Why this forum is predominantly white alt-right userbase?

Ugh.. your monolithic thinking produces pain... "the left"...you're like a damn parrot with two buttons in his cage, one zaps him, one feeds him...

So the left is peaceful and respects conservative gatherings?
oh the pain..."the left" monolith.... set 'em up, knock 'em down...zzzzzzzzzz

Hey k*nt, did Cal Berkley need a huge security force when Ben Shapiro spoke there recently? Cue the k*nt act.
Again, I'm not the liberal you are looking for. I think Berkeley needed to atone for its complicity in censorship, and I think they are trying. I'm in the camp that thinks having fucked up people like Milo (precisely because they have a following) speak at universities. that is what universities are for, isn't it? Exchange of ideas. Protests are fine, but not de facto censorship via silencing. Here is the opportunity to shine a spotlight right on these people, let it happen ya snowflakes.

It's not just violent leftists, but mainstream university officials too who adamantly want to silence views with which they disagree. The right has some loons too, but they're not engaged in the same numbers of nationwide, physical attacks upon their opponents like the left nor is there any credible movement to silence the left.
of course there is, it's just smaller in scope.. It's just that you won't find many universities. run by right wingers. Here is some data on it: Data on Campus Censorship Cases And don't call a counter protest "an attempt to silence". That's not only not a standard you want to live up to, it's also absurd, as a protest or a rally is a protest or a rally.
I have to hide in closet as a Trump voter. I fear from the wonderful all embracing liberals that are really small minded vicious conformists. Liberals scare me. They remind me of Soviet era apparatchiks. That isn't what America is about.
I have to hide in closet as a Trump voter. I fear from the wonderful all embracing liberals that are really small minded vicious conformists. Liberals scare me. They remind me of Soviet era apparatchiks. That isn't what America is about.
Clearly , the whole world is gone mad, and you are one of the few sane ones left.


If 100 Trump supporters planned a rally, 1000 of your loving friends would show up to attack them. I know you don't care. Just don't act butthurt when someone plows a car into a group of your Nazi allies.
You are skilled at creating little boogeymen to scare yourself. Exactly zero of my friends would show up to counter protest a Trump rally. Settle down.

You need to pay more attention to your allies.

As do you:


The Klan? Insignificant fringe that is no ally of mine.
Clearly , the whole world is gone mad, and you are one of the few sane ones left.


If 100 Trump supporters planned a rally, 1000 of your loving friends would show up to attack them. I know you don't care. Just don't act butthurt when someone plows a car into a group of your Nazi allies.
You are skilled at creating little boogeymen to scare yourself. Exactly zero of my friends would show up to counter protest a Trump rally. Settle down.

You need to pay more attention to your allies.

As do you:


The Klan? Insignificant fringe that is no ally of mine.
If course they are, by your very own logic. Maybe next time give a thought to the stupid shit you say...
So the left is peaceful and respects conservative gatherings?
oh the pain..."the left" monolith.... set 'em up, knock 'em down...zzzzzzzzzz

Hey k*nt, did Cal Berkley need a huge security force when Ben Shapiro spoke there recently? Cue the k*nt act.
Again, I'm not the liberal you are looking for. I think Berkeley needed to atone for its complicity in censorship, and I think they are trying. I'm in the camp that thinks having fucked up people like Milo (precisely because they have a following) speak at universities. that is what universities are for, isn't it? Exchange of ideas. Protests are fine, but not de facto censorship via silencing. Here is the opportunity to shine a spotlight right on these people, let it happen ya snowflakes.

It's not just violent leftists, but mainstream university officials too who adamantly want to silence views with which they disagree. The right has some loons too, but they're not engaged in the same numbers of nationwide, physical attacks upon their opponents like the left nor is there any credible movement to silence the left.
of course there is, it's just smaller in scope.. It's just that you won't find many universities. run by right wingers. Here is some data on it: Data on Campus Censorship Cases And don't call a counter protest "an attempt to silence". That's not only not a standard you want to live up to, it's also absurd, as a protest or a rally is a protest or a rally.

Conservatives know that if they were a MAGA hat or shirt or attend a Trump rally, there's an excellent chance they will be assaulted. Hence, many conservatives don't wear such items nor attend rallies. I live in Florida and have a concealed-carry permit. I don't attend rallies because I know there's a reasonable chance that I might have to shoot one of you dumb motherfuckers and it's not worth my trouble.
Oh buuuuuulshiiiit. Maybe you weren't paying attention to who was doing the assaulting at the Trump rallies last year. Hint: many of them had MAGA hats. You're just acting out your fantasy of using that penis extension of yours to put a hole in somebody. Join the Army, tough guy. They shoot back, so you might not find it as fun.
Oh buuuuuulshiiiit. Maybe you weren't paying attention to who was doing the assaulting at the Trump rallies last year. Hint: many of them had MAGA hats. You're just acting out your fantasy of using that penis extension of yours to put a hole in somebody. Join the Army, tough guy. They shoot back, so you might not find it as fun.

Libtards showed up at Trump events to cause trouble and start fights. Where are all the examples of conservatives showing up at Hillary events to do the same?
If 100 Trump supporters planned a rally, 1000 of your loving friends would show up to attack them. I know you don't care. Just don't act butthurt when someone plows a car into a group of your Nazi allies.
You are skilled at creating little boogeymen to scare yourself. Exactly zero of my friends would show up to counter protest a Trump rally. Settle down.

You need to pay more attention to your allies.

As do you:


The Klan? Insignificant fringe that is no ally of mine.
If course they are, by your very own logic. Maybe next time give a thought to the stupid shit you say...

Nothing in my logic justifies your idiotic statement, and if it did, you would have explained your idiotic statement.

But you didn't, because you CAN'T.
Oh buuuuuulshiiiit. Maybe you weren't paying attention to who was doing the assaulting at the Trump rallies last year. Hint: many of them had MAGA hats. You're just acting out your fantasy of using that penis extension of yours to put a hole in somebody. Join the Army, tough guy. They shoot back, so you might not find it as fun.

Libtards showed up at Trump events to cause trouble and start fights. Where are all the examples of conservatives showing up at Hillary events to do the same?
No, don't convolute the subject. A yelling person is not the same as assault. In fact , that's exactly what you are saying the Trump people who are a'scared were planning to do, but are too a'scared to do, because they will be assaulted. I call bullshit on that.
You are skilled at creating little boogeymen to scare yourself. Exactly zero of my friends would show up to counter protest a Trump rally. Settle down.

You need to pay more attention to your allies.

As do you:


The Klan? Insignificant fringe that is no ally of mine.
If course they are, by your very own logic. Maybe next time give a thought to the stupid shit you say...

Nothing in my logic justifies your idiotic statement, and if it did, you would have explained your idiotic statement.

But you didn't, because you CAN'T.
You got your own goofy logic turned around on you, now you are complaining. You'll get over it
Hi MaryL. I really dont know, it is a question not a statement. I dont know whether it is or not, thats why I ask. Well the forum allows everyone to express his views, or I wouldnt be allowed here if it were like Stormfront but I noticed many or majority are Pro-Trump dont like Obama and Hillary etc. I dont know if that qualifies them exactly as "alt-right" though.
Well you did make it a statement by begging the question as to whether USMB is an alt-right userbase in asking why it was an alt-right userbase.
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You need to pay more attention to your allies.

As do you:


The Klan? Insignificant fringe that is no ally of mine.
If course they are, by your very own logic. Maybe next time give a thought to the stupid shit you say...

Nothing in my logic justifies your idiotic statement, and if it did, you would have explained your idiotic statement.

But you didn't, because you CAN'T.
You got your own goofy logic turned around on you, now you are complaining. You'll get over it

You want to walk me though that, instead of making vague claims?

Rhetorical question, I know you don't because you can't.
Trump was a big fu to the establishment. Many of them aren't racist but are sick of being called racists.
So they support racists. Well, one at least.

Shove your race baiting up your ass.
Trump played it right. He appealed to people who would show up and vote and Hillary's base didn't show up.

I can't believe poor people with free Obamacare didn't show up. The GOP should have repealed the aca
Trump was a big fu to the establishment. Many of them aren't racist but are sick of being called racists.
So they support racists. Well, one at least.

Shove your race baiting up your ass.
Trump played it right. He appealed to people who would show up and vote and Hillary's base didn't show up.

I can't believe poor people with free Obamacare didn't show up. The GOP should have repealed the aca

HOw many of those voters in the Rust Belt that put Trump over the top, were generations old Blue Dog Democrats?

I don't know the numbers, but the Rust Belt I've seen I know a lot of Hillary's base did show up, they just voted for Trump.

Because of Trade and Immigration.
Trump was a big fu to the establishment. Many of them aren't racist but are sick of being called racists.
So they support racists. Well, one at least.
I don't even think Trump's racist. He's just courting their votes.

Is Hillary a poor welfare bum? No but she courts them.

Nothing of Trump's platform or campaign was "courting" racists.
Oh bullshit. Don't bullshit a bullshitter. We all know he courted the white nationalists. Straight out of Hitler's playbook. Don't be naive. But so what? Do you know who that message appeals to? All of us. None of us, even sons of immigrants, want them to continue flooding the market with cheap labor.

Do you know who hates illegals? Legal immigrants. Even Mexican ones. The illegals are driving down wages.

My favorite quote from a White Nationalist was that Trump handed his daughter over to a Jew. LOL

Rally organizer: 'President let a Jew steal his daughter' | Daily Mail Online

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