Why the sudden explosion of liberal women running for president?

God just do humanity a favor and stop voting lol

Actually I don’t vote much. In November only three of the offices on my ballot had a candidate selected for them. I voted on all three ballot questions and the US Senate, US Representative and State Representative races onky. Everything else was left blank for lack of a candidate I cared about or could support.

You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.

The board is overrun with Russian trolls who are promoting the Putin Party line, as you well know. As long as you a$$holes are here, we're going to keep reminding you that we know who you are, and we know what you're doing. You're not fooling anyone.

There are many international posters on this forum, but the difference between international members of this forum and you lying Russians, is just that: You're lying. You're pretending to be Americans, and trying to prop up the idea that Donald Trump is doing a good job, and praising policies which are favourable to Russia and its interests, and which are not in the best interests of the USA or its people.

We're not lying. We say who we are and where we're from, and offering alternative points of view. You're lying about who you are, and you're promoting a line that what is good for Russia is good for the USA, and downplaying the destruction Trump is doing to US standing in the world at large.

Making the world a less stable and more dangerous place, plays into Russian interests, but not in the interests of the USA or its economic dominance of the world. America First has weakened the USA, and Putin couldn't be happier with the fracturing of NATO, the free hand in the Crimea, and the destruction of the global trade alliances that have made the USA the richest country in the world. Not to mention the US has ceded American influence in the ME to Putin.

Pulling out of TPP gave the Chinese dominance in trade in the Pacific Region. Chairman XI thanks Trump. Kim now has a massive nuclear arsenal - that they didn't have before Trump became President.
For decades we have had one or two women run at times in each party. Suddenly they come out of the woodwork as if to ensure Hillary wont run again? To try mainstreaming their radical ideals? To have a reason to bitch about Trump everyday?

It's not like women suddenly became qualified after getting airtime on our radical MSM outlets.

Why the sudden flurry?
A serious question. Why the sudden explosion.
Curiosity broadens the mind

Hillary came close to winning.

they think they have a chance
Possible but I doubt it is that simple.

I think it has more to do with "protected" classes knowing they wont face serious questions.

For example:

Kamala fucked her way to the top but you KNOW WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that no MSM journalist will ever broach that subject. Meanwhile they will accuse an innocent man of rape based on ZERO EVIDENCE. Then they will turn around and drill said person with asinine questions as if they are guilty.

Intriguing viewpoint. You could almost wonder why any white male would run for office nowadays (or ANY male run as a Republican) when they’re fair game for the ravenous media and their mass of minions.
"Liberal" women are a protected class in the media.

Having watched a quarter century of the most vicious smear campaign the world has ever seen waged against Hillary, Grampa vents his delusion.


One wonders if the outrage against what was done to Sarah Palin was similar. IOW, is it only bad when the other guy does it?

What was done to Sarah Palin was not the same at all. Palin was spectacularly unqualified for federal office, so what was done was not at all the same. I would say that Palin was given the "Dan Quayle treatment" - mocked relentlessly and cruelly, but not a candidate who should have been on the ticket in the first place.

Unlike the Clintons, Palin wasn't falsely accused of criminal behaviour, under federal investigation for years, and smeared daily by endless Congressional investigations, without every having been charge with a crime. Every one of these investigations ended the same way: no witnesses, no evidence, no crimes were actually committed. Then Republicans would close the cover of their final report, and say "We're not satisfied with the results of this investigation, we're going to keep digging. A new investigation will be undertaken starting tomorrow", or words to that effect.

All of these investigations started with Republicans/FOX News publishing false rumours about the Clintons, i.e. the Clintons had Vince Foster murdered. The public narrative started focusing on supposed inconsistencies in where the gun was found and other bullshit rumours, none of which were true. Eventually, Republican officials would say that enough questions had been raised that the Special Counsel should look into it, and an investigation of the matter would begin.

Ken Starr dutifully investigated whether or not Vince Foster committed suicide, and concluded that there was no basis for thinking that his death was anything but a suicide. Foster's sister has publically said that she knew that he had committeed suicide the moment she heard that he had died, and had been urgently trying to find someone to treat Foster's deep and persistent depression in the week leading up to his death. But still you have the liars and the Russians on this board, saying that the Clintons murdered Foster. Did anyone manufacture false charges of "rape" against Palin's husband, like Starr did with Anita Broaddrick, forcing her to recant her sworn affidavit that Bill Clinton did not rape her, by threatening to charge her with perjury and throw her in jail if she didn't?

Show me where Sarah Palin was treated remotely similarly.
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For decades we have had one or two women run at times in each party. Suddenly they come out of the woodwork as if to ensure Hillary wont run again? To try mainstreaming their radical ideals? To have a reason to bitch about Trump everyday?

It's not like women suddenly became qualified after getting airtime on our radical MSM outlets.

Why the sudden flurry?
Or more likely because Hillary gave them hope.

Having a vagina doesn’t qualify anyone for office. “If Hillary almost won, that gives us hope,” really? I hope more people than not vote for a person based on their policies, not their genitals. My 2016 vote for president had absolutely nothing to do with the sex of the candidates and people who vote this way shouldn’t be allowed to vote imo bc they’re obviously lacking intellectually.
What was done to Sarah Palin was not the same at all.

What was done to Sarah was terrible, horrible, nothing short of inhumane. Just imagine, they quoted her, verbatim, word for word, at length. No one, literally no one should be subjected to such agony, and no one ever was, previously.
God just do humanity a favor and stop voting lol

Actually I don’t vote much. In November only three of the offices on my ballot had a candidate selected for them. I voted on all three ballot questions and the US Senate, US Representative and State Representative races onky. Everything else was left blank for lack of a candidate I cared about or could support.

You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.

The board is overrun with Russian trolls who are promoting the Putin Party line, as you well know. As long as you a$$holes are here, we're going to keep reminding you that we know who you are, and we know what you're doing. You're not fooling anyone.

There are many international posters on this forum, but the difference between international members of this forum and you lying Russians, is just that: You're lying. You're pretending to be Americans, and trying to prop up the idea that Donald Trump is doing a good job, and praising policies which are favourable to Russia and its interests, and which are not in the best interests of the USA or its people.

We're not lying. We say who we are and where we're from, and offering alternative points of view. You're lying about who you are, and you're promoting a line that what is good for Russia is good for the USA, and downplaying the destruction Trump is doing to US standing in the world at large.

Making the world a less stable and more dangerous place, plays into Russian interests, but not in the interests of the USA or its economic dominance of the world. America First has weakened the USA, and Putin couldn't be happier with the fracturing of NATO, the free hand in the Crimea, and the destruction of the global trade alliances that have made the USA the richest country in the world. Not to mention the US has ceded American influence in the ME to Putin.

Pulling out of TPP gave the Chinese dominance in trade in the Pacific Region. Chairman XI thanks Trump. Kim now has a massive nuclear arsenal - that they didn't have before Trump became President.

Look nut job, you keep claiming I am a Russian troll, do you have proof or are you just spouting nonsense because that is how you Russian trolls deflect? I have often denounced Russia and I hate Putin because of who he is. So you believe what you need to believe to help you with all your mental issues and your inability to counter arguments and out and out lies, its all good with me.

How do we know you are from Canada, only because you claim to be, with all the lies we catch you in, I think you are the Russian troll trying to deflect the suspicions off yourself, see we can play your stupid nonsense all day long.

As far as the tariffs, we are doing fine and it isn't really any of your business, now off to your so called boycott of American products. LOL! That is a funny one!
What was done to Sarah Palin was not the same at all.

What was done to Sarah was terrible, horrible, nothing short of inhumane. Just imagine, they quoted her, verbatim, word for word, at length. No one, literally no one should be subjected to such agony, and no one ever did, previously.

No they didn't they twisted and lied, look at the whole I can see Russia from my house quote, that wasn't her it was Tina Fey but hey, just another left wing lie so it is all good. LOL!
God just do humanity a favor and stop voting lol

Actually I don’t vote much. In November only three of the offices on my ballot had a candidate selected for them. I voted on all three ballot questions and the US Senate, US Representative and State Representative races onky. Everything else was left blank for lack of a candidate I cared about or could support.

You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.

The board is overrun with Russian trolls who are promoting the Putin Party line, as you well know. As long as you a$$holes are here, we're going to keep reminding you that we know who you are, and we know what you're doing. You're not fooling anyone.

There are many international posters on this forum, but the difference between international members of this forum and you lying Russians, is just that: You're lying. You're pretending to be Americans, and trying to prop up the idea that Donald Trump is doing a good job, and praising policies which are favourable to Russia and its interests, and which are not in the best interests of the USA or its people.

We're not lying. We say who we are and where we're from, and offering alternative points of view. You're lying about who you are, and you're promoting a line that what is good for Russia is good for the USA, and downplaying the destruction Trump is doing to US standing in the world at large.

Making the world a less stable and more dangerous place, plays into Russian interests, but not in the interests of the USA or its economic dominance of the world. America First has weakened the USA, and Putin couldn't be happier with the fracturing of NATO, the free hand in the Crimea, and the destruction of the global trade alliances that have made the USA the richest country in the world. Not to mention the US has ceded American influence in the ME to Putin.

Pulling out of TPP gave the Chinese dominance in trade in the Pacific Region. Chairman XI thanks Trump. Kim now has a massive nuclear arsenal - that they didn't have before Trump became President.

Look nut job, you keep claiming I am a Russian troll, do you have proof or are you just spouting nonsense because that is how you Russian trolls deflect? I have often denounced Russia and I hate Putin because of who he is. So you believe what you need to believe to help you with all your mental issues and your inability to counter arguments and out and out lies, its all good with me.

How do we know you are from Canada, only because you claim to be, with all the lies we catch you in, I think you are the Russian troll trying to deflect the suspicions off yourself, see we can play your stupid nonsense all day long.

As far as the tariffs, we are doing fine and it isn't really any of your business, now off to your so called boycott of American products. LOL! That is a funny one!

As soon as you said "Because of all of the lies we catch you in". Show me one instance where I have been caught out lying in regards to the political facts I post. Just one. And that includes about where I am and who I am.
God just do humanity a favor and stop voting lol

Actually I don’t vote much. In November only three of the offices on my ballot had a candidate selected for them. I voted on all three ballot questions and the US Senate, US Representative and State Representative races onky. Everything else was left blank for lack of a candidate I cared about or could support.

You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.
"Troll" isn't defined as "woman who puts you in your place."
Actually I don’t vote much. In November only three of the offices on my ballot had a candidate selected for them. I voted on all three ballot questions and the US Senate, US Representative and State Representative races onky. Everything else was left blank for lack of a candidate I cared about or could support.

You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.

The board is overrun with Russian trolls who are promoting the Putin Party line, as you well know. As long as you a$$holes are here, we're going to keep reminding you that we know who you are, and we know what you're doing. You're not fooling anyone.

There are many international posters on this forum, but the difference between international members of this forum and you lying Russians, is just that: You're lying. You're pretending to be Americans, and trying to prop up the idea that Donald Trump is doing a good job, and praising policies which are favourable to Russia and its interests, and which are not in the best interests of the USA or its people.

We're not lying. We say who we are and where we're from, and offering alternative points of view. You're lying about who you are, and you're promoting a line that what is good for Russia is good for the USA, and downplaying the destruction Trump is doing to US standing in the world at large.

Making the world a less stable and more dangerous place, plays into Russian interests, but not in the interests of the USA or its economic dominance of the world. America First has weakened the USA, and Putin couldn't be happier with the fracturing of NATO, the free hand in the Crimea, and the destruction of the global trade alliances that have made the USA the richest country in the world. Not to mention the US has ceded American influence in the ME to Putin.

Pulling out of TPP gave the Chinese dominance in trade in the Pacific Region. Chairman XI thanks Trump. Kim now has a massive nuclear arsenal - that they didn't have before Trump became President.

Look nut job, you keep claiming I am a Russian troll, do you have proof or are you just spouting nonsense because that is how you Russian trolls deflect? I have often denounced Russia and I hate Putin because of who he is. So you believe what you need to believe to help you with all your mental issues and your inability to counter arguments and out and out lies, its all good with me.

How do we know you are from Canada, only because you claim to be, with all the lies we catch you in, I think you are the Russian troll trying to deflect the suspicions off yourself, see we can play your stupid nonsense all day long.

As far as the tariffs, we are doing fine and it isn't really any of your business, now off to your so called boycott of American products. LOL! That is a funny one!

As soon as you said "Because of all of the lies we catch you in". Show me one instance where I have been caught out lying in regards to the political facts I post. Just one. And that includes about where I am and who I am.
Don't expect an answer to that. Whenever I ask for that, they seem to disappear.
Donald Trump showed us what the Republican Party think of women.

And women became motivated.

No, he showed us what HE thinks of women. You, bring obsessed with Republicans, automatically made up the rest.

That Republicans didn't care, don't care, and still continue to refuse to believe women who have been attacked, showed that Republicans have no problem with any of these behaviours, past or present.
If the blob’s election teaches us anything it is this; that if you are on the General Election ballot, you hav a coin flip’s chance of winning.
got to get through a primary though. this will be fun to watch them all eat each other in debates. I'll have plenty of popcorn.
Donald Trump showed us what the Republican Party think of women.

And women became motivated.

No, he showed us what HE thinks of women. You, bring obsessed with Republicans, automatically made up the rest.

That Republicans didn't care, don't care, and still continue to refuse to believe women who have been attacked, showed that Republicans have no problem with any of these behaviours, past or present.
women have been attacked my ass. the girlfriend of one of yours stated he knocked the snot out of her, and you all turned your cheeks. you all are hypocrites and whiners. simply put. you are so inconsistent in this. I laugh at your attempt to seem genuine. accept you come off as stupid.
God just do humanity a favor and stop voting lol

Actually I don’t vote much. In November only three of the offices on my ballot had a candidate selected for them. I voted on all three ballot questions and the US Senate, US Representative and State Representative races onky. Everything else was left blank for lack of a candidate I cared about or could support.

You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.
"Troll" isn't defined as "woman who puts you in your place."

She keeps lying about me being a troll, without any evidence, she isn't putting anyone in their place she is flat out and out lying, I am sorry you aren't smart enough to see the difference.
Actually I don’t vote much. In November only three of the offices on my ballot had a candidate selected for them. I voted on all three ballot questions and the US Senate, US Representative and State Representative races onky. Everything else was left blank for lack of a candidate I cared about or could support.

You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.

The board is overrun with Russian trolls who are promoting the Putin Party line, as you well know. As long as you a$$holes are here, we're going to keep reminding you that we know who you are, and we know what you're doing. You're not fooling anyone.

There are many international posters on this forum, but the difference between international members of this forum and you lying Russians, is just that: You're lying. You're pretending to be Americans, and trying to prop up the idea that Donald Trump is doing a good job, and praising policies which are favourable to Russia and its interests, and which are not in the best interests of the USA or its people.

We're not lying. We say who we are and where we're from, and offering alternative points of view. You're lying about who you are, and you're promoting a line that what is good for Russia is good for the USA, and downplaying the destruction Trump is doing to US standing in the world at large.

Making the world a less stable and more dangerous place, plays into Russian interests, but not in the interests of the USA or its economic dominance of the world. America First has weakened the USA, and Putin couldn't be happier with the fracturing of NATO, the free hand in the Crimea, and the destruction of the global trade alliances that have made the USA the richest country in the world. Not to mention the US has ceded American influence in the ME to Putin.

Pulling out of TPP gave the Chinese dominance in trade in the Pacific Region. Chairman XI thanks Trump. Kim now has a massive nuclear arsenal - that they didn't have before Trump became President.

Look nut job, you keep claiming I am a Russian troll, do you have proof or are you just spouting nonsense because that is how you Russian trolls deflect? I have often denounced Russia and I hate Putin because of who he is. So you believe what you need to believe to help you with all your mental issues and your inability to counter arguments and out and out lies, its all good with me.

How do we know you are from Canada, only because you claim to be, with all the lies we catch you in, I think you are the Russian troll trying to deflect the suspicions off yourself, see we can play your stupid nonsense all day long.

As far as the tariffs, we are doing fine and it isn't really any of your business, now off to your so called boycott of American products. LOL! That is a funny one!

As soon as you said "Because of all of the lies we catch you in". Show me one instance where I have been caught out lying in regards to the political facts I post. Just one. And that includes about where I am and who I am.

For one you lied about me being a Russian troll, so unless you have proof, you have lied.
God just do humanity a favor and stop voting lol

Actually I don’t vote much. In November only three of the offices on my ballot had a candidate selected for them. I voted on all three ballot questions and the US Senate, US Representative and State Representative races onky. Everything else was left blank for lack of a candidate I cared about or could support.

You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.

The board is overrun with Russian trolls who are promoting the Putin Party line, as you well know. As long as you a$$holes are here, we're going to keep reminding you that we know who you are, and we know what you're doing. You're not fooling anyone.

There are many international posters on this forum, but the difference between international members of this forum and you lying Russians, is just that: You're lying. You're pretending to be Americans, and trying to prop up the idea that Donald Trump is doing a good job, and praising policies which are favourable to Russia and its interests, and which are not in the best interests of the USA or its people.

We're not lying. We say who we are and where we're from, and offering alternative points of view. You're lying about who you are, and you're promoting a line that what is good for Russia is good for the USA, and downplaying the destruction Trump is doing to US standing in the world at large.

Making the world a less stable and more dangerous place, plays into Russian interests, but not in the interests of the USA or its economic dominance of the world. America First has weakened the USA, and Putin couldn't be happier with the fracturing of NATO, the free hand in the Crimea, and the destruction of the global trade alliances that have made the USA the richest country in the world. Not to mention the US has ceded American influence in the ME to Putin.

Pulling out of TPP gave the Chinese dominance in trade in the Pacific Region. Chairman XI thanks Trump. Kim now has a massive nuclear arsenal - that they didn't have before Trump became President.

Look nut job, you keep claiming I am a Russian troll, do you have proof or are you just spouting nonsense because that is how you Russian trolls deflect? I have often denounced Russia and I hate Putin because of who he is. So you believe what you need to believe to help you with all your mental issues and your inability to counter arguments and out and out lies, its all good with me.

How do we know you are from Canada, only because you claim to be, with all the lies we catch you in, I think you are the Russian troll trying to deflect the suspicions off yourself, see we can play your stupid nonsense all day long.

As far as the tariffs, we are doing fine and it isn't really any of your business, now off to your so called boycott of American products. LOL! That is a funny one!
What's funny is she isn't even an American citizen.
She is the textbook definition of a FOREIGN TROLL
For decades we have had one or two women run at times in each party. Suddenly they come out of the woodwork as if to ensure Hillary wont run again? To try mainstreaming their radical ideals? To have a reason to bitch about Trump everyday?

It's not like women suddenly became qualified after getting airtime on our radical MSM outlets.

Why the sudden flurry?
A serious question. Why the sudden explosion.
Curiosity broadens the mind

Hillary came close to winning.

they think they have a chance
You hit the nail on the head.
What was done to Sarah Palin was not the same at all.

What was done to Sarah was terrible, horrible, nothing short of inhumane. Just imagine, they quoted her, verbatim, word for word, at length. No one, literally no one should be subjected to such agony, and no one ever did, previously.

No they didn't they twisted and lied, look at the whole I can see Russia from my house quote, that wasn't her it was Tina Fey but hey, just another left wing lie so it is all good. LOL!

For laughing out loud... Asked about her foreign policy insight regarding Russia, Palin said, "you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska", as if that conveyed any insight at all. So, yeah, they spiked that a bit, hence your strident whining. Her foreign policy insights concerning Russia were still grotesquely lacking for someone potentially a heartbeat away from the presidency, as were her policy insights generally, as was her ability coherently to utter a political thought more complex than tying shoelaces.

For pity's sake...

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