Why the sudden explosion of liberal women running for president?

For decades we have had one or two women run at times in each party. Suddenly they come out of the woodwork as if to ensure Hillary wont run again? To try mainstreaming their radical ideals? To have a reason to bitch about Trump everyday?

It's not like women suddenly became qualified after getting airtime on our radical MSM outlets.

Why the sudden flurry?

a recent POTUS candidate won the 2016 election; a candidate that has a history of sexually assaulting women, a candidate that has a history of screwing students & contractors out of hundred$ of million$ of dollar$, a candidate that excoriated US military veterans & handicapped US citizens, a candidate that incited his campaign crowds to violence against others, a candidate that cheated on EVERY wife he ever had (at least three wives), a candidate that dodged US military service during war time for no legitimate reason, and a candidate that had absolutely NO political experience whatsoever.

IMO, the way most folks look at that = when folks elect that type of trailer trash pond scum that floats on top of the swamp, then anyone could potentially run for POTUS & win the whole goddamn fvcking thing.

Think about that = the bar is as low as it ever was post Trump.

I'm sure the many women that will join the ranks of candidates for 2020 will have much better cred than the previous ass hole.
Well said. I don't know that women are stepping forward because Trump lowered the bar--that sort of implies that the women can't step very high, doesn't it?--but the fact that he was elected is definitely a factor.
For decades we have had one or two women run at times in each party. Suddenly they come out of the woodwork as if to ensure Hillary wont run again? To try mainstreaming their radical ideals? To have a reason to bitch about Trump everyday?

It's not like women suddenly became qualified after getting airtime on our radical MSM outlets.

Why the sudden flurry?
Or more likely because Hillary gave them hope.

Having a vagina doesn’t qualify anyone for office. “If Hillary almost won, that gives us hope,” really? I hope more people than not vote for a person based on their policies, not their genitals. My 2016 vote for president had absolutely nothing to do with the sex of the candidates and people who vote this way shouldn’t be allowed to vote imo bc they’re obviously lacking intellectually.
What makes you automatically assume these candidates will be voted for because they are women? That is most likely not the fact at all. You're right--it isn't what is between a candidate's legs that counts--it is what is between their ears.
May the best person win.
What was done to Sarah Palin was not the same at all.

What was done to Sarah was terrible, horrible, nothing short of inhumane. Just imagine, they quoted her, verbatim, word for word, at length. No one, literally no one should be subjected to such agony, and no one ever did, previously.

No they didn't they twisted and lied, look at the whole I can see Russia from my house quote, that wasn't her it was Tina Fey but hey, just another left wing lie so it is all good. LOL!

For laughing out loud... Asked about her foreign policy insight regarding Russia, Palin said, "you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska", as if that conveyed any insight at all. So, yeah, they spiked that a bit, hence your strident whining. Her foreign policy insights concerning Russia were still grotesquely lacking for someone potentially a heartbeat away from the presidency, as were her policy insights generally, as was her ability coherently to utter a political thought more complex than tying shoelaces.

For pity's sake...

So she didn't say you can see Russia from my house? I didn't think so. The press was at her door step, rented a home next to hers, constantly misquoted and dogged her, even after the election they couldn't let her go. The GOP and the Democrats are crazy nuts on attacking people that disagree with them, to me it is all politics, if you don't like it, get out of the game and if you don't tow the party line, they will eat their own.
What’s funny is that the number of Republican women in Congress hasn’t changed, has it?
God just do humanity a favor and stop voting lol

Actually I don’t vote much. In November only three of the offices on my ballot had a candidate selected for them. I voted on all three ballot questions and the US Senate, US Representative and State Representative races onky. Everything else was left blank for lack of a candidate I cared about or could support.

You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.
"Troll" isn't defined as "woman who puts you in your place."

She keeps lying about me being a troll, without any evidence, she isn't putting anyone in their place she is flat out and out lying, I am sorry you aren't smart enough to see the difference.
I know you aren't a troll, Papa, but that doesn't make her a troll. "Lying" is saying something you know to be untrue and doing it intentionally to deceive. I don't think she would do that. She is having a flight of the imagination, which happens to the best of us at times. I believe the whole thing with the Catholic boys and the black Jews and the indian with the tomtom was broadcast by a Russian troll. Is it true? Dunno. But it's my guess, not a "lie."
Actually I don’t vote much. In November only three of the offices on my ballot had a candidate selected for them. I voted on all three ballot questions and the US Senate, US Representative and State Representative races onky. Everything else was left blank for lack of a candidate I cared about or could support.

You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.
"Troll" isn't defined as "woman who puts you in your place."

She keeps lying about me being a troll, without any evidence, she isn't putting anyone in their place she is flat out and out lying, I am sorry you aren't smart enough to see the difference.
I know you aren't a troll, Papa, but that doesn't make her a troll. "Lying" is saying something you know to be untrue and doing it intentionally to deceive. I don't think she would do that. She is having a flight of the imagination, which happens to the best of us at times. I believe the whole thing with the Catholic boys and the black Jews and the indian with the tomtom was broadcast by a Russian troll. Is it true? Dunno. But it's my guess, not a "lie."
Rudy Giuliani said he hopes his legacy isn’t that on his tombstone it says “I lied for Donald Trump“.

That’s a true story.
For decades we have had one or two women run at times in each party. Suddenly they come out of the woodwork as if to ensure Hillary wont run again? To try mainstreaming their radical ideals? To have a reason to bitch about Trump everyday?

It's not like women suddenly became qualified after getting airtime on our radical MSM outlets.

Why the sudden flurry?

a recent POTUS candidate won the 2016 election; a candidate that has a history of sexually assaulting women, a candidate that has a history of screwing students & contractors out of hundred$ of million$ of dollar$, a candidate that excoriated US military veterans & handicapped US citizens, a candidate that incited his campaign crowds to violence against others, a candidate that cheated on EVERY wife he ever had (at least three wives), a candidate that dodged US military service during war time for no legitimate reason, and a candidate that had absolutely NO political experience whatsoever.

IMO, the way most folks look at that = when folks elect that type of trailer trash pond scum that floats on top of the swamp, then anyone could potentially run for POTUS & win the whole goddamn fvcking thing.

Think about that = the bar is as low as it ever was post Trump.

I'm sure the many women that will join the ranks of candidates for 2020 will have much better cred than the previous ass hole.
Well said. I don't know that women are stepping forward because Trump lowered the bar--that sort of implies that the women can't step very high, doesn't it?--but the fact that he was elected is definitely a factor.

When you scrape the bottom of the barrel (Trump) then there only one direction to go = up

As I stated earlier = "I'm sure the many women that will join the ranks of candidates for 2020 will have much better cred than the previous ass hole."
You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.
"Troll" isn't defined as "woman who puts you in your place."

She keeps lying about me being a troll, without any evidence, she isn't putting anyone in their place she is flat out and out lying, I am sorry you aren't smart enough to see the difference.
I know you aren't a troll, Papa, but that doesn't make her a troll. "Lying" is saying something you know to be untrue and doing it intentionally to deceive. I don't think she would do that. She is having a flight of the imagination, which happens to the best of us at times. I believe the whole thing with the Catholic boys and the black Jews and the indian with the tomtom was broadcast by a Russian troll. Is it true? Dunno. But it's my guess, not a "lie."
Rudy Giuliani said he hopes his legacy isn’t that on his tombstone it says “I lied for Donald Trump“.

That’s a true story.

Rudy G. must be thinking about death a lot lately.

He made that statement a few weeks ago = "over my dead body" and now this new statement.

Maybe Rudy is finally ready to go home to Satan.
For decades we have had one or two women run at times in each party. Suddenly they come out of the woodwork as if to ensure Hillary wont run again? To try mainstreaming their radical ideals? To have a reason to bitch about Trump everyday?

It's not like women suddenly became qualified after getting airtime on our radical MSM outlets.

Why the sudden flurry?
It's because of the MeToo movement; they think men will be afraid not to vote for them, and if they lose, they will claim not voting for them is a form of sexual harassment.
Actually I don’t vote much. In November only three of the offices on my ballot had a candidate selected for them. I voted on all three ballot questions and the US Senate, US Representative and State Representative races onky. Everything else was left blank for lack of a candidate I cared about or could support.

You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.
"Troll" isn't defined as "woman who puts you in your place."

She keeps lying about me being a troll, without any evidence, she isn't putting anyone in their place she is flat out and out lying, I am sorry you aren't smart enough to see the difference.
I know you aren't a troll, Papa, but that doesn't make her a troll. "Lying" is saying something you know to be untrue and doing it intentionally to deceive. I don't think she would do that. She is having a flight of the imagination, which happens to the best of us at times. I believe the whole thing with the Catholic boys and the black Jews and the indian with the tomtom was broadcast by a troll. Is it true? Dunno. But it's my guess, not a "lie."

Then she is lying, pure and simple, she is intentionally deceiving when she calls those that don't agree with her Russian trolls. It isn't the first time she has done it and I doubt it will be the last time, it is her MO anymore. It is a cheap shot, just like calling people racist or homophobic when you can't counter their argument. It is dishonest and a cheap shot to try to win an argument you can't win intellectually. Once is fine but more than that it is dishonest and is lying. She can either put up evidence or shut up. Pretty simple.

She also claimed Democrats protested Reagan's Immigration and Control Act of 1986. In Congress the majority of Democrat approved the bill, it was bipartisan, another falsehood.
You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

I could not care any less if you folks like, respect, agree with, or take me seriously. That’s not my reason for being here. I will say that as a Nationalist and an Isolationist your assertion that I’m a Russian troll is ludicrous and frankly, insulting.

I definitely stand far closer to the Taliban than I do the Democrat or Republican parties, and I’m perfectly happy to admit that. What upsets me is that I have to look halfway around the world to find a political organization that I can come close to identifying with.

I vote for Republicans almost as infrequently as I do Democrat’s. Over the seven Presidential elections where I’ve been of legal voting age I’ve voted for myself twice (2012 & 2016); independent candidates twice (1992 & 2008), ignored the POTUS line twice (1996 & 2000) and only voted for a Republican once (2004).
What’s funny is that the number of Republican women in Congress hasn’t changed, has it?

Neither have you, you got a point or are you still spitting out BS that is profound only to you?
Why aren't women in the Republican Party running for office?

I don't know nor do I care. I am not a Republican and have only voted for a Republican President once since 2004. I hate both parties, they are ruining America.
For decades we have had one or two women run at times in each party. Suddenly they come out of the woodwork as if to ensure Hillary wont run again? To try mainstreaming their radical ideals? To have a reason to bitch about Trump everyday?

It's not like women suddenly became qualified after getting airtime on our radical MSM outlets.

Why the sudden flurry?
guys are slacking and women think they can do it, too.
You actually think that anyone takes anything you post seriously? The moment you said you'd her "put her into the ground" if a female member of your family defied your wishes, you proved that you are a complete idiot, and probably a Russian troll.

If we assume that you really are an idiot American, your statement that you believe you have a right to murder a member of your family who defies you, demonstrates that you stand with the Taliban and other extremist Muslims, in controlling the behaviour of women.

How you vote, who you vote for, is an ample demonstration that the Republican Party only appeals to those who want to live in the past, when men were men and sheep were frightened.

How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.
"Troll" isn't defined as "woman who puts you in your place."

She keeps lying about me being a troll, without any evidence, she isn't putting anyone in their place she is flat out and out lying, I am sorry you aren't smart enough to see the difference.
I know you aren't a troll, Papa, but that doesn't make her a troll. "Lying" is saying something you know to be untrue and doing it intentionally to deceive. I don't think she would do that. She is having a flight of the imagination, which happens to the best of us at times. I believe the whole thing with the Catholic boys and the black Jews and the indian with the tomtom was broadcast by a troll. Is it true? Dunno. But it's my guess, not a "lie."

Then she is lying, pure and simple, she is intentionally deceiving when she calls those that don't agree with her Russian trolls. It isn't the first time she has done it and I doubt it will be the last time, it is her MO anymore. It is a cheap shot, just like calling people racist or homophobic when you can't counter their argument. It is dishonest and a cheap shot to try to win an argument you can't win intellectually. Once is fine but more than that it is dishonest and is lying. She can either put up evidence or shut up. Pretty simple.

She also claimed Democrats protested Reagan's Immigration and Control Act of 1986. In Congress the majority of Democrat approved the bill, it was bipartisan, another falsehood.
I give up.
How many times are you going to toss out the "Russian Troll" BS. That is a pretty weak argument especially coming from a Canadian troll.
"Troll" isn't defined as "woman who puts you in your place."

She keeps lying about me being a troll, without any evidence, she isn't putting anyone in their place she is flat out and out lying, I am sorry you aren't smart enough to see the difference.
I know you aren't a troll, Papa, but that doesn't make her a troll. "Lying" is saying something you know to be untrue and doing it intentionally to deceive. I don't think she would do that. She is having a flight of the imagination, which happens to the best of us at times. I believe the whole thing with the Catholic boys and the black Jews and the indian with the tomtom was broadcast by a troll. Is it true? Dunno. But it's my guess, not a "lie."

Then she is lying, pure and simple, she is intentionally deceiving when she calls those that don't agree with her Russian trolls. It isn't the first time she has done it and I doubt it will be the last time, it is her MO anymore. It is a cheap shot, just like calling people racist or homophobic when you can't counter their argument. It is dishonest and a cheap shot to try to win an argument you can't win intellectually. Once is fine but more than that it is dishonest and is lying. She can either put up evidence or shut up. Pretty simple.

She also claimed Democrats protested Reagan's Immigration and Control Act of 1986. In Congress the majority of Democrat approved the bill, it was bipartisan, another falsehood.
I give up.

When you are completely wrong, as in this case, it's a good idea.
So she didn't say you can see Russia from my house? I didn't think so.

So, a comedy show made fun of Palin's statement. Imagine the ordeal.

Whereas Hillary was merely accused of some select pieces of the criminal code, including murder. Yeah, I see it now, how lightly "liberal women" are being treated in their safe space in the media.

BTW, Papageorgio, when did you decide that you'd be better off without the sense of embarrassment?

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