Why the Right loves Putin

Only because President Putin slaps obama around. If not for that, President Putin would be just another Russian thuglet. Every time President Putin thumps obama, I just want to jump up and cheer!
Careful, you'll be accused of being a Commie lover by the left whom love 'em too...

Seriously? Obama has no serious Foreign Policy...just draws 'RED LINES' and acts tough as the rest of the world laughs at hm.
Did any one catch obama claiming that the violence in the Ukraine had to stop or there would be consequences. After which the Ukranian forces killed 22 more protesters!
Only because President Putin slaps obama around. If not for that, President Putin would be just another Russian thuglet. Every time President Putin thumps obama, I just want to jump up and cheer!
Careful, you'll be accused of being a Commie lover by the left whom love 'em too...

Seriously? Obama has no serious Foreign Policy...just draws 'RED LINES' and acts tough as the rest of the world laughs at hm.

If I were a commie lover, I'd be cheerleading for obama.
Only because President Putin slaps obama around. If not for that, President Putin would be just another Russian thuglet. Every time President Putin thumps obama, I just want to jump up and cheer!
Careful, you'll be accused of being a Commie lover by the left whom love 'em too...

Seriously? Obama has no serious Foreign Policy...just draws 'RED LINES' and acts tough as the rest of the world laughs at hm.

If I were a commie lover, I'd be cheerleading for obama.
Perhaps but forget not that PUTIN was the prime KGB Guy that is trying to revive the old USSR.
Did any one catch obama claiming that the violence in the Ukraine had to stop or there would be consequences. After which the Ukranian forces killed 22 more protesters!

Obama is of no consequence in the global community these days. I doubt he would even qualify as a community organizer in the global community. :eusa_whistle:
Was this posted yet:

From: Oksana Baiul

To: Entertainment Tonight (CBS)

Date: February 20, 2014

Dear Entertainment Tonight:
You had invited me to do an interview concerning the Ladies’ Figure Skating results and my advice for gold medal winners. I had agreed subject to you allowing me to also use the interview to raise awareness to the more than 70 people killed and 600 injured in the Ukraine in their fight against Ukrainian government corruption.

Unfortunately, you pulled a “bait and switch” on me and instead dealt with issues in your program irrelevant to anything that we had agreed to discuss. I should have known better than to trust you after having only recently learned about the frauds and thefts from me of millions of dollars that began when I was a minor before my Olympic gold medal. Since your program did not address the issues upon which we had agreed, I take this opportunity to comment on what was supposed to be in your program.

The people of the Ukraine are fighting a vicious battle against organized crime, corruption and the forces of evil. While we shook the Soviet yoke in 1991, many of the corrupt, communist apparatchiks unfortunately managed to hold onto their positions. The crime and corruption continued but the Ukrainian people have finally had enough and are bravely making their stand. I pray for and support the valiant people of the Ukraine and wish for ultimate peace and happiness.

I likewise have made my stand against the organized crime and corruption that I have only learned about in the last two years. I filed a lawsuit in New York in October 2013 against numerous defendants for violations of RICO and other claims. William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, LLC (my former agents), Wallin, Simon & Black (my former business managers, financial advisors and accountants), Galina Zmievskaya (my former coach), Victor Petrenko, Nina Petrenko and Joseph Lemire are among the defendants. While I am not risking my personal health in my lawsuit like the people of the Ukraine are in their fight, we are nonetheless fighting the same thing, organized crime and corruption.

My advice to gold medal winners is to trust nobody and especially not talent agents, accountants, coaches or Entertainment Tonight.

God bless the newly crowned gold medal winners and God bless the people of the Ukraine.

1994 Olympic GOLD Medalist, Ladies Figure Skating
1993 World Championship GOLD Medalist, Ladies Figure Skating

My heart goes out to all people suffering oppression and misrepresentation in the media.

I grieve the loss of national history in my own neighborhood district, destroyed by political corruption abusing tax dollars,
but when I read these stories I am at least grateful no physical violence erupted.
the most we had were federal marshals and one SWAT tank show up to frighten
poor residents getting evicted so the govt could demolish community history and plans.
complete censorship and coverup, as these citizens were falsely reported as obstructing renovation
when we were trying to preserve gravesites and nationally recognized landmarks city employees lied about in court.

Sometimes I wonder had the residents taken up arms and used violence to protest
could we have gotten news coverage to expose this history of corruption sooner.
but instead the church community was punished for being peaceful and civil
by taking advantage and violating rights and abusing funds without legal defense.

So sorry to hear of violence, but I understand what happens if you don't take up arms against govt abuse.
you get run over anyway, until you have nothing left to lose.
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The problem in the Ukraine is that the people are so divided that neither side will accept governance by the other side. Which is exactly the way we are going.

In 2008 the Ukraine voted on whether to pursue membership in the EU. It lost by massive numbers. Only 12% of the people wanted to have anything to do with the EU. They didn't like the constitution and wrote a new one. Now they are fighting to get the old one back.

There is only one thing certain. The US is not part of this controversy. It's between those that want the EU and those that want Russia. No one has come up with any group that has the US in mind.
The Ukraine has democracy. The president was elected.
This is the problem with right wingers. They just assume it must be the government who are the bad guys and the so called "freedom fighters" are the good guys. Look at the terrible mess they left in Iraq with a policy based on such odious and simplistic beliefs. You can't just decide these guys are good and those guys are bad without knowing what they actually stand for and that takes time. But try to explain such concepts to these USMB right wingnut tards and it's suddenly you who is against "freedom". And the freedom to hate gays and mock blacks and participate in voter suppression and hurt poor children and the disabled is a different definition of what I recognize as "freedom".
More leftist babblespeak. The right doesn't love Putin, they like that they can use Putin to make fun of obama. The right does like the fact that Putin is a man's man; obama? er, not so much. Another leftistderpthread.


Putin is a "man's man"? What a Putin-lover you are turning out to be! LOL.. thanks for demonstrating your love for Putin so eloquently. Man, how the right loves and admires Putin is getting so touchy-feely now! :clap2:

I see the point went right over your little head, didn't it?

How much of a man does it take to whip women in public?

You won't get an argument from me on that, Putin is nasty assed heartless bully. He has balls to do that in public, for shure.

And yet, he's still more manly than obama.


:lol: :lol:

Barry rides a girls bike, in girls pants, throws like a girl.

eta: Provide a damn link stating that Putin whipped women in public. Yeah, that's what I thought.

Never thought I'd see the day when Putin surpassed Reagan in conservatives hearts. Putin is a "man's man" among the r-wingers now. The love is so genuine now.

Oh look, Britney did it again.
How much of a man does it take to whip women in public?

You won't get an argument from me on that, Putin is nasty assed heartless bully. He has balls to do that in public, for shure.

And yet, he's still more manly than obama.


:lol: :lol:

Barry rides a girls bike, in girls pants, throws like a girl.

eta: Provide a damn link stating that Putin whipped women in public. Yeah, that's what I thought.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j87k1j4CpOw]Barack Obama drains 3-point jumper on first try in Kuwait - YouTube[/ame]

Swish. Nothing but net.

How ... apropos.


^ not 'swishy'.
For the record I don't love President Putin. Now if he dragged obama out of the white house or off the golf course, in hand cuffs and leg irons, then I might love him but not now. Now I just admire the masterful way he makes a fool out of obama.
For the record I don't love President Putin. Now if he dragged obama out of the white house or off the golf course, in hand cuffs and leg irons, then I might love him but not now. Now I just admire the masterful way he makes a fool out of obama.

You would want a foreign dictator to drag the first black president out of the WHITE house while wearing chains?

Why didn't I see that coming? Knowing you, it's so obvious.
Asswipe...your strawman argument can't cover up liberal scum aligning with socialists like Putin through the cold war.

"uh, uh, uh conservatives support uhhhhhhh Putin." :cuckoo:

I can see why they want Obama to be more like Putin

Cossacks use whips on Pussy Riot members

According to The Associated Press, six group members — five women and one man — had put on their signature ski masks and were pulling out a guitar and microphone when at least 10 Cossacks and other security officials moved in. One Cossack appeared to use pepper spray, another whipped several group members while others ripped off their masks and threw the guitar in a garbage can, the news agency reported.

Gotta keep those women in line. Putin sure is a tough guy when it comes to women

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