Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
OK, first there is Fatima 1917 when the Virgin appeared to the 3 children who were shepherding sheep.

She told them to pray the rosary for sinners who are on their way to Hell, which according to my information is 99% of the human race.

She told the one boy, can't recall his name, that he would/could also go to Heaven like the others, but that he would "have to pray many rosaries"

Wow... If even a CHILD has to pray many rosaries to get to Heaven--!

How much more imperative is it that we adults do so?
OK, first there is Fatima 1917 when the Virgin appeared to the 3 children who were shepherding sheep.

She told them to pray the rosary for sinners who are on their way to Hell, which according to my information is 99% of the human race.

She told the one boy, can't recall his name, that he would/could also go to Heaven like the others, but that he would "have to pray many rosaries"

Wow... If even a CHILD has to pray many rosaries to get to Heaven--!

How much more imperative is it that we adults do so?
Fully agree. Our life goal should be to get as many people into Heaven and out of Hell as possible, and the Rosary is a great way to do that.
Fully agree. Our life goal should be to get as many people into Heaven and out of Hell as possible, and the Rosary is a great way to do that.
The Churches are a big disappointment. I went to this one Church in the NW (only good thing abou the NW besides the natural beauty)

where there were rosaries galore for the taking: red ones, green ones, wooden ones... all hanging on a board everyone saw as they entered the Church. That was the most awesome Catholic Church I've ever been to, miss it terribly, and not just for that reason---although I have found some other good ones... :)

But they don't have the rosary board :(

I should contact all Churches... OK, can't contact all of them, but anyhow, I should make the suggestion. I'll probably be ignored... :(
OK, first there is Fatima 1917 when the Virgin appeared to the 3 children who were shepherding sheep.

She told them to pray the rosary for sinners who are on their way to Hell, which according to my information is 99% of the human race.

She told the one boy, can't recall his name, that he would/could also go to Heaven like the others, but that he would "have to pray many rosaries"

Wow... If even a CHILD has to pray many rosaries to get to Heaven--!

How much more imperative is it that we adults do so?

Every day!


Father Chad Ripperger, famous exorcist, states that the devil told him that EVERY HAIL MARY IS LIKE A BLOW TO HIS HEAD!!!!

That's the equivalent of beating the devil on the head fifty-three times, every time you pray a Rosary! One of the best things about my church is that we pray the Rosary every day.


Father Chad Ripperger, famous exorcist, states that the devil told him that EVERY HAIL MARY IS LIKE A BLOW TO HIS HEAD!!!!

That's the equivalent of beating the devil on the head fifty-three times, every time you pray a Rosary! One of the best things about my church is that we pray the Rosary every day.

I seem to recall that about every Hail Mary being a blow that bast***** head. Thanks for the reminder :)

I hope you tell everyone you meet (yeh, everyone :)) about the rosary. I dont but I will do so. I mostly don't because I don't socialize. I mean... well, see my post about feeling like you hate everyone... LOL. I don't really hate anyone, though.

One time I was acting like I hated some person or another (the person did something hideous.. liberal-like, can't recall what)

and I said to Jesus

"Well, you know what I mean"


My best is three Rosaries in one day. I'm just a beginner!

I'm glad you found this. The rosary is what woke me up... and changed me into a practicing Christian. Before then, I was just believing in a mental kind of way, didn't have power over certain sins, which I desired to have power over but could never quite get there... a very sad state of affairs.

I'd like to get a good CD recording of the Rosary. My drive to town is twenty minutes there and twenty minutes back. Great way to use wasted time.


I'd like to get a good CD recording of the Rosary. My drive to town is twenty minutes there and twenty minutes back. Great way to use wasted time.

well, it's not wasted if you have to go there :)

If you have to drive 20 miles to get food or some other necessary item... NOT a waste of time. But yeh, sometimes traffic can be kind of monotonous
I seem to recall that about every Hail Mary being a blow that bast***** head. Thanks for the reminder :)

I hope you tell everyone you meet (yeh, everyone :)) about the rosary. I dont but I will do so. I mostly don't because I don't socialize. I mean... well, see my post about feeling like you hate everyone... LOL. I don't really hate anyone, though.

One time I was acting like I hated some person or another (the person did something hideous.. liberal-like, can't recall what)

and I said to Jesus

"Well, you know what I mean"


I generally do tell folks. I'm working on getting my relatives to pray the Rosary. They're already Christians, but I'm afraid they don't understand what real EFFECTIVE prayer is.

Saint Padre Pio said, "The Rosary is the weapon for out times"!!!!

well, it's not wasted if you have to go there :)

If you have to drive 20 miles to get food or some other necessary item... NOT a waste of time. But yeh, sometimes traffic can be kind of monotonous

I drive most of the way on county two-lanes, so no traffic at all. Generally do it twice a week. It's very relaxing.

OK, first there is Fatima 1917 when the Virgin appeared to the 3 children who were shepherding sheep.

She told them to pray the rosary for sinners who are on their way to Hell, which according to my information is 99% of the human race.

She told the one boy, can't recall his name, that he would/could also go to Heaven like the others, but that he would "have to pray many rosaries"

Wow... If even a CHILD has to pray many rosaries to get to Heaven--!

How much more imperative is it that we adults do so?
Simply not true. Find me the Bible verse that substantiates your claim...

2 Corinth 5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

Jesus said He was the way. He didn't say, "My work on the cross wasn't sufficient enough for you to enter Heaven, therefore use these beads to finish my work."
OK, first there is Fatima 1917 when the Virgin appeared to the 3 children who were shepherding sheep.

She told them to pray the rosary for sinners who are on their way to Hell, which according to my information is 99% of the human race.

She told the one boy, can't recall his name, that he would/could also go to Heaven like the others, but that he would "have to pray many rosaries"

Wow... If even a CHILD has to pray many rosaries to get to Heaven--!

How much more imperative is it that we adults do so?
Catholic hoohaa

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