Why there is no border security without a wall.

Well, not today. Today, the congress just passed a funding bill without one penny for the wall. Trump caved again. I'm sure he will get used to Pelosi leading him around like a puppy on a leash. He's doing what she tells him before she even takes the Speaker of the House gavel. Imagine what she will do to him after she becomes Speaker.

And you don't know what the term dark money is right? So no money was earmarked for the maintenance of a 600 mile wall we already have?


You're grabbing at straws again. Trump wanted 5 billion. He was offered 1.3 billion. His fat mouth got him nothing.

Once again you never heard of dark money have you? The only reason you oppose it is because of politics..


Sounds more like you just heard of it. They dont use it to fund walls. Its for elections.

Dark Money Basics

"Dark Money groups account for staggering gaps in understanding exactly how each funding dollar is being spent during political elections. These gaps are becoming wider with every election cycle. Political organizations working to influence the 2016 elections outside party or official campaign structures spent more than $15 million in 2015, and only reported about $5 million of that to the Federal Election Commission (FEC). For comparison, that $5 million alone is more than ten times more than what had been reported at this point in 2011, before the last presidential election cycle."

The B1 bomber was built with out Congress knowing about it jack ass of course I know about it.


Even if thats true you are a dumb jack ass for thinking that congress not knowing about it is the same as congress funding it. Pretty sure there are lots of things that congress doesnt know about that they fund. Everyone and their mother knows Drumpf wants to build a wall. :rolleyes:
Why do you always deflect to Trump? This is a national security issue to keep illegal rapist killing Mexicans out of the country..

It's a huge crisis..
Because Drumpf is the one pushing this and claiming Mexico is going to pay for it. Does it bother you that you fell for his con or something? Dont be embarrassed. A lot of idiots thought he was going to make Mexico pay for it. :rolleyes:

He could get Mexico to pay for it if he was a facist dictator like Obama was..

I know Obama is a great leader but I doubt even he would have been able to talk Mexico into funding something so stupid as a wall. :rolleyes:

So 600 miles of wall with mexico was built by Trump and we had no wall with mexico under Obama..

The left normal crying about Trump is getting boring....


Yes. We have some fence that is in disrepair. Trump bragged about a 30 ft high wall, and Mexico was going to pay for it. Have you figured out that he was lying yet?

Once again Trump could do it if he was a facist dictator like Obama was .

Lets say we increase border guards and electronics so that it's impossible for anyone to cross the border without being intercepted and caught. What do you do with them then. You can't simply turn them around and give them a shove. Warehousing them until we can give them the boot out of our country isn't realistic considering how long it takes to process their amnesty claim through a court system. And it's expensive and misses the point of keeping them out in the first place. We don't want to pay for them either through welfare system and Government programs but also not the cost of imprisoning them for months. It isn't cost effective.
And of course we could release them, maybe even tag and release with a gps device. again misses the point of keeping them out.

With a wall they aren't our problem. They don't get here and we don't have to do nothing with them. We can ignore them and their problems. Cheapest way out for us, Americans.

It isn't racial. Even if they were white we wouldn't want them here unless they brought money and/or jobs with them to pay their own way. We want to limit immigration to those who will make our country stronger/richer and keep out those who can't pay their own way.

If there is no border security without a wall.....then how did Trump 'secure our southern border' without one?
And you don't know what the term dark money is right? So no money was earmarked for the maintenance of a 600 mile wall we already have?


You're grabbing at straws again. Trump wanted 5 billion. He was offered 1.3 billion. His fat mouth got him nothing.

Once again you never heard of dark money have you? The only reason you oppose it is because of politics..


Sounds more like you just heard of it. They dont use it to fund walls. Its for elections.

Dark Money Basics

"Dark Money groups account for staggering gaps in understanding exactly how each funding dollar is being spent during political elections. These gaps are becoming wider with every election cycle. Political organizations working to influence the 2016 elections outside party or official campaign structures spent more than $15 million in 2015, and only reported about $5 million of that to the Federal Election Commission (FEC). For comparison, that $5 million alone is more than ten times more than what had been reported at this point in 2011, before the last presidential election cycle."

The B1 bomber was built with out Congress knowing about it jack ass of course I know about it.


Even if thats true you are a dumb jack ass for thinking that congress not knowing about it is the same as congress funding it. Pretty sure there are lots of things that congress doesnt know about that they fund. Everyone and their mother knows Drumpf wants to build a wall. :rolleyes:

Once again you never complained about Obama building a wall, but now bitch about Trump?

Because Drumpf is the one pushing this and claiming Mexico is going to pay for it. Does it bother you that you fell for his con or something? Dont be embarrassed. A lot of idiots thought he was going to make Mexico pay for it. :rolleyes:

He could get Mexico to pay for it if he was a facist dictator like Obama was..

I know Obama is a great leader but I doubt even he would have been able to talk Mexico into funding something so stupid as a wall. :rolleyes:

So 600 miles of wall with mexico was built by Trump and we had no wall with mexico under Obama..

The left normal crying about Trump is getting boring....

Sorry dog. Simply not true. Seems like you've been watching too much Faux news. :rolleyes:

Nearly 700 Miles of Fencing at the US-Mexico Border Already Exist

"But some 700 miles of border fencing had already been completed along the country's nearly 2,000-mile border with Mexico, much of it during Barack Obama's presidency, as part of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by George W. Bush."

And once again I never heard the left bitch about the wall during Obama

Why is that?

That doesnt change the fact that you are caught in a lie again or simply ignorant. :rolleyes:

Why would people bitch about Obama doing it?

Obama didnt make it racial thing, lie about who was going to pay for it, or try to make it his legacy. You see being an asshole will make people actively disdain you and everything you are about even if they previously agreed with you on a certain topic. :rolleyes:
Lets say we increase border guards and electronics so that it's impossible for anyone to cross the border without being intercepted and caught. What do you do with them then. You can't simply turn them around and give them a shove. Warehousing them until we can give them the boot out of our country isn't realistic considering how long it takes to process their amnesty claim through a court system. And it's expensive and misses the point of keeping them out in the first place. We don't want to pay for them either through welfare system and Government programs but also not the cost of imprisoning them for months. It isn't cost effective.
And of course we could release them, maybe even tag and release with a gps device. again misses the point of keeping them out.

With a wall they aren't our problem. They don't get here and we don't have to do nothing with them. We can ignore them and their problems. Cheapest way out for us, Americans.

It isn't racial. Even if they were white we wouldn't want them here unless they brought money and/or jobs with them to pay their own way. We want to limit immigration to those who will make our country stronger/richer and keep out those who can't pay their own way.

If there is no border security without a wall.....then how did Trump 'secure our southern border' without one?

600 miles of a wall In populated places?

Well, not today. Today, the congress just passed a funding bill without one penny for the wall. Trump caved again. I'm sure he will get used to Pelosi leading him around like a puppy on a leash. He's doing what she tells him before she even takes the Speaker of the House gavel. Imagine what she will do to him after she becomes Speaker.

And you don't know what the term dark money is right? So no money was earmarked for the maintenance of a 600 mile wall we already have?


You're grabbing at straws again. Trump wanted 5 billion. He was offered 1.3 billion. His fat mouth got him nothing.

Once again you never heard of dark money have you? The only reason you oppose it is because of politics..


Pelosi will have him rolling over and fetching a ball like a well trained puppy before too long. Trump doesn't know what it's like to go up against a REAL negotiator.

Against Nancy pelosi?

So all you do is want to taunt, right?
And not deal In reality ?


You think stating facts is taunting? Poor little right winger. Expect a lot more of that as Trump is reigned in. The republicans let him run wild like a spoiled brat in a candy store. Nancy will bring him the discipline he has needed for so long.
Lets say we increase border guards and electronics so that it's impossible for anyone to cross the border without being intercepted and caught. What do you do with them then. You can't simply turn them around and give them a shove. Warehousing them until we can give them the boot out of our country isn't realistic considering how long it takes to process their amnesty claim through a court system. And it's expensive and misses the point of keeping them out in the first place. We don't want to pay for them either through welfare system and Government programs but also not the cost of imprisoning them for months. It isn't cost effective.
And of course we could release them, maybe even tag and release with a gps device. again misses the point of keeping them out.

With a wall they aren't our problem. They don't get here and we don't have to do nothing with them. We can ignore them and their problems. Cheapest way out for us, Americans.

It isn't racial. Even if they were white we wouldn't want them here unless they brought money and/or jobs with them to pay their own way. We want to limit immigration to those who will make our country stronger/richer and keep out those who can't pay their own way.

If there is no border security without a wall.....then how did Trump 'secure our southern border' without one?

600 miles of a wall In populated places?


If the border is already 'secure' without any of Trump's new wall.........why do we need it to secure the border?
You're grabbing at straws again. Trump wanted 5 billion. He was offered 1.3 billion. His fat mouth got him nothing.

Once again you never heard of dark money have you? The only reason you oppose it is because of politics..


Sounds more like you just heard of it. They dont use it to fund walls. Its for elections.

Dark Money Basics

"Dark Money groups account for staggering gaps in understanding exactly how each funding dollar is being spent during political elections. These gaps are becoming wider with every election cycle. Political organizations working to influence the 2016 elections outside party or official campaign structures spent more than $15 million in 2015, and only reported about $5 million of that to the Federal Election Commission (FEC). For comparison, that $5 million alone is more than ten times more than what had been reported at this point in 2011, before the last presidential election cycle."

The B1 bomber was built with out Congress knowing about it jack ass of course I know about it.


Even if thats true you are a dumb jack ass for thinking that congress not knowing about it is the same as congress funding it. Pretty sure there are lots of things that congress doesnt know about that they fund. Everyone and their mother knows Drumpf wants to build a wall. :rolleyes:

Once again you never complained about Obama building a wall, but now bitch about Trump?


Thats because Obama never mentioned he was building a wall to my knowledge. :rolleyes:
Because Drumpf is the one pushing this and claiming Mexico is going to pay for it. Does it bother you that you fell for his con or something? Dont be embarrassed. A lot of idiots thought he was going to make Mexico pay for it. :rolleyes:

He could get Mexico to pay for it if he was a facist dictator like Obama was..

I know Obama is a great leader but I doubt even he would have been able to talk Mexico into funding something so stupid as a wall. :rolleyes:

So 600 miles of wall with mexico was built by Trump and we had no wall with mexico under Obama..

The left normal crying about Trump is getting boring....

Sorry dog. Simply not true. Seems like you've been watching too much Faux news. :rolleyes:

Nearly 700 Miles of Fencing at the US-Mexico Border Already Exist

"But some 700 miles of border fencing had already been completed along the country's nearly 2,000-mile border with Mexico, much of it during Barack Obama's presidency, as part of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by George W. Bush."

And once again I never heard the left bitch about the wall during Obama

Why is that?


And the right fought every step of the fence that got built. Why is that?
He could get Mexico to pay for it if he was a facist dictator like Obama was..

I know Obama is a great leader but I doubt even he would have been able to talk Mexico into funding something so stupid as a wall. :rolleyes:

So 600 miles of wall with mexico was built by Trump and we had no wall with mexico under Obama..

The left normal crying about Trump is getting boring....

Sorry dog. Simply not true. Seems like you've been watching too much Faux news. :rolleyes:

Nearly 700 Miles of Fencing at the US-Mexico Border Already Exist

"But some 700 miles of border fencing had already been completed along the country's nearly 2,000-mile border with Mexico, much of it during Barack Obama's presidency, as part of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by George W. Bush."

And once again I never heard the left bitch about the wall during Obama

Why is that?

That doesnt change the fact that you are caught in a lie again or simply ignorant. :rolleyes:

Why would people bitch about Obama doing it?

Obama didnt make it racial thing, lie about who was going to pay for it, or try to make it his legacy. You see being an asshole will make people actively disdain you and everything you are about even if they previously agreed with you on a certain topic. :rolleyes:

So this is all about racial and a legacy to you .

Of course I knew it already, it has nothing to do with border security with you .

So it's party over country with you once again..

I know Obama is a great leader but I doubt even he would have been able to talk Mexico into funding something so stupid as a wall. :rolleyes:

So 600 miles of wall with mexico was built by Trump and we had no wall with mexico under Obama..

The left normal crying about Trump is getting boring....

Sorry dog. Simply not true. Seems like you've been watching too much Faux news. :rolleyes:

Nearly 700 Miles of Fencing at the US-Mexico Border Already Exist

"But some 700 miles of border fencing had already been completed along the country's nearly 2,000-mile border with Mexico, much of it during Barack Obama's presidency, as part of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by George W. Bush."

And once again I never heard the left bitch about the wall during Obama

Why is that?

That doesnt change the fact that you are caught in a lie again or simply ignorant. :rolleyes:

Why would people bitch about Obama doing it?

Obama didnt make it racial thing, lie about who was going to pay for it, or try to make it his legacy. You see being an asshole will make people actively disdain you and everything you are about even if they previously agreed with you on a certain topic. :rolleyes:

So this is all about racial and a legacy to you .

Of course I knew it already, it has nothing to do with border security with you .

So it's party over country with you once again..


You finnaly admitted what I was pushing you to admit this has nothing to do with a wall, you could give a rats ass

I know Obama is a great leader but I doubt even he would have been able to talk Mexico into funding something so stupid as a wall. :rolleyes:

So 600 miles of wall with mexico was built by Trump and we had no wall with mexico under Obama..

The left normal crying about Trump is getting boring....

Sorry dog. Simply not true. Seems like you've been watching too much Faux news. :rolleyes:

Nearly 700 Miles of Fencing at the US-Mexico Border Already Exist

"But some 700 miles of border fencing had already been completed along the country's nearly 2,000-mile border with Mexico, much of it during Barack Obama's presidency, as part of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by George W. Bush."

And once again I never heard the left bitch about the wall during Obama

Why is that?

That doesnt change the fact that you are caught in a lie again or simply ignorant. :rolleyes:

Why would people bitch about Obama doing it?

Obama didnt make it racial thing, lie about who was going to pay for it, or try to make it his legacy. You see being an asshole will make people actively disdain you and everything you are about even if they previously agreed with you on a certain topic. :rolleyes:

So this is all about racial and a legacy to you .

Of course I knew it already, it has nothing to do with border security with you .

So it's party over country with you once again..

Cant stand racists. So yeah thats a large part of my stance towards a wall. If the next president wants to build a wall without being a racist more power to them but lets not pretend that its actually going to keep people out. :rolleyes:
So 600 miles of wall with mexico was built by Trump and we had no wall with mexico under Obama..

The left normal crying about Trump is getting boring....

Sorry dog. Simply not true. Seems like you've been watching too much Faux news. :rolleyes:

Nearly 700 Miles of Fencing at the US-Mexico Border Already Exist

"But some 700 miles of border fencing had already been completed along the country's nearly 2,000-mile border with Mexico, much of it during Barack Obama's presidency, as part of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by George W. Bush."

And once again I never heard the left bitch about the wall during Obama

Why is that?

That doesnt change the fact that you are caught in a lie again or simply ignorant. :rolleyes:

Why would people bitch about Obama doing it?

Obama didnt make it racial thing, lie about who was going to pay for it, or try to make it his legacy. You see being an asshole will make people actively disdain you and everything you are about even if they previously agreed with you on a certain topic. :rolleyes:

So this is all about racial and a legacy to you .

Of course I knew it already, it has nothing to do with border security with you .

So it's party over country with you once again..


You finnaly admitted what I was pushing you to admit this has nothing to do with a wall, you could give a rats ass

Wrong. It has everything to do with a wall. No one wants some wall with Drumpfs name on it standing at our southern border. :rolleyes:
So 600 miles of wall with mexico was built by Trump and we had no wall with mexico under Obama..

The left normal crying about Trump is getting boring....

Sorry dog. Simply not true. Seems like you've been watching too much Faux news. :rolleyes:

Nearly 700 Miles of Fencing at the US-Mexico Border Already Exist

"But some 700 miles of border fencing had already been completed along the country's nearly 2,000-mile border with Mexico, much of it during Barack Obama's presidency, as part of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by George W. Bush."

And once again I never heard the left bitch about the wall during Obama

Why is that?

That doesnt change the fact that you are caught in a lie again or simply ignorant. :rolleyes:

Why would people bitch about Obama doing it?

Obama didnt make it racial thing, lie about who was going to pay for it, or try to make it his legacy. You see being an asshole will make people actively disdain you and everything you are about even if they previously agreed with you on a certain topic. :rolleyes:

So this is all about racial and a legacy to you .

Of course I knew it already, it has nothing to do with border security with you .

So it's party over country with you once again..

Cant stand racists. So yeah thats a large part of my stance towards a wall. If the next president wants to build a wall without being a racist more power to them but lets not pretend that its actually going to keep people out. :rolleyes:

You don't know what that term means white boy, Trump's not a racist..this is just a game to you to post anonymous propaganda on a message board, don't you think you should be charged along with those 13 Russians?

Or is your propganda is harmless?
Sorry dog. Simply not true. Seems like you've been watching too much Faux news. :rolleyes:

Nearly 700 Miles of Fencing at the US-Mexico Border Already Exist

"But some 700 miles of border fencing had already been completed along the country's nearly 2,000-mile border with Mexico, much of it during Barack Obama's presidency, as part of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by George W. Bush."

And once again I never heard the left bitch about the wall during Obama

Why is that?

That doesnt change the fact that you are caught in a lie again or simply ignorant. :rolleyes:

Why would people bitch about Obama doing it?

Obama didnt make it racial thing, lie about who was going to pay for it, or try to make it his legacy. You see being an asshole will make people actively disdain you and everything you are about even if they previously agreed with you on a certain topic. :rolleyes:

So this is all about racial and a legacy to you .

Of course I knew it already, it has nothing to do with border security with you .

So it's party over country with you once again..


You finnaly admitted what I was pushing you to admit this has nothing to do with a wall, you could give a rats ass

Wrong. It has everything to do with a wall. No one wants some wall with Drumpfs name on it standing at our southern border. :rolleyes:

But you like a wall with Obama's name on it?

You just admitted Obama continued to build the wall.

Sorry dog. Simply not true. Seems like you've been watching too much Faux news. :rolleyes:

Nearly 700 Miles of Fencing at the US-Mexico Border Already Exist

"But some 700 miles of border fencing had already been completed along the country's nearly 2,000-mile border with Mexico, much of it during Barack Obama's presidency, as part of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by George W. Bush."

And once again I never heard the left bitch about the wall during Obama

Why is that?

That doesnt change the fact that you are caught in a lie again or simply ignorant. :rolleyes:

Why would people bitch about Obama doing it?

Obama didnt make it racial thing, lie about who was going to pay for it, or try to make it his legacy. You see being an asshole will make people actively disdain you and everything you are about even if they previously agreed with you on a certain topic. :rolleyes:

So this is all about racial and a legacy to you .

Of course I knew it already, it has nothing to do with border security with you .

So it's party over country with you once again..

Cant stand racists. So yeah thats a large part of my stance towards a wall. If the next president wants to build a wall without being a racist more power to them but lets not pretend that its actually going to keep people out. :rolleyes:

You don't know what that term means white boy, Trump's not a racist..this is just a game to you to post anonymous propaganda on a message board, don't you think you should be charged along with those 13 Russians?

Or is your propganda is harmless?
Drumpf is definitely a racist. He is also an idiot and so are you for falling for his con. There wont be a wall in his name. Sorry. :rolleyes:
The wall mean s nothing to you, taking down Trump does, because your a snow flake and it was Hillary's turn.
And once again I never heard the left bitch about the wall during Obama

Why is that?

That doesnt change the fact that you are caught in a lie again or simply ignorant. :rolleyes:

Why would people bitch about Obama doing it?

Obama didnt make it racial thing, lie about who was going to pay for it, or try to make it his legacy. You see being an asshole will make people actively disdain you and everything you are about even if they previously agreed with you on a certain topic. :rolleyes:

So this is all about racial and a legacy to you .

Of course I knew it already, it has nothing to do with border security with you .

So it's party over country with you once again..


You finnaly admitted what I was pushing you to admit this has nothing to do with a wall, you could give a rats ass

Wrong. It has everything to do with a wall. No one wants some wall with Drumpfs name on it standing at our southern border. :rolleyes:

But you like a wall with Obama's name on it?

You just admitted Obama continued to build the wall.

Theres no wall with Obamas name on it and yes Obama continued to build and repair the fencing.
And once again I never heard the left bitch about the wall during Obama

Why is that?

That doesnt change the fact that you are caught in a lie again or simply ignorant. :rolleyes:

Why would people bitch about Obama doing it?

Obama didnt make it racial thing, lie about who was going to pay for it, or try to make it his legacy. You see being an asshole will make people actively disdain you and everything you are about even if they previously agreed with you on a certain topic. :rolleyes:

So this is all about racial and a legacy to you .

Of course I knew it already, it has nothing to do with border security with you .

So it's party over country with you once again..

Cant stand racists. So yeah thats a large part of my stance towards a wall. If the next president wants to build a wall without being a racist more power to them but lets not pretend that its actually going to keep people out. :rolleyes:

You don't know what that term means white boy, Trump's not a racist..this is just a game to you to post anonymous propaganda on a message board, don't you think you should be charged along with those 13 Russians?

Or is your propganda is harmless?
Drumpf is definitely a racist. He is also an idiot and so are you for falling for his con. There wont be a wall in his name. Sorry. :rolleyes:

Party before safety of the country.. I keep catching you on your real motives propaganda fool


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