and role model. But he has played a lot of golf.


Why do you destroy the credibility of your argument with that nonsense? Why don't you go on your bowing rant again?
Sometimes it's all obscured by language.

For example, a family name like "Lagro". It comes from French, La Gros which translates into "The Fat". But not a bad thing in France as one of their earlier kings was a mellow old big fella who had a name like (but not exactly and I'm too lazy to look it up but you're free so to do) "Freddie-the-Fat".
I can see why they want Obama to be more like Putin

Cossacks use whips on Pussy Riot members

According to The Associated Press, six group members — five women and one man — had put on their signature ski masks and were pulling out a guitar and microphone when at least 10 Cossacks and other security officials moved in. One Cossack appeared to use pepper spray, another whipped several group members while others ripped off their masks and threw the guitar in a garbage can, the news agency reported.

Gotta keep those women in line. Putin sure is a tough guy when it comes to women

You're an idiot. The right doesn't love Putin and they especially hate communism.

The left defends Muslims, who mistreat women in even more cruel ways than Putin and you guys get bent out of shape when someone talks about the horrible human rights violations in certain countries.

You won't even comment on the beheadings of gays, senseless torture and killing of women and Christians in Muslim countries.

Come on, you had no problem knocking Putin, so how about bashing some other asshole dictators, like Castro, Chavez or the Muslim Brotherhood. I dare you to start a thread on the atrocities committed by radical Muslims and commie leaders.

Why doesn't the left just admit already that the reason they are anti-Putin is because Russia welcomed Snowden after he exposed the tyrannical administration we currently have?

The right doesn't love Putin?

Want proof?

See post #9 by RDD-1210

Oooh, I forgot that in liberal minds, one post or comment from one person is used to paint an entire party.

It's the left who generally spoke kindly of communist leaders. The only reason they aren't now is because Putin is friendly to someone who exposed dirt in the Obama administration. All the spinning in the world isn't going to put the right in bed with Putin. Face it, Snowden let the truth be known and it didn't bode well for the left. Just deal with it.
More leftist babblespeak. The right doesn't love Putin, they like that they can use Putin to make fun of obama. The right does like the fact that Putin is a man's man; obama? er, not so much. Another leftistderpthread.

More leftist babblespeak. The right doesn't love Putin, they like that they can use Putin to make fun of obama. The right does like the fact that Putin is a man's man; obama? er, not so much. Another leftistderpthread.


I love this shot

Putin can look so tough when he is not beating defenseless women
I can see why they want Obama to be more like Putin

Cossacks use whips on Pussy Riot members

According to The Associated Press, six group members — five women and one man — had put on their signature ski masks and were pulling out a guitar and microphone when at least 10 Cossacks and other security officials moved in. One Cossack appeared to use pepper spray, another whipped several group members while others ripped off their masks and threw the guitar in a garbage can, the news agency reported.

Gotta keep those women in line. Putin sure is a tough guy when it comes to women

Putin is awesome. Better to whip Pussy than be pussy-whipped like Obama.

I'd love to see a poll asking Americans - who do you respect more as a leader, Obama or Putin. Putin gets my vote. I wonder how well he'd do? 30% maybe?

You're darn-tootin, we like Vlad Putin!
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