Why the Right loves Putin

Putin is a dictator.

He cheated his countrymen to keep power in the country.

That is just what the republicans do.

they cheat in elections
You're bored with your knitting?
You come on here to a thread about Vald Putin and start your insipid and annoying yipping about an American political party.
You are perhaps the most stupid person to use this message board.
I love this shot

Putin can look so tough when he is not beating defenseless women

Putin is nasty assed heartless bully.

Still more manly than obama though.

I wonder, did obama get his mom jeans from Target?

How much of a man does it take to whip women in public?
Would you stop with that nonsense.
How dare you assume other people kowtow to the wishes of our culture.
Personally, The Russian president whipped no one. Nor is there any evidence he ordered the action against the band members.
So why you are harping on this is a mystery.
Or, may it isn't. Perhaps you have nothing in substance to add but feel the need to post something. Maybe that need is to fulfill an urge of self gratification.
Anyway, it's nonsense.
I despise Putin. But, you have a pro Obama political agenda.
The fact is many world leaders are not enamored with Obama. The NSA saw to that.
Spying on the Chancellor of Germany. Shameful.
Obama has succeeded in pissing off our only ally in the Middle East.
Ugh....I'm done with this guy. The only thing saving Obama from himself is the end of his term.
Putin is nasty assed heartless bully.

Still more manly than obama though.

I wonder, did obama get his mom jeans from Target?

How much of a man does it take to whip women in public?

Which women did President Putin personally whip in public? Proof please

Wow, some comeback.....looks like ya got me on that one

Putin didn't actually do the whipping so I guess he is not responsible. Nobody saw Hitler kill any Jews either.....guess he is off the hook

Republican morality
Where are you getting this "we love Putin" talking point?

The only difference between Putin and Obama is Putin has more experience as a thug in power. Obama's still green... which is rather sad considering he's been at the job almost 6 years.

Neither of them should be anywhere near power though.

More leftist babblespeak. The right doesn't love Putin, they like that they can use Putin to make fun of obama. The right does like the fact that Putin is a man's man; obama? er, not so much. Another leftistderpthread.


Putin is a "man's man"? What a Putin-lover you are turning out to be! LOL.. thanks for demonstrating your love for Putin so eloquently. Man, how the right loves and admires Putin is getting so touchy-feely now! :clap2:
Putin is nasty assed heartless bully.

Still more manly than obama though.

I wonder, did obama get his mom jeans from Target?

How much of a man does it take to whip women in public?

You won't get an argument from me on that, Putin is nasty assed heartless bully. He has balls to do that in public, for shure.

And yet, he's still more manly than obama.


:lol: :lol:

Barry rides a girls bike, in girls pants, throws like a girl.

eta: Provide a damn link stating that Putin whipped women in public. Yeah, that's what I thought.

Never thought I'd see the day when Putin surpassed Reagan in conservatives hearts. Putin is a "man's man" among the r-wingers now. The love is so genuine now.
How is that Putin world leader man to be respected brilliant diplomat thingy working out for him over in the Ukraine?
How much of a man does it take to whip women in public?

You won't get an argument from me on that, Putin is nasty assed heartless bully. He has balls to do that in public, for shure.

And yet, he's still more manly than obama.


:lol: :lol:

Barry rides a girls bike, in girls pants, throws like a girl.

eta: Provide a damn link stating that Putin whipped women in public. Yeah, that's what I thought.

Never thought I'd see the day when Putin surpassed Reagan in conservatives hearts. Putin is a "man's man" among the r-wingers now. The love is so genuine now.

you never will see the day. Take off the beer goggles and come back to reality.
Where are you getting this "we love Putin" talking point?

The only difference between Putin and Obama is Putin has more experience as a thug in power. Obama's still green... which is rather sad considering he's been at the job almost 6 years.

Neither of them should be anywhere near power though.

Open your eyes if you can, because the love and adoration for Putin by the right is open and unabated and is being (and has been demonstrated) as we speak. Only a fool cannot see this.
Only because President Putin slaps obama around. If not for that, President Putin would be just another Russian thuglet. Every time President Putin thumps obama, I just want to jump up and cheer!
Only because President Putin slaps obama around. If not for that, President Putin would be just another Russian thuglet. Every time President Putin thumps obama, I just want to jump up and cheer!

In your pom-pom outfit no doubt.
Where are you getting this "we love Putin" talking point?

The only difference between Putin and Obama is Putin has more experience as a thug in power. Obama's still green... which is rather sad considering he's been at the job almost 6 years.

Neither of them should be anywhere near power though.

Open your eyes if you can, because the love and adoration for Putin by the right is open and unabated and is being (and has been demonstrated) as we speak. Only a fool cannot see this.

The hatred for Obama and the blind following of the extreme RW propagnadist have perverted some peoples minds to the point of cult like dedication to the point that they cheer a former KGB official as they attack their own President in times of war and military deployments. Domesticly, they support a confirmed and self admitted child molester who calls the President vile and vulgar names. Repeat, they support an admitted child molester just because he is willing to call the President vile and vulgar names. Only mind altered brainwashed people do this kind of thing and follow the orders of their masters in such dedicated ways.
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Putin is nasty assed heartless bully.

Still more manly than obama though.

I wonder, did obama get his mom jeans from Target?

How much of a man does it take to whip women in public?

You won't get an argument from me on that, Putin is nasty assed heartless bully. He has balls to do that in public, for shure.

And yet, he's still more manly than obama.


:lol: :lol:

Barry rides a girls bike, in girls pants, throws like a girl.

eta: Provide a damn link stating that Putin whipped women in public. Yeah, that's what I thought.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j87k1j4CpOw]Barack Obama drains 3-point jumper on first try in Kuwait - YouTube[/ame]

Swish. Nothing but net.
Where are you getting this "we love Putin" talking point?

The only difference between Putin and Obama is Putin has more experience as a thug in power. Obama's still green... which is rather sad considering he's been at the job almost 6 years.

Neither of them should be anywhere near power though.

Open your eyes if you can, because the love and adoration for Putin by the right is open and unabated and is being (and has been demonstrated) as we speak. Only a fool cannot see this.

The hatred for Obama and the blind following of the extreme RW propagnadist have perverted some peoples minds to the point of cult like deidication to the point that they cheer of a former KGB official as they attack their own President in times of war and military deployments. Domesticly, the support a confirmed and self admitted child molester who calls the President vile and vulgar names. Repeat, they support an admitted child molester just because he is willing to call the President vile and vulgar names. Only mind altered brainwashed people do this kind of thing and follow the orders of their masters in such dedicated ways.

Exactly! The rights following of Putin has indeed reached the point of 'cult-followers". Putin is their 'messiah' now.
Only because President Putin slaps obama around. If not for that, President Putin would be just another Russian thuglet. Every time President Putin thumps obama, I just want to jump up and cheer!

Putin no longer has a Russian Fleet in the Mediterranian. He pulled them out when the Syria Red Line statement was going around and USA moved American warships to sit off the coast of Syria. Putin pulled them out and brought them home. They have not returned.
Guess you think he slapped the USA around over Ukraine.
When exactly did that Putin thumping the USA thing take place?

It follows then that Obama represents you as a liar, corrupt, policy moron, race baiter and racist, wimp, joy boy, traitor to his race, embarrassment to the country, Muslim suck-hole, so forth and so on...:9:
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Only because President Putin slaps obama around. If not for that, President Putin would be just another Russian thuglet. Every time President Putin thumps obama, I just want to jump up and cheer!

Putin no longer has a Russian Fleet in the Mediterranian. He pulled them out when the Syria Red Line statement was going around and USA moved American warships to sit off the coast of Syria. Putin pulled them out and brought them home. They have not returned.
Guess you think he slapped the USA around over Ukraine.
When exactly did that Putin thumping the USA thing take place?

Not as of a couple of months ago.

The Russian Navy 'Rebalances' to the Mediterranean | U.S. Naval Institute

Or are you getting your news only from the obamapress?

In reality, President Putin could put an end to uprising in the Ukraine in less than a minute if he wished. Russia has done it before. They just shut off the heat and lights.

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