Why this forum is predominantly white alt-right userbase?

And Trump defended these white nationalists.

Trump: 'Not All' Protesters In Charlottesville Were White Supremacists

Really? Then what were they doing there?

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

Don't want to piss off your base.

Why wouldn't those guys support Trump? He was the only candidate with the balls to speak out against mass 3rd world immigration which has already destroyed Europe and threatens to do the same to America. Most likely, it's already too late.
Trump was a big fu to the establishment. Many of them aren't racist but are sick of being called racists.
So they support racists. Well, one at least.
I don't even think Trump's racist. He's just courting their votes.

Is Hillary a poor welfare bum? No but she courts them.

Nothing of Trump's platform or campaign was "courting" racists.
Oh bullshit. Don't bullshit a bullshitter. We all know he courted the white nationalists. Straight out of Hitler's playbook. Don't be naive. But so what? Do you know who that message appeals to? All of us. None of us, even sons of immigrants, want them to continue flooding the market with cheap labor.

Do you know who hates illegals? Legal immigrants. Even Mexican ones. The illegals are driving down wages.

My favorite quote from a White Nationalist was that Trump handed his daughter over to a Jew. LOL

Rally organizer: 'President let a Jew steal his daughter' | Daily Mail Online

You admit that cheap immigrant labor is a valid policy issue.

Yet you want to use it as evidence that he was courting racist voters.

Would you like to explain how that works to me, cause I don't get it.
oh the pain..."the left" monolith.... set 'em up, knock 'em down...zzzzzzzzzz

Hey k*nt, did Cal Berkley need a huge security force when Ben Shapiro spoke there recently? Cue the k*nt act.
Again, I'm not the liberal you are looking for. I think Berkeley needed to atone for its complicity in censorship, and I think they are trying. I'm in the camp that thinks having fucked up people like Milo (precisely because they have a following) speak at universities. that is what universities are for, isn't it? Exchange of ideas. Protests are fine, but not de facto censorship via silencing. Here is the opportunity to shine a spotlight right on these people, let it happen ya snowflakes.

It's not just violent leftists, but mainstream university officials too who adamantly want to silence views with which they disagree. The right has some loons too, but they're not engaged in the same numbers of nationwide, physical attacks upon their opponents like the left nor is there any credible movement to silence the left.
of course there is, it's just smaller in scope.. It's just that you won't find many universities. run by right wingers. Here is some data on it: Data on Campus Censorship Cases And don't call a counter protest "an attempt to silence". That's not only not a standard you want to live up to, it's also absurd, as a protest or a rally is a protest or a rally.

Conservatives know that if they were a MAGA hat or shirt or attend a Trump rally, there's an excellent chance they will be assaulted. Hence, many conservatives don't wear such items nor attend rallies. I live in Florida and have a concealed-carry permit. I don't attend rallies because I know there's a reasonable chance that I might have to shoot one of you dumb motherfuckers and it's not worth my trouble.
How many people wearing MAGA hats or attending a trump rally have actually been assaulted? Must be a high number if you are claiming there is an "excellent chance they will be assaulted". 50%? 60%? Higher?
And Trump defended these white nationalists.

Trump: 'Not All' Protesters In Charlottesville Were White Supremacists

Really? Then what were they doing there?

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

Don't want to piss off your base.

Why wouldn't those guys support Trump? He was the only candidate with the balls to speak out against mass 3rd world immigration which has already destroyed Europe and threatens to do the same to America. Most likely, it's already too late.
No it's not too late.
No it's not too late.

It's only a matter of time til an islamic truck of peace runs over people walking down the street in America.
Or Dodge Challengers....the vehicular choice of Alt-Righties.
No it's not too late.

It's only a matter of time til an islamic truck of peace runs over people walking down the street in America.

That's why I favor limiting the number of them we import every year. Unfortunately our corporations love taking in the poor because that's cheap labor. And so we don't get people from China anymore. They can stay home and work hard and make it now. Mexican's aren't coming like they used to. Europeans don't want to come here anymore. Canadians don't.

We could star importing Chinese men

China's lonely hearts: The millions of men who will NEVER find love due to the country's one-child policy | Daily Mail Online

But will our women marry them?
No it's not too late.

It's only a matter of time til an islamic truck of peace runs over people walking down the street in America.
Or Dodge Challengers....the vehicular choice of Alt-Righties.

Man Charged After White Nationalist Rally in Charlottesville Ends in Deadly Violence

What is this guy driving?

A Dodge Challenger (or Charger)....not a connoisseur of Alt-Right Ramming devices.
Odd...I've seen both on media. Maybe if you spread your choices out a tad more.

Laugh at this one.
View attachment 150066
Why would I laugh at picture of murdered children? What kind of person posts pictures of murdered children and tells people to laugh at them? Is this an Alt-Rightie thing?

Did you make any posts about what happened to poor Ebba? Ever? Even just a casual mention..? No you didn't. Instead you draw the false equivalence between charlottesville to the brutal and horrific attacks perpetrated by islamic radicals which would have never happened if not for people like you.
Odd...I've seen both on media. Maybe if you spread your choices out a tad more.

Laugh at this one.
View attachment 150066
The troll is staying away from this one. Not acknowledging it renders it to "never happened."
"I've seen both on media"......is that what you call "not acknowledging it"? I've seen and heard more about the terrorist attacks in Europe than I have about kids drowning (tho I've heard of them too).....I think someone is a tad too selective in their news sources.....limiting themselves either intentionally or unintentionally. BBC is a good start, IMO.
"I've seen both on media"......is that what you call "not acknowledging it"? I've seen and heard more about the terrorist attacks in Europe than I have about kids drowning (tho I've heard of them too).....I think someone is a tad too selective in their news sources.....limiting themselves either intentionally or unintentionally. BBC is a good start, IMO.

Oh poor heather heyer, fully grown woman who died of a heart attack. Let's use her death to advance our political agenda! But damn those alt-righties for reacting to the islamisation of the west because racism or something idk..
"I've seen both on media"......is that what you call "not acknowledging it"? I've seen and heard more about the terrorist attacks in Europe than I have about kids drowning (tho I've heard of them too).....I think someone is a tad too selective in their news sources.....limiting themselves either intentionally or unintentionally. BBC is a good start, IMO.

Oh poor heather heyer, fully grown woman who died of a heart attack. Let's use her death to advance our political agenda! But damn those alt-righties for reacting to the islamisation of the west because racism or something idk..
This is the Alt-Right attempt to somehow lessen what one of their own did...."oh she's a fully grown woman"...as if that lessens vehicular homicide. "Oh, she died of a heart attack"...as if that is proven.
This is the Alt-Right attempt to somehow lessen what one of their own did...."oh she's a fully grown woman"...as if that lessens vehicular homicide. "Oh, she died of a heart attack"...as if that is proven.

Her own mother said so.
heather heyer.jpg

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