Why Trump and the GOP can't accomplish anything


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?

NO, NO and NO! All these people did was tell everyone how horrible President Obama was. Now the GOP is in power and they have to stand and deliver, and it's clear they don't know what the hell they are doing. Now they point fingers at each other, blame the media, and continue to bitch about President Obama and the Democrats. The GOP should have had legislative packages on all these items ready to go on day one.

Trump Supporters: Before you do anymore bitching about the Liberals, I'd suggest you take a long, hard look at your own party (and it's fearless leader) and write down what you see....or are you afraid to??
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For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?

NO, NO and NO! All these people did was tell everyone how horrible President Obama was. Now the GOP is in power and they have to stand and deliver, and it's clear they don't know what the hell they are doing. Now they point fingers at each other, blame the media, and continue to bitch about President Obama and the Democrats. The GOP should have had legislative packages on all these items ready to go on day one.

Trump Supporters: Before you do anymore bitching about the Liberals, I'd suggest you take a long, hard look at your own party (and it's fearless leader) and write down what you see....or are you afraid to??
It's not the Trumpenfuhrers fault Obamacare is not getting repealed. The establishment RINO republicans are the obstructionists siding with democrats to thwart his agenda. They wanted Hillary to win. They thought she'd win but with his win, they must do all they can to obstruct and maintain the status quo of crony capitalism.
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?

NO, NO and NO! All these people did was tell everyone how horrible President Obama was. Now the GOP is in power and they have to stand and deliver, and it's clear they don't know what the hell they are doing. Now they point fingers at each other, blame the media, and continue to bitch about President Obama and the Democrats. The GOP should have had legislative packages on all these items ready to go on day one.

Trump Supporters: Before you do anymore bitching about the Liberals, I'd suggest you take a long, hard look at your own party (and it's fearless leader) and write down what you see....or are you afraid to??

oooo - a "let's bitch at trump post!"

been about .7 seconds since the last one.

and before you bitch at the repubs, why don't you follow your own advice and tell me - what is the democrats platform?

bashing trump is only "so" effective and people have moved on. what y'all got next? more bashing? more insults? more hate?
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?

NO, NO and NO! All these people did was tell everyone how horrible President Obama was. Now the GOP is in power and they have to stand and deliver, and it's clear they don't know what the hell they are doing. Now they point fingers at each other, blame the media, and continue to bitch about President Obama and the Democrats. The GOP should have had legislative packages on all these items ready to go on day one.

Trump Supporters: Before you do anymore bitching about the Liberals, I'd suggest you take a long, hard look at your own party (and it's fearless leader) and write down what you see....or are you afraid to??
/----/ Your post is spot on but I disagree on one point you made: "t's clear they don't know what the hell they are doing." They know exactly what they are doing. The GOP Leadership is run by Deep State RINOs and they like the power and money they get from Obozocare. They don't want to change it. So they use John McLame to be the spoiler since his days are numbered and will not be running for reelection. Time to drain the swamp.
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?
I guess it probably hasn't occurred to you that what the GOP said it was going to do and what it actually planned on doing once it got back into power are two completely different things.

Personally I think the powers that be within the Republican Party don't really want to repeal Obamacare; after all it has served them pretty well over the past 4 election cycles, they can make a great show of getting rid of it without having to take any responsibility for "healthcare reform" and if Obamacare implodes they can again use it as an electioneering tool.

As far the public debt goes, the Republicans don't care anymore about it than the Democrats do, the Republican brand of fiscal conservatism is all talk, no action.

They *might* do something about taxes, infrastructure and immigration but only if it benefits them politically and their cronies economically.
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?

NO, NO and NO! All these people did was tell everyone how horrible President Obama was. Now the GOP is in power and they have to stand and deliver, and it's clear they don't know what the hell they are doing. Now they point fingers at each other, blame the media, and continue to bitch about President Obama and the Democrats. The GOP should have had legislative packages on all these items ready to go on day one.

Trump Supporters: Before you do anymore bitching about the Liberals, I'd suggest you take a long, hard look at your own party (and it's fearless leader) and write down what you see....or are you afraid to??
It's not the Trumpenfuhrers fault Obamacare is not getting repealed. The establishment RINO republicans are the obstructionists siding with democrats to thwart his agenda. They wanted Hillary to win. They thought she'd win but with his win, they must do all they can to obstruct and maintain the status quo of crony capitalism.

Republicans repeatedly declared Obamacare a disaster

Yet, when given the chance, they failed to come up with something better. Republicans held their nose when they voted yes
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?

NO, NO and NO! All these people did was tell everyone how horrible President Obama was. Now the GOP is in power and they have to stand and deliver, and it's clear they don't know what the hell they are doing. Now they point fingers at each other, blame the media, and continue to bitch about President Obama and the Democrats. The GOP should have had legislative packages on all these items ready to go on day one.

Trump Supporters: Before you do anymore bitching about the Liberals, I'd suggest you take a long, hard look at your own party (and it's fearless leader) and write down what you see....or are you afraid to??
It's not the Trumpenfuhrers fault Obamacare is not getting repealed. The establishment RINO republicans are the obstructionists siding with democrats to thwart his agenda. They wanted Hillary to win. They thought she'd win but with his win, they must do all they can to obstruct and maintain the status quo of crony capitalism.

Republicans repeatedly declared Obamacare a disaster

Yet, when given the chance, they failed to come up with something better. Republicans held their nose when they voted yes
The RINO's in unification with the Democrats don't want to come up with something better. John McTumor is a prime example of what I'm talking about.
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?
I guess it probably hasn't occurred to you that what the GOP said it was going to do and what it actually planned on doing once it got back into power are two completely different things.

Personally I think the powers that be within the Republican Party don't really want to repeal Obamacare; after all it has served them pretty well over the past 4 election cycles, they can make a great show of getting rid of it without having to take any responsibility for "healthcare reform" and if Obamacare implodes they can again use it as an electioneering tool.

As far the public debt goes, the Republicans don't care anymore about it than the Democrats do, the Republican brand of fiscal conservatism is all talk, no action.

They *might* do something about taxes, infrastructure and immigration but only if it benefits them politically and their cronies economically.
I guess it probably hasn't occurred to you that what the GOP said it was going to do and what it actually planned on doing once it got back into power are two completely different things.

I gleaned from reading the OP that the dichotomy you point out has not at all escaped the OP-er. Rather its existence is part of what the OP-er is griping about.
Republicans no longer know how to govern

For ten years, they have been the party of no. Just oppose everything the Democrats propose and wait for the time when you control Government

Well, that time has come and Republicans no longer know how to vote yes.

Voting no is easy. You just have to find anything you object to
Voting yes is harder. It involves compromise. It involves listening to other points of views. You rarely get everything you want in a bill you are voting for.

Compromise has become a sign of failure with Republicans. Even if it is compromise in your own party
Republicans no longer know how to govern

For ten years, they have been the party of no. Just oppose everything the Democrats propose and wait for the time when you control Government

Well, that time has come and Republicans no longer know how to vote yes.

Voting no is easy. You just have to find anything you object to
Voting yes is harder. It involves compromise. It involves listening to other points of views. You rarely get everything you want in a bill you are voting for.

Compromise has become a sign of failure with Republicans. Even if it is compromise in your own party
please show me examples of how the democratic party is focused on their role.

i'll wait.

right over here. ------------------------------------------------------>
Republicans no longer know how to govern

For ten years, they have been the party of no. Just oppose everything the Democrats propose and wait for the time when you control Government

Well, that time has come and Republicans no longer know how to vote yes.

Voting no is easy. You just have to find anything you object to
Voting yes is harder. It involves compromise. It involves listening to other points of views. You rarely get everything you want in a bill you are voting for.

Compromise has become a sign of failure with Republicans. Even if it is compromise in your own party
please show me examples of how the democratic party is focused on their role.

i'll wait.

right over here. ------------------------------------------------------>

What do you mean by "focused on their role"

I'll wait
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?
I guess it probably hasn't occurred to you that what the GOP said it was going to do and what it actually planned on doing once it got back into power are two completely different things.

Personally I think the powers that be within the Republican Party don't really want to repeal Obamacare; after all it has served them pretty well over the past 4 election cycles, they can make a great show of getting rid of it without having to take any responsibility for "healthcare reform" and if Obamacare implodes they can again use it as an electioneering tool.

As far the public debt goes, the Republicans don't care anymore about it than the Democrats do, the Republican brand of fiscal conservatism is all talk, no action.

They *might* do something about taxes, infrastructure and immigration but only if it benefits them politically and their cronies economically.
I guess it probably hasn't occurred to you that what the GOP said it was going to do and what it actually planned on doing once it got back into power are two completely different things.

I gleaned from reading the OP that the dichotomy you point out has not at all escaped the OP-er. Rather its existence is part of what the OP-er is griping about.

I believe it's the opposite, the OP's assertion:
bill718 said:
they don't know what the hell they are doing

My assertion is that the powers that be in the GOP know exactly what they're doing and what's occurring is inline with their intentions.

The power brokers in both major parties have demonstrated that they don't give a fig about the best interests of the citizenry, their primary concerns are the acquisition, concentration and maintenance of power along with enriching themselves and their cronies, everything that's going on now in Washington serves those ends.
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?
I guess it probably hasn't occurred to you that what the GOP said it was going to do and what it actually planned on doing once it got back into power are two completely different things.

Personally I think the powers that be within the Republican Party don't really want to repeal Obamacare; after all it has served them pretty well over the past 4 election cycles, they can make a great show of getting rid of it without having to take any responsibility for "healthcare reform" and if Obamacare implodes they can again use it as an electioneering tool.

As far the public debt goes, the Republicans don't care anymore about it than the Democrats do, the Republican brand of fiscal conservatism is all talk, no action.

They *might* do something about taxes, infrastructure and immigration but only if it benefits them politically and their cronies economically.
I guess it probably hasn't occurred to you that what the GOP said it was going to do and what it actually planned on doing once it got back into power are two completely different things.

I gleaned from reading the OP that the dichotomy you point out has not at all escaped the OP-er. Rather its existence is part of what the OP-er is griping about.

I believe it's the opposite, the OP's assertion:
bill718 said:
they don't know what the hell they are doing

My assertion is that the powers that be in the GOP know exactly what they're doing and what's occurring is inline with their intentions.

The power brokers in both major parties have demonstrated that they don't give a fig about the best interests of the citizenry, their primary concerns are the acquisition, concentration and maintenance of power along with enriching themselves and their cronies, everything that's going on now in Washington serves those ends.
The power brokers in both major parties have demonstrated that they don't give a fig about the best interests of the citizenry, their primary concerns are the acquisition, concentration and maintenance of power along with enriching themselves and their cronies, everything that's going on now in Washington serves those ends.
Well, if one truly believes that, there're really only two rational choices: Avail oneself of the fact that this is the U.S. and become a "power broker" or become a "crony." It's not terribly hard to be either in one way or another.
Those are just a few examples of ways to achieve that end. At the end of the day, all it takes is one's being very good at something that is high demand. Everybody has the ability to be very good at something and networking a thing that comes naturally to people. That's really all it takes. Turn that something into a means to create wealth and power for oneself and others, and voila, one will be either a power broker or a crony. (Mind, the two are different only in terms of with whom one has influence. "Bill" may be the power broker with "so and so" and the crony with someone else.)
The fundamental problem with the Republicans is that they don't care about the working class. (Neither do the Democrats)

It truly is embarrassing that they made such a big stink about Obamacare but have come up with absolutely nothing to make medical care affordable for the working class.

It's real simple: Keep Obamacare, and eliminate many laws that impede competition and raise costs.
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?

NO, NO and NO! All these people did was tell everyone how horrible President Obama was. Now the GOP is in power and they have to stand and deliver, and it's clear they don't know what the hell they are doing. Now they point fingers at each other, blame the media, and continue to bitch about President Obama and the Democrats. The GOP should have had legislative packages on all these items ready to go on day one.

Trump Supporters: Before you do anymore bitching about the Liberals, I'd suggest you take a long, hard look at your own party (and it's fearless leader) and write down what you see....or are you afraid to??
It's not the Trumpenfuhrers fault Obamacare is not getting repealed. The establishment RINO republicans are the obstructionists siding with democrats to thwart his agenda. They wanted Hillary to win. They thought she'd win but with his win, they must do all they can to obstruct and maintain the status quo of crony capitalism.

Trump said that he had a plan that everyone would love. Where is it? The reason that Republicans have failed is because a few Republicans in the Senate oppose having millions of people lose their coverage. Trump doesn't give a damn about anybody except himself.
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?

NO, NO and NO! All these people did was tell everyone how horrible President Obama was. Now the GOP is in power and they have to stand and deliver, and it's clear they don't know what the hell they are doing. Now they point fingers at each other, blame the media, and continue to bitch about President Obama and the Democrats. The GOP should have had legislative packages on all these items ready to go on day one.

Trump Supporters: Before you do anymore bitching about the Liberals, I'd suggest you take a long, hard look at your own party (and it's fearless leader) and write down what you see....or are you afraid to??
It's not the Trumpenfuhrers fault Obamacare is not getting repealed. The establishment RINO republicans are the obstructionists siding with democrats to thwart his agenda. They wanted Hillary to win. They thought she'd win but with his win, they must do all they can to obstruct and maintain the status quo of crony capitalism.

Republicans repeatedly declared Obamacare a disaster

Yet, when given the chance, they failed to come up with something better. Republicans held their nose when they voted yes
The RINO's in unification with the Democrats don't want to come up with something better. John McTumor is a prime example of what I'm talking about.

You claim to be a Christian yet you attack McCain and make fun of his health problems. You align with the Devil not God.
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?
I guess it probably hasn't occurred to you that what the GOP said it was going to do and what it actually planned on doing once it got back into power are two completely different things.

Personally I think the powers that be within the Republican Party don't really want to repeal Obamacare; after all it has served them pretty well over the past 4 election cycles, they can make a great show of getting rid of it without having to take any responsibility for "healthcare reform" and if Obamacare implodes they can again use it as an electioneering tool.

As far the public debt goes, the Republicans don't care anymore about it than the Democrats do, the Republican brand of fiscal conservatism is all talk, no action.

They *might* do something about taxes, infrastructure and immigration but only if it benefits them politically and their cronies economically.
I guess it probably hasn't occurred to you that what the GOP said it was going to do and what it actually planned on doing once it got back into power are two completely different things.

I gleaned from reading the OP that the dichotomy you point out has not at all escaped the OP-er. Rather its existence is part of what the OP-er is griping about.

I believe it's the opposite, the OP's assertion:
bill718 said:
they don't know what the hell they are doing

My assertion is that the powers that be in the GOP know exactly what they're doing and what's occurring is inline with their intentions.

The power brokers in both major parties have demonstrated that they don't give a fig about the best interests of the citizenry, their primary concerns are the acquisition, concentration and maintenance of power along with enriching themselves and their cronies, everything that's going on now in Washington serves those ends.

I dunno about the motivations for policy. Imo Bannon's message is at heart racist, and he gives succor to the Klan and White Supremicists, but I think he and the AltR see their policies benefitting a put upon working class poor. (the irony is that when I grew up, white and black working class poor were both preyed upon by LBJ and Nixon to prosecute a "trumped" up war for political purposes)

McConnell may be self-delusional, but he sees a societal benefit in capital being elevated to the same position as an individual for personal liberty.

Hillary is corrupt and venal and without redeeming qualities. But I wouldn't saddle every progressive pol with her baggage.
For 7+ years Trump and the GOP whined, bitched, and complained about Obamacare, and Obama's agenda on foreign policy, infrastructure, the budget and just about everything else about President Obama, however, in that 7+ year period.....did they take any time to:

* Craft a healthcare plan of their own ?

* Come to an agreement on an infrastructure package of their own?

* Have a solid plan ready to deal with our national debt?

* Craft a tax reform package they could agree on once they were in power?

* Craft an immigration plan of their own?
I guess it probably hasn't occurred to you that what the GOP said it was going to do and what it actually planned on doing once it got back into power are two completely different things.

Personally I think the powers that be within the Republican Party don't really want to repeal Obamacare; after all it has served them pretty well over the past 4 election cycles, they can make a great show of getting rid of it without having to take any responsibility for "healthcare reform" and if Obamacare implodes they can again use it as an electioneering tool.

As far the public debt goes, the Republicans don't care anymore about it than the Democrats do, the Republican brand of fiscal conservatism is all talk, no action.

They *might* do something about taxes, infrastructure and immigration but only if it benefits them politically and their cronies economically.
I guess it probably hasn't occurred to you that what the GOP said it was going to do and what it actually planned on doing once it got back into power are two completely different things.

I gleaned from reading the OP that the dichotomy you point out has not at all escaped the OP-er. Rather its existence is part of what the OP-er is griping about.

I believe it's the opposite, the OP's assertion:
bill718 said:
they don't know what the hell they are doing

My assertion is that the powers that be in the GOP know exactly what they're doing and what's occurring is inline with their intentions.

The power brokers in both major parties have demonstrated that they don't give a fig about the best interests of the citizenry, their primary concerns are the acquisition, concentration and maintenance of power along with enriching themselves and their cronies, everything that's going on now in Washington serves those ends.

Kicking millions off their coverage is in the best interests of citizens? Trump doesn't give a damn about the people unless they supported him. He would sign a healthcare repeal law even if it banned baseball, hot dogs and apple pie just so he can brag he signed it.

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