Why the silence?

Where is the outrage about this If the democrats were doing it? This blatant vote rigging to stop unwanted democrats votes. You hypocrites yet you belch crap about how the democrats stole the election.
Where's all those wonderful Christian principles you all bleat about? You h hypocrites.

Why would anyone be outraged about Democrats trying to promote the integrity of the vote? Their normal mode is to promote election fraud.
Yeah, we know, it's the democrats.

“The people of Georgia are angry. The people of the country are angry, and there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated,” Trump said on the call. "All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have... Fellas, I need 11,000 votes, give me a break."

“All I need to do is that this.“I simply need to to find 11,780 votes, which is yet another than we now have. As a result of we gained the state.”
"you ain't black....."
what about xidens racist remarks?
Biden's comment wasn't racist.

“You’ve got more questions? Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,”

More Trump cult deflection.
The truth is slowly coming out. Democrats are being exposed as voter frauds. They stole the election and the world knows it. Why do you think they try and block any transparency? Guilty as charged. Pillow guy!
This is getting monotonous. Again, where is your evidence and show us who in the world disagrees with the result?

You guys are like taking what from blind chickens. You scream lies all the time then get nasty when I pick you off for it.
POST FACTS ONLY. Its not hard.
wow, for some shit stain to claim, falsely, the election was not fraudulant....you seem awfully scared that the audit WILL prove the scum demonRATS cheated...but why would you be afraid of an audit, if it will answer that question?....something to hide, is why
Sure, Q NUT, a fraudit by the Trump cult, with no one else present except other Q NUTS?

May as well have Trump's sons, Hannity and Carson do the "audit".
The truth is slowly coming out. Democrats are being exposed as voter frauds. They stole the election and the world knows it. Why do you think they try and block any transparency? Guilty as charged. Pillow guy!
This is getting monotonous. Again, where is your evidence and show us who in the world disagrees with the result?

You guys are like taking what from blind chickens. You scream lies all the time then get nasty when I pick you off for it.
POST FACTS ONLY. Its not hard.
wow, for some shit stain to claim, falsely, the election was not fraudulant....you seem awfully scared that the audit WILL prove the scum demonRATS cheated...but why would you be afraid of an audit, if it will answer that question?....something to hide, is why
Sure, Q NUT, a fraudit by the Trump cult, with no one else present except other Q NUTS?

May as well have Trump's sons, Hannity and Carson do the "audit".
waaa-waaaa-waaa....you are the best in being a whine ass, as typical....go live your pathetic life in denial, because thats all you got, shit stain....
not for nothing, why, shit stain, do you just throw a thumbs down on everything? no feedback, because you can't handle the TRUTH....you are a proud member of-- shit stains of AMERICA
Where is the outrage about this If the democrats were doing it? This blatant vote rigging to stop unwanted democrats votes. You hypocrites yet you belch crap about how the democrats stole the election.
Where's all those wonderful Christian principles you all bleat about? You h hypocrites.

Why would anyone be outraged about Democrats trying to promote the integrity of the vote? Their normal mode is to promote election fraud.
Yeah, we know, it's the democrats.

“The people of Georgia are angry. The people of the country are angry, and there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated,” Trump said on the call. "All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have... Fellas, I need 11,000 votes, give me a break."

“All I need to do is that this.“I simply need to to find 11,780 votes, which is yet another than we now have. As a result of we gained the state.”
"you ain't black....."
what about xidens racist remarks?
Biden's comment wasn't racist.

“You’ve got more questions? Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,”

More Trump cult deflection.
more denial from a retarded piece of shit...
Where is the outrage about this If the democrats were doing it? This blatant vote rigging to stop unwanted democrats votes. You hypocrites yet you belch crap about how the democrats stole the election.
Where's all those wonderful Christian principles you all bleat about? You h hypocrites.

DROP DEAD. Voter suppression is a figment of your diseased imagination. You can't have people being suppressed yet be setting new records for most people ever!

Drop dead??? Is that the only excuse you've got for getting the republicans evil trap being exposed?
Nobody hates like a republican.
Biden made America great again by getting rid if your idiot ratbag trump.
Nobody hates like a scum demonRAT
TRUMP made America great again!!!!
now, AMERICA suffers due to an, anti AMERICA treasonist,(xiden) who has put thousands of AMERICANS out of work--- inflation--just like the barrag-o admin.....and made AMERICA dependent on foreign countries for oil---what a terrific shit stain, anti-AMERICA, traitor you scum demonRATS put in DC....
Where is the outrage about this If the democrats were doing it? This blatant vote rigging to stop unwanted democrats votes. You hypocrites yet you belch crap about how the democrats stole the election.
Where's all those wonderful Christian principles you all bleat about? You h hypocrites.


Texas Republicans are pushing a bill to limit early voting, prohibit drive-through voting, limit the number of ballot drop-off locations, and restrict local officials’ ability to publicize voting by mail.

Arizona and Texas have the most at stake; both of these formerly solid Red states are now suddenly competitive. But in other states, too, Republicans are reacting to defeats in 2018 and 2020 by attempting to reshape the future electorate to their partisan advantage.
Where is the outrage about this If the democrats were doing it? This blatant vote rigging to stop unwanted democrats votes. You hypocrites yet you belch crap about how the democrats stole the election.
Where's all those wonderful Christian principles you all bleat about? You h hypocrites.

DROP DEAD. Voter suppression is a figment of your diseased imagination. You can't have people being suppressed yet be setting new records for most people ever!

Drop dead??? Is that the only excuse you've got for getting the republicans evil trap being exposed?
Nobody hates like a republican.
Biden made America great again by getting rid if your idiot ratbag trump.
Nobody hates like a scum demonRAT
TRUMP made America great again!!!!
now, AMERICA suffers due to an, anti AMERICA treasonist,(xiden) who has put thousands of AMERICANS out of work--- inflation--just like the barrag-o admin.....and made AMERICA dependent on foreign countries for oil---what a terrific shit stain, anti-AMERICA, traitor you scum demonRATS put in DC....

My God, you are ignorant about the oil business.

Actually, they did, very well, until FRAUD happened....


Massive late night ballot dumps of fraud ballots just marked Joe and no votes for state races.....
None of which happened.

Try again and post some evidence of fraud.

You cannot explain how traitor Joe won any state that voted for gop control of state house and senate.

You just endlessly lie and say there isn't evidence....

There is evidence. Your side just wants it censored.

Are you incapable of identifying the states where the GOP won both state house and senate, and traitor Joe won the state?

Ga and az are two.....

Run away, you fucking hack. You're out of your depth.

I know whose out of their depth when they get confronted with facts.

It is a fact that traitor Joe won states like


Where the voters voting the same ballot voted for GOP control of statehouse and state senate.

That is proof your side cheated, since traitor Joe was going off a cliff late as he always has.....
Where is the outrage about this If the democrats were doing it? This blatant vote rigging to stop unwanted democrats votes. You hypocrites yet you belch crap about how the democrats stole the election.
Where's all those wonderful Christian principles you all bleat about? You h hypocrites.

More important than suppressing the vote is Republicans giving power to partisan legislatures (THEIR partisan legislatures) to overturn the vote

Another Jew supremacist Zionist traitor who does not like the CONSTITUTION, which empowers STATE LEGISLATURES to rule over elections....
How do you define “Zionist”? This should be rich coming from this inbred jackass.

Actually, they did, very well, until FRAUD happened....


Massive late night ballot dumps of fraud ballots just marked Joe and no votes for state races.....
None of which happened.

Try again and post some evidence of fraud.

You cannot explain how traitor Joe won any state that voted for gop control of state house and senate.

You just endlessly lie and say there isn't evidence....

There is evidence. Your side just wants it censored.
Just like you lie about Jewish people. You two should grab a beer and salute your hate together. You have that in common.
"They stole the election and the world knows it."
"A- massive fraud"
You know, posters 'whodat' and 'EMH'....my poor avatar has been visiting this site for 3 or 4 months now, and, if memory serves, you two have been whining about the 'stolen election', 'the fraud'....numerous times in those months.
And, importantly, your avatars have been asked to prove it, to show credible evidence that fraud in a degree significant enough to swing any election in November 2020 truly happened.

You never do.
You never back up your word.
You fail to explain, demonstrate or persuade that you know what you are talking about. You just turn the dial up on your rather, ummmm, unmanly whining.

What's up with that?
Why whine?
Why not show all of us the deadsolidperfect evidence you claim you know about?

Do you not understand gravitas?
Do you not understand that a man's word (hell, even his avatar's word) is measure of the individual?

So far, you have demonstrated zero credibility by your refusal to come on to this platform and make a persuasive case there was enough fraud to invalidate any election.

No disrespect intended, but you come across as just a couple of unhappy ineffective mokes who think whining in itself is adult discourse.


Voters, legal ones, vote one ballot.

On that one ballot are all races from pres to STATE HOUSE AND SENATE

Undisputed by the left, the GOP won 35 states both state house and senate

The left wants us to believe that Biden won states where the GOP took both state house and senate.

To believe that, history says you need two things....

A really good candidate who goes UP in the polls when he campaigns, like Reagan and Clinton, not traitor Joe, who went off a cliff in Iowa and nh when voters got the closest look at him.

In 1980, 1984, and 1996, the only times in recent history where many from one party voted for the other party for prez and their party down ballot, the polls showed it before the election. The polls did not show that. The polls showed historically high GOP support for trump.

Per the data of the election, the only rational conclusion is

The polls showed Trump losing, before the election.
Was that before or after they stopped the count?
Stopped the count? No count was stopped, big guy, except in your mind and of course in Trump's delusional wishful thinking, Alzheimer infected mind.
Where is the outrage about this If the democrats were doing it? This blatant vote rigging to stop unwanted democrats votes. You hypocrites yet you belch crap about how the democrats stole the election.
Where's all those wonderful Christian principles you all bleat about? You h hypocrites.

DROP DEAD. Voter suppression is a figment of your diseased imagination. You can't have people being suppressed yet be setting new records for most people ever!

Drop dead??? Is that the only excuse you've got for getting the republicans evil trap being exposed?
Nobody hates like a republican.
Biden made America great again by getting rid if your idiot ratbag trump.
Nobody hates like a scum demonRAT
TRUMP made America great again!!!!
now, AMERICA suffers due to an, anti AMERICA treasonist,(xiden) who has put thousands of AMERICANS out of work--- inflation--just like the barrag-o admin.....and made AMERICA dependent on foreign countries for oil---what a terrific shit stain, anti-AMERICA, traitor you scum demonRATS put in DC....

My God, you are ignorant about the oil business.

actually, you are....booming economy--people driving, vacationing, working --gas 2 bucks a gallon
since january, the demand is nowhere near as it was in that booming economy...4 bucks a gallon...go spew your scum demonRAT propaganda elsewhere
Where is the outrage about this If the democrats were doing it? This blatant vote rigging to stop unwanted democrats votes. You hypocrites yet you belch crap about how the democrats stole the election.
Where's all those wonderful Christian principles you all bleat about? You h hypocrites.

More important than suppressing the vote is Republicans giving power to partisan legislatures (THEIR partisan legislatures) to overturn the vote

Another Jew supremacist Zionist traitor who does not like the CONSTITUTION, which empowers STATE LEGISLATURES to rule over elections....
How do you define “Zionist”? This should be rich coming from this inbred jackass.

My definition of Zionist.

A Jew or Christian servant of Jews who is obsessed with enforcing "god's will" as defined in ch 1 of book of Joshua, where "God" defines the borders of "promised land Israel." One clue is that the Euphrates river in Iraq is one of the borders, that the Zionist looks at Iraq today and says "that is Israel's land according to God" and hence any reason,no matter how dishonest,for the us to invade Iraq and give Iraq to Israel is holy and in compliance with god's will.

A Zionist wants re-enact the Old Testament, by helping Israel exterminate its neighbors....

Key tenets of Zionism include the belief that Jews are "god's chosen people" and hence if you are Christian, you are SUB to Jews - if you consider Jews to be human, then Zionist Christians are willing SUB HUMANS
Where is the outrage about this If the democrats were doing it? This blatant vote rigging to stop unwanted democrats votes. You hypocrites yet you belch crap about how the democrats stole the election.
Where's all those wonderful Christian principles you all bleat about? You h hypocrites.

More important than suppressing the vote is Republicans giving power to partisan legislatures (THEIR partisan legislatures) to overturn the vote

Another Jew supremacist Zionist traitor who does not like the CONSTITUTION, which empowers STATE LEGISLATURES to rule over elections....
How do you define “Zionist”? This should be rich coming from this inbred jackass.

My definition of Zionist.

A Jew or Christian servant of Jews who is obsessed with enforcing "god's will" as defined in ch 1 of book of Joshua, where "God" defines the borders of "promised land Israel." One clue is that the Euphrates river in Iraq is one of the borders, that the Zionist looks at Iraq today and says "that is Israel's land according to God" and hence any reason,no matter how dishonest,for the us to invade Iraq and give Iraq to Israel is holy and in compliance with god's will.

A Zionist wants re-enact the Old Testament, by helping Israel exterminate its neighbors....

Key tenets of Zionism include the belief that Jews are "god's chosen people" and hence if you are Christian, you are SUB to Jews - if you consider Jews to be human, then Zionist Christians are willing SUB HUMANS
So a Zionist is just someone who is for the Jews right to self determination in that they get to live in the country of their own aka Israel, formerly Judea, our ancient homeland. Thanks for proof of your derangement. You probably believe I have a tail and horns too. You and Ilhan Omar would make a nice couple.
Where is the outrage about this If the democrats were doing it? This blatant vote rigging to stop unwanted democrats votes. You hypocrites yet you belch crap about how the democrats stole the election.
Where's all those wonderful Christian principles you all bleat about? You h hypocrites.

Why would anyone be outraged about Democrats trying to promote the integrity of the vote? Their normal mode is to promote election fraud.
Yeah, we know, it's the democrats.

“The people of Georgia are angry. The people of the country are angry, and there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated,” Trump said on the call. "All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have... Fellas, I need 11,000 votes, give me a break."

“All I need to do is that this.“I simply need to to find 11,780 votes, which is yet another than we now have. As a result of we gained the state.”
"you ain't black....."
what about xidens racist remarks?
Biden's comment wasn't racist.

“You’ve got more questions? Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,”

More Trump cult deflection.
You’re kidding right? That’s super dehumanizing.

Are you incapable of identifying the states where the GOP won both state house and senate, and traitor Joe won the state?

Ga and az are two.....

Run away, you fucking hack. You're out of your depth.

I know whose out of their depth when they get confronted with facts.

It is a fact that traitor Joe won states like


Where the voters voting the same ballot voted for GOP control of statehouse and state senate.

That is proof your side cheated, since traitor Joe was going off a cliff late as he always has.....
Ummmm.....Doesn’t that prove that voters voted against TRUMP and still voted for downballot Republicans?

If Dems cheated, why not cheat all the way and take all the races?
"They stole the election and the world knows it."
"A- massive fraud"
You know, posters 'whodat' and 'EMH'....my poor avatar has been visiting this site for 3 or 4 months now, and, if memory serves, you two have been whining about the 'stolen election', 'the fraud'....numerous times in those months.
And, importantly, your avatars have been asked to prove it, to show credible evidence that fraud in a degree significant enough to swing any election in November 2020 truly happened.

You never do.
You never back up your word.
You fail to explain, demonstrate or persuade that you know what you are talking about. You just turn the dial up on your rather, ummmm, unmanly whining.

What's up with that?
Why whine?
Why not show all of us the deadsolidperfect evidence you claim you know about?

Do you not understand gravitas?
Do you not understand that a man's word (hell, even his avatar's word) is measure of the individual?

So far, you have demonstrated zero credibility by your refusal to come on to this platform and make a persuasive case there was enough fraud to invalidate any election.

No disrespect intended, but you come across as just a couple of unhappy ineffective mokes who think whining in itself is adult discourse.


Voters, legal ones, vote one ballot.

On that one ballot are all races from pres to STATE HOUSE AND SENATE

Undisputed by the left, the GOP won 35 states both state house and senate

The left wants us to believe that Biden won states where the GOP took both state house and senate.

To believe that, history says you need two things....

A really good candidate who goes UP in the polls when he campaigns, like Reagan and Clinton, not traitor Joe, who went off a cliff in Iowa and nh when voters got the closest look at him.

In 1980, 1984, and 1996, the only times in recent history where many from one party voted for the other party for prez and their party down ballot, the polls showed it before the election. The polls did not show that. The polls showed historically high GOP support for trump.

Per the data of the election, the only rational conclusion is

The polls showed Trump losing, before the election.


Rasmussen daily poll had trump +2 a week or so to go, and trump had made up 12 points in three weeks. Traitor Joe was doing what he did in NH and Iowa once the voters looked at him closely.... He went OFF A CLIFF

And that is why they had to print so many new obviously fake ballots that day, because trump was so far ahead....

Even Rasmussen, a right-wing polling house, had Trump as a loser when all was said and done.
The independent polls, all of them, had Trump the loser going into the election.
There were no obviously false anythings printed, except in your pee-head little mind. Own up!
Alzheimer Trump lost and he deserved to lose. Right now he is in the process of trying to destroy our democracy
and that is what any sane person should concentrate on.
Where is the outrage about this If the democrats were doing it? This blatant vote rigging to stop unwanted democrats votes. You hypocrites yet you belch crap about how the democrats stole the election.
Where's all those wonderful Christian principles you all bleat about? You h hypocrites.

More important than suppressing the vote is Republicans giving power to partisan legislatures (THEIR partisan legislatures) to overturn the vote

Another Jew supremacist Zionist traitor who does not like the CONSTITUTION, which empowers STATE LEGISLATURES to rule over elections....
How do you define “Zionist”? This should be rich coming from this inbred jackass.

My definition of Zionist.

A Jew or Christian servant of Jews who is obsessed with enforcing "god's will" as defined in ch 1 of book of Joshua, where "God" defines the borders of "promised land Israel." One clue is that the Euphrates river in Iraq is one of the borders, that the Zionist looks at Iraq today and says "that is Israel's land according to God" and hence any reason,no matter how dishonest,for the us to invade Iraq and give Iraq to Israel is holy and in compliance with god's will.

A Zionist wants re-enact the Old Testament, by helping Israel exterminate its neighbors....

Key tenets of Zionism include the belief that Jews are "god's chosen people" and hence if you are Christian, you are SUB to Jews - if you consider Jews to be human, then Zionist Christians are willing SUB HUMANS
So a Zionist is just someone who is for the Jews right to self determination in that they get to live in the country of their own aka Israel, formerly Judea, our ancient homeland. Thanks for proof of your derangement. You probably believe I have a tail and horns too. You and Ilhan Omar would make a nice couple.

"Jews right to self determination" = 911, JFK, USS Liberty

"Have us based Mossad assets take out a president - homO - deemed unfriendly to Israel, so that the current vp - traitor Joe,who, like LBJ, would lie about it - could forcefully dictate us foreign policy to help Israel obliterate its enemies (as Israel did in the Old Testament)"

Anyone who wants more can type in

Einstein 1948 warning Israel fascism
"They stole the election and the world knows it."
"A- massive fraud"
You know, posters 'whodat' and 'EMH'....my poor avatar has been visiting this site for 3 or 4 months now, and, if memory serves, you two have been whining about the 'stolen election', 'the fraud'....numerous times in those months.
And, importantly, your avatars have been asked to prove it, to show credible evidence that fraud in a degree significant enough to swing any election in November 2020 truly happened.

You never do.
You never back up your word.
You fail to explain, demonstrate or persuade that you know what you are talking about. You just turn the dial up on your rather, ummmm, unmanly whining.

What's up with that?
Why whine?
Why not show all of us the deadsolidperfect evidence you claim you know about?

Do you not understand gravitas?
Do you not understand that a man's word (hell, even his avatar's word) is measure of the individual?

So far, you have demonstrated zero credibility by your refusal to come on to this platform and make a persuasive case there was enough fraud to invalidate any election.

No disrespect intended, but you come across as just a couple of unhappy ineffective mokes who think whining in itself is adult discourse.


Voters, legal ones, vote one ballot.

On that one ballot are all races from pres to STATE HOUSE AND SENATE

Undisputed by the left, the GOP won 35 states both state house and senate

The left wants us to believe that Biden won states where the GOP took both state house and senate.

To believe that, history says you need two things....

A really good candidate who goes UP in the polls when he campaigns, like Reagan and Clinton, not traitor Joe, who went off a cliff in Iowa and nh when voters got the closest look at him.

In 1980, 1984, and 1996, the only times in recent history where many from one party voted for the other party for prez and their party down ballot, the polls showed it before the election. The polls did not show that. The polls showed historically high GOP support for trump.

Per the data of the election, the only rational conclusion is

The polls showed Trump losing, before the election.


Rasmussen daily poll had trump +2 a week or so to go, and trump had made up 12 points in three weeks. Traitor Joe was doing what he did in NH and Iowa once the voters looked at him closely.... He went OFF A CLIFF

And that is why they had to print so many new obviously fake ballots that day, because trump was so far ahead....

Even Rasmussen, a right-wing polling house, had Trump as a loser when all was said and done.
The independent polls, all of them, had Trump the loser going into the election.
There were no obviously false anythings printed, except in your pee-head little mind. Own up!
Alzheimer Trump lost and he deserved to lose. Right now he is in the process of trying to destroy our democracy
and that is what any sane person should concentrate on.

The Rasmussen daily tracking poll had trump up 2 with at least 7 days to go, with trump gaining a full 12 points in that poll in three weeks - momentum was for trump and/or traitor Joe was going off a cliff (which he always did).

You cannot explain the data, which is why you shout it down and lie....

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