Why the Right loves Putin

Putin Does Own Obama..Having a US President used, abused, made a fool of and basically look like crap by a thug, should be an embarrassment to all Americans.

That's was my point of view and several Democrats on this Board refuse to admit the reality of it and as usual their comprehension skills are found wanting.

And yet he punks us in natl elections!

I suppose your average dim wit would boil it down to that...:lol:

Well, you'd think that with 8'% unemployment and an upopular signature legislative "achievemtnt," the gop could beat a guy named barack Hussein Obama ..... but apparently not. But of course nimrods like yourself see nuzzing.
Pussy Riot owns Putin

Sheesh...That makes it even worse for Obama but hey, we agree..

And the American people prefer Obama to Republicans......TWICE

Where does that put Republicans in the global pecking order?

And pussy riot owns Putin. Hey lets run the magic underwear guy again! Oh wait, the quasi libertarian who wants to abolish the fed and go back to the gold standard. That's the ticket.

Putin Does Own Obama..Having a US President used, abused, made a fool of and basically look like crap by a thug, should be an embarrassment to all Americans.

That's was my point of view and several Democrats on this Board refuse to admit the reality of it and as usual their comprehension skills are found wanting.

Tell us more commie.

Putin Does Own Obama..Having a US President used, abused, made a fool of and basically look like crap by a thug, should be an embarrassment to all Americans.

That's was my point of view and several Democrats on this Board refuse to admit the reality of it and as usual their comprehension skills are found wanting.

Tell us more commie.

Sheesh...That makes it even worse for Obama but hey, we agree..

And the American people prefer Obama to Republicans......TWICE

Where does that put Republicans in the global pecking order?

It's now established fact that Obama outrageously manipulated the truth to win both elections, it's no wonder Democrats are so proud..:thup:

Ah ha! The old "the public was misled card." I recall that from 1971 and 80

Now it all becomes clear.
And the American people prefer Obama to Republicans......TWICE

Where does that put Republicans in the global pecking order?

It's now established fact that Obama outrageously manipulated the truth to win both elections, it's no wonder Democrats are so proud..:thup:

Ah ha! The old "the public was misled card." I recall that from 1971 and 80

Now it all becomes clear.

You loved it then and you love it even more now, is my guess..
Conservatives don't "like" Putin.
We found unfortunate humor in the way he makes Obama look like an amateur.
In the way he is stepping into the vacuum of global influence that America once had.
And where Putin is now calling the shots.


Beating domestic terrorists...
Pussy Riot OWNS Putin. They know just how to play him for the puppet dictator he is

First they get arrested on trumped up theft charges
Then Cossacks whip them in full view of the international press

Is there any better way to get their message about Putin out to the world? Can Putin be any more politically inept? Even Hitler behaved himself during the Olympics

I can see why Republicans worship the guy.....he follows their political strategy

Well we know you democrats would allow every known degenerate to run rough shod over the country and its people but Russia still has standards and they expect them to be followed. Its pretty pathetic when Russia is more free than the USA...I thoroughly enjoyed that beat down...nothing but scum that should have been executed the first time around.

Yessiree, they're free'er than us cause they can freely beat Pussy Riot, Gays and then they should execute them.

Off with their heads.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQmFMXkhXPY]SPOT THE LOONEY - YouTube[/ame]

Sounds good to me.
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I don't think conservatives actually like Putin. He does give lip service to supporting conservative values so as to prevent his country from slipping back into a dark place, and that is something conservatives should support. He also gives lip service to religious faith being important in terms of respecting individual worth, though his behavior is hardly consistent, and I think secular people are equally able to respect individual worth.

I do think we conservatives lack a leader who can speak clearly to beliefs without seeming a nutcase. I know Pat Buchanan at least wrote a wistful column about Putin the leader.
I can see why they want Obama to be more like Putin

Cossacks use whips on Pussy Riot members

According to The Associated Press, six group members — five women and one man — had put on their signature ski masks and were pulling out a guitar and microphone when at least 10 Cossacks and other security officials moved in. One Cossack appeared to use pepper spray, another whipped several group members while others ripped off their masks and threw the guitar in a garbage can, the news agency reported.

Gotta keep those women in line. Putin sure is a tough guy when it comes to women
As usual painting with a false brush...Congrats shitstain.
Unlike Obama, Putin loves the country he leads

What's not to love?

Unlike Obama, Putin gets to dissolve congress when he doesn't like them, give uncooperative governors the boot and appoint his own, kill journalists and lawyers, ship off political dissidents to Siberia and has the adoration of conservatives in America.


Dictators welcome!

How long is it going to take for low information lefties to realize that their guy won the election? Putin has been putting the squeeze on the Ukraine and Kiev is in flames while Barry is on the golf course and Kerry is sputtering about global warming. Is it part of the plan?

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