Why the rightwing is freaking out in America

Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................

Fuck off, Sock girl
HE WAS RIGHT. I don't get why you swamped Guno for a mostly thoughtful post. And you still aren't allowing a thoughtful response, are you? Do you actually ever want to solve this problem or is it just funner to see how many names you can call someone?
Didn't think so.

Tommy. Your concession is accepted.
You are being hysterical.

What do you want to discuss ?
The fact that pretty much every post tends to support the OPs assertions ?
Go back to post #15.

Answer if you can.

You have no intention.

Your insults do not work on me.

I've dealt with your kind all my life.

Man up, Slick. If you get called you should back up your ignorance.

I'll finish with you later.
Its not my OP. Why should I defend it to you ?
You seem very angry for some reason, Perhaps you spend too much time on the internet ?
Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................

Fuck off, Sock girl
HE WAS RIGHT. I don't get why you swamped Guno for a mostly thoughtful post. And you still aren't allowing a thoughtful response, are you? Do you actually ever want to solve this problem or is it just funner to see how many names you can call someone?
I have noticed that it happens on a lot of posts, and not just from one side.
There is a place on the board for those unwilling,or incapable, of engaging in a discussion. They shouldnt be allowed to spam up threads just because the content is not to their taste.
Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................

Fuck off, Sock girl
HE WAS RIGHT. I don't get why you swamped Guno for a mostly thoughtful post. And you still aren't allowing a thoughtful response, are you? Do you actually ever want to solve this problem or is it just funner to see how many names you can call someone?

What the fuck was "thoughtful" about Guno's lunatic rant?
Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................

Fuck off, Sock girl
HE WAS RIGHT. I don't get why you swamped Guno for a mostly thoughtful post. And you still aren't allowing a thoughtful response, are you? Do you actually ever want to solve this problem or is it just funner to see how many names you can call someone?

What the fuck was "thoughtful" about Guno's lunatic rant?

He "thought" he had a winner....but as usual he gets crushed
Christianity is in decline. It is being quickly being relegated to a subculture - a besieged one at that, given how the anti-discrimination laws are starting to be the law of the land. These Americans feel like their way of life is threatened by rising secularism, and there is an anxiety among many that their culture - unmoored from its Christian anchor - could go in any direction. So we see the racism and other anti social behaviors that were always in the sub surfacing, surfacing
What happened bat-shit? Did your Sunday school teacher touch your 'pee-pee' when you were four?
You are mentally ill.
Didn't think so.

Tommy. Your concession is accepted.
You are being hysterical.

What do you want to discuss ?
The fact that pretty much every post tends to support the OPs assertions ?
Go back to post #15.

Answer if you can.

You have no intention.

Your insults do not work on me.

I've dealt with your kind all my life.

Man up, Slick. If you get called you should back up your ignorance.

I'll finish with you later.
Its not my OP. Why should I defend it to you ?
You seem very angry for some reason, Perhaps you spend too much time on the internet ?
It may not be your OP, but you jumped right in.

I'm not even remotely angry Thomas. I don't get angry.

I control my emotions. In my life I have no time to be emotional.

Do you think me being on the internet makes me angry?

Did you ever think to Google "You said what" and realize it's all parody. I'm pointing out your absurdity.

I'm not asking you to defend anything to me Tommy. I am pointing out that you chimed in on this OP and when asked for clarification you deflect and accuse. I'd like to discuss the questions I've asked you. You can't and you won't.

Your concession is again accepted.
Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................

Fuck off, Sock girl
HE WAS RIGHT. I don't get why you swamped Guno for a mostly thoughtful post. And you still aren't allowing a thoughtful response, are you? Do you actually ever want to solve this problem or is it just funner to see how many names you can call someone?
I have noticed that it happens on a lot of posts, and not just from one side.
There is a place on the board for those unwilling,or incapable, of engaging in a discussion. They shouldnt be allowed to spam up threads just because the content is not to their taste.
There you go again. Deflecting and wanting to silence those who you disagree with.
Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................
......you don't want to debate the point with intelligence and sense.

I'm am far from religious but I have enough sense to leave people alone.

I'd like to see some actual proof that this is true.

And nobody is shouting anyone down.

Why is it that those who disagree with you are ignorant?

It is always an insult with you.

How do you have an intellectual conversation with someone who starts the conversation with an insult?
Well I am not totally convinced by his assertion and it is obviously based on his experience. But nobody has tried to counter that with anything but abuse. I think that is poor.

Once you've been here for a while, you'll see the OP only posts these stories in order to harass the Christians and conservatives of the board. That is his total intent, and none of us are fooled by his constant harassment.
Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................
......you don't want to debate the point with intelligence and sense.

I'm am far from religious but I have enough sense to leave people alone.

I'd like to see some actual proof that this is true.

And nobody is shouting anyone down.

Why is it that those who disagree with you are ignorant?

It is always an insult with you.

How do you have an intellectual conversation with someone who starts the conversation with an insult?
Well I am not totally convinced by his assertion and it is obviously based on his experience. But nobody has tried to counter that with anything but abuse. I think that is poor.

Once you've been here for a while, you'll see the OP only posts these stories in order to harass the Christians and conservatives of the board. That is his total intent, and none of us are fooled by his constant harassment.

It's great fun sticking it back up his ass though :)
Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................
......you don't want to debate the point with intelligence and sense.

I'm am far from religious but I have enough sense to leave people alone.

I'd like to see some actual proof that this is true.

And nobody is shouting anyone down.

Why is it that those who disagree with you are ignorant?

It is always an insult with you.

How do you have an intellectual conversation with someone who starts the conversation with an insult?
Well I am not totally convinced by his assertion and it is obviously based on his experience. But nobody has tried to counter that with anything but abuse. I think that is poor.

Once you've been here for a while, you'll see the OP only posts these stories in order to harass the Christians and conservatives of the board. That is his total intent, and none of us are fooled by his constant harassment.
I've been aware of it. Like Tommy. Post and run.
Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................
......you don't want to debate the point with intelligence and sense.

I'm am far from religious but I have enough sense to leave people alone.

I'd like to see some actual proof that this is true.

And nobody is shouting anyone down.

Why is it that those who disagree with you are ignorant?

It is always an insult with you.

How do you have an intellectual conversation with someone who starts the conversation with an insult?
Well I am not totally convinced by his assertion and it is obviously based on his experience. But nobody has tried to counter that with anything but abuse. I think that is poor.

Once you've been here for a while, you'll see the OP only posts these stories in order to harass the Christians and conservatives of the board. That is his total intent, and none of us are fooled by his constant harassment.
If that is the case why do people bite ?
Easier to ignore his threads than spam the board up with crap. I ignore a fair number of posters threads because I know exactly what will be in it and dont need to read it for the 100th time.
Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................
......you don't want to debate the point with intelligence and sense.

I'm am far from religious but I have enough sense to leave people alone.

I'd like to see some actual proof that this is true.

And nobody is shouting anyone down.

Why is it that those who disagree with you are ignorant?

It is always an insult with you.

How do you have an intellectual conversation with someone who starts the conversation with an insult?
Well I am not totally convinced by his assertion and it is obviously based on his experience. But nobody has tried to counter that with anything but abuse. I think that is poor.

Once you've been here for a while, you'll see the OP only posts these stories in order to harass the Christians and conservatives of the board. That is his total intent, and none of us are fooled by his constant harassment.
If that is the case why do people bite ?
Easier to ignore his threads than spam the board up with crap. I ignore a fair number of posters threads because I know exactly what will be in it and dont need to read it for the 100th time.

I've been suggesting to fellow posters all along we should ignore this cretin, but some just like to shove it back at him. Can't blame them, he's so easy.
Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................
......you don't want to debate the point with intelligence and sense.

I'm am far from religious but I have enough sense to leave people alone.

I'd like to see some actual proof that this is true.

And nobody is shouting anyone down.

Why is it that those who disagree with you are ignorant?

It is always an insult with you.

How do you have an intellectual conversation with someone who starts the conversation with an insult?
Well I am not totally convinced by his assertion and it is obviously based on his experience. But nobody has tried to counter that with anything but abuse. I think that is poor.

Once you've been here for a while, you'll see the OP only posts these stories in order to harass the Christians and conservatives of the board. That is his total intent, and none of us are fooled by his constant harassment.
If that is the case why do people bite ?
Easier to ignore his threads than spam the board up with crap. I ignore a fair number of posters threads because I know exactly what will be in it and dont need to read it for the 100th time.

I've been suggesting to fellow posters all along we should ignore this cretin, but some just like to shove it back at him. Can't blame them, he's so easy.
He put a target on his back and I'm aiming for it.

He doesn't bother me. I just get a kick out of his flailing about.

He's like a Marlin on the end of the hook.
Wrong again, Slick.


Sir. I can assure you that I don't have an emotional bone in my body.

The OPer started a flame thread and is getting what is due.

You, on the other hand are an ignorant fool who insults and ridicules those he does not know and is unable to engage in an intelligent and meaningful conversation without more ridicule, insults and hyperbole.

I told you once before Tommy. Don't insult me.

I'm not an uneducated American that you so love to vilify and insult.

Your concession is again accepted.
You are a paid poster (and I believe you are a sock we all know well) is what you are to push a political campaign, which is fine. But that does not mean you know or understand what you are posting or the rights or wrongs of what you are posting.

In that sense, you validate the OP. The far right wing is watching America transform. Whether the GOP wins or not, the transformation is inevitable.

But the facts are clear: the Dems may sweep the down ballot if the GOP continues to its young in the primary process.
Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................
......you don't want to debate the point with intelligence and sense.

I'm am far from religious but I have enough sense to leave people alone.

I'd like to see some actual proof that this is true.

And nobody is shouting anyone down.

Why is it that those who disagree with you are ignorant?

It is always an insult with you.

How do you have an intellectual conversation with someone who starts the conversation with an insult?
Well I am not totally convinced by his assertion and it is obviously based on his experience. But nobody has tried to counter that with anything but abuse. I think that is poor.

Once you've been here for a while, you'll see the OP only posts these stories in order to harass the Christians and conservatives of the board. That is his total intent, and none of us are fooled by his constant harassment.
If that is the case why do people bite ?
Easier to ignore his threads than spam the board up with crap. I ignore a fair number of posters threads because I know exactly what will be in it and dont need to read it for the 100th time.

I've been suggesting to fellow posters all along we should ignore this cretin, but some just like to shove it back at him. Can't blame them, he's so easy.
They dont though. I have no idea if his assertion is 100% accurate but the reaction to it makes me think that he has something.
Its telling that a reasonable proposition is shouted down by the ignorant. You could debate the point with intelligence and sense but..........................
Here, this guy used to be an atheist, but here are the facts.

Christianity is in decline. It is being quickly being relegated to a subculture - a besieged one at that, given how the anti-discrimination laws are starting to be the law of the land. These Americans feel like their way of life is threatened by rising secularism, and there is an anxiety among many that their culture - unmoored from its Christian anchor - could go in any direction. So we see the racism and other anti social behaviors that were always in the sub surfacing, surfacing

I was wondering. Are you some other religion, maybe Islamic? Or, more likely, are you just another gender queer asshole that likes to fuck little boys?

He's a Jew, most likely the type that believes no matter what he is special. He's not "white", he's God's chosen race. He despises Christians, and sees Islamists as his brothers.
Wrong again, Slick.


Sir. I can assure you that I don't have an emotional bone in my body.

The OPer started a flame thread and is getting what is due.

You, on the other hand are an ignorant fool who insults and ridicules those he does not know and is unable to engage in an intelligent and meaningful conversation without more ridicule, insults and hyperbole.

I told you once before Tommy. Don't insult me.

I'm not an uneducated American that you so love to vilify and insult.

Your concession is again accepted.
You are a paid poster (and I believe you are a sock we all know well) is what you are to push a political campaign, which is fine. But that does not mean you know or understand what you are posting or the rights or wrongs of what you are posting.

In that sense, you validate the OP. The far right wing is watching America transform. Whether the GOP wins or not, the transformation is inevitable.

But the facts are clear: the Dems may sweep the down ballot if the GOP continues to its young in the primary process.
Well hello JS.

I was expecting to hear from you much sooner.

Oh, I wish I could be a paid poster. Unfortunately I am not. And, I might add, am not a sock that you know, or think you know. I have never been a poster here prior to Jan 16.

I am not pushing a political campaign and fully understand what I am posting. Right or wrong.

I could care less whether I am validating the OP. I have no agenda.

I'm not religious. I'm not right wing or far right wing as I am a Democrat. Nor am I liberal.

I am not affected by either party in the D.C. swamp. I make my living off of the chaos that ensues.

I've been watching the fundamental transformation of this country for years and franky. I'm not concerned.

Yousaidwhat is a parody. Satire lampoon.

I'm just here having fun and killing some time, Slick.

Have a nice day.:cool-45:

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