Why the Right loves Putin

What you are posting..is "spin".

Obama doesn't make "threats". He makes promises.

The red line was the chemical weapons. He said he was going to strike.

Conservatives in the Congress, by the way, were trying to stop him. They said he should get a vote on that. By the way? He called the fucks on that. He said, "Go on, vote".

You know what the reply was? "But..but..we are on vacation!"

The point stands.

And Obama on the world wide stage is respected.

It's just a few people in this country that float this garbage.

"He doesn't make threats, he makes promises" you say. Well if Obamacare was any indication, we all know how well Obama's "promises" pan out. Don't even go there. Your point is bunk. No manner of insistence from you will change that. Obama kept moving goalposts, making more idle threats. Syria didn't respond. They knew he was full of it.

And yes, per the constitution, any declaration of war, act of war or any commitment of troops to foreign lands for more than a 60 day time period must be authorized by Congress. Or don't you read the Constitution at all?

You delude yourself, Sallow. Its sad to watch a person wrap himself in a cloak of lies. The real garbage here is saying Obama is perfect and without any flaw. If Obama was so respected on the world stage, why is he funding terrorists? Hmm? Why did he sit there and allow the NSA to spy on World Leaders as he has?

Quiet you.

ObamaCare is doing fine. People are flocking now to enroll. Republicans are not even talking about repealing it any more. As it continues to roll out it will do better. You guys got a "toe hold" on the website, which was fixed, and an insurance company trick, which was thrown back in their faces.

And did you forget the AUMF? Well? Did you?

That was a blanket use of force to defend against terrorism. Conservatives cobbled that craptacular piece of legislation together. And it gives the President the right to strike without the approval of congress. Which one of your merry Conservatives (Besides, say Rand or Ron Paul) are trying to get that repealed? And you aren't citing the Constitution by the way on the 60 day thing. That's the war powers act. Maybe you should read the Constitution.

Same with the NSA. That's part of what the lovely Patriot Act is all about. As to funding terrorists? What modern President hasn't?

This ought to be good. :lol:

"Obamacare is doing fine"

In what universe? People aren't flocking to it by any stretch of the word. Also, Sallow, Republicans have a proposal in the works right now to repeal and replace Obamacare:

Republicans Offer Obamacare Alternative | TIME.com

Also, March 31 is fast approaching. The law needs 7 million enrollees by then. It's 4 million behind as of now. More people have enrolled in Medicaid than Obamacare. And no, one has nothing to do with the other.

As it continues to roll out it will do better. You guys got a "toe hold" on the website, which was fixed, and an insurance company trick, which was thrown back in their faces.

It must be sad for you to live in an alternate reality.

Firm fixing Obamacare website has history of problems - CBS News


"And you aren't citing the Constitution by the way on the 60 day thing. That's the war powers act. Maybe you should read the Constitution."

You're cherrypicking. Moving on.

Same with the NSA. That's part of what the lovely Patriot Act is all about. As to funding terrorists? What modern President hasn't?

This is a dodge. That's also faulty reasoning. It doesn't matter who does it, it's wrong. Contras, Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda... no difference. If Obama cared for the privacy of American citizens, HE WOULDN'T HAVE EXTENDED THE PATRIOT ACT, Sallow.

And did you forget the AUMF? Well? Did you?

No. But I'm sure it wasn't meant to be used to kill innocent children with drone strikes either.
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Perhaps you weren't watching the news, wiseass. By getting Syria to destroy its chemical stockpiles, that was a complete admission by Assad that chemical weapons existed. Where was Obama in all of this? Drawing his red lines in the sand. Do you think I'm stupid enough to fall for that kind of spin?

Obama is so ill respected by the international community right now. He couldn't get a trained poodle to jump through a hoop much less getting a country like Russia to give in to his demands. The only president who was capable of making a superpower cower in fear was none other than Ronald Reagan.

If you forget, Russia threatened to defend Syria if Obama struck them. They are allies after all. Obama didn't get anyone to do anything. He was scared shitless by the saber rattling. You simply don't realize how feckless he is, do you?

You are mimicking Russian propaganda. Obama forced Syria to admit it had chemical weapons with his Red Line comment. He put Assad and Putin in the position that to deny Assad had chemical weapons (WMD's) and than get caught in the lie, would give tacit approval for a military strike. Hence Assad and Putin had to admit the WMD's existed.

Obama is not disrespected. Once again, you are stuck on a propaganda talking point that defies factual evidence to the contrary. Obama is admired and respected for his patience and willingness to let others take credit for success while he stands in the background.

America was not cowering in fear from Putin and Putin did not offer to defend Syria. While he talked like a tough guy he conducted the withdrawel of the Russian Fleet consisting of almost 20 warships from the mediterranian and waters off the coast of Syria and the Russian military made formal announcements that ALL Russian militrary had been removed from Syria, including it's Port. They also proclaimed the cancelation of an air defense system they had contracted to sell to Syria. So while Putin talked tough, Obama sat back and let him play that tough guy role while the US military showed him with all kinds of nifty satilite photo's and communications intercepts that Putin was running away from Syria like a rabbit being chased by a wolf. Obama let Putin return a rescue and evacuation flotilla of four vessels to his Port to evacuate the Russians that would be trapped in Syria when and if the war began.


Do you have any proof to back this up? Who was it that struck the deal? Not Obama. Calling me a propagandist does little to make your argument. Do you have any more BS to throw at me this morning?

Russia proposes Syria chemical weapons deal to avert U.S. strike | Reuters

What kind of proof do you need? If you Bing or Google 'Russian withdrawl of fleet from med' you can stumble onto all kinds of sources. Would the Russian newspaper PRAVDA work for you? They give great accounts of how the Navel Forces are not being withdrawn because of the situation in Syria. You can read all about how the withdrawel is just a coincidence. You can find the military withdrawel stuff under 'Russia withdraws military from Syria' and the air defense stuff under 'Russia cancels Syrian air defense system'.
It isn't hard to find accuracy and the truth if you drag yourself away from the propaganda network and/or be willing to recognize propaganda and put it into perspective.
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"He doesn't make threats, he makes promises" you say. Well if Obamacare was any indication, we all know how well Obama's "promises" pan out. Don't even go there. Your point is bunk. No manner of insistence from you will change that. Obama kept moving goalposts, making more idle threats. Syria didn't respond. They knew he was full of it.

And yes, per the constitution, any declaration of war, act of war or any commitment of troops to foreign lands for more than a 60 day time period must be authorized by Congress. Or don't you read the Constitution at all?

You delude yourself, Sallow. Its sad to watch a person wrap himself in a cloak of lies. The real garbage here is saying Obama is perfect and without any flaw. If Obama was so respected on the world stage, why is he funding terrorists? Hmm? Why did he sit there and allow the NSA to spy on World Leaders as he has?

Quiet you.

ObamaCare is doing fine. People are flocking now to enroll. Republicans are not even talking about repealing it any more. As it continues to roll out it will do better. You guys got a "toe hold" on the website, which was fixed, and an insurance company trick, which was thrown back in their faces.

And did you forget the AUMF? Well? Did you?

That was a blanket use of force to defend against terrorism. Conservatives cobbled that craptacular piece of legislation together. And it gives the President the right to strike without the approval of congress. Which one of your merry Conservatives (Besides, say Rand or Ron Paul) are trying to get that repealed? And you aren't citing the Constitution by the way on the 60 day thing. That's the war powers act. Maybe you should read the Constitution.

Same with the NSA. That's part of what the lovely Patriot Act is all about. As to funding terrorists? What modern President hasn't?

This ought to be good. :lol:

In what universe? People aren't flocking to it by any stretch of the word. Also, Sallow, Republicans have a proposal in the works right now to repeal and replace Obamacare:

Republicans Offer Obamacare Alternative | TIME.com

Also, March 31 is fast approaching. The law needs 7 million enrollees by then. It's 4 million behind as of now. More people have enrolled in Medicaid than Obamacare. And no, one has nothing to do with the other.

It must be sad for you to live in an alternate reality.

Firm fixing Obamacare website has history of problems - CBS News


You're cherrypicking. Moving on.

Same with the NSA. That's part of what the lovely Patriot Act is all about. As to funding terrorists? What modern President hasn't?

This is a dodge. That's also faulty reasoning. It doesn't matter who does it, it's wrong. Contras, Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda... no difference. If Obama cared for the privacy of American citizens, HE WOULDN'T HAVE EXTENDED THE PATRIOT ACT, Sallow.

And did you forget the AUMF? Well? Did you?

No. But I'm sure it wasn't meant to be used to kill innocent children with drone strikes either.

You left out Benghazi.
this thread reminded me of the time (and still do :up:) when the leftwing nuts adored

russian leaders like,

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1917-22);
Josef Stalin (1922-53);
Nikita Kruschev (1953-64);
Leonid Brezhnev (1964-82);
Yuri Andropov (1982-84);
Konstantin Chernenko (1984-85);
Mikhail Gorbachev (1985-91);
Boris Yeltsin (1991-99); V
Vladimir Putin (1999-present).

you liberfools never cease to amaze me :lmao:
this thread reminded me of the time (and still do :up:) when the leftwing nuts adored

russian leaders like,

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1917-22);
Josef Stalin (1922-53);
Nikita Kruschev (1953-64);
Leonid Brezhnev (1964-82);
Yuri Andropov (1982-84);
Konstantin Chernenko (1984-85);
Mikhail Gorbachev (1985-91);
Boris Yeltsin (1991-99); V
Vladimir Putin (1999-present).

you liberfools never cease to amaze me :lmao:

So on a thread dedicated to how conservatives have been supporting Putin, you with all your wisdom make a lame and amaturish attempt to accuse the libs of supporting Putin and ignore all the support from conservatives found at this site and even on this thread. It is amazing how openly delusional some folks can be and show it with confidence.
You love Putin... Thank you!
Absolutely. He is a great president.


Putin is a fellow authoritarian.

American conservatives, for the most part, crave order, conformity, and obedience – they also fear diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

Putin is the right’s fantasy president, who would maintain order and compel conformity, particularly with regard to this gay rights ‘nonsense.’
Did you type that with a straight face?


You just proclaimed that you "love" Putin, an authoritarian dictator.
I like his style of doing things. He is a true leader not a limp wrist little bitch like Obama is.
The 'Right' doesn't love Putin. We point out how he makes Obama his bitch and you limp wristed Left wing commie bastards someway twist that into love?
You people make me sick!
The 'Right' doesn't love Putin. We point out how he makes Obama his bitch and you limp wristed Left wing commie bastards someway twist that into love?
You people make me sick!

I am equally sick of the unfounded man love for Putan, and the constant vacillation between Obama being a limp-wristed girly man, and an out of control, drone-launching, murderer.

Putan can eat a bag of shit. He's a punk and he has no effing clue.
The 'Right' doesn't love Putin. We point out how he makes Obama his bitch and you limp wristed Left wing commie bastards someway twist that into love?
You people make me sick!

I am equally sick of the unfounded man love for Putan, and the constant vacillation between Obama being a limp-wristed girly man, and an out of control, drone-launching, murderer.

Putan can eat a bag of shit. He's a punk and he has no effing clue.

He's at best a pimp. But, let's face it, we have no Reagan or JFK, or even Nixon. Obama seeks to please all, then draws lines in the sand, only to have them walked over. Our "success" in Syria is getting rid of wOMD so neither the terrorists nor a client state of Russia and Iran will have them. LOL

And the gop's no better. We have a bitter old man in McCain, while the party itself is led by TPM's who have no for policy, and our domestic ideology is to protect women's health by denying them abortion access while running on defunding mammograms at planned parenthood.
Absolutely. He is a great president.

Did you type that with a straight face?


You just proclaimed that you "love" Putin, an authoritarian dictator.
I like his style of doing things. He is a true leader not a limp wrist little bitch like Obama is.

The people of Ukraine send thanks for the confidence instilling support you give to the dictorial leader of Russia that encourages him to bring violence, death, suffering, revolution and civil unrest to their country.

You just proclaimed that you "love" Putin, an authoritarian dictator.
I like his style of doing things. He is a true leader not a limp wrist little bitch like Obama is.

The people of Ukraine send thanks for the confidence instilling support you give to the dictorial leader of Russia that encourages him to bring violence, death, suffering, revolution and civil unrest to their country.

And the EU is the only western power with any leverage. And not that I like Ayn Rand, but you know, if that's the only leverage deploying troops and supporting NATO gives us, why are we spending money we don't have?
I like his style of doing things. He is a true leader not a limp wrist little bitch like Obama is.

The people of Ukraine send thanks for the confidence instilling support you give to the dictorial leader of Russia that encourages him to bring violence, death, suffering, revolution and civil unrest to their country.

And the EU is the only western power with any leverage. And not that I like Ayn Rand, but you know, if that's the only leverage deploying troops and supporting NATO gives us, why are we spending money we don't have?

If Putin were not attempting to rebuild the sphere of influence of the old USSR the difficulties in Ukraine would not be occuring.
The only thing Ukraine and Eastern Europe need or want from the former USSR is oil and gas. That problem can be solved. China is crashing. Their need for oil and gas will become greatly diminished very soon. Middleastern producers will be looking for new customers.
True. Of course if we were not at war with the Taliban, we could build a pipleline for natl gas.

We don't have much of a choice but to be at war with the taliban. Unless you intend total surrender and Islamic law.
His domestic policy is foreign policy. He rules over a country with over two dozen official languages in 21 national republics and 4 autonomous districts, 9 territories and 46 provinces.

Your point?

He's flat out embarrassed Obama on the international stage. I fail to see how a recitation of his influence would change that fact. If that is indeed what you're trying to get at.

No..he absolutely hasn't.

Putin and Assad DENIED chemical weapons even existed in Syria.

Did you forget that?

When Obama threatened a strike and Kerry, as almost a throwaway, suggested that could be averted by destroying the weapons, Putin and Assad, jumped like trained poodles to get it done.

That's AFTER DENYING they had them.

In front of the entire world, those two, Putin and Assad, got caught LYING.

What about that, don't you get?

The only ones caught with their pants down over Syria was the Republicans

They had Obama just where they wanted him. Obama had threatend military action in Syria and Republicans were demanding he get Congressional approval. They were gearing up the votes to turn down military action and humiliate the President on an international stage

Funny thing happened. Putin took Obamas bait. Convinced Syria to turn over their weapons without the US firing a shot. Obama won....Republicans fumed
Absolutely. He is a great president.

Did you type that with a straight face?


You just proclaimed that you "love" Putin, an authoritarian dictator.
I like his style of doing things. He is a true leader not a limp wrist little bitch like Obama is.

His "style of doing things" is that of an authoritarian thug, proof that you and most others on the right are just as authoritarian.

You just proclaimed that you "love" Putin, an authoritarian dictator.
I like his style of doing things. He is a true leader not a limp wrist little bitch like Obama is.

The people of Ukraine send thanks for the confidence instilling support you give to the dictorial leader of Russia that encourages him to bring violence, death, suffering, revolution and civil unrest to their country.
I suggest you go read the news article I posted in the Europe subforum about WHO has a hand in the unrest in the Ukraine.Its not Russia.

You just proclaimed that you "love" Putin, an authoritarian dictator.
I like his style of doing things. He is a true leader not a limp wrist little bitch like Obama is.

His "style of doing things" is that of an authoritarian thug, proof that you and most others on the right are just as authoritarian.

I have a pen I can do whatever I want....:) You are either A. Really stupid or B. Blind. Obama does the same damn thing. Putin just does it better. :) Putin loves his country and his people unlike Obama.
See. Russians support their president Vladimir Putin's Approval Rating Has Been Holding Steady For Almost Two Years - Forbes

While here people hate ours Obama's State Approval Ratings Spell Trouble for Senate Democrats - NationalJournal.com

Putin is a bad ass and is EXACTLY the kind of person I want running things here. Putin may be an Authoritarian but Obama tries to claim to be a freedom loving guy but that pen and his ability to do whatever he wants just keeps getting in the way! We all know Obama has dictator like tendencies even his supporters can see it. At least Putin's people enjoy what he is doing. You merely hate Putin because he doesn't want the faggots corrupting Russian Youth and spreading their propaganda.

You just proclaimed that you "love" Putin, an authoritarian dictator.
I like his style of doing things. He is a true leader not a limp wrist little bitch like Obama is.

His "style of doing things" is that of an authoritarian thug, proof that you and most others on the right are just as authoritarian.

Oh and you can pretty much ask ANY conservative/right winger/republican here and they will tell you I am none of the above. I merely like how Putin runs things.

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