Why Trump failed

I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

The thread premise is a lie.

Trump failed because he was just as dishonest as the thread premise.

Panty Boy, because you claim it doesn't make it true

Now explain why Trump failed

Watches Jones scamper away....again

You really are a coward

He failed in his COVID response. If he spent half the energy he spent fighting "liberals" on fighting COVID, he would have sailed to reelection. He has no one to blame but himself.

Europe and Asia have spent 100% of their time on unsuccessfully fighting COVID.

Both have been far more successful than the US. 4% of the population and 20% of the cases, that’s Trump’s legacy.

If we were living with reality this would be the worst depression in human history. And people like you think that the excesses of the same system that gave you a great life is going to cushion you in the worst of times.
I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

The thread premise is a lie.

Trump failed because he was just as dishonest as the thread premise.

Panty Boy, because you claim it doesn't make it true

Now explain why Trump failed

Watches Jones scamper away....again

You really are a coward

He failed in his COVID response. If he spent half the energy he spent fighting "liberals" on fighting COVID, he would have sailed to reelection. He has no one to blame but himself.

Europe and Asia have spent 100% of their time on unsuccessfully fighting COVID.

Both have been far more successful than the US. 4% of the population and 20% of the cases, that’s Trump’s legacy.

If we were living with reality this would be the worst depression in human history. And people like you think that the excesses of the same system that gave you a great life is going to cushion you in the worst of times.

There was no such thing as a Liberal prior to indoor plumbing and electricity.
Now they want everything handed to them.
I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary and clean the Swamp. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

Yeah, well, there are a lot of possibilities, certainly four years of media bias and cover ups not reporting the truth WAS A FACTOR, as was the skewed election itself WHICH BROKE EVERY RULE IN THE BOOK.

But I think Trump didn't do himself any favors either:
  1. He's terrible at getting cogent talking points out to the public, the guy always talks in circles glazing over vital details.
  2. His public handling of Covid throughout the year has been horrible. Never mind his position may have been RIGHT, he might have been doing all the right things! But he's had next to NO visibility to the public showing any MOTION of him DOING anything. Part of that is the media's fault, but Trump should have had 2-3 "fireside chats" with the nation over the dangers of Covid, the problems, and the need to take it serious. He literally HANDED the Democrats a HUGE issue to use against him.
  3. There is a time and a place for everything, but these past four years, he should have found ways or building at least a FEW bridges with the democrats and others to get some things done instead of throwing pie in everyone's face ALL of the time.
  4. He should have found better ways of maintaining amicable friendships with our best allies, even as he was trouncing some of their favorite policies.
I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary and clean the Swamp. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

These Administrative Agencies are clearly beyond the control of the President. Schumer, one of the most powerful members of the Legislative branch made it clear that he fears them, and that the President should too.

Well, they didn't manage to prevent Trump's election, or to drive him from office before he completed his term, but, they certainly resisted being cleaned up or drained. If one man could do it, Trump would have done it, but, there is no doubt that a determined Congress and President can do it, but, it will take both Houses and the President. With that, these Administrative Agencies can be dried up by cutting off their cash flow, absent the needed reforms.

Pelosi will never do that, so it will not happen before 2023, and Biden will not do that, so this awaits 2025.

We'll survive the interim. Make no mistake, WE THE PEOPLE lead this Great Nation and those bastards days are numbered.

Or......Trump just lost. It happens. Ask Hillary.

You don't need your elaborate conspiracy. Its completely unnecessary to describe what happened.

The Left made certain that they could cheat and that stolen ballots could not be removed from the count because they doubted that Biden could win a fair election, so, now you have a president that even nearly a 1/3rd of Democrats thinks stole the election. The Left brought this on themselves. If you want to prove that you can win without cheating and then quit making sure that you can steal elections.

Or....you *imagine* that the 'left' did anything.

Remember, you're making up your story as you type it. You can't actually factually establish your stolen vote narrative. You've even incorporated your completely lack of evidence into your fantastically complicated story.

Here's a simpler, far more plausible explanation that matches the evidence: Trump just lost.

It happens.

No. If the Left thought they could win the presidency without cheating, they wouldn't make sure that they could cheat. Maybe next time will have a clearly fair and verifiable election.

Or....Trump just lost. And you're clinging to the 'fraud' narrative because its easier than confronting the reality that you couldn't persuade the majority of the electorate.....and ran with a poor candidate with a terrible record.

Actually, Biden ran on the Democrat ticket. Trump has a fabulous record. Democrats made sure that they could steal the election, undetected, and this is known. That's why even nearly a third of DEMOCRATS view Biden as illegitimate. That's your doing, not ours, so suck it up.
... Your conspiracy is not only factually baseless and fantastically complicated....
There is nothing complicated about it. We ALL verify our identity, several times a day, in a multitude of areas, hell, I enter a pin code to unlock the door on my car, to log into my email, to use my cash card, to fly on a plane, to enter government buildings, yet, Dems claim it's too much to ask to identify voters before they cast ballots.

It's such a stupid claim, that it fools no one. So congratulations, you have a "winner" that nearly half the Electorate, and even nearly a 1/3rd of Democrats, see as illegitimate. If that bothers the Left, they have 4 years to help us work for what we deserve, an election that is as trustworthy as our bank statements, but, you guys don't want that, because you KNOW that you would lose. Hence, we have the corrupt system that is widely distrusted and Dems whining that their "winner" is viewed as the beneficiary of a rigged vote.
I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary and clean the Swamp. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

These Administrative Agencies are clearly beyond the control of the President. Schumer, one of the most powerful members of the Legislative branch made it clear that he fears them, and that the President should too.

Well, they didn't manage to prevent Trump's election, or to drive him from office before he completed his term, but, they certainly resisted being cleaned up or drained. If one man could do it, Trump would have done it, but, there is no doubt that a determined Congress and President can do it, but, it will take both Houses and the President. With that, these Administrative Agencies can be dried up by cutting off their cash flow, absent the needed reforms.

Pelosi will never do that, so it will not happen before 2023, and Biden will not do that, so this awaits 2025.

We'll survive the interim. Make no mistake, WE THE PEOPLE lead this Great Nation and those bastards days are numbered.

Or......Trump just lost. It happens. Ask Hillary.

You don't need your elaborate conspiracy. Its completely unnecessary to describe what happened.

The Left made certain that they could cheat and that stolen ballots could not be removed from the count because they doubted that Biden could win a fair election, so, now you have a president that even nearly a 1/3rd of Democrats thinks stole the election. The Left brought this on themselves. If you want to prove that you can win without cheating and then quit making sure that you can steal elections.

Or....you *imagine* that the 'left' did anything.

Remember, you're making up your story as you type it. You can't actually factually establish your stolen vote narrative. You've even incorporated your completely lack of evidence into your fantastically complicated story.

Here's a simpler, far more plausible explanation that matches the evidence: Trump just lost.

It happens.

No. If the Left thought they could win the presidency without cheating, they wouldn't make sure that they could cheat. Maybe next time will have a clearly fair and verifiable election.

Or....Trump just lost. And you're clinging to the 'fraud' narrative because its easier than confronting the reality that you couldn't persuade the majority of the electorate.....and ran with a poor candidate with a terrible record.

Actually, Biden ran on the Democrat ticket. Trump has a fabulous record. Democrats made sure that they could steal the election, undetected, and this is known. That's why even nearly a third of DEMOCRATS view Biden as illegitimate. That's your doing, not ours, so suck it up.
... Your conspiracy is not only factually baseless and fantastically complicated....
There is nothing complicated about it. We ALL verify our identity, several times a day, in a multitude of areas, hell, I enter a pin code to unlock the door on my car, to log into my email, to use my cash card, to fly on a plane, to enter government buildings, yet, Dems claim it's too much to ask to identify voters before they cast ballots.

It's such a stupid claim, that it fools no one. So congratulations, you have a "winner" that nearly half the Electorate, and even nearly a 1/3rd of Democrats, see as illegitimate. If that bothers the Left, they have 4 years to help us work for what we deserve, an election that is as trustworthy as our bank statements, but, you guys don't want that, because you KNOW that you would lose. Hence, we have the corrupt system that is widely distrusted and Dems whining that their "winner" is viewed as the beneficiary of a rigged vote.

your news site says there is no evidence of that

I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

Not one mentally normal person voted for Biden and that is a very scary fact.

All the biggest idiots i know were Hugh trump supporters. Guys like la ram fan.

What you mean to say is that anyone who disagrees with your open borders opinion is an idiot.

I don't believe in open borders. But both Bush and Trump were all for letting Mexican truckers into the united states. I guess truck drivers make too much and Republicans want to ruin that industry too for middle class Americans. Why pay an American $80,000 when you can pay a Mexican trucker half right?

Both parties suck.

Yea but most Americans have decided that one party sucks more than the other. You believe Dems suck more, I believe Republicans suck more. And for the life of me I don't see what you like about Mitch McConnell. Do you believe he's a good man? Of course you do. And you think Pelosi is evil.

I judge them based on the way they vote. McConnell is anti global warming, doesn't want healthcare reform, would ban abortion, won't pass common sense gun legislation, denies global warming is real and he gave Trump a pass for trying to get Ukraine to lie about Biden. Something Republicans didn't do for Nixon when he got caught. But I digress.

Both parties share 90% of the reasons why they suck.
The sexual perversity of the left is overtly worse than the greed of the right.

Sex is worse than greed?

In the streets?
Going to any toilet you identify with?
Teaching 1st graders that they’re homosexuals?
Teaching high school students that it’s good to have a baby in high school and spend the rest of your life on welfare?

Were you taught you were straight?

And excuse me but it's you guys who want the highschooler to have the baby. I say abort it.
I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

Not one mentally normal person voted for Biden and that is a very scary fact.

All the biggest idiots i know were Hugh trump supporters. Guys like la ram fan.

What you mean to say is that anyone who disagrees with your open borders opinion is an idiot.

I don't believe in open borders. But both Bush and Trump were all for letting Mexican truckers into the united states. I guess truck drivers make too much and Republicans want to ruin that industry too for middle class Americans. Why pay an American $80,000 when you can pay a Mexican trucker half right?

Both parties suck.

Yea but most Americans have decided that one party sucks more than the other. You believe Dems suck more, I believe Republicans suck more. And for the life of me I don't see what you like about Mitch McConnell. Do you believe he's a good man? Of course you do. And you think Pelosi is evil.

I judge them based on the way they vote. McConnell is anti global warming, doesn't want healthcare reform, would ban abortion, won't pass common sense gun legislation, denies global warming is real and he gave Trump a pass for trying to get Ukraine to lie about Biden. Something Republicans didn't do for Nixon when he got caught. But I digress.

Both parties share 90% of the reasons why they suck.
The sexual perversity of the left is overtly worse than the greed of the right.

Sex is worse than greed?

In the streets?
Going to any toilet you identify with?
Teaching 1st graders that they’re homosexuals?
Teaching high school students that it’s good to have a baby in high school and spend the rest of your life on welfare?

Were you taught you were straight?

And excuse me but it's you guys who want the highschooler to have the baby. I say abort it.

I didn’t have to be taught.
I say don’t have sex and raise a baby on the tax payer dime.
I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

Not one mentally normal person voted for Biden and that is a very scary fact.

All the biggest idiots i know were Hugh trump supporters. Guys like la ram fan.

What you mean to say is that anyone who disagrees with your open borders opinion is an idiot.

I don't believe in open borders. But both Bush and Trump were all for letting Mexican truckers into the united states. I guess truck drivers make too much and Republicans want to ruin that industry too for middle class Americans. Why pay an American $80,000 when you can pay a Mexican trucker half right?

Both parties suck.

Yea but most Americans have decided that one party sucks more than the other. You believe Dems suck more, I believe Republicans suck more. And for the life of me I don't see what you like about Mitch McConnell. Do you believe he's a good man? Of course you do. And you think Pelosi is evil.

I judge them based on the way they vote. McConnell is anti global warming, doesn't want healthcare reform, would ban abortion, won't pass common sense gun legislation, denies global warming is real and he gave Trump a pass for trying to get Ukraine to lie about Biden. Something Republicans didn't do for Nixon when he got caught. But I digress.

Both parties share 90% of the reasons why they suck.
The sexual perversity of the left is overtly worse than the greed of the right.

Sex is worse than greed?

In the streets?
Going to any toilet you identify with?
Teaching 1st graders that they’re homosexuals?
Teaching high school students that it’s good to have a baby in high school and spend the rest of your life on welfare?

Were you taught you were straight?

And excuse me but it's you guys who want the highschooler to have the baby. I say abort it.

I didn’t have to be taught.
I say don’t have sex and raise a baby on the tax payer dime.

You were taught by someone. I suspect your parents taught you that!:)
I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

Not one mentally normal person voted for Biden and that is a very scary fact.

All the biggest idiots i know were Hugh trump supporters. Guys like la ram fan.

What you mean to say is that anyone who disagrees with your open borders opinion is an idiot.

I don't believe in open borders. But both Bush and Trump were all for letting Mexican truckers into the united states. I guess truck drivers make too much and Republicans want to ruin that industry too for middle class Americans. Why pay an American $80,000 when you can pay a Mexican trucker half right?

Both parties suck.

Yea but most Americans have decided that one party sucks more than the other. You believe Dems suck more, I believe Republicans suck more. And for the life of me I don't see what you like about Mitch McConnell. Do you believe he's a good man? Of course you do. And you think Pelosi is evil.

I judge them based on the way they vote. McConnell is anti global warming, doesn't want healthcare reform, would ban abortion, won't pass common sense gun legislation, denies global warming is real and he gave Trump a pass for trying to get Ukraine to lie about Biden. Something Republicans didn't do for Nixon when he got caught. But I digress.

Both parties share 90% of the reasons why they suck.
The sexual perversity of the left is overtly worse than the greed of the right.

Sex is worse than greed?

In the streets?
Going to any toilet you identify with?
Teaching 1st graders that they’re homosexuals?
Teaching high school students that it’s good to have a baby in high school and spend the rest of your life on welfare?

Were you taught you were straight?

And excuse me but it's you guys who want the highschooler to have the baby. I say abort it.

I didn’t have to be taught.
I say don’t have sex and raise a baby on the tax payer dime.

You were taught by someone. I suspect your parents taught you that!:)

I knew by the age of 4 that I was attracted to females.
In today's world where every commercial on TV has at least one gay couple, the schools no longer need to inform us that being gay is the way to go.
I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary and clean the Swamp. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

These Administrative Agencies are clearly beyond the control of the President. Schumer, one of the most powerful members of the Legislative branch made it clear that he fears them, and that the President should too.

Well, they didn't manage to prevent Trump's election, or to drive him from office before he completed his term, but, they certainly resisted being cleaned up or drained. If one man could do it, Trump would have done it, but, there is no doubt that a determined Congress and President can do it, but, it will take both Houses and the President. With that, these Administrative Agencies can be dried up by cutting off their cash flow, absent the needed reforms.

Pelosi will never do that, so it will not happen before 2023, and Biden will not do that, so this awaits 2025.

We'll survive the interim. Make no mistake, WE THE PEOPLE lead this Great Nation and those bastards days are numbered.

Or......Trump just lost. It happens. Ask Hillary.

You don't need your elaborate conspiracy. Its completely unnecessary to describe what happened.

The Left made certain that they could cheat and that stolen ballots could not be removed from the count because they doubted that Biden could win a fair election, so, now you have a president that even nearly a 1/3rd of Democrats thinks stole the election. The Left brought this on themselves. If you want to prove that you can win without cheating and then quit making sure that you can steal elections.

Or....you *imagine* that the 'left' did anything.

Remember, you're making up your story as you type it. You can't actually factually establish your stolen vote narrative. You've even incorporated your completely lack of evidence into your fantastically complicated story.

Here's a simpler, far more plausible explanation that matches the evidence: Trump just lost.

It happens.

No. If the Left thought they could win the presidency without cheating, they wouldn't make sure that they could cheat. Maybe next time will have a clearly fair and verifiable election.

Or....Trump just lost. And you're clinging to the 'fraud' narrative because its easier than confronting the reality that you couldn't persuade the majority of the electorate.....and ran with a poor candidate with a terrible record.

Actually, Biden ran on the Democrat ticket. Trump has a fabulous record. Democrats made sure that they could steal the election, undetected, and this is known. That's why even nearly a third of DEMOCRATS view Biden as illegitimate. That's your doing, not ours, so suck it up.

Nonsense. Trump had an abysmal record. We have massive unemployment (over 700k jobless claims added just this week), a damaged economy, a disastrous COVID response that has led to over 260,000 dead Americans, overwhelmed hospitals, an obliterated national reputation, a gutted diplomatic corp, and weakened alliances.

Trump did an absolutely terrible job fraught with endless blaming others for his many failures, rampant conspiracy ramblings (even before his 'election fraud' delusions), and constant punching down.

It will take Biden *years* to restore what Trump has squandered. Years to repair the economic damage his incompetence inflicted, years to regain the trust of our allies, years to restore our reputation.

And the electorate rightly rejected a second term by an emphatic margin. It wasn't even close

... Your conspiracy is not only factually baseless and fantastically complicated....
There is nothing complicated about it. We ALL verify our identity, several times a day, in a multitude of areas, hell, I enter a pin code to unlock the door on my car, to log into my email, to use my cash card, to fly on a plane, to enter government buildings, yet, Dems claim it's too much to ask to identify voters before they cast ballots.
Oh, its ridiculously complicated. Insanely, stupidly, comically complicated.

Involving an international conspiracy fraught with massive voter fraud across the entire country for which there is no evidence that somehow folds in George Soros, the CIA, Clinton, the REPUBLICAN governor and SoS of Georgia being paid off, Dominion Software, and Hugo "I've Been Dead Since 2013" Chavez.

Look at this batshit:

And that's the working theory presented by your ilk. All backed by exactly jack shit.

No thank you. You lost and you deserved to lose.
He didn't fail.

Here's what "success" looks like.

Fck off, Plugo.

He secured SCOTUS, the economy roared, no new wars and he made you bawl like a little bitch

Now get lost
Economy has been doing well since Obama.
He didn't go to war with anyone because he loves dictators and i'm fine with that, but don't forget we still have soldiers in hot spots and dying.
Scotus can always be readjusted and the most important thing his racist cult like yourself will go into hiding a bit.

Apparently everyone's forgotten about that botched Yemen raid just a few days into Orange Crash's inauguration ....
I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary and clean the Swamp. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

These Administrative Agencies are clearly beyond the control of the President. Schumer, one of the most powerful members of the Legislative branch made it clear that he fears them, and that the President should too.

Well, they didn't manage to prevent Trump's election, or to drive him from office before he completed his term, but, they certainly resisted being cleaned up or drained. If one man could do it, Trump would have done it, but, there is no doubt that a determined Congress and President can do it, but, it will take both Houses and the President. With that, these Administrative Agencies can be dried up by cutting off their cash flow, absent the needed reforms.

Pelosi will never do that, so it will not happen before 2023, and Biden will not do that, so this awaits 2025.

We'll survive the interim. Make no mistake, WE THE PEOPLE lead this Great Nation and those bastards days are numbered.

Or......Trump just lost. It happens. Ask Hillary.

You don't need your elaborate conspiracy. Its completely unnecessary to describe what happened.

The Left made certain that they could cheat and that stolen ballots could not be removed from the count because they doubted that Biden could win a fair election, so, now you have a president that even nearly a 1/3rd of Democrats thinks stole the election. The Left brought this on themselves. If you want to prove that you can win without cheating and then quit making sure that you can steal elections.

Or....you *imagine* that the 'left' did anything.

Remember, you're making up your story as you type it. You can't actually factually establish your stolen vote narrative. You've even incorporated your completely lack of evidence into your fantastically complicated story.

Here's a simpler, far more plausible explanation that matches the evidence: Trump just lost.

It happens.

No. If the Left thought they could win the presidency without cheating, they wouldn't make sure that they could cheat. Maybe next time will have a clearly fair and verifiable election.

Or....Trump just lost. And you're clinging to the 'fraud' narrative because its easier than confronting the reality that you couldn't persuade the majority of the electorate.....and ran with a poor candidate with a terrible record.

Actually, Biden ran on the Democrat ticket. Trump has a fabulous record. Democrats made sure that they could steal the election, undetected, and this is known. That's why even nearly a third of DEMOCRATS view Biden as illegitimate. That's your doing, not ours, so suck it up.
Nonsense. Trump had an abysmal record...

Fake News. Trump has a terrific record with minority workers never enjoying lower unemployment, and working and middle class workers enjoying the lowest unemployment of our lifetimes, with the Working and Middle Class finally seeing the large broad based wage gains that only the top tier saw under the 16 years of Dumb and Dumber.
... Trump did an absolutely terrible job fraught...
Fake News. Trump has a terrific record.
...years to regain the trust of our allies, years to restore our reputation...
Oh, Biden will revert to splashing US cash all over them, and fast cash makes fast friends, to the surprise of only you, they will come around very quickly.
... And the electorate rightly rejected a second term by an emphatic margin. It wasn't even close...
Fake News. Even nearly a 1/3rd of Democrats think illegitimate Joe stole it.
... Oh, its ridiculously complicated. ...
Fake News. There is nothing complicated about verifying voters and signatures prior to the casting of a ballot. Dems only fought this tooth and nail because they knew that Biden couldn't win without cheating.

Dem fact Checkers assured us that for Trump to produce a vaccine prior to the end of his first term would "take a miracle" and it looks like Triple Strike Miracle Trump will have three. We will all laugh as Illegitimate Biden tries to take credit, looking as silly as the rooster that tries to claim credit for the sunrise.
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I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

The thread premise is a lie.

Trump failed because he was just as dishonest as the thread premise.

Panty Boy, because you claim it doesn't make it true

Now explain why Trump failed

Watches Jones scamper away....again

You really are a coward

He failed in his COVID response. If he spent half the energy he spent fighting "liberals" on fighting COVID, he would have sailed to reelection. He has no one to blame but himself.

Europe and Asia have spent 100% of their time on unsuccessfully fighting COVID.

Both have been far more successful than the US. 4% of the population and 20% of the cases, that’s Trump’s legacy.

Sure, with a much larger land mass and super limited border crossings.
You forget that Europe and Asian nations don't let Trespassers in to take jobs away from their citizens.

What the fuck does that ridiculous statement have to do with Trump's dismal COVID response?

Every leader responded the same way.

Not even close...

Thanks for admitting you don’t frequent AP, Reuters or BBC.

Is it remotely possible for you to be semi coherent? “Other Leaders” have not failed as Trump has and the AP, Reuters and BBC all say so.

Europe and Asia have enforced masks and distancing and are spiking.

COVID is spiking everywhere. It would be worse without mask mandates.
I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary and clean the Swamp. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

These Administrative Agencies are clearly beyond the control of the President. Schumer, one of the most powerful members of the Legislative branch made it clear that he fears them, and that the President should too.

Well, they didn't manage to prevent Trump's election, or to drive him from office before he completed his term, but, they certainly resisted being cleaned up or drained. If one man could do it, Trump would have done it, but, there is no doubt that a determined Congress and President can do it, but, it will take both Houses and the President. With that, these Administrative Agencies can be dried up by cutting off their cash flow, absent the needed reforms.

Pelosi will never do that, so it will not happen before 2023, and Biden will not do that, so this awaits 2025.

We'll survive the interim. Make no mistake, WE THE PEOPLE lead this Great Nation and those bastards days are numbered.

Or......Trump just lost. It happens. Ask Hillary.

You don't need your elaborate conspiracy. Its completely unnecessary to describe what happened.

The Left made certain that they could cheat and that stolen ballots could not be removed from the count because they doubted that Biden could win a fair election, so, now you have a president that even nearly a 1/3rd of Democrats thinks stole the election. The Left brought this on themselves. If you want to prove that you can win without cheating and then quit making sure that you can steal elections.

Or....you *imagine* that the 'left' did anything.

Remember, you're making up your story as you type it. You can't actually factually establish your stolen vote narrative. You've even incorporated your completely lack of evidence into your fantastically complicated story.

Here's a simpler, far more plausible explanation that matches the evidence: Trump just lost.

It happens.

No. If the Left thought they could win the presidency without cheating, they wouldn't make sure that they could cheat. Maybe next time will have a clearly fair and verifiable election.

Or....Trump just lost. And you're clinging to the 'fraud' narrative because its easier than confronting the reality that you couldn't persuade the majority of the electorate.....and ran with a poor candidate with a terrible record.

Actually, Biden ran on the Democrat ticket. Trump has a fabulous record. Democrats made sure that they could steal the election, undetected, and this is known. That's why even nearly a third of DEMOCRATS view Biden as illegitimate. That's your doing, not ours, so suck it up.
Nonsense. Trump had an abysmal record...

Fake News. Trump has a terrific record with minority workers never enjoying lower unemployment, and working and middle class workers enjoying the lowest unemployment of our lifetimes, with the Working and Middle Class finally seeing the large broad based wage gains that only the top tier saw under the 16 years of Dumb and Dumber.

Again, no. Minority unemployment has enjoyed lower rates than it does now. We have massive unemployment. 700k folks filed unemployment claims just this week.

You're trying to pretend that 2020 doesn't eixst....pretending that we didn't see massive layoffs, pretending that 10s of thousands of businesses didn't shut down, pretending we didn't see the unemployment rate skyrocket, pretending we don't have a damaged economy. And pretending that we don't have 260,000 dead and a pandemic raging the nation that took 2000 lives just today.

But why would the American Electorate ignore what you must to cling to your ridiculous world view?

As 80 million people voting for President-Elect Biden demonstrates elegantly, there is no reason to play pretend as you do.
I remember hearing Trump say that he would lock up Hillary. At the time, we all snickered and knew that this was probably bogus, even though we all knew that Hillary lied her arse off and the FBI did nothing about such lies, while later trying to put Flynn in jail for one supposed lie.

Then came the Russia, Russia, Russia, scandal and the continued carnage as the Deep State came after everyone around Trump, and even took out his lawyer. So much for the right to confide in a lawyer and keep it confidential, a right we are all suppose to have. And yes, they got him to turn on Trump as well, despite him swearing to represent him. But in the end, it was all a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations that the entire FBI team were democrats who said they would put Trump away even before the investigation started. The coup attempt, but again, a big nothing burger. And then came the revelations about Biden using his powers to manipulate his son getting wealthy over seas in places like China and the Ukraine, which at the very least was unethical. And as Trump stumbled upon it, they turned the tables and accused him of the very thing Biden was guilty of, hence the impeachment.

With all of that, no one brought to justice, not even so much as a slap on the wrist?

Either Trump is unwilling or unable to address such injustice, either way, it shows a failed Presidency.

Imagine, just one lie to the FBI and you are SUPPOSE to go to jail, let alone destroy the evidence in addition with impunity.

The thread premise is a lie.

Trump failed because he was just as dishonest as the thread premise.

Panty Boy, because you claim it doesn't make it true

Now explain why Trump failed

Watches Jones scamper away....again

You really are a coward

He failed in his COVID response. If he spent half the energy he spent fighting "liberals" on fighting COVID, he would have sailed to reelection. He has no one to blame but himself.

Europe and Asia have spent 100% of their time on unsuccessfully fighting COVID.

Both have been far more successful than the US. 4% of the population and 20% of the cases, that’s Trump’s legacy.

Sure, with a much larger land mass and super limited border crossings.
You forget that Europe and Asian nations don't let Trespassers in to take jobs away from their citizens.

What the fuck does that ridiculous statement have to do with Trump's dismal COVID response?

Every leader responded the same way.

Not even close...

Thanks for admitting you don’t frequent AP, Reuters or BBC.

Is it remotely possible for you to be semi coherent? “Other Leaders” have not failed as Trump has and the AP, Reuters and BBC all say so.

Europe and Asia have enforced masks and distancing and are spiking.

COVID is spiking everywhere. It would be worse without mask mandates.

Europe and Asia have mask mandates.
He didn't fail.

Here's what "success" looks like.

Fck off, Plugo.

He secured SCOTUS, the economy roared, no new wars and he made you bawl like a little bitch

Now get lost
Economy has been doing well since Obama.
He didn't go to war with anyone because he loves dictators and i'm fine with that, but don't forget we still have soldiers in hot spots and dying.
Scotus can always be readjusted and the most important thing his racist cult like yourself will go into hiding a bit.

Sweet Jebus you're ill informed. Syria, Lybia, letting Iran run roughshod and taking US sailors and THEN giving them millions in cardboard boxes?

Sit down loon
I'm from the area and I can teach you a thing or too....The US moves in recent years made situations worse.
Giving carte blanche to Saudi Arabia in Yemen.
Negotiation with the Taliban, you know those guys that harbored and aided Al qaeda that have killed thousands of Americans?
Letting both Russia and Iran both roam free in Syria and Iraq.
Jared the son of the criminal backing Israel blindly and moving the embassy to Jerusalem and so much more.

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